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Show fv MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH MAGNA TIMES LAKERIDGE Published Since 1918 Howard Ridge, Publisher Edith N, Ridge, Editor Issued each Thursday morning at Magna, Utah Entered as second class mail matter under the act of March 3rd, 1879 at Magna, Utah NEWS Adjudged one of the best weekly newspapers by the Utah Slate Press Association, given honorable mention by the National Editorial Association. e Mail subscription in advance, $2.50 year. The Times welcomes contributions from its readers upon any subject of public interest. All communications must be signed. No rates--Payabl- attention paid to anonymous contributions. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Broderick and family have returned from a viiut to Rockville, Utah with Mrs. Brodericks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Cox. Mr. Brodericks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Brod-enc- k and brothers, Sherwin and Therel of Emery, accompanied the Brodericks to Rockville. A family gathering was held on Saturday with picnicing and swimming. Viiitois last week at the home of Mrs. Helen Thaxton and family were Mrs. Thaxtons brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ro6s to be the must confined They of Denver, Colorado. a area owned by owner. After complaint has been made on a Enjoying a canyon party Friday canine creature, the sheriffs will call the dog catcher and have the night were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Noble and family, Mrs. Nobles dog picked up, regardless whethparents, sir. and Mrs. Verl Perer or not it has a license. kins and sisters, Evelyn and Colie- n, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Perkins and family and Parley McCleve of Magna. The occasion was in honor of Mrs. Nobles brother, Glen Perkins, who was on furlough from Texas and has gone now to Pasadena, California. MANY, MANY DOGS RUNNING LOOSE IN LAKE RIDGE; GIRL BITTEN Many, many dogs are running loose in Lake Ridge, and even though some of them are licensed, they are allowed to roam night and day. A girl was bitten on the face Wednesday by one of these dogs and the irate parents extend a personal plea to Uog owners to keep them tied up or CLASS restrained in yards for a portion of the day. So many complaints have been 51 received about dogs roaming around in other areas, destroying GALA plants and lawns, that a reiteration of the law is given that dogs Tentative plans are being can not be loose, even if they have foimulated for a reunion of the a license. Cyprus high school Class of 1951, announces Tom Egelund and Bill Barton, who are directing the af- CYPRUS PLANS OF REUNION fair. A dinner-danc- e or canyon party have been suggested and all graduates of this class are asked to call or write Mr. Egelund at JfU or Mr. Barton at CY or AM by July 30th, stating their preferences for the type of paity, the date, etc. CUT ME OUT ANT) HANG ME UPI July MASlLYtJ Manti Temple. 17-18-- BiUY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis announce the arrival of a new daughter on Friday, July 9th. She weighed in at 7 pounds 12V4 ounces and has two brothers, Paul and Dwight and two sisters, Lyn-netand Shauna. No name has been chosen yet for the new baby. WllPER produdoA MOMROE end her boeom .Some companion TDi'JY te L'kE curts jack lMA10,7 (T ... "r- . Mrs. Carmen Simpson and children have returned from a three day stay in Disneyland. They were especially thrilled to see Annette Funicello and Robert Shore at the Diamond Horseshoe side show in Frontierland, and to swim at the, Disneyland Hotel wijh Timmy of the Lassie show. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Staker have returned from a trij to Bryce Canyon. On their return trip they attended a session through the Oem Theatre Friday, Saturday,' Sunday, The Lake Ridge 2nd Ward First and Second year Beehive Gn ls enjoyed a trip to Lagoon on Saturday. Accompanying them were Mrs. Ted Schamer, Mrs. Robert Madill. and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stuart. 6:15 And 9:40 p. m. This Feature Starts ADDED FEATURE - -- Revolt In The Big House Gene Evans, Robert Blake. The most realistic prison picture ever to reach the screen. It's Action, You'll Like Itl This Feature Sarts 8:20 only. iiiiii(mmiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii(iiiiimiiimiii Mrs. John' Holman and Mrs. Robert Rosquist entertained on Tuesday, July 7 at a baby shower for Mrs. Arthur Curtis. . . Saturday Matinee Roundup Out at 3 p.m. Hey, Gang! It's Pay Day Today And a Special Feature. 