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Show MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Thursday, August 20, 1959 aMMr ryy IM. r m iJra rdraiv AdQ&AOirrd; fcox 1V4 M . prices. 00 WHO OWES YOU? collect, we can. For write Civil Law Bureau, 7888 West Magna. Dial 6223. If you can't information, Enforcement 2400 South, i 00 GARDENING And prunino. lawn planting. Reasonable. Dial Magna 5148. , . 10 SLEEPY HOLLOW Furniture Upholstering. Hundreds of samples. Expert workmanship. FREE estimates. Dial Magna 6101 or inquire 2610 South 8990 West 00 FOR SALE Large 3 BR, 2 baths, full bsmt. home. Close to schools, double garage, sprinkling system, $1250 down, will finance balance. 00 Dial 6648 for details. FOR RENT Two furnished apt., See at one 2 room and one 3014 S. 8850 West or dial 25051 ' 9 HERE'S The good news we prom-- ; ised. You can clean your rugs like the professionals do with a rug scrubber and vacuum, all for cost. $6 a day, plus shampoo PERK'S CLEANERS & TAILORS TV SERVICE Reasonable rates. Phone 6830. Douglas TV. 8176 W. 2700 South. 00 Ironing m my home, 75c per hour. Inquire Mrs. Phyllis Deininger. 3077 South 9000 West. NEW HOMES For Sale. Three levels 3 BRs. 3 bathrooms. All brick construction, over 1700 feet of living area. Lge. rumpus room and utility room on lower level. Built-irange, oven and disposaL Tiled windows, shower and drain-boarcarport. Choice location, close to all schools. Low FHA 00 down dial 6021. payment. Dial 6648 for fur00 FOR SALE 2 lots on 6400 West. ther information. Culinary water, gas and sewer. j FOR RENT New 2 BR apt. Heise share irrigation water. See Neldo Apts.. 7769 West 2820 South, dial 9 2231. Lemmon, phone 2093. 00 TRUCKING And winch service, CondiLENNOX Healing and Air Trees topped and removed. Bond-ed- . tioning Equipment. Sheet metal Call Magna 5502. 00 work. Gas Appliances. We install and service all types of heating FOR SALE Cucumbers, all sizes, equipment. See your authorized very reasonable. Dial 3368 or in' Lennox Dealer. Glen and Jack's quire at 7843 West 3100 South. 10 Healing Co., 3394 W. 3500 So. Dial WE BUY Wrecked cars, scrap residence AM iron metals. Will pick up. Call shop. AM 00 or AM 00 Magna 5502. WILL DO -- TFXArn SERVICE STATION Theron Coon, Lessee Wayne Blood, Manager bsmt. apt. in FOR RENT Magna. Inquire at 7707 W. 3100 9 South, dial Magna 6483. Your old furniUPHOLSTERY ture made like new or new furniture made to order. You will save money. Guaranteed workmanship. Keith Young. 6002 West 2700 So., or Magna 4433. phone AM 00 WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE at 7200 West b 3500 South Open 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 7 Days a Week LUBRICATION CAR WASH $1.00 $1.50 (Regular Prices) BRIDGE Tallies, cards placa made by famous Buxsa Cardoza Company. See them at McDonald's Flowers, dial 201J. 11 FOR SALE Choice sweet corn. Inquire next to Youngs Arctic 00 Circle, 8385 West 3500 South BARGAIN TABLES Full of gift suggestions, 49c. 98c and $1.49 at McDonald's Flowers, Magna, dial 2011. U IF You are a new customer, tell us so, and we'll give you a price. PERK'S CLEANERS b TAILORS, dial 6021. 00 FOR SALE Nice 3 BR brick. 6 years. FHA, $13,950. $500 down. I1) bath; full bsmi., at. gar. 3120 S. 8600 W. call Eggen, IN Deadline School For l September 15th is the birthday deadline for all children entering By Evelyn Kemp Phone 6805 first grade in Granite school district, announces officials. