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Show I FrirUv. September 9, 1938 MAGNA TIMES MAGNA, UTAH feel Today - JQITinTrOW Mysticism i The longer I live the more clearly I realise that Mysticism pays an most important part in the lives of mean I mysticism. human beings. By the belief in something which cannot be proved MysticL-- is the basis of all religion Nobody hxs ever proved or ever will prove that life goer ' on after what we call death; but believe that Is all people practically true. The belief in such mystical things as telepathy or thought transference the clairvoyance or second-siginpower of evil thoughts to work incantaand fetishes jury and in d and is not tions is to confined persons oi ncces.arily low intelligence I know many people good of great ability who carry and luck" tokens of pocket-piece- s mislaid are if worry they There is little doubt that many beliefs which cannot be pioved are nevertheless true So far however the efforts of scientific inve tiga tors to find proof of various kinds of mysteries tiave got nowhere known ht Magic Scientific investigation has proved that most of the phenomena we refer to as magic are pure trickery We used to hear fabulous tales the magicians of India, who cou'd climb up a rope which had no support at the upper end, or lift themselves into the air without even a rope to support them Sharp-eye- d European observers with cameras have proved these and other Oriental magic to be pure trickery as the magistage shows of theatrical cians." The magic' feat cf walking on hot coals without being burned, or lying on a bed of sharp spikes with- out injury have been duplicated many times by public performers, lii.r al the rest of the Indian magic wide-sprea- ut Telepathy At Duke University a .tudj is being made of tli" mystery of telen bet have So instances many pathy reported of prisons who could read the unexpressed thoughts of tithes that many serious scientific men i bo something coincidence In such mani- more than festations. The tests made by Professor J. B. Rhine, Duke University psychologist, seem to show that many per- use h- Ll? hlrh; sons, possess enables them to tell such things as the domination of playing card which another person takes from the pack. Six independent investigators have been studying the phenomenon, and all report that there Is something in it, and why( some persons seem to have the gift nobody is prepared to say. ' In England seme famous scientists including the great Oliver Lodge have dec ared that they have seen convincing evidence of mind reading telepathy. Our own Dr Alexis Carrel confirms the belief in second-igh- t But what causes it is still un- and ! that there may fr UNITED STATES SENATOR At the Primary Election, September 13, 1938 BECAUSE "ST C5"LJ - HOME Credulity OWNED Humanity has come a long way in Its quest for the secrets of Nature. The educated, intelligent part of the people, at least, know more about what makes the world go around and how to harness natural forces to mankinds use, than our grandfathers ever dreamed could be found SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 3.0 3rd East and 3rd South. Louie Falvo, prop. .25c MILK, all brands, 4 cans. . . S and W VINEGAR, bottle. . .10c S and W COFFEE, 2 lb. can... 49c 15c GERMADE, 4 lbs. 25c 20c RINSO,Ige.pkg.. . Gulfkist Shrimps, 2 cans 20c CREAM STYLE CORN, No. 2 can, 3 .. 23c 1 PEAS, Mount Brand, 3 cans . 98c CATSUP, Our Favorite, bottle 9C DESERET FLOUR, 48 lb. bag 25c 25c Sonny Boy Spaghetti, 4 cans : COFFEE, Folgers, 1 lb. can VALAMOUNT PRESERVES, bottle.. 25c serves 6, all flavors New Par-t-pa- out Most of us, however, have never learned to reason from cause to effect. We see a phenomenon whose cause we do not understand, and are not sufficcntly curious to inquire. We set down as something beyond our power to understand, a mystery. For all that type of mind knows radio broadcasting may be pure magic So long as great masses of people ire indifferent or unintelligent they can be persuaded to believe anything if it is dhessed up in plausible .anguage. It would be a tragic cala mlty If the radio should prove tc be a means of spreading false be llefs among the credulous ytir. k, 10c bottle denosi- t- -- Plus FRENCHS HASTY ffapSflsxgffl Miss Blanch and Miss Dorothy Nelson entertained at a dinner party on Friday evening, September 1st, complimenting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sorea Nelson, who celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary on that day A bowl of pink Tall can, red p lr'W-- S 8 oz. pkg. FIRST QUALITY SUNSWEET HEWLETTS No. 2 lb. pkg j High School. 