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Show PAGE EIGHT MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Society OlatcS aj, Social? fntetest Jo Soca? fPeajife ELLDREDGE BULKLEY JACOBS-BREEZ- E The marriage of Miss Grace Jacobs and John H. Breeze was solemnized in the Salt Lake L. D. S. Temple on Thursday. July first. The ceremony was performed by Stephen A. Chipman. The bride who was unattended wore a lovely gown of white starch- ed chiffon. She carried a bouquet of brides roses and sweet peas and wore a ooronet of rose buds in her air. Following the cen wedding dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Howard for eighteen members of the family. In the evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Owen S. Jacobs, ThThTidrtF stood before an improvised alter banked with palms and ferns and baskets of gladiollas and sweet peas A string trio from the McCune School of Music, composed of Aur- elia Shlmer, violin. Ireta Roylance, Chelest and Verglnia Lelenqulst. piano, played musical numbers during the evening. Mr. and Mis. Owen Jacobs assisted in receiving" the guests. The gift room was in charge of Miss Phyllis Reid and Miss Margaret Reid. Mrs- Emma Breeze and Mrs. L. H. Howard were in charge of the dinning room. The serving table was oovered with a handsome cloth uenltian lace over pink satin and centered with a mound of sweet peas and roses. The room was effectively decorated In a color scheme of pink and white. Miss Dorothy Reid, Miss Norma Reid, Miss Clara Jean Poulton, Miss Lois Roberts and Miss Beth Howard assisted in serving. The wedding cake was passed by little Joan and Jane Howard. One hundred and sixty guests called during the evening. After a short wedding trip thru Yellowstone National Park, Mr. and Mrs. Breeze will be at home to their Ja-oo- Mr- and Mrs. W. W. Allfiredge an nounce the engagement of their daughter, June to Mr. Arthur V. Buckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Buckley of West Jordan. Mr. Buckley is a graduate of the University of Utah and recently returned from the Central Eastern states L. D. 8.' Mission. They will be married August 11 and will reside in Wes1 Lu-che- FINANCE SERVICE If you contemplate the purchase of a new or used car on a deferred payment basis, see us. We are In a position to assist you in arranging the finanelng on most favorable terms. I 0 Mr. and Mrs Joe White and family are spending ten days at Brighton. Mr and Mrs G L. Fraser and daughter Barbara and son Jack and Mr and Mrs Harold Gibbs spent the Independence Holiday at Como Perfect mechanical condition Central Lumber & Hardware Co. MAGNA, UTAH ASK FOR MR. GRAHAM W.W.VMWAAV.YMWAVAVWAW,V.,AVa( .WHY Spend ail day washing when with this South State St., Murray, Utah Phone Midvale 93R1 CORNER 3rd SOUTH, MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH E Look For Our Special Saturday Bargains . WE CARRL ALL THE S & W PRODUCTS B . SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY JULY 10 E E E E OXYDOL , large 18c E Limit ( 1 I E E ) BUTTER , fresh creamery 32c 2 lbs. for 29c WIENIES CORNFLAKES, Millers, 3 for E ... . 25c Limit 3 ) Peanut Butter, good quality, 2 lbs-2- 6c 10 lbs 55c SUGAR, Utah beet (MADE IN UTAH) E White Fawn Flour, 48 lbs B E E E E E $1.79 I $1.69 E (MADE IN UTAH) DESERET FLOUR, 48 lbs UTAHS BEST FLotR We quarantee every sack E E B E E E E E E E E E E E E Mutual Creamery Co. Maid OClover E E Butter-Chees- e MADE IN UTAH 1 E E E E E count- You can order from any employee 2 for 15c Get the One Who Can Help You SELL Your Goods cA telephone brings news and invitations from a few cents a day. American Lady Baking Co. Fishers Vitamin E E D Bread and Cakes. MDE IN UTAH Fresh Daily E; E B E Louis Falvo, manager Call 42 AND WE MILL BE GLAD TO DELIVER. The Little Store With The Big Stock Jr(rrrJrrFJrzdrJrJrJfipJfJr E B m . Size: 5 CUBiC FEET . . ,T. $6c Size: 7 CUBIC FEET $7s!oo Sprmgs (No Charge for This Service) POTATO CHIPS .. MHomt REFRIGERATORS Mrs. D L. Wilson has returned from a ten day trip to San Francisco, San Diego, and La Jolla, California. She visited with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Howells less trips for E E Uofcv in 2 RECONDITIONED ELECTRIC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black are visiting relatives in Nephi this week. I LL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU tJfifJrJcJFirirJfJfirJfJfJrJfJiJf5 Magna Cash Market E E E SHOW YOU - i The Relief Society of the Hercules Ward will meet ONLY on the second Tuesday of each month until September This meeting will be, a regular ward and business meeting. and saves J. REX HAMILTON, Dist. Mgr. 4762 E LET US Turned a ten day vacation in San Francisco. Las Angeles and Boulder Dam. The famed San Francisco oT' Club will act as host to newspapermen at the ls39 Mrs. J, M. Whltebeck entertained CM. lOtoMttatf at a birthday party honoring the cording to present plan, fifth birthday of her little daughter Peggy Mae, on Friday afternoon. Twenty .small guests were In attendance. Games were played and FOR RENT- -2 rooms, partly too-refreshments served. dem. Adults only. 2041 