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Show .... TIMES. MAGNA, UTAH HIGH Vlnews; Body SJnUUve. They are: T and Eileen Thomas ndn - strw Uaylor- : CW10" junior Welker and - as elected sponsor for Jj. eighth- - Jr. Traffic Police CjpnB the Cyprus Junior High school, Billy Rountree was elected president with Lola Duke, vice president and Clara The entire. Student Body of the Jean Poulton, secretary. Cyprus Junior High school has been Billy Rountree succeeded with a Invited to extend their ,'fullest sup-p- decisive total of 217 ballots. for .the- - following games that have been scheduled for the Miss Lola Duke was evidently the Cyprus team. choice of the eighth grade and the Three games have been played school in winning the post of vice thus far: Monroe 0, Cyprus, 12, Ply- president. She served the school in mouth 12, Cyprus, 0 Garfield 12 Cy- the term of secretary last year. She received 122 votes. prus, 0. Miss Poulton was elected secretary Although losing the first two games we are anxiously waiting for the by we, the people, in the election. winning of games in the near fu- She received 152 votes. ture. Iris Thomas. officers were sworn JVmander for th school recently. - Football Games or Gibb Madsen, Keith On September 29, Cyprus Journeyin win- A BLEND OF STRAIGHT WHISKIES ed to Monroe and succeeded ning to a score of 12-0. rt. ojlando Barber, PAGE FIVE Friday, October 8, 1937 cap-Sudbu- ry, The highlight of the game was an Intercepted pass and run of Jack George Olsen, Lyn Tomlin to a , Intercepting Sy Jensen, James Bras- - the pass on touchdown. the line, he ran M.UO. 60 yards through the entire MonPolice In roe backfield for the second of our has bad Junior Cyprus this year, are two touchdowns. years but Junior mine I The first touchdown came about through the punting of Tom Vagenas and cooperation of the rest of the team. In previous encounters Cyprus was defeated by Garfield and Plymouth. Catten. lieutenant. "to" hood The members of the F. L. A. Club mann, Mrs. John McLaughlin, Mrs. entertained their husbands, the lo- P. M. Chase, Mrs H. L. Garrity, Mrs. cal Jiremen, at a chicken supper last T. A. Janney, Mrs. F. O. Raymond, 1) Mrs7RT LT Erickson- ,- Mrs.-Car- los Thursday evening in the Firemen Hall. Twelve couples enjoyed the af- Christensen and Mrs. Margaret Anfair. During the evening bridge and derson Bowen of Salt Lake City. Colonel and Mrs. D. C. Jackllng. monte carlo were Cut prizes tiitiitmiiiiiiiiiimHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OK Banquet range, president of the Utah Copper Com- -, acre awarded to played. Mrs. Jean Strong I In good condition, (25. See V. S. Sutpany and 'Other mining concerns, and Mr. Jess McArthur. entertained at a lovely banquet givton, 156 Kelsey Avenue, Salt Lake en at the Hotel Utah on Monday City. Illllllllllllllll Illlllllllll eyenlng honoring the official itinSympathy of the community is Illlllll erary of the Utah Copper Mines, extended to the Jacobs family in the FOR SALEMonarch stove, heater death of Mrs. Teresa Jacobs, wife Mills and Salt Lake offices. of Theron Jacobs of Declo, Idaho. A profusion of autumn leaves, cor- Mrs. Jacobs died Wednesday mornal and rust shades of dahlias were ing. She leaves no children. Mr. Jaused in the effective decorations. cobs is a brother to Owen 8., John, Cocktails were served on Star 11 te Barr and Mrs. Mary Howard of Magna. Gardens, dinner followed in the Emt SALT LAKE & Room. menus Souvenir pire Dining to was Mrs. the Hatch hostess Roy marked places for two hundred and fifty people. A floor show was given. Ladies Bridge Club at the Town Club Thursday afternoon. Those preDancing followed the dinner. , last sent included: Mrs. E. W. Engel- - Societi 8ALE--Punt- TICKETS RCA VICTOR 5:55 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:21 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 11:00 p. m. Walt Deland and Partner Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Morton A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER names are taken from our Subscription Usd.) ed