Show take a fresh start As the horses trot down to t O 0 the w ra in a long straggling line a a r race rc c boffl cial bangs a bell and the wh whole ole turns and goes back to try again A 4 fresh start Is necessary but it Is not only on the race track that fresh starts are essential to the achieve ment of results there are countless instances of business firms taking fresh starts after visitations of mis fortune individuals without number dally daily turn their backs upon age ments of the past and take a fresh start the man who falls fails Is be he who Is unwilling to do battle over again an individual suffers everlasting fall fail lire are it if when confronted by obstacles he refuses to gird up his loins and take a fresh start fresh starts are the foes of sluggishness a and not laziness and the guarantees of a brighter sue cess than could be possible without them baltimore herald |