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Show I o 4 Read It in The Times or Leader A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION fpEENTHYEAR Magna, Utah, Friday, September 24, 1937 Post CommandDr Safjtttcjfij i ut4 1938 Year Outl- Department Ad jutant ine Purpose of t Legion A. 0 Wiesley, Department Ad-kita- OUTDOOR SMOKER ARRANGED FOR WEDNESDAY EVE Committees For nt d of the American Legion, jccompllshmenta and purpose Jtt organization with a peppy tott on membership and community ctivities at a recent meeting of post No. 38 at the Utah Copper cU Powell Ipson, Commander of District No. 3, was also a special to Ray E. Wyatt, pest, according chairman. publicity Alter a brief business meeting the over to Mr. Ipson prel was turned vho officiated for the Installation ensof the following officers to the out-W- An Interclub match with Fort Dou glas, is set for Thursday, September 30 at the Utah Copper Golf course. This Is a return match for the other that was played on July 38 at Port Douglas when about 25 local golfers enjoyed a delightful lunch and trimmings at the Port We were guests of the Fort golfers and now it Is our turn to treat the sporty military men. Thursday, September 30, 18 holes at 3:00 p. m. and then off to the tab Copper Club. The Club championship has ad vanced lcto the semifinals with Abe Larsen shooting sub-p- ar golf to de feat Rue Packard, Jack Johnson and being 3 up with 8 to play on Paul Oarslde. The winner of the Larsen -Garside match plays Keith Barton few the championship. Barton having advanced Into the finals through uing year: a series of defaults. Harry Lott won penile Barton, Commander, H. A. from Deb Johnson and Meade Jan .rnS first vice commander, J. R. ney won from Harry Lott and de Goodman, second vice commander, faulted In turn for Keith to reach B. E Cushing, adjutant. A. B. Elder, the finals. fr.m officer, Dr. Q. EL McBride, historian, O. E. Andrews, chaplain, The final leg of the season In the J. P. Director's Cup play pete Disera, sergeant-at-arpitta Abe LarPeel, P. W. Seay and Ray'E. Wyatt sen Art Marsh In the finals, against members of the executive committee. the winner to play Paul Garside, Commander Barton, upon assumiJuly Leg winner In the grand seming the chair, briefly outlined his finals. The winner of this duo will program for the coming year and play J. W. Ridd who conquered Tony appointed the following committees Lewis in the other semi-fin- al match. tor Cyprus Post, The winner receives a nice cup and Membership Committee: golf merchandise and Is the most E A Adams, chairman, P. W. coveted event of the entire year. The e&ay, W. R. Macaulay, J. F. Peel, Marsh -- Larson match will be a corkC. E Naylor, L. P. Welker, E. J. er with both shooting fine golf so Gardner, Morgan Burris, J. A. MarsIt appears like anybodys matdh. hak Young Art is a fine competitive playService Committee: er who has promise of becoming a M. A. Moffat, Service officer and really good links ter and of course chairman, J. R. Tenney, Ross Mills. Larson has accumulated a great deal Americanism Committee: : of golfing lore to rate among the J. L Galyer, chairman, P. Coopbest five amateurs In the state. er Green. Bland Sorenson. ATHLETIC COMMITTEE: A tentative Inter-clmatch has A L. Self, chairman, W. Barrett, J. been set with Nibley Park few SunA Marshall, J. F, Coon day, September 3 at Nibley Park. An legal Committee: match will be played at 9:00 C. E Naylor, chairman, Verl A A m. with any and everybody invited Haws, Bert Morgan. to play. This Is Just a Home Committee: and match and open J. E Goodman, Chairman, Joe to the complete membership. InterZito, William Eckersley, C. E Hoff-ffla- n, ested golfers are invited to call HoGordon Breeze, Pete Rinaldi. ward Ridge at Garfield 8 and go with KbUeity Committee: the rest of the fellows and have Ray E. Wyatt, chairman, P. W. some entertainment 8eay, George Smith. VMtliif Committee: A great bust of the year Is pendDr. p. M. Chase, Chairman, Dr. O. ing the winners of the legs and the R McBride, D. L Jones. Club championship and a final ArDrama Corps Committee: thur --Magna match win be played 1 F. Peel, Chairman, Ted Cd-ttb- e, with the winners