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Show EOGAN (UU1AH)' CACHE VALLEY PAGE FOUR LOVE BLAMES IILKALl) FRIDAY, OCTOBER DAILY WORLDS LARGEST CITY SEEN FROM WORLDS TALLEST BUILDING I BOWLING TO BE NEW YORK MEN 3 1 li 933. SENATORS ALLEYi JARS BET GROWERS FAVOR CHANGE OPENEDi f - SALT LAKH CITY, Oct. 3. (UP) s Certain New Yoik tinaiicul stood arraigned todav by Stephen Lovo, sales and Iraflic manaSugar comger of the pany. Love cliargtd that the domestic sugar market lailure was attributable, in laigo part, to the refusal of New York bankers who are heav- iutt-r-est- Utah-idah- 4 n t oeogtoH 4ii Jt f v',- - vfcy- - - - v - 'w. J' '; mi:' e , ; n ir.'f s iho autror T)hir vWy A ; ; C 7, - V ,, ft igfi'ki "r tations, to curtail production. lr "HP T'H i iJt j The Womens Liteiary flub met Wednesday afternoon at the club room with Mrs. Luella Stuart as hostess. Mrs. C. Z. Hartis and were Mrs. Joseph Christofforson special guasla. The program on poetry was given by Mr. Sat dee Stoddard. Poems by James Whitcomb Rtlev, Edgar A. Guest, Eugene Field, Charles Dickens and Edna St. Vincent Millay were read. Mrs. C. A. Lai son gave current events. Refreshments were served by the hostess . Married In Loflan Horace Denr.il Egan, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Egan, was married Wednesday at the Logan temple to Mist Edna Emma Thomas of Swan Lake, Miss Thomas is a granddaughter to Kn.g IHllman of Logau and a daughter of Alvin Thomas of Twin Falls. Miss Thomas' mother and H. M Egan uccompanled the couple to Logan. Following the ceremony the youncouple went to Salt Lake Cily for a few days visit, George Stoddard of Downey Is visiting in Uli limoud with lelattves this week. S. W. Hendricks was a business visitor at Salt Lake City Filday. Tim Led lea Farm Itnroaa met last Wednesday at the club room where Miss Elna Miller, nutrition expert at the U. S. A. C. gavei a lecture-an- d demonstration on dietary . Miss Zola Jenson, new district Home Demonstration Agent, whs present. A nominating committee to select two sets of candidates for officers of the local organization for the coming year were named as follows: Mesdames Rachel Anderson, Hazel Funk, La- erne Robinson, Estelle Peart, Maud Bullen. The election of officers will take place at the next month's meeting of the oigauiza-tion- . Mrs. Jane Leavitt was a RichShe came mond visitor Sunday. from Teton City to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. B. A, Hendricks. miss Irene Traveller will leave Saturday for Salt Lake for treatment preparatory to an operation for goitre. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Shumway and daughters, Gwenna, Louise, and Sybil, of Trenton were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kennedy. The Misses Gladys Hendricks and Emma Fisher were sustained as Benson Stake Sunday school board members, Sunday. Miss Alfreda Olsen was released from the Primary stake board presidency and Mrs. Elsie Eppic sustained in her place. Mrs. Robinson was sustained as e Primary stake secretary. Enjoy Chicken Supper A number of young people enjoy- - If Acu Yorks rast panorama xou tvere looking dozin from the tallest building in the ft mid, thi ' is hose mid-liu- u the taken tv This unusual frm to and steel uould phlitre uppermost girders of j of stone you. appear .Hired E. Smiths Empire State Building as the steel sork on the mammoth nru stun lure seas completed. Noir the-racto the sharp, spire of the Chrysler Building, sthiHi nou has been lelegated to second plate in Beneath is Bridge. the the East In by Oiteensborough famous River, spanned new building heights. batkground the bridge, Welfare Island can be seen... In the far distance sprauls the Botough of (Jueens, uith its multitude of small communities, uhose population teas set at more than a million in the retent tcnsus. e sky-pieni- 0 ed a chicken supper last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fourteen weie Clifford AndrUH. present. Mr. and Mra. Monte Johnson ot Richfield, Utah, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Glenu Winn spent Sunday here visiting her sister, Miss Thelma Huber. Mrs. Winn was formerly Miss Mae Huber who taught at the high school here the past few years. She was married to Glenn Wlna of Smlthfield last week. Mr. Winn has a scholarship at the U, ot Is teaching at I, and Mrs. Winnschool. the Granite high Mrs. Enid Bair won a beautiful quilt made by the North ward Primary at