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Show HACHA TIMES, IU-v- Uuh m, Friday, March 14, 1958 . . limiER 4 COTES OF By llatta McOukl Phooa 44(3 as AM ocielij Mr. Harry Smith was honored '' , yjnnm cpcsal . Oregon Knotty Fine: PoBieflOmG CaHoS Regular List Price 253.00 per 1000 THIS WEEK ONLY! ft No. 2 13 per running foot l(j8, 1 foot 10, No. 2 16V by pv running Many Other Outstanding Bargain we can help you right now with 1 HOME --OWNERS FINANCING We will gladly come to yovr home and give yoa FREE estimate on the cost of remodeling that spare room or basement. We can help yoa obtain a loan, provide the materials, get a skilled contractor and help yoa plan the entire work tor only $3.19 per hundred dollars borrowed. Central Lumber & Hardware Co. I Dial 6384 8327 Wot 2700 South Watch For Copper Shopper Days March 20-2- 2 -- KMna Mrs. Jenny Badovinatz is in the St Marks hospital recovering I friends' wish her a speedy recovPresent ery. and daughters-in-lawere Mrs. Elsie Rlrby, Mrs. Willard Smih, Mrs. Arnold Smith, Mr. Mack Wilkin of Woods Mrs. Brown and six grandchildCross was operated on Sunday ren. evening for appendicitis. 'He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood WilkMrs. Lucy Jones and son, Earl, in of Hunter. of Hunter and Martha Docekel of Charles Schwab, Jr. celebrated Sah Lake City, motored to Provo on February 29 and attended a his ninth birthday anniversary at a family dinner given play presented by the Provo high Sunday school. It was directed by Mrs. in his honor. Jones' son, Ray, who is speech Ronald Dobson was honored at director at the school. a party on his seventh birthday Garnet and refreshVisiting at the home of Mr. and anniversary. Mrs. Willfrd Smith, is Mrs. ments were enjoyed, . Smiths mother, Mrs,' Abbie Sam-se- ll of Brigham City. She plans CRADLE to spend some time here. A stork shower was given Wednesday evening honoring Mrs. Erma Young, at the home of Mrs. Richard Bertoch. Games were played and prizes given to Mrs. Don Rae Anderson, Mrs. Gene Prows and Mrs. Young.' Refreshments were served to eleven guests. ROLL Mr. and Mrs. DeMoine Oliver are rejoicing over the arrival of their first child, a sweet little girl, bom March 6 in a SaK Lake hospital She tipped the scales at 6 pounds. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vern Oliver of Magnt and Art Wright of Hunter was re- Mr. and Mrs. Randy Moesser of is cently elected to the Assembly of Hunter. God Church Board for 1959. He Mrs. Mary Sheffield of Magna. The new mother will be rewill serve as Sunday School sumembered as being the former perintendent. Shannon Moesser. Mrs. Annie B. Petersen of HuntMr. and Mrs. Vernal (Pinky) er has returned home after enjoying three months visiting with Anderson of Tooele are the happy her daughter and family, Mrs. parents of a new baby girl, who Myra Culver in Los Angeles. She arrived March 6th and weighed also attended a family reunion 8 pounds, 2 ounces. She has been In Bellflower, and visited with a given the pretty name Kaye grandson, James Yates, who is Lynne. Grandparents are Mr. and stationed at the San Diego Naval Mrs. Charles Owen of Keams and Mrs. Mae Burke of Sah Lake City. Training Center. Three brothers and two sisters were on hand to welcome the new Garden Chib Raw The Granger Gardeneers will sister home. Mrs. Anderson Is the meet March 20 at the home of former Jina Owen of Magna. Dorral Nelson, (499 South 2810 West Guest speaker will be Ru Second Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith fus Ray, who will discuss roses. of Lake Ridge are rejoicing over The Oladiohu Society will their second little daughter, nammeet March 24 at the City and ed Julie, born March 9th. She tipCounty building tor their annual ped the scales at 6 pounds, 13)4 ounces and has a sister, LaNette. bulb auction. Grandparents are Mr. and Mra. A series of lectures on garden- Rupert Silcox of Magna and Mr. ing will be held at the Kearns and Mrs. Wilford Smith of Tooele. junior high school beginning April 7th, to be given by the B. Y. U. extension service. More information will be given at a later date. Great-grandmoth- er HIGHWAY TOLL Marie Drown returned me Monday from the LDS Hospital where she underwent surgery. BEHIND 1957 Tralnt deaths in Utah this year climbed to 18 during the week ended Saturday midnight, as two new names were added to the fatality list. the mounting total, Despite motorists were showing a marked -improvement over 1957 when 29 M A TUBS persons were killed by March 1. AmaxiM Mmtrithig Oom thro the Although most of the reduction Mai. kin muMilar p.in was made in January when eight ttkvrW. NMMnny. were killed as compared ML TOSS 1.49 persons to 17 for 1957, February also showed a slight improvement this year when 10 persons were Magna Rexall Drug Phones 4441 - night 8668 or 2(82 killed compared to 12 for February of last year. immiiiiiinnimniiimmiitiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiruijel State ment! A Jacobson, Mrs. Ben (Florence) Beckstead, Murray; Mrs. John (Almeda) Maddocks, Hunter; 32 grandchildren, 15 tour brothers, four sisters. MAGNA .HEWS AID VIEWS By Karan Larson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Driffill have returned home from a most enjoyable sojourn in California where they attended the wedding of Mr. Driffills brother, Mr. Joe Driffill in La Jolla, and also motored to Fresno to participate in a Canadian Legion convention. Tourna-- I State ment! fTourna These are the on his birthday anniversary at luncheon given by his daughters Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rowley on Sunday, Mrs. Harold Hunt was hostess were Floyd Mr. Rowleys parents, Mr. at a Tupperware party on Friday. and Mrs. Clyde Rowley of Sandy, Refreshments were served to Utah. twelve guests. Mrs. Rita Jeppson of Salt Lake City, was the demonMr. and Mrs. Harold Hunt and strator. " .. family visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. LaVar Moeeman in TayMrs. Ed tarbine entertained at lorsville on Sunday. a party in honor of her daughter, anSharon, on her sixth birthday Visitors at the heme of Mr. and niversary Monday. Games were played and Ijght luncheon serv- Mrs. Oral Kemp during the week ed to seven little guests. were Mra. Kemps sister. Mrs. Marlene Eddy of Tremonton, Utah Richard Dean Barker, son of and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abel and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barker, was family of Garland. Mr. and Mrs honored at a party on his first Amos Gardner and family of Murbirthday 4annivrsary. Guests in- ray visited with the Kemp's 1 on cluded maternal grandparents, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Palmer of Ogden, paternal grandparents, Miss Sharon Carbine and her Mr. and Mrs. Van O. Barker of EL W. Carbine, were Farmington, two aunts. Misses mother,atMr. a birthday party at the Sharon and Carol Barker and Mr. guests home of a cousin in Salt Lake and Mrs. Charles McKinstry. . d y, honoring Miss Robin BuMr. and Mrs. James Hall and st th. daughter, Jamie Lee, visited at Thank Yau the home of Mrs. Halls brother I wish to thank my friends and and family, Mr. and Mrs. James O. Adams, in Bountiful this week. neighbors for their many kindMr. Hall returned home Sunday nesses, cards and gifts while I from Lima, Peru, South America, was in a Sah Lake hospital. I am where he has been employed the most grateful. Mrs. Julanne Taylor past few? months srczio CYPRUS CAPERS she received from a head a recently in ainjury fall. Her many LAKE RIDGE LOCALS By Juanita Hall Phone (438 , lilTEGSI words that have echoed thru the halls of Cyprus high since Tues-daMarch 4. On Mia Maid Meet Mia Maid girls and their parents of Oquirrh Stake are invited Funeral services were held to a special party featuring .a theme of Dear To My Heart,, on Monday at the Granger 3rd Ward Monday, Anarch 17, 7:30 oclock Chapel. Sympathy is extended to the in the stakehouse. All persons in this organization sorrowed family. are urged to attend. r Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound Leaves For Korea Goethe William Klekas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Klekas of Magna, departed Saturday for Korea. He has been in Tacoma, Washington, enrolled in the reserves, and left with a rating of sergeant. f Wonderful Trip B. Grose returned home by plane last week after a very enjoyable eastern tnp. She and her son, Edward, motored .to Lynn, Massachusetts, where Mr. Grose has accepted employment with General Electric. He is. a mechanical engineer. Enroute, they visited another son, Charles Grose, who is attending medical school at Loyola University in Chicago. Mrs. Grose also briefly vacationed in New York City and other points of interest y, Mrs. that evening, the Pirates gained a in the state basketball, tournament by tipping the Tooele Buffaloes, The tournament began Wednesday in the U of U Fieldhouse. berth 46-3- 7. The last performance of the Cyprus traveling assembly, was given at Tooele high school on March 7. The theme for the assembly was School Days. The performance' was rated by all schools as one of the best of the year. Mr. Larry Bird, advisor, and the assembly cast are to be complimented on their fine work. J. Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Garfield have returned home after spending a short time in Las Vegas, Nevada, where they were guests of Mrs. Garfields sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. P. A. s, and, other relatives and friends. Cam-man- Entertains Chib wmm Min i Mrs. D. E. Dimond entertained members-o- f the VFLA and special guest, Mrs. Ida Stewart Friday evening at her home. A dainty lurtcheon was served and card We get News Time every week. games later played. Prizes were It is a very interesting magazine. given to Mrs. Verl A. Haws and This week it told us about the Mrs. S. D. Strong. birthday of Minnesota. Every The group will be entertained week we get a story in it. We arc March 21st by Mrs. Margery also learning about health. Duke. Mr. Nays Room. G , We are making mats. Thejf are Mrs. Sidney Huish ehtertained ladies of her Sewing Club last fun to make. We use colored week at her home. The group will yam and string. meet with Mrs. Byron L. Huish Joe Pappas, Mrs. Roberts room. this Friday evening for a social time. . Our room is getting ready for Mrs. Ted Green has returned the art exhibit. We are having home from LDS Hospital after fun drawing pictures for it. A lady undergoing surgery. Best wishes came to our room to look at our are extended. art. JoAnn Thomas 4th Grade ? Webster News Cyprus is planning to put on a variety show, Pirates on Parade." The show will be held Thursday and (Friday, April 10 and 11 at 7:30 pm. The hour and a half show will feature Cyprus students, ana the proceeds will be used for improvements to the school. A prize will be given to the student or students who sells the most tickets. This is something new this year, and it is hoped that all Cyprus patrons and friends will support them in this activity. ARE YOU GETTING Sunday brunch guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sefa-ki- s of Magna this week included Mrs. Tom Patsuns, Mr. and Mrs. John Sefakis of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. Metos and Sylvia of Salt Lake City. Week-en- d guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patsuris were Mr. and Mrs. George Sinefis and Sophie of McGill, Nevada. FULL VALUE FOR YOUR INSURANCE DOLLARS? Thirty days has September, 11 ll Ap- ril, June and November. All the rest have thirty-onexcept February who alone has twenty-eigand everything is fine until leap year brings twenty-nine, ht e. One day this month it was a windy day, so we decided to write a poem. We hope you like it. The Wind It moans Visits Hare And it groans Mr. Royal Christofferson of It has a funny tone. San Diego, California, visited on It i 1 fst a It whistles and it shrieks Wednesday of last week at the Ihimg la lalt la your home of his sister and brother-in-laThrough trees and mountain STATE FAIN AGENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Raspeaks. ...in may be mbit to he It plays all kinds of tricks, mussen. you btitrr protection jot It even blows the slicks. We know it gets punished Club Meats aa your tor with Because we hear it cry The C and G Club met March STATE FARM AUTO And we hear it sigh. 10 at the home of Mrs. Dee Peel. INSURANCEioa your Delicious refreshments were servOur Class heme on ill furnishings By Kathleen Andre ason ed, followed by games. Prizes with STATE FARM Mrs. Roberts Fourth Grade were awarded to Mrs. George FIRE INSURANCE! Smith, Mrs. Glen W. Martin and oa yoar future Mrs. John Coon. Granger Man Dies Mrs. Don Robinson will be with STATE Mr. Robie Earl Smith, 74, of hostess at the next 'gathering on 1989 West 3500 FARM LIFE South, died of a March 21. INSURANCE heart ailment March 6 at his. home. He was bom March 28, Club Entertained 1883 at Cobinton, Indiana, to Ohed The Friendship' Club met last Henry and Elizabeth Bell Graham Wednesday afternoon at the home Smith. He married Catherine of Mrs. L. L. Poulson. A delicious Parks June 17, 1905 in Salt Lake lunchebn was served to nine lad- City. It fays fa ies, and a social afternoon enjoySurvivors include his widow; ed. Mrs. A1 Curtis will be hostess son, daughters, Henry Earl, Mrs. fasts Tasr to the group on March 19. Rex T. (Ethel) Mackay, Bennion; FARM AO INI Pleasant Green Camp, Daugh- Mrs. George (Bertha) Hatt, Salt ters of Utah Pioneers, will meet Lake City; Mrs. Hector (Minnie) March 20th for their regular McIntosh, M. R. Bolton Oakland, California; monthly meeting at 1:00 p.m. in Mrs. Franklin (Thelma) Drake, 3775 South 9000 Wool West the Clubrooms. Magna Womens Jordan; Mrs. Rulon (Nellie) Phan S585 Magna. Utah All ladies are urged to attend. Black, Hollister, Idaho; Mrs. G. Krnirnimiiirmtniimttiiiiiiintmiiiii - Belmont rAlGHT BOOS01 i Just out New. wide ! JEW CHEVROLET doing ft! The new Fleetside reports in with more load space than youll find in any other pickup in its low-pric- whiskey For those who enjoy straight whiskey best there is no finer quality than Belmont straight BELMONT PICKUPS weight class! Two body sizes are offered 78 and 98 th a full 6 feet wide. And you get the best long-- bo remedy for overhead worry thats ever been bunt-che- vys hustling Thriftmaster 6 engine. Your dealer will fin in the facts, or details about any new Chevrolet models, including Americas lowest priced popular pickup I Htse".TT.i r 1 mr& is ma Styling that catches the eye and calls to your business name! Extra - big capacity! New Fleetside bodies are wider, longer and deeper I See-you- r local authorized Chevrolet dealer PAUL0S AUTO COMPANY Phono 631 1 or 2X3 Magna, Utah mmn DISTILLING LAWRENCEBURG, and handsome I IHUmM Theyr as brawny as they are beautiful three new Flsetsido pickups with the power and cargo capacity to tamo tough obs and look good in COMPANY INDIANA |