of the match being D. L. Jones. guest of the losers. A special highf'ilA Welfare Committee: light of the match win be a playoff E P. 8alm, Chairman, Bland Sor-- n, In the two man team competition J. r. Tenney. with Keith Barton-Ab- e Larson; Art Marsh -- Harry Quayle and Clem Jones Howard Ridge playing for the second T1HES-LEADER place position. Final and complete data win be announced in next OFFER SPECIAL week's paper to wind up a highly successful season of golf. VALUE T . Arrangements are being completed for the first outdoor smoker ever sponsored In this locality by the Utah Copper Club and Community Recreational Association, next Wednesday evening, September 29 at the Community Park. This event Is for members of either organization and their families. The huge boxing and wrestling ring will be brought from the Utah Copper Club and Installed In front of the grandstand In the park, as well as the collapsible seats, for the convenience and pleasure of all attending patrons. The park lighting facilities ,wlll furnish ample light for all the events. Presidents E J. Gardner and Paul Schultz of the Club and Community Recreational Association, respectively, promise an exceedingly good sports card of boxing and wrestling 1937-193- 8: ub 18-h- fun-maki- fun-enjoyi- ng ALL Through special "value scoop publishers of six of the better nown magazines, the Magna Times tnd Garfield Leader extend one of most sensational magazine offers made to residents of the This special eludes six one-ye- ar es 8200. J1! subscription bargain leading magazines and subscription to either or Leader-- all seven for How's that for an value? McCalls is the 1U field. PlctSal RevSr-- combined with Dellneator--ls aung neW friends as the ultra fiction and fashion pub-w- ?' Woman World is an old tpopular with millions. lry Home Is one of America's farm magazinea Good funding Is all that the name Implies The Farm Journal Is published folks living in small towns tod the country. Judge of good values, we know Wl11 thi u want advantage of 8 offer. The subscriber makes cash saving gzine alone. erf 3.25 PUBLIC INVITED TO NATIONAL PREACHING MISSION an on the 8 Fou on i411 be lad bargain vfhether your to the Times or Leader next month or the following tn PPortunlty that will 0fffre1 8to! We are prlv-t- w It for only a limited to act today! no red tape all you have turn to Page 8 and fill 0ut , return the blank or bring H in the Times Office with 100 '"titles you to a full years pUon to your home town Wen Fears subscription to , fading magazines, time is short Do it today. thu!' sub-wpti- on Salt Lake City and Utah are fortunate In being one of twenty-fiv- e leading cities selected for National Preaching Missions this fall and winter, according to Pastor E. B. Pace of the local Community church who Is a member of the state committee that is responsible for bringing the Mission to Salt Lake City and arranging the program and other details. The mission for Salt Lake County will begin Sunday night. September 28 and continue through Wednesday September 29th, with sessions morning, afternoon and night. The evening mass meetings will be held at the First Methodist Church, Second South and Second East; the forenoon conference for ministers and church leaden at 10 o'clock In the First Methodist church and at the same hour each forenoon In the First Presbyterian church. South Temple and C, sessions for the women will be held. At 3:00 p. m. each day In Immanuel Baptist and Zion Lutheran churches, Second South at Fourth East, will be held slmultanously six seminars or discussion groups on such themes as Using the Bible," The The Christian Christian Message, The Christian and Social Family, Problems," "The Christian and World Problems, each conducted by a member of the visiting team who Is specialist In that particular line. The National Preaching Mission Is under the direction of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America, representing the leading Protestant denominations. The team visiting Salt Lake county is made up (Continued on Page 8) John Edward Weichert, 48, owner and manager of the United Iron Works, 1374 8outh State street. Salt Lake City, former Mugna resident and brother to George D. Welchers of Magna, died unexpectedly Monday evening at his home, 1303 Indiana Avenue, Salt Lake City. Mr. Welchers had worked Monday at his shop, succumbing to a heart attack. He was well known In Magna and i vicinity, Born October 23, 1890 at Clayton, California, he had been a resident of Balt Lake county far 29 years. He was a member of the Masonic lodge. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Eva Welchers; his son, John Cecil Welchers. and a stepson, Harold 8. King all of Salt Lake Citjf hit mother, Mrs. Jane S. Duckworm of Pocatello, Idaho; four broth', Edwin W. Welchers of Maywood, California; Dr. Clarence A Welchers of Susan-vill- e, California; George D. Welchers of Magna and Eldridge L. Welchers of Salt Lake City; .three Joseph H. Duckworth of Salt Lake City, Charles A Duckworth and William O. Duckworth, both of r, Pocatello and a Mrs. May Goosey of Pocatello. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at the Masonic tenle, with Kalbab lodge. No. 25, In charge. Interment will be in Mt Olivet cemetery,. . T. L. Thomas Supervising Work of Oiling Road For Town Prompt action was obtained Monday from the County Commissioners to oil several roads In Magna as well as other needed and necessary Improvements, by the Safety Committee from the Magna-Oarflel- d Lions Club, consisting of A. C. Ensign, George Cromar, O. W. Mem-mo- tt and Dr. D. A. Moffat. Oiling of roads will begin Thursday on lower Franklin street and extend to the Cemetery Road, thru to 2nd West and 2nd South streets In Magna. It Is planned to part of the shift traffic up this road after its completion and avoid traffic hazards caused by the many can coming off shift. In addition to these roads, several other through side roads will be resurfaced and covered with pea gravel. T. L. Thomas, county road supervisor, Is In charge of the work. The Safety Committee la also working on the Immediate Installation of the traffic safety lights, contributed by Andy Dallas, member of the organization. The County Commissioners have promised to Install these lights. The Lions Club announce that their meeting dates have been changed, in order that a meeting night will never conflict with a pay-da- y. A committee composed of B. E. Mix, Roy Larson and O. W. Memmott, Is drawing up a schedule, a copy of which will be mailed to every memre-ro- ber. As their part In the Blind Program of the national Lion organization, the Magna --Garfield dub has extended aid to Dee Christensen, blind of Garfield, in continuing and furthering bis education. boy FAREWELL THIS FRIDAY EVE FOR CARSON HEALY CYPRUS PLAYS AT GRANITE THIS FRIDAY os CHATTER Cyprus will open their current grid encampaign with a counter against the Granite High School squad this rriday afternoon at Granite, according to Coach Rus- Marriage Advice non-leag- U m'uct Uu Editor Ha Htr stf! h fey Defeats. Ett-- ue were Hearing that wedding bell In the offing, a printer friend of Triinn sent the following advice. Although It la principally of Interest sell Magleby. to anyone to the printing or pubstartto as his Indefinite Although with the terms to ing lineup, Coach Rus Magleby has lishing Industry, It Is been grooming a promising team for parathensla, printing words, of writing. clever a piece very really the last two weeks. Among those Here tls: (written to the groom sure to see. action In Friday's ento-bRex Speers counter are Now, old boy. If you should not and Ray Duckworth. Duane Hendera good Impression from her get Jackie son, David Littlefield, Rldd, to Keith Barton, John Papanikolas Ri- first pie and should find It hard sorts tout of get dont perforate chard Gpratley, Richard Norris, Jack but Olson, Jack Humphrey, Louis Kle-ka- s, and throw it to the hell box, look saw and pleasant. use hack n. the Ben-nioWayne Wilde, and Alfred Other promising aspirants are When she asks tor quoin, dont put Orton Richards, Mack Jensen, Sid- on a heavy face, but stock your last copper plate' softly to her hand ney Mats, Jack Downey, Max GoodMcGill Len and and explain the delinquent subscribman, Hales, Stewart ers phenomenon. If she should ever John Cannon.' fly off the handle, dont let her run