12 Noon 4-- Major Benson with little Tim Hovey. In Technicolor. Colored Cartoons Feature Comedy. "Tex Granger" Serial. Fun For All Money for Everyone lllllIlfllllllllfllLMIMIIMtllllllllMimitriltllllllllllltlllllllltlllllllllllllllllll NEXT "This Earth Is Mine" ITS HERE mu Kith the D.lila Daileys home was the Beamin meeting place of the Seameis this week. Plans for the clubs participa-t,o- n Club Camp were in the The Spring Tournament of the Copper Golf club ladies was con- discussed. n ducted Monday and Tuesday with Judy Baer gave a d.monstra-tiothe following results: on hemming, followed by Crystal Judy Pehrsons demonstration on Championship Colombe, fust; Clarice McClure, stay stitching second and Muriel Sandall and The club members then worked Barbara Barton tLd for thirtL. on their articles. Refreshments First Flight Jerry Richardson, were served. first; Carol Fisher, second, Vera Judy Pehrson third and Ruby Gustaveson, At the last meeting of the Kemp and Faye Morgan, tied for fourth. Club, Happy Sswers, opening Second Flight Marg Metcalf, prayer was given by Lynda Ells- first; Dorothy Richards, second worth. Carol Marlor conducted and Mcrz Peterson, third. the meeting and Lynda Ellsworth Thud Flight-Mau- die Peck, gave a talk on safety; Jerry Rogfirst and Doris Wilson, second. ers gave the song; Susan Carver was in charge of health and Ren-it- a Mill-crie- n, A neighborhood party was held Tooele with another daughter, Mrs. Gerwin John and family. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WillLoralie Kemp and Danny John iam Stone on Friday evening. A returned to Tremonton with Mrs. lovely patio supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Madill, Mr. Barnes to spend a few days. and Mrs. Ted Scharrier, Mr. and Mrs Blaine Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Kemp and Allan. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Austin the weekend family spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holla-dain Tremonton with Mrs. Kemps Riggs,Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Jensen, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mis. Leon Plott and Mrs. Ivan Barnes and with Mr. Kemp par- Hopkins. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kemp of Garland. On Saturday, they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, - Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bingham family and Max Barnes to Down- and family were brothers of Mr. ey, Idaho to the Barnes family Bingham and sisters of Mrs. Bingreunion and later enjoyed swim- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Bingming at Downata Hot Springs ham and family of Granger, Mr. near Downey. Miss Peggy Jean and Mrs. Owen Bingham and Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. family of Provo and Mrs. Acel Dale Barnes of Tremonton, re- Bingham and family of Salt Lake turned with the Kemps for a City. week long visit Mrs. Chloe Jensen, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Higley 'Mr. Robert Jensen, is recuperatand daughter, Debra, accompan- ing at the St. Marks Hospital ied by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Higley after major surgery: She is reand Mrs. Merlin Higley, spent the ported doing well. weekend visiting in Elko, Nevada with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higley and family. They enjoyed camping overnight and picnicing and fishing in Wild Horse Canyon. y, 4-- H j SOME MAGNA Palmieri served refreshments. on our skirts and started our waist bands. Assignments for next week include Jerry Rogers, refreshments and games, Renita Palmieri, safety; Sena Swensen, song; and CarU ol Marlor, health. Susan Carver, Reporter Eight 1959 graduates of Cyprus high school have been awarded The Nimble Nells met Monday scholarships to attend the Univerat the home of Mrs. Lloyd Beck. sity of Utah during the 1959-6- 0 school year. As of this writing, 'all She took us to the Magna J. C. are planning to attend. Penney store on a shopping tour. Gerald Ronald Holladay receiv- Mr. George Allen, manager, showed the honor award which goes to ed us the different kinds of cotton an outstanding senior in each material and demonstrated how Utah high school. Its value is $210. to tell the difference between An honors at entrance scholar-- 1 gingham, percales and broadcloth, ship of $150 was awarded to Emil also to look on thz ends of the bolt to see what the materials John Mirabella, Jr. Tuition scholarships of $150 or .were made of and how to take $75 went to John W. Davies, Ger- care of th.