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LaFevre Considerable misunderstanding seems to be prevalent in that the and family returned on Tuesday fiom a vacation trip to San Fran-ci-Tdate has been moved forward Disneyland and San Diego thus the explanation. visited with Mrs. where they nephew, Mr. Patrick Rose, wiio is S. U. stationed there with the They returned Navy. through Zions Canyon and visited with Mr. LeFevres mother, M s. Eli LeFevre in Southern Utah for a few days. Mrs. sister, Mrs. June Rose of Salt Luke City accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall entertained on Saturday evening at a patio steak fry for Mr. and Mrs. Path tot wbz fe'rjiyiaFVW'' J Vt, Vlv MkllMl hWMft Mrs. James Hall enjoyed luncheon in Salt Lake City on Wednesday with Mrs. Tom StaMr. and Mrs. Oliver Nickel and pleton and Mrs. Harold Huston. family and Mrs. Carmen Simpson Mrs. Halls daughters, Julie Ann, and family spent four days vaca- Janell Raye and Jamie L.ee and tioning in Yellowstone Park last her niece, Faye Udy, visited at week. the Hustons, the Coionial Village Motel and enjoyed an afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huber enter- of swimming. tained on Thursday at a patio The Pinochle Club was held party for Mrs. Huber's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Eccles of this week at American Fork CanMinneapolis, Minnesota. A lovely yon. Members present were Mr. smorgasbord supper and social and Mrs. Hal Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. evening were enjoyed by Mr. and Robert Stam, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mrs. B :ry Lund, Mr. and Mrs. Booth and Mr. and Mrs. Carl LarGlen Collett, Mr. and Mrs. Jay sen of Murray. Mr. Carl Larsen Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lan- was the prize winner for the caster and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Billings of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rostron, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace Quinten Midgley and Mr. and and daughter, Joy have returned Mrs. Reed Harding of Holladay, from a vacation trip to Denver Mr. and Mrs Kelly Billings of Lo- - iand Colorado Springs, where they Mr. Mrs. and Barnes Blaine gan, and a lovely enjoyed of Lake Ridg? and Mr. and Mrs. vacation. sightseeing Eccles. Merlin Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Ncwelka of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huston of AppiegaL, California and Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton of American Mr. and Mrs. K.nneth Vance reFork. turned Friday from a two week, trip to Nevada, California, OreWe keep complete stocks of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Pitt and gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana drugs and medicines (even family and Mr. Pitts mother, Mrs. and the Glacier Park area. They those seldom required) in conMrs. Myrtle Pitt of Kamas spent a were by accompanied stant readiness for your preweek vacationing in Yellowstone Vances parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. scriptions when needed. When J. Huntsman of Grand Junction, Park, Glacier Park and Canada. your doctor prescribes, come to us for courteous, prompt Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashby prescription service. Mrs. Helen Thaxton and famand daughter, Kathleen, returned ily spent a few days last week va- PHARMACIST Sunday from a vacation to BrighYOUR ton, Dragerton, where they visit- - cationing in Yellowstone Park, ed with Mrs. Ashbys sister, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser and and Mrs. Richard Kuhns and famMagna Rexall Drug to Promontory where they Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fullmer have ily, Dial 4441-Ni6666 - 2382 visited with another sister, Mr. returned from a four day vacation and Mrs. Charlie Petersen and trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. family and thin to Bear Lake for !!