off, but folder In your grippera,' put her form to pres. and as you make an Impression on her cheek, whisper gently to her ear that he has the prettiest face that has ever rbenzlne to Magna. It Is the best throw-of- f on a balking woman you ever saw. When matrimonial bliss Is tout of Hne, the best Vule is to compose yourself and make-u- p. e:) ins Exciting Game Lures 3000 Fan to Community Park Sunday deTurning what appeared certainramthe victory, feat into glorious baseball paging Plnney Beverage team of Salt Lake City turned back 8 to 7, In 10 Innings at Community park Sunday to taka the lead to the playoff aeries between the two clubi .to decide the Utah InMagna-Oarflel- d, dustrial league championship. fans Three thousand wild-eye- d mw Plnney com back from the short end of a 7 to 3 scor to tally five runs to the last of the ninth and send the game Into extra Innings. The bug crowd had sat spellbound a the MUlmen, desperately seeking , victory, came back to their half of the ninth to erase a 1 Plnney lead with a slam-ban- g rally which resulted to six tallies, apparently dooming the locals to defeat The story book ending gives PlnMill-meney two triumphs against the one In the title series and puts Should Die Tonight the Salt Lake club in the driver's seat as the rivals await the fifth If I should die tonight And you should come to my cold game, slated Sunday at Magna. FOUR INJURED Fine Material Seen For corpse and say, Sundays game was s classic. For IN DRUNKEN Pirate Squad This Weeping and heartsick oer my life- eight Innings Bill McDuffie, Finless clay . ney's crack right hander, had given Season DRIVING CRASH If I should die tonight the MUlmen, defending champs, only And you should come to deepest one run and 8 hits. Lee Johnson, League schedule will open Friday, woe and grief season Magna --Garfield right hander, tolled 1 here, for Pour young people were Injured October the grid And Here's dollars ten on that say: virtually even terms with the PlnThursday morning, 1:10 a. m. near according to Coach Russell Magleby. ' X owe, slab ace, allowing only two runs that ney Pirates the rewith Bingham meeting the Smelter, two seriously, as a to seven hits. arise white and I my large might sult of a head-o- n automobile colli- -' cm the Magna field at that time. cravat with Is well pleased Coach Magleby slon, one car piloted by a drunken Then came the ninth Inning, one And aay, What's that?" the material which has turned out driver. which turned a tight pitchers battle Those Injured were Vaughn Shields for the football squad this year. fracas which sent Into a topsy-turv- y If I should die tonight There are ten returning lettermen-a- s 19, Tooele, lacerated knees, Kath3000 fans Into despair and high glee come to my cold well ai zomenew recruits who And you should leen Honeycutt, 17, Magna, fractured by turns as the rivals desperately Corpse and kneel r have demonstrated splendid possinose, lacerated face, possible fractvictory to the crucial struggle. sought : Clasping my bier to show the grief ured left ankle, R G. Lewis. 19, bilities on the field. . . you feel, Under the new regulations laid With Plnney fans urging McDufTooele, badly lacerated faoe, lower I say. If I should die tonight . fie to bear down, Magna-Oarflebroken Jaw and teeth out and Will- down for high school football In iam LeBreton 22, Tooele, cut over Utah, schools with over 500 enroll- And you should com to me, and unleashed its game-winnigesture. there and then ment are. classified as A division , . left eye. Hy Facer poked a single to right-cente- r, Just even hint at paying me that his lone hit of toe day. Den-z- il Breton, tra valine-- west, plowed and high schools below this enrolltep, B ment as division. Into eastbound Shields the Hancey caught the Plnney headlong I might arise the while, as he bunted and reached first car near the road which branches . This new alignment brought four But I'd drop dead again. off to the 8melter Plant from the schools Into the Jordan B division, safely, Facer pulling up at second. E. King. Gran tsv tile, Murray and Tooele, main highway. Percy Flinders scored Hy with toe Awa The Honeycutt girl, Lewis and Bingham. Cyprus was