7 to 9 p m. The classes, which are free will be conducted on Mondays and Fridays and are open to all women and girls not attending a ngular school Gymnastic classes are to be fea is well and favorably known throughout Utah. His policies are not dictated by any faition or clique. br"admiiled and progressive lie is He is courageous aggressive, and will fight for the people. He will represent all of the people of Utah all of the time civic-spirite- d, 10c TOILET PAPER, 3 rolls SHREDDED WHEAT, pkg... 10c POST TOASTIES, lge.3 for. . .25c 10c TUNA FLAKES, 2 can , PIERCES Why do many people shop here? Because we are able to service you with every necessity, gas, oil, groceries, meats, and soon we wip install a general hardware store, and DR. VICTOR C. BERTS CLEANERS and DYERS Locally Owned 75c, Dresses, 85c, up First-Clas- s Work Guaranteed. - One-Da- y Service No Extra Charge To Call For and Deliver SEE OUR FALL TAILORING LINE The Best in Quality, Style and Workmanship 21c DREFT, large pkg All women attending the first meeting are requested to come equipped with slioes, soap and towel and some kind of uniform (Paid Political Advertisement.) 30 oz. bottle 1-- tured VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET I 4 FIRM, RIPE Women's recreational classes, sponsored by the Magna Womens Club and the W PA recreational division wl'l hold their opening sessions Friday evening September 23 in the gymnasium of the Cyprus Junior Hr Suit Crystal White Soap, small, 10 bars... 28c 1 DEL MONTE TO START SEPT. 23 AT CYPRUS FOR THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR -- WOMENS CLASSES SOLIC ITS YOUR SUPPORT WHERRY maiii? a eaiH that rosebuds formed an attractive center piece for the dinne rtable Covers weie laid for sixteen guests. ARTHUR C. WHERRY VOTE ' Nevertheless, the belief persists some persons have magical powers which enable them to defy the say Psychologists laws of nature that Such beliefs arise from the subconscious realization by most of us of our own inferiority in the "with naEuranforccs We wish we could conquer Nature, and it gratifies our desire, vicarious-ly- , to believe that some one can do it. pageeight ANDERSON OPENS OFFICE HERE 21-- 2 can dry-goo- Dr Victor C Anderson announces that he is opening offices In the Qui'-- t apartments. Magna, for the general practice of medicine and surgery effective immediately Dr Anderson Is the son of Mr and Mrs A J Anderson Spencer Avenue Magna Dr Anderson, who has been practicing for the last eighteen months in L man. Wyoming and adjacent territory is a graduate of the Univer 'it of Utah and the Washington University at St Louis. He is extensively and here department. ds HIPOLITE MARSHMALLOW JUNKET ICE CREAM 99 boo Pint bottle ,VJ 4 oz. pkg., 3 for well-kno- Men's Suits or Overcoats, $21.50 to $ 37.50 Ladies' Suits or Topcoats, $20.50 to $35.00 Phone 45 iF YOU ARE THIS TYPE iV3agna WANTED Representative to look after our magazine subscription interests in MAGNA and vicinity Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in this vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U S Guaranteed lowest rates cn all VEGETABLES H periodicals domestic and foreign Instructions and equipment free Start a grow ing and permanent business in whole or spare time Especially for shut ins Address Inc . Wayland Road North Cohocton New York YOUll UKE THIS BOURBON THATS MOORE-COTTREL- GRAPES, Seedless, 3 lbs ORANGES, large, doz Bisquick fj- 40 oz. pkg. . L, -- N ow Is A Good Time To Take Advantage of an Opportunity For Higher EducatiorrAt Your State University J CREAM OF WEaeatt THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH t - Pickling Cucumber orders taken, 100 for 39c POTATOES, 10 lbs 7c Cauliflower, first grade, 2 lbs . 15c LEMONS, doz. 19c GRAPEFRUIT, large, doz 29c Freshmen Sept. 21 Engineers 1938-3- 9 Placement Entrance Tests Exams Sept Special Instruction and Registration of Freshmen Sept. Sophomore Registration, Sept 22-2- 3. M 24. Registration of all others, Sept. Clas work COTTAGE CHEESE, lb 6c LAMB CHOPS, lb. . ,;23c LAMB STEW, lb 6c FRANKS, 2 lbs 29c ROAST BEEF, lb SIRLOIN, lb 23c Pickled Pigs Feet, loose, lb . . 15 HAMS, Nucolls Boneless, lb . . 25c ft 1933, SCHENliY PRODUCTS CO, INC, N. V. C pu. 2 can, 2 for Salt Lake City MAID IN IDAHO No. 2 can, 3 for c m WYANDOTTE Cleanser 9c 15oz.ca.n,4 for If any article to 29: BREAKFAST CLUB motion. 0FUTAH - CO 1-- WE SELL ONLY QUALITY MEATS begins Sept. 27. THE UNIVERSITY 90 JeOQf 2 ... ... Send For Copy of Catalog giving further inf or-- SAUEIIKIMIOT 1 Lge.pkg 26. ARO MEATS 16-18-1- Opening Dates, 10c 23c I lb. can nila4 priced below the Fair Trade prTTTtiriTTo error and merchandise will be sold only at correct price. C |