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bird and visited in Idaho Falls this WRECKED AUTOS Visitors at the home of Mr. and family weekend with a brother of Mrs. E! Mis. Deloy Stewart and family 5 E last week were Mrs. Alice Rogers Bird, Mr. and Mrs. .Clarence WillWANTED iams and family. E Sj jand family of Hunter who visited Will pay cash for wrecked cars. on Friday. Weekend visitors were Also sell parts for all kinds t Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rusk and Visiting at the home of Mr. and Ecar E family of Tod Park. Mrs. Oral Kemp on Monday were parents of Mr. Kemp, Mr. and E Bucks Auto Wrecking! New Lake Ridge residents who the Mrs. Edgar Kemp of Garland, 4050 South 8400 West live in the Deanz Jenkins home Utah, Dial Magna 6221 arc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maze and two sons. ' f 9 W m A A. vW. . farm. Vi emmaate? Um- - v Kxanrfir rinllar PrAimrtt fecvar LAKE RIDGE LOCALS ! Mila. CaJT Nr tuna if VvSridle Jw iA. Mi CLASSIFIED ADS 50c for 4 lines cash,' or 75c for 4 lines by phone. COPPER PRINTING CO. TED S TV and Radio Service. 3074 South 8800 West, phone 5093. Fair ittM mam I Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Adamson were Mrs. Adamsons brother, Mr, and Mrs. Ramon Dangerfield and sons, Scott, Joel, Tim and Corey, her sons, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blosch and son, Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blosch and sons, Roger and Jeffrey and her mother, Mrs. Margaret DahgerfLld. Refreshments were served and the evening enjoyed by watching colored slides. One of the great arts in living is to learn the art of correctly appraising values. George Matthew Adams It is where a fnan spends his money that shows where his heart lies. A. Edwin Keigwin FOR RENT Clean 3 rm. duplex, screen porch, gas heat gar. See at 3025 S. 9050 W. in rear after 2:00 -- p. m. 9 Irene! Summer SELEABACJSI o ght ; MODERN Cleaning ingredients in Blue Lustre are the mildest. Leaves pile soft and bouncy. HUFFAKER FURNITURE, phone 4411. 9 WEDDING Invitations, serving napkins, etc., finest quality and lowest prices in Salt Lake County. We guarantee our work. Copper Printing Company, dial 3322. FOR SALE Small Spinet piano. riimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiin Take over payments. $15 per month. Write or phone collect Credit Dept., or call for personal inspection, Summerhays Music Company, Inc., 3719 South State, Salt Lake City. Dial AM 9 WANTED Dishwasher and waitresses. Apply Cafe, Lakepoint, dial Magna 2546. 9 FOR SALE Lovely 3 BR br. home. 3405 S. 7580 W. Corner lot. lga. cov. patio, dou. gar., ch. link fence, spr. system. Dial 2532. 9 FOR RENT 2 BR bsmt. apt. at 2876 S. 8950 West. Also 4 kittens to give away. Dial 6609. 9 DELICIOUS 'LADIES DRESSES LADIES BLOUSES 'LADIES SHOES 'GIRLS SCHOOL SHOES 'MENS SPORT SHIRTS MANY OTHER ITEMS d LIGHT, MELLOW, n RARE cause GAS-TOO- NS A study shows that it took aged by BY Gene Kelson fresh air! 625 steps to hang out an wash fA , . . and only 3 steps to place the same Glenmore load in an electric clothes 62 dryer. its "Ha thinkc it's a SLOW LEAK .. . I'm waitin' to seel" We like to see you around. . . but we wont keep you waiting for service! 1001801 KEHTUCKV imiGHT W - 6LEMU0KE PROOF "Whirs Pirlwtlos if WHISKEY IISTIILEIIES Predict CO. li Tudltloi" LOUISVILLE, IEIT0CKY GENE KELSON Conoco Service Phone 9921 8915 West 2700 South 8177 West Phone 3500 South 6361 PIECES EFFECTIVE AUG. 20-21-- 22 Thursday, Friday, & Saturday MEAT DEPT. PRODUCE Dam-e-a-- e- Rath Ra-Cor- Snowy White n Cauliflower BACON Save work, time, and money many ways with an electric dryer pound pound and electric auto- Fresh CORN FRYERS $1.00 matic washer. 3j K uviit irmi 29c doz. each VACATION? VwtH Be carefree k I A&R FRANKS RED Flan ahead by long distance 4f0 Buy now from your dealer UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. POTATOES Rales are lowest after 6 p.m. ond oil day Sunday olwayi lower when you cat! itatton-totaoi- v r Mountain States TelepHons 10 pound S lbs. for 29c |