South Fu ' Mr- and Mrs. LaVar Kearns and children are spending a week In East, Magna. Sterling, Utah visiting with relatives. Bacchus Notes appointments Farmers Automobile Inter Insurance Exchange E We have the ability to help you sell your goods and we can do this at a reasonable cost to you. Economy and standardization are the watchwords here. We use Hammcrmill Bond, the standard, economical, business paper and we turn out a grade of printing that brings results for our customers. m, friends, makes OUR CONTINUING" POLICY WILL SAVE YOU APPROXIMATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOUR INSURANCE COST. B Blindfolded Eph-ria- - -- Dont Pick Out a Printer Martha Doxford Mrs. Marlon Clauson and son Bobby and daughter Nancy of Boston. Mrs Robert Ridge entertained the Mr. and Mrs. DeLoy Thome of Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christensen of Los Angeles, Calif., and W. B. A. at its regular meeting at California are visiting with Mr. her home on Wednesday evening Thornes parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Miss Florence Christensen of Salt Lake have been house guests of Following the business meeting a B. Thome. Mis. Ida L. Anderson social time was enjoyed. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs J. D Thomas Mrs Eleanor Coon will leave Satand Mrs Fred Barton. A lat lun- urday for a two weeks vacation with Mrs. Ida L. Anderson entertained si cheon was served. Mrs. Arthur relatives and friends In Monroe and at two tables of bridge on Tuesday will be hostess to the W. B. A. Richfield. afternoon. High score was won by Westway Sewing Club at a lunchMrs. Irene Peay of Garfield and eon at The Reid House on July 22 Mr. and Mrs. Val Garfield had second high by Mrs. A. Peterson as dinner guests on the 4. Mr. and Mrs Zelnia Payne entertained the Mrs- Howard Casey of Tooele and members of her club at luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nelson of Salt Wednesday afternoon. Covers were Lake City. jor Mrs. J Robinson, Mrs. SelMr. and Mrs. R C. Parks and son ma Peterson, Mrs. Grant Barnes, Mis. Grace Thomas, Mrs. Anne Wil- Roger and daughter Harriet enjoyThe ed a fishing trip on the Weber over liams, and Mrs Virginia Ball the week end. afternoon was spent in sewing. MAK IS CONTI Miss Mary Johnson of Salt Lake spent the week end with her brother, Ralph Johnson of Arthur ho tor for a two weeks visit in Califof Monroe ornia cities. They will visit with Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs Mrs. Hooks parents, Mr and Mrs. W. D. Gough, and Miss Nielsons C. F. Sheffield and family. aunt, Mrs. M. D. McLean and Mrs. Miss Nora Brown, who has spent Henry Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry the lasfTwo and one half years in Murphy,' Mr. and Mr O. A. Sutherthe Central States Mission for the land and Mrs. Ray PurvlanceL. D. S Church will return to Magna on Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Drifill and returned to their home in San FranMr. and Mrs Bert Brinton of Salt cisco after a two weeks visit with Lake were week end guests of Mr. Mr. Driffills sister, Mrs Robert and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Ridge many friends in Magna. The marriage of Miss Vera Makis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Makis, and Dan Conti, son of Mr and Mrs. Tony Conti took place on Wednesday, June 13 in Salt Lake City in the presence of members of the two families Bishop John A Harter performed the ceremony. Ths bride wore an attractive white knit ensemble with w hlte accessories and a corsage of brides roses The young couple left immediately following the ceremony for a wedding trip thru Yellowstone National Park. Upon their return a reception was heldat the home of the brides parents on first East Street The honored couple were tlie of many beautiful gifts. They will make their home In Magna. In family spent the Holiday Utah. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bruin Jr., of of Los Angeles are the guests and Mr. parents, the Mrs. De Bruins Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Mr Mrs. Val Garfield entertained was and Mrs. Glen Vincent, and Mr. and members of "her club at luncheon Mrs. O. A. Jones. Mrs De Brum JonesElvera on Miss Row Mrs. Norman Webber spent the In- at her home on the B & G formally dependence Holiday in Weber CanThursday afternoon. Covers were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hatch and son laid for Mrs George Yeates, Mrs. yon. afMrs. Norman have returned to San Francisco Llolln Hendrickson, Mr. with weeks two Mrs. Russell Magelby, ter spending Mrs. Howard Brinton and baby Weggland, Mrs. Norman Hainsworth, Mrs. and Mrs. O. A. Jones. son were week end guests at the Edith Richardson and Mrs Leslie home of Mrs Dave Hatton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bevan and Nelson of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kearns re Mrs. Delsa Hook and Miss Edith All the members nf thp rlllb and Nlelsondeft-Frldayommghyr- Mrs am MrF and MrsTtynn Larson Announcing R. S. POWELL APPLIANCE SHOP Dealer for Magna, Bingham and Tooele. MAGNA, UTAH |