TICKETS COMPLIMENTARY ' Arrive Magna 6:40 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 12:05 p. m. ,7:15 p. m. 1:40 p. m. NORTHBOUND Arrive Salt Lake Leave Magna (These This ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE, Magna, within the next week entitles 7:05 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 4:35 p. m. 7:15 p. m. 11:40 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Louis Duke Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wilkin Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whittaker 7:50 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 12:20 a. m. Daily, except Sunday ON SCHOOL DAYS ONLY, TRAIN LEAVES MAGNA AT 3:35 p. m. AND RETURNING LEAVES GRANGER AT 4 :00 p, m. FREE. SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These name are taken from ear Subscription LM.) A fBWil fum-ish- UTAH RAILROAD Leave Salt Lake Mr. and Mr. Wm. Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. M ,H. Merrill Geo. Mihalopoulas and Partner H. (Of mm modern, Kouse. See Anthon Nielson, 1 Service Stamile east of Four-W- ay tion or tele. Gar 86J2. SOUTHBOUND This ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE. Magna within the next week entitles N. sn Billy Rountree Wins Election At the election held recently at iiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiM FOR BINT Additional Passenger Service on Main Line and Magna Branch firms COOI Phllco Car Radio, One New or Used washing machine. Call Gar. 6. Effective October 10, 19)7 COMPLIMENTARY -- iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiu FOR BALE One table radio, one TIME TABLE rd PINTS con-diU- oa NEW . COOI an and round dining table. In good Inquire Earl C. Whittaker, North 4th East SALT LAKE MiTf ? ft .6 UTAH RAILROAD stands for Tiger a super-size- d So TOUGH cat Atk Agents For Copy of Table Ride The Big Red Cars For Economy, Convenience Comfort and Safety that hed eat you in two seconds flat! Truly lifelike tone will Neu) Time WAWAYVWWAWWAWYMiWiAWiMAV thrill you No sputteringor"boorn. extra-featu- Amazing radio offers you distance-tremend- re greater power , ous and beauty you stands for Monkey G A gent When you he sees coining, Hes already went! cant equal 1 FAST-MOVIN- YBiyVaAuJedUtAM Magic Voica $c-Ar- c Irak Magic MCA Cabinet e Dynamic Tabes Sunburst Dial Metal Tubes laaaty-Ton- II Magic Eye Speaker Air Trimmer Now ini them both up, and mix them up well, And there is the secret of New Golden Shell. LUMBER CENTRAL COMPANY Utah Magna Specially Quick Starts In Winter Tune in Think of it I Thia amazing ElectroGoodrich Kathanode is o powerful that -Pale jt exceeds the Society of l&SL Each and - ELECTRO-PA- ard types up to 105. wonder this battery gives keeps lights faster starts exbnghter and electrical at at peak top tras running 11 times! Avoid battery us ingrief. Come in and let stall a Goodrich Kathanode in your car Electro-Pa- k before the next cold spell catches you napping. Friday 9:45 A. M. THE GOODRICH Only Automotive Engineers startfor standing requirements No Wednesday JmI 8-- BATTERY K HAS THIS POWER-SAVIN- G TOP COVER This battery even looks different with its piotective top cover that sTeciai. POWER designeddo keep theSUFER locked m. Dirt, add spray, corrosion snd LOCKED other power robbers are OUT. OTHER GOODRICH batteries Pries Lfv LET US AND CLD BATTERY AS to change mthout notice ct WINTER-CHEC- h': 00001 wrrf ilUbury..uptopar. T miss nancy finch . discusses j the Problems of Homemaking on "The j Home Service Program." .Utah I Power & tight Co. h. DOD-g- tor winter ticvr' FREE caVoinid0h,dtb,. aL jrRg endcheck of your Goodrich 'EkcfoM own your ear Gust onload as long as you Co. Auto Supply Mauia .,? MAGNA -- - Like two oils in one, its Tough and its Fast It Cuts Starting Wear, and how it does last! Starting causes More Engine Wear than all the running . . . New Golden to Shell Motor Oil is reduce this wear . . . Tough so it stands the heat of steady driving. Fast-Flowin- 1 kathanode K K YOUR CAR ABSOLUTELY 1 TIGER-MON- UTAH g i The New Motor Oil ' 1 I |