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Show 13, 1938 Scenes MAGNA TIMES. MAGNA, UTAH PAGE THREE and Persons in the Current News WHAT TO EAT tc and WHY en of the .minted N ,LTb i by , G. Cipttla Describes the MORE notorious rack- 1 eteer never lived political than Soapy" Smith. For year he and hi gangsters did just as they please up and down the west coast, and a hen Soapy" decided to hit for the Yukon during the historically famous gold rush, he took most of his gang of ruffians, and robbers with him. Almost overnight "Soapy" gained complete control of Skagway, and soon the town was wide open multiplied by ten. streets became battleSkagway fields where provoked and unprovoked gunflghts occurred daily as aome of "Soapys ruffians robbed and plundered outgoing, goldrushers and incoming goldseek-e- r alike. At night, raucous voices singing lewd and filthy "songs were augmented by cries of murder from the street. Might was right In every sense of the word, meanwhile all sorts of card sharps, confidence men, and crooks robbed and plundered right and left keeping out of trouble because Soapy, the Big Boss, had arranged the police and judiciary to suit himself. and his lieutenants Soapy planned and executed hundreds of robberies and swindling schemes, growing richer and more powerful the while. Then cam news the Northwest Mounted Police were about to escort about $200,000 in notes and gold from Lake Bennet post, to Victoria, British Columbia, via the port at Skagway. Surely this was too, juicy a plum for and his gang to miss. Soapy Moreover, up to this time, both and his henchmen had Soapy balked at any job that might make them step Into Canadaian territory. Even the reputedly daring Soapy entertained a healthy respect for the Men of the Mounted. Here was a job they could pull right on American soil where, by .rights, the Men of the Mounted had no business. And so Soap and sat down and his brain-truschemed, planned and arranged for every emergency. This was to be the job of the decade. As Soapy organized an army of 100 men, engaged boats, and planted scouts here and there, the commissioner of the Yukon terriand good luck, tory bade good-by- , to three Men of the Mounted, Inspector Wood and two constables. Their load consisted of their own personal kits, and the $200,000. After many anxious miles during which the three Men of the ts well-heele- Kf pbilip LaFolIette, announcing (be formation of n new third party, the Notional Progressive tfAmerica," is campaigning to organize the Middle West. Z Relchsfnehrer Adolf Hitler of Germany I premier Mussolini who met in Rome on the occasion of Hitlers triumphal visit to Italy. 3 Brig. Gen. to the chief of the United States air corps for a term of four years by Ho L lount. named assistant L ufctf Roosevelt. Yank Diplomacy Irish' Wit vs. LETIC CO wWh -- CO- URGES DEFENSE a 1 -ld EEZEB I wim tut e :E s: Uwx im pttw i ibeir t n rvnutr-Sal- Uh ) x- 4 With war scares babbing up ail over the world, the United States must be assured a plentiful supply Dr. John of strategio minerals, W. Finch, director of the bureau of mines, announced in a memorandum to the press. He urges a tariff g program protection and to solve defense problems with reOwrjt Bernard Shaw, left, chatting with Joseph P. Kennedy, Ameri-inbuudto London, following a ceremony which took place at Ken-t- a spect to manganese (No. 1 straLondon, recently in which the famous Irish dramatist received the tegic mineral), nickel, chromium, aluminum and other metals. i d the national theater on behalf of the executive committee. r W Senator Hncea Weislit fcfereace to I W tf stock-pilin- or Ball Players Advertise Fair his waistline. Sea. West Virginia, akcr tf the United States Goudlii (2, 4fOUiton gyp-artist- s, shell-gam- e st J ping pong will help adof the University of California baseball team trip on Its barnstorm.ng fair World, Francisco 1939 San will be the United States. On the sleeve of each player sew ng tlwed an emblem featuring the exposition. Lois Sherman is seen to the team the takes The sleeve. trip the emblem on Sam Chapmans campuaes of 22 leading universities and coUeges. table In his he induIS(s in this exer-e-u sessions. Here you see ln bit nf fast pUy. Irelands New President at Home rtf' fj-- llj - 7L,-- d5jUubter on of a i ( Kfw ':A Mr- - J- - V X- r- '11,1 - 1 . - W - Fr SUM. .ho El,. Ireland. Scaly, at Donny brook, Protestant clergyman. ' i.s imonf Dr. Hyde, n nose & his grandchl " g e ter of it. They confuse gastric acidity which is entirely normal, for the healthy stomach is always strongly acid with the potential acidity of foods tabolism, the blood normally remains remarkably constant and slightly alkaline, due to a highly efficient buffer system. Perhaps you wonder. If this Is so, why doctors and dietitians talk balso much about the ance. acid-bas- e which leave an acid residue lowing digestion. And many of them are. convinced that they Balance Tha Add-Bas- e should take drastic steps to overTo understand this phrase, you come the danger of acidosis. must know that every food leaves an ash when burned in the body, The Vogue oi Acidosis just as ashes remain when coal or is burned in a furnace. In There are fashions in disease, wood the body, the ash consists of valuin as home dress, just furnishings able minerals which are required automobiles. in and large amounts to maintain op Ten years ago, we timal health. I much heard about Some foods, such as meat, fish, the evils of autointoxication, and it eggs and ce.reals, leave aa acid was some time be- ash because the predominating fore people realized minerals are phosphorus, chlorOther foods, that they had been ine andmilksulphur.most frulta and and chiefly misled by the exfol- treme claims of had who those some sort of remedy to sell. And now it is acidosis that is the most talked of complaint. Friends caution one another against this or that food, with the mistaken idea that it causes or aggravates aa acid condition. Food faddists have frightened thousands by suggesting that acidosis is brought about by mixing various kinds of foods. - n d when he opened up versation with Inspector Wood. Like ter have yer stay round Skagway a day er two, Spector, mighty nice said Soapy," if town . . ykin have anyfing yer . an it s Name it want , it? Spector?" 