the Primary homecoming held Monday at the tabernacle. Mr. and Mrs. William Merrill celebrated their 4(K!i wedding anniversary last Thursday. They were the honored guests at a dinner given by Prof, and Mrs. Ariel C. Merrill at Logan. Mrs. J. T. E. Thompson Is spending a couple of weeks at Salt Lake City with hor daugblei, Mra. Roy Sessions, and family. Merlin Smith who was operated on for appendicitis recently Is recovering nicely. Mrs. Della W. Smith of Preston was a visitor at Richmond Sunday. Mrs. F. I. Thompson, Mrs. Rtilon Thompson, Mrs. Ruth Feltman, and daughters, Adrlle and Evelyn, Mrs. Sophia Merrill, Mrs. Sarah Ljuung-maand daughters, Elnona and Erma, Mrs. Ada Traveller, Mrs. Eli Webb, Mrs. L. F. Hendricks and Mrs. Ethel Webb attended a trous seau tea at Smlthfield Friday given for Miss Eva Hillvaid, daughter uf Mr .and Mrs. Jink Hillyuard. MYs. Zina Halgren ami sons, Obray and Mil k, nud Mrs. Jolm Spiers of Tooele, Utah, came Sum day for a visit here with relatives. They loft Thursday to return home. Mrs. Joseph Webb and Mrs. Jolm Spiers of Tooele spent Wednesday at Preston visiting with Mrs. Alta Crockett und family. Mrs, S. W. Hendricks celebrated her birthday anniversary with a family dinner at her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hendricks of Downey were out of town visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans have moved Into the home owned by W. G. Thompson on First North and State street. President and Mrs. J. W. Funk received word Saturday of the arrival of their first grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Bill F'unk of Pittsburgh, Pa are the proud arents of the new daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis of Preston and Mr .and Mrs. S. F. Handy of Franklin spent Sunday evening here with Mrs. Handy's sister, Mrs. D. S. Kennedy and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. B. Monson and family wore visitors in Salt Lake for the week eml. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Lowe ot Grace, Idaho, were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Biower. Mrs. Verda Bickmo.-- of Downey spent last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webb. Mrs. Ruth Feltman entertained Wednesday from 2 till 7 at a trousseau tea for her daughter, Adelle Neeley, who was married on Sept-1to Joseph Anderson. The rooms were bright with a variety of beautiful fall flowers. A lovely trousseau was displayed. Assisting Mrs. and Mrs. Anderson were the Misses Evelyn and Roma Neeley, Mrs. Walter 1. Thompson and Mrs. F. I. Thompson. A pmk and while co'or scheme was carried out in the refreshments. One hundred seven-clive called during the afternoon. Uut-o- f town visitors were Mrs. Em-- I ma Beckstead and Mrs. Louise Shumway of Preston, Mrs. R. C. Hobbs ot Logan, Mrs. Thelma and Fonda Honey and Miss Altonda Doney of Franklin, Mrs. L. R. Jones and Mis. W. R, Campbell of Lewiston, Mrs. Wmule Hiliyaard, Mrs. Jacob Watson and Miss Vilate Watson of Smithfield. Mrs. Joseph Anderson was the recipient ot a miscellaneous shower given by her friends Wednesday evening at the home of her mother, Mra. Ruth Feltman. Many nice presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hawks of Franklin were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. S. Kennedy Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Mcfiavin spent spent Tuesday at Salt Lake City. A number of ladies look a picnic and spent a social afternoon Tuesday with Mrs. Lydia Mathews. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent. Fiim lpal and Mrs. C. I. Stoiidaid Mr. and Mra. II. Ray Pond. C. B. Johnson and Eruest Johnson were .among those who attended the dedicatory set vices Wednesday evening ot the Smithlield Junior high school. The North Cache high Sthool band furnished mime for the occasion. Mrs. Horten.se Shepard spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Lodicy Olsten. The lug Lions club dance w ill be held Finlay night at the ope; a house., The North ward JI LA. will sell candy at the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Winwaid of Preston were visitors Sunday of 'Mrs Lydia Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stoddaid of Bouniitiil were dinner guests on Monv of Mis. Anna V. Merrill, Mr. an Mrs. Albeit H. Thompson of Logan spent Tuesday in Kit h niond with relatives an friends. They were dinner guests Tuesday levelling