-m-. Some of the girls bought their ald Leo Rupp, Charlene Richards and Garth G. Nelson. material for skirts. A $150 grant-in-ai- d Eloise Collings, reporter. was awarded to Harold A. Rendelsbach. Linda Lee Gisseman received a DELICIOUS $210 normal scholarship from the College of Education. HAVE Eight Cyprus Graduates Given Scholarships at hand. complete stocks of drugs and medicines (even those seldom required) In constant readiness for your prescrip lions when needed. When your doctor prescribes, come to us for prompt prescription service, t( always at reasonable prices. We keep YOUR Snobs talk as if they had their own ancestors. - Herbert Agar Magna Rexall Drug - Dial 6666 4441-Ni- ght 2382 m like a'59 FORD PICKUP r.o.A.r. See your nearby FQF3D dealer MEA1 ULfAK 1 MLIN ROUND STEAK Cabbage lb. 5c is invited SODA To Our BIG POP 1' ROAST GO 2 lbs. 27c Cucumbers 3 for 10c quart 4 for 47c GO Price! fnturas In ... ell t" than the best when you con afford to buy Fngiduro nowl Huiryl See it . . . OWN IT . . tomorrow! W5 With Trade GULF BELL 3 for BROKEN SHRIMP $1.00 Oo, 8695 West 2700 South Lindsay no. 1 I Pitted 2 Vi size BEEF FOLGERS 2 pounds COFFEE $139 CO Sunny Jim 3 th 10 oz. FDGG ALL DAY Sat. July 18th FREE Cotton 3 for 89c Van Camps CANDY PORK & 23 BEANS ZEE CORN tall can OLIVES ARMOURS ,'YA ww STREET DANCE Friday nite from " 7:00 to 11:00 p. m. Bashful Bobby and hi Orchestra 3S BE SURE YOU COME IN AND REGISTER FOR THE BIG CONTEST Before Fri., July 17th Swansons Main Course Seafood Meat Loaf Dinners . 49 Pasco 6 oz. Orange Juice 5 for 98 ciiarcoa;g9 F FRYERS Frozen Foods 10 pound bag it I Budget Colored Large RUMP FARM FRESH PRODUCE Seedless Grapes White Potatoes Nehi Phone Magna 2141 We are proud that many people feel more secure in the knowledge that Mir fine prescription service is always near j Glen-woo- EVERYONE IJannua photo HOLIDAY 10 lbs. for 45c ft Air Fore S. We sewed Troop 258 of the Lake Ridge 2nd Ward is spending a week at Camp Steiner. Accompanying the troop is their leader, Mr. Richard Barker, and also Mr. Floyd Gerald Three Magna auto firms, Paulos Holladay went to Camp Steiner to Auto, A1 Parker Ford and Magna conduct church services. Troop Motor, have signified their inten- 249 from the Bennion Stake and tion of closing their firms on July a troop from Bingham were present at the .three church services OTHER LOCAL businesses will held that day. also close for the weekend The Lake Ridge Ward Primary is having a childrens parade on Wednesday, July 22nd "ht 9:15 a. m., beginning at the site of the new chapel and going to d I Street Everyone is invited. Reg. 54c now 41c Colgate Tooth Paste Reg. 53c now 41c Protection Plan U. Williams and Mrs. William Ashby. Alka Seltzer e Utahs Sen. Wallace F. Bennett puts on flight suit in preparation for recent flight in an Air Force jej trainer. Williams. Prize winners were Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. Robert DRUG DEPT. Hern are .9 your mort-wnts brand new i59 Frigidure model ii wSl Mr. and Mrs. James Hall and daughters enjoyed boating at Saratoga Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nile Reese and daughter of Salt Lake. Another guest was Mr. Harold Huston of Sacramento, California. Sunday evening visitors at the Halls were Mr. and Mrs. Harl Stewart of Salt Lake. last week. Own Tht Best 1 4-- Mrs. Ed Huber enlert- - ined SatMr. and Mrs. A1 Booth, Mr. and , Mr. urday for her daughter, Jackie on Mrs. . Hal Larsen and her sixth birthday anniversary and Mrs. Robert Stem, accompanEighteen little guests enjoyed ied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larsen k games, refreshments and prizes. of Murray spent Saturday in On Sunday another party was Canyon enjoying a picnic held with Jackies grandparents and playing pinochle. as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams Eccles, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Huber, Mrs. Annie Jones of Salt Lake and family spent the weekend at and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Barnes Smith Moorehouse near Kamas, and family of Lake Ridge. camping and fishing. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mrs. Myron Barnes of Tremon-to- n Wilson of Magna. spent a few days this week Saturday afternoon visitors at visiting with two daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Kemp the home of Mr. and Mrs. William and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ashby and daughter, were Mrs. Richard Higley and daughter. On Ashbys sister, Mr. and Mrs. RichWednesday, Mrs. Barnes accom- ard Kuhn and family of Drager-toUtah. panied by Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Higley and families, visited in a, NOW r LADIES LAKE RIDGE LOCALS Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Harris and family Is an uncle of Mr. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris of Lom-idCalifornia. Both families enjoyed a trip to Yellowstone Park All Porcelain Enamel Inside Automatic Inside Light 3 Big Removable Shelves Fufl Warranty, Plus Gub News II STORES TO Cool At The Gem 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii Starts mim mm QOLFlllQ Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Asmussen and family is a niece of Mrs. Asmussen, Miss The Escalera Club met this Cheryl Lynn Blakely of Rock week at the home of Mrs. Clarwill be She Springs, Wyoming. with the Asmussens for two ence Denny, honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Robert weeks. - Its Thursday, July 16, 1959 80 count NAPKINS Vi 11c Gal. Jolly Barrel PEANUT DILL BUTTERb.GO PICKLES CO . FREE Pony RIDES FREE Orange DRINK 5c II0T DOGS |