Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL stockholders MEETING 1 notice is hereby gwen given that a secial meeting toe eting of stockholders tock holders of the hun tinton tin ton final cinal t reserve r Va ks vill be held in the hall hunting on emery county utah mon la aa the day of october 1905 at tie tl e hour of 0 I 1 a clock p in geeting is called and will be held the purpose of considering a tion auth authorize oriz og ng the directors to d of enough of the treasury stock rov to v held by the to buy the stock represented bv by and no v in huntington Hunti reserve r it is 13 apropo od to sell only to a eners of reservoir stock in proportion to ane amount they a ovi va in the reservoir and to transact transi ct adv other u bu ness that may I 1 CO 0 before si d meet ng na J bi JOHSON president by WM HOWARD secretary dite I 1 tha lath day of 0 tober |