on the border A City tying run when he bunted and wu safe at first when Harry Ostler JugShields were taken to the Salt Lake line and has chosen to come with Once again General Hospital. LeBreton was ar-a- the B group which makes five teams, A million diamonds gled the ball,' then slipped and fell as he attempted to toss Flinders out, placed In the County Jail, trial under the following six game sched- Sprang from dew wet grass to be held at a later date. Deputy ule: Hancey going to third. Manager Fee- Along the path that led To Beaver creek. rested on a drunken driving charge er, who had ordered Froggy Moor to October 1 Grants ville at Tooele, Hie bat tor Johnson, changed his mind Sheriff W. J. Reynolds investigated. sweet, clear call at Cyprus, Murray, bye. Of a meadowlark and sent the pitcher to bat The Both vehicles were practically de- Bingham October 8 Tooele at Murray, move proved satisfactorily a Lee molished. They- are at Paulos Auto. Against a background Bingham at OrantsvUle, Cyprus, Of woodland symphony worked the rapidly tiring McDuffie bye. for a ticket to first, filling the sacks. Nature was near at hand. N. DUNN October 15 Tooele at Bingham, On a DR. The threat was momentarily haltquiet pool Murray at Cyprus, OrantsvUle, bye. Beneath the alders ed when Horace Woodbury groundMOVES OFFICES October 22 OrantsvUle at Murray, A sudden ed to McDuffie and Hancey was splash Cyprus at Tooele, Bingham, bye. forced at the plate. Oocie Eva And widening ripples. October 29 Cyprus at OrantsvUle, Where a Dr. J. Newton Dunn, popular Maglaid down a bunt, scoring Flinders baas huge na physician, announces the removal Murray at Bingham, Tooele, bye. Had broken water, and the sacks were still filled when Al Shafer took his turn at the plate. of his offices from the Grand Hotel November 6 Tooele at Orants- For us marked Journeys end A1 blasted a to ttfe New Apartments, across the vUle, The city was far away. long foul to deep right Cyprus at Murray, Bingham, street northwest of the Cyprus High bye. which Pete Huxford, evidently think, Baseball Salaries School The offices are to the second tog two men were out, raced after November 15 OrantsvUle at BingBig salaries ar always Interesting and7 caught; Johnson scoring after side. west the apartment from at Tooele, Murray, bye. even if ham, Cyprus are pulled down by toe catch. Evans came This change is effective September home when Coach Magleby Is fast throwing someone they baseball Lemon else. Top-not23. let Huxfords throw-I- n go to his team Into shape for the Bingham players draw some fancy salaries, the grandstand. Wally Walbeck and tUt, and some good material Is showalthough not to the class with those Tux ing up in the practice. The team this paid the most famous motion pict- to TTeseder then singled, sending PINNEY, MAGNA two more runs before Lloyd Shepyear from practice appearances will ure and radio stars. was rushed to toe mound and herd considerable coupled weight, GARFIELD SET DATE carry At present the highest paid Indi- forced Facer to ground out with speed, buUt around men of vidual baseball is Lou Oehrig, All to all, it was one of the best FOR FINAL GAMES first team experience from last sea- the veteran firstplayer baseman and slug1 games ever seen son. by local fans. ger of the New York Yankees, who A division winners wUl meet at He has receives 30,000 a season. . The' much disputed procedure by the University of Utah stadium on played to more consecutive games NAB . which Plnney Beverage and Magna Saturday, November 27, for the than any other player to the history Garfield will conclude their Utah B championship. In the division, the ON Industrial league playoff series to Summit and Salt Lake winners and of baseball, not having missed taking to any game played by his for part the determine the championship o Alplne-Neband south winners team for more than twelve the CHARGES years. 