'bout How yores. the inThank you. Mr. Smith, I must but coolly, spector replied, Id advise be about my business. you to keep off Canadian territory in the future, as you have done, so very well, in the past. Good afternoon. sir. sneering, digestion. But the fact is that the body performs a clever bit of chemical engineering and the final effect on the blood ia alkaline. base-formin- over-eatin- Member vertise the t hear Homemaker's Responsibility their A balanced diet must Include foods te systems, that they suffer from acid stomach, acid headaches, sufficient acid mouth, acidosis. In fact, most adults fancy themselves neutralise and counter-balancvictims of a great battle between acid and alkalineJorces, the effects ef the acids formed ln metabolism. with the acid having the bet- That Is one reason why it is so ACIDITY -- ixpre: ALKALINE- - By C. HOUSTON GOUDISS CS SMh Str.t. Mtw lark CUy. is the topic of the hour. On every side we complaining that they have too much acid in well-arm- their distance or he would fire upon them, and, thus arguing back and forth, the two boats finally crossed the bay without any shootings or drownings. Upon arrival at the wharf, however. Inspector Wood and his men received a rough and tumble reception from almost a hundred ruffians lined up and ready for the big robbery. Aa the Men of the Mounted stepped to the wharf carrying their $200 000 they were tripped and jostled and pushed about hither and yon as they tried to make their way toward a small steamer that lay alongside awaitKicked and ing their coming and otherwise and tripped pushed held up and delayed, things began to look really serious. The great robbery was imminent And then, just when it seemed that the Men of the Mounted were about to be smothered by the mob, the captain aboard the steamer tooted the ves- sels horn, and Instantly a score of armed members of the Royal naval reserve were over the side and down among Soapy s gang. In . no time the Men of the Mounted and their $200,000 were snatched from the mob and were aboard the steamer. Soapy Smith, surrounded by at least a score of his most trusted gunmen, had witnessed the whole show from the deck of a tug that nearby. Alwas treading water though he had seen his best plans still smiling or go haywire, he was con- and E Health Endangered Indeed, we have come to a point acid where the fear of a condition is assuming proportions which indicate the possibility of real trouble unless the American people get the true facts and put aside these foolish delusions. Physiologists believe that fear and worry have a detrimental effect on digestion, and, in turn, on the general health. Thus eating meals in constant fear of acidity the Skagway may upset the digestion and bring followed Mounted with furtive eyed rascals who about the very symptoms that you were evidently "Soapys scouts. In- are trying to avoid. One authority contends that spector Wood and his men arrived at Dyea -- where, they immediately perhaps 90 per cent of digestive boarded a waiting rowboat and distress, attributed to the Rind or were soon rowing out across the combinations of food eaten, is actually due to unfavorable mental bay. Halfway across several men In a rathef large row- or emotional states, and other even boat manned by half a dozen stout- causes such as muscled oarsmen, did their best to when fatigued, or consuming at Intimidate the Northwest Mounted one meal too many foods that are to digest. It, therefore, and made several attempts to bring difficult the two boats into a collision. In- becomes apparent that thousands of are contributing to their spector Wood, handling the steer- ownpeople discomfort as a result of fear, to keep ing oar, warned the ruffians well-arme- Noted Fpod "Authority ACID- - well-know- baby senate. new-pap- ASH FOODS and Explains Their Role in Maintaining the ACID-BASBALANCE o! the Body A tw, k C. Houston Goudiss has put at tha disposal of readers of this his famous all tha lacilttsaa Experimental Kitchen Laboratory in Ne to York City. He will gladly answer questions concerning foods, diet, nutrition, end their relation to health. You are also invited to con suit him in matters of personal hygiene. It's not necessary to write a letter unless you desire, for postcard inquiries will receive the same careful attention. Address him at East 39th Street, Naur York City. ' Elliott-Nlghtlng- "SOAPY". SMITH CHARGES HIS M1SD keet t f. Ask C. Houston Goudiss -- Copyrtifct, WNU PriW, Hare You a Question? Ignorance, or a blind belief in vegetables, leave an alkaline ash because the remaining minerals are principally calcium, magnesium, potassium and aodium. foods. These are the Besides the alkaline ash and acid ash foods, there is a group of foods, including sugar, cornstarch and purified fats, which are so highly refined that no minerals remain after they are burned; and some other foods, such as butter