of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kennedy. L. Edgar Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Merrill and family of 7 Felt-ma- The LEADER 59 NORTH MAIN ST. I Fall and Winter COATS at after season prices Chinchilla. Materials Trico Broadcloth and Tweeds, trimmed with Fur Collars and Cuffs. High Grade Furs. $1.4.95 and ZiLSO Others to $85.00 Ji. ' ' n ? Swan Lake. Mr. a J Mra James Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Thais Ver of Logan spenl i 111 and chillien Sunday v.itu Mis. Clara Meinl here. Mrs. H. F. Chi isteusen was the ris lpient of a very pleasant .surprise paity Wednesday nening given by a number of her mends A social time was enjoyed followed by a loicly luncheon. Those present im luded Mrs. Jane Hendricks, Mrs. Zina Halgren fnd Mrs. s May Spieds of Torele, Utah. Cora Webb, Lucy Merrill, Netson, Chioe Merrill, Florence Claia Men ill, Minnie Whi'tle, Ra-- i Bessie Merrill. hel Anderson, of Olive Harris, Maud Stoddard Salt City, Mrs. Martha Helen Larsen. Emma Fisher, Bess Forrester, Lorena Anderson of Marie Coburn. Connie Merrill. Eva Godlrey and Rebecca Merrill. While II. T. Plant, Jr., was on bis trip to Ohio he paid a i isit to Miss Lenore Bullen who Is fulfilling a mission In the North Central states. Miss Ballcn is laboring in Cincinnati and is enjoying tier work Mese-dame- Ayl-woit- Cw-nis- there. NINE TO ONE JUNEAU, Alaska, Oct, a wile tn this city isnt such an easy task. There are nine single men here to one single women, the latest census figures show. Many new government jobs have increased the bachelor lut, and Gov. Parks is Interested In the offers of numerous young women to come to Alaska in consideration for good positions. RERE'S 1 lire-nie- HOME. arrived Hendrickson Salt Lake Tliursday-nigh- t after spending three days In Salt Lake CTy. While Sn the Utah capital he met a Los Angeles tax expert who explained the tax troubles which California having with their new tax system, Mr. Hendrickson announcJohn A. home from v a r s ed. PURE CANDY! THE BEST FOR CHILDREN Pure candy is concentrated food in most palatable form. Make it a habit toG have a generous supply of candy on hand. TIT ; week's fresh candy SMITHFIELD BOY IS TAKEN - n NITE Smithfield, Lewiston, Hyrum, Wellsville Logan 24 W. N., 88 2 E., 382 Main n Vacuum GREEN DISCOUNT can, high grade BANANAS Golden Ripe, pound GREEN PEPPERS Pound CAULIFLOWER pound .. 10-l- b. in g KINGSFORD STARCH g Corn or G!os3 LEMONS Large, juicy, dozen GRAPES Tokay, 3 pounds g Lemons, large g and juicy, doz. J5 Squash, Jumbo, bunch w Hubbard, APPLES Macintosh High Grade, bushel GRAPE FRUIT - TOMATOES 29c O1.C lb. g Teanuts 2 pounds s RAISINS Seeded 29c Chili Beans Pounds ... 1 23c 1 39c 5 Premium package Malt .. 35c Puritan or R Q Blue Pine can 52c r Jam, 59c B fany Jar .... b. tS H New Crop 3pkg or Seedless g Onions, 15c Fancy, 10 lbs. g Cauliflower, fancy R a Utah 2 Pounds 15c Bushel IN OUR MARKET pkg! 19c 25c I if for 2 2 . Mothers Oats, China CELERY SWEET, POTATOES 4 pounds ORANGES Large, juicy, dozen 55c Bag SUGAR Powdered or Brown; 2 lb. Pkg: STAMPS 1 A h Celery, g Jumbo, bunch .. AvC li JCJq g can Packed; SUGAR COFFEE m m M BLUE PINE COFFEE ! Florida, OCT. 4 SATURDAY WE GIVE Take advantage of these new low Fruit, Vegetable and Grocery Prices Choice, Carry Stores Cash SPECIALS LARD $4.49 $1.00 $9.90 $1.25 30c rr. g Corn, Golden g 2 cans 29c Peanut Butter - can 25c 49c I Cookies, Fancy, 1 lb. 29c I;;!b Sodas, caddy b. r . 39c 3 1 N m 5 Per pkg. e 1 7QC Gallon can Honey 60 pound 50 lbs. White Rose Flour ... 500 lbs. White Rose Flour ... 100 Pounds Red Potatoes .. 25c Salad Dressing 10 lbs. Fine Sugar Hill Bros. Coffee When Senator Gerald Nye called Mrs. Mabel G. RelnecJce (above). Republican member of the election commission in Chicago, before his Senate campaign fund investigating committee, Mis. Rein-eckproceeded to fire a string of questions at her interrogators that drew bo'h laughter and applause from the crowd. She defended Ruth Hanna McCormicks piimary campaign expenditures. V - ! Fr-da- .. Honey ARRIVES reoi-der.r- e o Large heads 98c state constitution. Frank Woo.l, president of explained county organization, that the state beet growers association had contributed liberally to the farm bureaj fund for studying the tax question in an effort tj secure something whichon would farmequalize the tax buioen ers. Following this explanation those in attendance went on r for the changes. 