1937 season was clarified here TueswiU clash November 20 at sites to Joe DIMagglo, also of the Yankees day evening when Claude Engberg be selected. The winners wUl meet and Earl Owen of the Plnney dub, for the title either November 24 or Is toe highest paid youngster to the Salt Lake City police Jailed tour -game, now drawing 17,000 to his Magna youths Hy Facer of the Magna Garfield 26, at a site to be selected. Sunday, charged with second season with toe team. He Is thefts. team, Harvey Garrity, league presione of the greatest batters developed Jack Rusty" Williams, 19; Owen dent, and W. Darrell Kidd, secretary, to recent years. met and decided on the setup for the COURT PENALIZES Williams, 23; Leonard Orr, 19. and The largest salary paid to a rookie Ray Brown, 19, all remainder of the series. of Magna were is 10,000 to Bob Fellers, toe sensa- booked on ENGINEER ROAD of larceny follow- charges SunwlU clash here - The two clubs tional young pitcher of the Clevetag their arrest by Salt Lake police land Indians. He has been out of for the day at 4 p. m. and should Plnney commisalleged road state Fred Haynes, all wUl be the game most of the season, how- ment at 312 burglary of an apartBeverage win the series East Second South resident engineer, Sunday paid with a lame arm. in the event that the MUlmen, sion ever, street a fine of 100 in the court of Justice Sunriftfpnding champions triumph The four were picked up by two of toe Peace Marie Brown, Midvale, day, the final game wUl be played of failure to observe a barricade patrolmen after Geraldine Irving, TREE 5 oclock. here Tuesday at occupant of the apartment reported an oiled road six weeks ago. If Plnney wins Sunday, the lo- across 8 to cash, a fur coat and a wool 100-dwas sussentence A JaU BLOOMS AGAIN suit wUl cal club give Engberg a purse had been taken from her apartment of toe fine. payment upon of 180 to be divided among the 8alt pended between 8:15 p. m. Saturday and MID SNOW-RAI- N Lake teams players. 2:33 A m. Sunday. of Catmull, superintendent George Plnney, If It loses, will receive a toe Salt Lake county shops, who When sum of 120. The Balt Lakers wiU What la almost regarded as a legedly caught, theto youths were altoe said Haynes, signed recover a bag complaint returning t" realize a sum of 180 from Tuesday's tale for Ripafter being warned by a watchman, the fur containing coat and suit series If goes that far, progame the ley, could be told by Mrs. George which had been cached behind a drove his car along a freshly oiled vided they win the title. erf Beath a who found Magna, half-mistretch on Haynes road, telephone pole, the officers said. wintergreen apple tree which had They Indicated the four had been Should the series go the limit and near toe Haynes home near Magna. bloomed early In toe spring and under observation for more than an Magna-Garfle- ld players win the title, This Is located in the eastern part bore fruit again bloom irig with hour before the arrest . Damnear of lake. Haynes Magns , Plnney will receive 120 as its share toe colorful, fragrant apple blosTheir trial is to be held later. age to toe road, Mr. Catmull said, of toe Tuesday gate receipts. soms Tuesday. - W. Darrell Kidd of Bingham and was to excess of 700. Little Miss Joann Turner, da Mrs. Beath expresses herself of Lake Swenson Swede Salt Doug ugh Mr. Lyman Breeze Is recuperating as being very much surprised at ter of Mr. and Mrs. Yd Turner, wt City Tuesday were appointed to wink such a happening, but the apoperated on Monday evening for S toe Sunday game at Magna between from an appendicitis operation Magna-Oarfleand Plnney Bever- - Tuesday at St Mark's hospital to ple tree keeps right on blooming . pendidtis at the L. D, 8. Hosplti A speedy recovery Is Salt Lake City. mld rain and practically snow. hoped for hi half-siste- - . ' League Schedule 2-- Of Grid Season ns Begins Oct. 1 . , , ld ng flat-foot- en Far nd - J. cji OFFICERS QUARTET THEFT ' 1 FORMER MAGilA RESIDENT DIES V half-brothe- ms 0 uThe Complete Home Newspaper ft APPLE ay Carson Healy Believe-It-Or-No- Farewell testimonial will be held this Friday evening, September 24, 7:30 p. m. for Elder Carson Healy, son of Bishop and Mrs. L. C. Healy of the Pleasant Green Ward. The affair will be held at the Pleasant Green Wardhouse. Elder Healy has L, D. 8. been called on a two-ye- ar church mission to the New England states. A program will fee presented, followed by dancing. All of Mr. Healys friends are Invited. le ld ed |