and cream, leave a balance of the two types of ash. These are known as neutral foods. base-formin- Cannot Trust Your Tongua The sense of taste cannot be relied upon as a guide in determining which foods are acid and which alkaline. For example, cereals, which are bland to the taste, have an acid reaction following digestion. Bread, likewise, Is aeid forming, although yon would not suspect that fact from Its taste. On the other hand, potatoes, though somewhat similar to bread in flavor and food value, are one of our most valuable alkaline foods, and dried lima beans are the most highly alkaline of ' any food known.' If it seems curious that such bland foods should have an acid ash, you may find it even harder to believe that oranges, lemons, grapefruit, peaches and tomatoes, which taste acid in the mouth, leave an alkaline ash following AROUND $ THE HOUSE mis- leading claims which are opposed to scientific facts. Acidosis Uncommon The danger is not from acidosis, but from the fear of this bugbear, and from self medication in the belief that certain remedies are required to overcome a fancied condition. For in spite of the large amount of acid produced in me Send for This FREE CHART Showing Which Foods Are Acid and Which Alkaline YNE of the principle in planning a balanced dirt la to include at Icaat enough alkaline, or food, lo balance the g food. To help you distinguish the food that belong in each group, C. Houston Goudiss offers to send m free chart listing the principal acid-asand alkalme-aifoods. AddrrM C. Houston Goudiss, 6 East 39th St., New York City. h h MVE minus TTWtfD leaves g base-formin- acld-forml- acid-bas- acid-minde- Mrs. 8. T. R. No, egg whites most certainly are not toxic, except to people who have an allergy toward this food. For all normal individuals, they offer an excellent source of protein. Miss M. V. Indeed I am not against the eating of fried foods, except in abnormal conditions where, for some reason, the fat intake must be restricted. The moderate use of fried foods, which have been properly cooked, makes the diet palatable and interesting. Mrs. R. McK. Generally speaking, the ideal weight for men and women over thirty is their normal weight at the age of thirty. From that time on, the scales should be watched, and the food Intake reduced as soon as a gain is noticed. When maturity is reached, food is no longer required to support growth, and unless muscular activity is maintained at a high level, the total energy requirement will gradually decline. C. Houston Goudiss SALT LAKE'S NEWEST Proper neat for Cake. Angel food cake is apt to be tough if the oven is too hot; 250 degrees Fahrenheit is thq proper temperature. 1S38 10 HOSTELRY Oar lobby is delightfully air cooled daring th sammer months Jtatflo tee Every ftaoo 200 Rooms 200 Botha Boil Canned Fruit, Tinned fruit is greatly improved in flavor if turned out into a saucepan and boiled for one minute. til III! iiXnilEX Improving Corn Beef. A spoonful of vinegar added to water when cooking corned beef makes it more tender. HOTEL One Creamed Dish. In selecting a soup for a meal remember that creamed soups should not be served when there are creamed vegetables or creamed fish to follow. d Questions Answered C WNU a a a Cooling Bread nnd Rolls. Freshly baked loaves and rolls should be cooled on a wire rack or inverted baking pan; never on a cloth, because that causes steaming which results in soggy crusts. Temple Square Halos $1,50 to $3.00 0 Th Hotel Tempi Stfvm baa tfoi phereYoa will way find Itlmmae ulete wpwnly comfortable, tad Yow there. cea thoroughly agreeable. fora wdaraland why thl betel hi highly dedrable, 1 friendly HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You ean aim appreciate why t 9 m merit ef rfjgf Jnete to top et thi ho mmtitui hogtolry it ERNEST G ROSSITER, Mgr. WRONG? Well, yes and no. The arithmetic of your school days taught that if Mary had five dollars and three dollars remained. But that is spent two mathematics not shopping! In managing a home . . . guarding a limited family income weve simply got to do better than Mary did. Wre must sharpen our buying wits . . ascertain where the dollars of extra value lurk take five dollars to town and get much more for the money spent. Fortunately, there are guides right at hand the advertisements in this newspaper. Advertised merchandise is often exceptional value merchandise. It makes dollars ... -- ... ... ever-willi- IFCDTO important for the homemaker to provide her family with plenty of milk, fruits and vegetables, in addition to the necessary meat, fish, eggs and cereals. In genera, one la likely to feel g foods better when predominate, at least slightly, in tha diet over foods. Some authorities believe that this may be due not so much to their e effect on the balance as to the fact that they provide such splendid amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. , However, one must not make the mistake of becoming so enthusiastic over building a highly alkaline diet that one overlooks good foods necessary to round out a balanced diet. To those homemakers who take seriously the important job of feeding a family, and wish to be correctly informed, I shall gladly send a chart showing which foods are alkaline and which acid. It can be used as helpful guide in planning a balanced diet. Send for this chart and increase In the your food knowledge. meantime, dont under any circumstances allow misguided Individuals to frighten you into joining the vast army of people who are so concerned over the possibilities of acidosis that they havent time to enjoy life. ng |