19c 58c 39c EGGS ; S pcciais .SMITIIFIKLI) Wendell Clifford Chocolates Illkmgton, five year old son of Nifty Trial ot Mbert H. Jt nl;ln, lmrg-- i B.urd Chftoid and Dorothy Jenkim Zl pound which Illkuiglon, died at the tamily d will, liquor possession Chocolates Frozen was set tor hist Thursday was conThursday of diphtheria after Vi pound tinued to Friday, O tober 10. due a three weeks Illness. ot Ills lawyers, lo i be inability Private funeral services weie W. F. JENSEN Thatch r & Young of Ogden, being at 2 p m. with lutennent in Snnth-lndas trial he for to here the unable CANDY CO. City cemeleiy. oiirirull set The hey was born September 15, Wholesale and Retail 1025. Surviving besides the parblaze which was about 250 feet ents are two small brothers. Horn the fire station. They found lie fire in the work shop back ol IIEIIBEHUMfHKIIBIHIKIlBmiBUaSIEKKUHBBES ihe oft ice and in the factory portion at the rear of the storeroom, which sections of the buildings are not connected directly. BELIVE TWO FIRES STARTED after the extingInvestigation uishing ot the blaze led Chief Rapp & to express the opinion that at least one had been started, l..o Lres in the shop and the other In the facwere two room tory. In the latter trucks, one of which was an old 1 S. S. LETTUCE Gal. Can j r 28c 69c . The Cache coun'y Suar Gioweis association at, a meotim. in the farm bureau headquarter at the court house Thursday voted unanimously In favor of the i meated the blazing building. He also found that the back door of the establishment had been left open, appaiently by the person w ho started the blaze. As Mr. Bot was only reached by telephone at Tocu-telllate in the forenoon, it is Impossible to secure any clues as to enemies, if any whom he may have, until he ai rives in Logan sometime afternoon. The fire was discovered at 1:57 a. m. Friday by Patrolman C. S. Amussen as he was making an Inspection of the doors at the rear of the Arimo building. At that time the llames were bursting from the building. It only took the a few minutes to get to the one. Winter Cmp Kaisms f d MERC. CO. Banana Apples 1 Pkgs. New Fire lie called attention of the firemen to the smell ol gasoline which per- H.G.HAYBALL Bushel AP-OC-T (Continued from page one) and HERE IS THE PLACE! 1 MORE Monumental NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY Spanish Onions 1 Bushel Jonathan Apples j TPIAL CONTINUED AT STATE FAIR Mios Izola Jensen. Cache county demonstration agent, will be at the Utah state fair Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of next week with ihe demonstration, judging and teams of the girls county clubs. 100 lbs. Sweet Another indoor sport wul stall opei pom, heie Saturday when the Loeau Bowling Alievs in the basement ol tne Harris Music store will linen for the inpr season under tlm management of Orville Hall. The alleys have all been reconditioned, lev Ted, sanded and varn-i- hed and aie now in the best loa-- . union since they were laid several New eouinment h8 also been added. Not only has he rejuvenated the alleys themselves but he has repainted and ledecorated the walls and ceiling in colors which, with the new lighting system Installed, make it a very pleasing place lor this healthful game which is so popular in Salt Lake City and oti- -r larye cities of the nation. To celebrate the reopening of the courts, Mr. Hall has arranged to hold open house all day Saturday and in the evening and has arranged to give one game ftee to visitors However, this gift game must be taken when alleys are available altet regular players have left the alleys. Mr. Hall will have u good assortment ol candy bars as well as soft drinks at the refreshment stand and has also arranged for comfortable seats for spectators as well as tnose playing. The abets are in the Arimo budding, dneetly across from the com ihouse. .Mr. Hall is also planning on spefor the cial matinee .afternoons ladies ot the city to enjoy this port. Many women enjoy this pent ill the laiger cities of the (oumray, in fact have afternoon It agues. Home rendered nail ' VEAL STEW For Stuffing, pond NICE FAT HENS Pound HAMBURGER STEAK 8 !lrnr7r u 2 pounds CASH MARKET g P. jg 10 fc? M G. SOAP 36c nI Bars nM 7 MARKETS 7 BABY BEEF POT ROAST Pound 17c m m m R m a Hi m g MUTTON CHOPS g 2 pounds - 33c 69 t & PEACHES, PEARS. GRAPES, APPLES, 4 m c rTr But H M M M WE GIVE S. & II. GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS SSSSS3ESSSSiiHXaSKE5S3SE8BliSS5SS5iiia3SBSgJ ft & m ; ur i ; |