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Show MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, U1 AH Sociefij Mrs. Matt Pettcrsson. Mrs. Albert Haslara and Mrs. Arthur Marsh entertained at a miscellaneous shower Monday evening at the Womens Clubrooms In honor of Mrs. Echo) Underwood of Salt Lake City. The evening was spent playing bunco and bridge. Prizes were awarded for bridge to Mrs. Robert Dea. high score, Mrs. Roland Crump, second high and Mrs. James Duke, consolation. Prizes at bunco were awarded , Mi-sts"Mrs: teis' Rigby, high scut-eLaura Hulsh, second and Mrs. Mark Bailey, consolation. Refreshments were served at one long table to thirty guests. Mrs. Arthur Marsh entertained her foursome Monday afternoon at her home on 2nd East street. A twelve o'clock luncheon was served. High score was won by Mrs. Matt Petter-sso- n. her dancing Smith of 927 Washington street, Salt Lake City, entgftalned at a lawn paity .Saturday afternoon. Fifty three of her students were In attendance. Refreshments were served. Robin Knight, Jean Peterson, Ila Jane Knight .attend' d Miss Knight and Miss Pedersen won first prizes. Complimentary class. Ja aj.cWiaf , to Miss Evelyn dictators. ocaf fPcaj It Is now possible to talk to China A song was sung by Mrs. G(;Ttjle Mr. and Mrs. Emil Williams and by telephone. Imagine the day If for In honor of Mrs. Emily last left Condle Friday daughter, Nancy this ever becomes a party line! also former president and a tribute, an extended visit In San Francisco. Mrs. read was by her. of honor Yelin George Perrlck left Sunday for Louise B. Inkley. Mrs. Sarah Newbold of Taylorslowstone National Park. He expects Mr. of weekend . a was In honor of Mrs. Libel Bangerter, time-guest ville, some to be gone for first counsellor, Jessie Schmidt playand Mrs. Earl Newbolded a vibraphone solo and Mrs. Mrs. Viola McMaster and Mrs. R. r- B, Pace .Rev, and Mrs. Monday to attend the Utah Bapshower In honor of Mrs. N. O. Rasmussen, formerly Miss Carol Cook, tist Summer Assembly held in Ogden Canyon lor the next two weeks. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. hon-on Fairvlew street. The Mrs. Floyd Clifton left last week ed guest received many lovely gifts. for an extended visit in Petoskie, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. McLean and daughters. Betty, Margaret and Mary Ellen of Los Angeles, California, Mr and Mrs. J. G. Brown and sons have betcn the guests of Mrs Mc-- ! and Billy of Oklahoma City, Bobby Lean s si tcrs: Mrs. Mary E. Nielson, have been the guests of Oklahoma, Mrs C R Moyes of Magna and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Haws. They left A famof Garfield. George S Taylor Mrs. Haws I, jv outing was held in their honor Monday for Los Angeles. accompanied them to the coast. Cottonwood in Big Canyon. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Tomlinson of Mrs. WiMam Cook, Mrs. C. M. Fork have been guests at American Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd AdLittledyke of Ibapah, Utah, were amson. Floyd and Wayne Adamson guests la.it week of Mrs. Evelyn returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Cook. letfc-wft- tb oi i, CELBRATE Kf At two o'clock Tuesday, a party was given In honor of the retiring officers of the Granger Ward Relief Society. All mothers and society members of the ward were invited to be in attendance. Special guests voted wcie Stake Roard members and MONDAY, JULY 5th J&- WE HAVE JUST - mi RECEIVED THE New July Dresses. SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR DELAYED PARACHUTE JUMP BY g.08 TOMMY KEITH OF GARFIELD. HE A WILL TRY FOR WORLD RECORD JULY 4 and 5 7:00 p.m. warm-wea-thc- LOOK FOR NEW Blanket Circular r styles fu e'erv hour of the H i v 1 K e m t e r s. g aiul shantungs. In (ho very latest 12 to 11. col-oi-- FOR JULY ! J.C. PENNEY CO It - HAMBURGERS -- 4) CELEBRATE JULY & 3 AT rspw SLACKS, Asstd. colors, sizes... 2 pr ANKLETS, sizes 5 to 10 QUEENS LACE HOSE, pair 25c 2, $1.95 CHIFFON. HOSE, new summer colors HER MAJESTY HOSE,, MENS WORK GLOVES, pair full-fashione- 49c d. . . .$1.75 lfc (Also, 2 pair WASH CLOTHS, 3 for 25c ifc HARDWARE WATER SET, PADLOCKS BEEBE SHELLS, box COFFEE POTS, aluminum. 19-pie- $1.50 and ce $1.59 25c & . . .' 49c KITCHEN MAID FLOUR, 48 lb. sack $1.40 SODA CRACKERS, 2 lb. box. 21c .20c PINEAPPLE, lge. can 14c SPINACH, lge. can DILL PICKLES qt. can . . 15c, 2 for. . . ,27c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 10 bars. . 33c lb BUTTER, 34c BANNER MILK, 4 cans 25c COFFEE, O Id Settlement, lb 18c ROOT BEER, lge. bottle, with empties, 3 for. 25c ROOT BEER, without empties, 3 lge for 49c WAX PAPER, lge 9c . .15c, Small MEATS . ...29c " .20c CORNLR 3rd SOUTH. MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH 3 Look For Our Special Bargains Every Saturday Specials For Saturday, July 3, 1937 BANANAS, fresh, choice, lb CORN FLAKES, 3 for ti PROOF SUGAR, Utah beet, 10 GREATER Cube - Struggle Ends and Freezes more of ice, faster... stores more reserve pounds s. PROOF GREATER PROOF GREATER label: PROTECT-ABILIT- GREATER TRAY NEW QUICKUBE sealed-i- n backed WUhrmUntCub.-."- - ttSS&ZZ Pittotiy. DEPEND rc t' 25c Y , C.y t V,; , ice ry- . "Super-Pff- Mtr VYthN qu.de. cV ection. - ABILITY SAVE-ABILI- by endio It - A L Mutual Creamery Co. t Maid OClover Cuts Current Cost tothe Bone! You see an clcctricC, meter froit it before you buy ! Butter-Chees- e made in UTAn American Lady Baking Co. R. S. POWELL Usher's iiamin D Bread and Cakes. MADE IN UTAH Fresh Daily jCa'ujzbb APPLIANCE SHOP GARFIELD, UTAH ft 11 10c ROOT BEER, 24 23c oz., 3 for We Carry a Complete Line of S & W Product mechanism. Built and by General Motors. ONLY miOIDAIRI MAS TKK IllcUl-lHile- 204 more u cfnizxica6, PEAS, 3 cans, Mountain brand, TOILET PAPER, 3 for PROOF ItiitiJ WINE COMPANY 19c Protection Plan on the GREATER -- 0XYD0L, large, pkg. PROOF always look for this name on the i . 56c Keeps food safer, fresher, longer, even in hottest weather. sure of good wine at moderate price Its.. 2c Y Inte-tior- O be l-- 25e Zee, STORAGE-ABILIT- . New 9 Way Adjustable Meets every storage need. m I 5 lge., 100JI i DRYGOODS Magna Cash Market t ? 3 er'ximlficcnx !3cJliDirfaatiEnir Children-FRE- E PJrJrJrJrrJfrr?ZJ C 2-- - HOT DOGS n , Specials For Friday, Saturday, July LUNCH MEAT, lb CHEESE, lb il 0 K'lfcd 5th yiuuj) ' 0 HpsJS GROCERIES MONDAY, JULY CROCKS Adults-l- Oc OUAITUlt, 1-- BE CLOSED DRAFT BEES It 4TH SOUTH STREET I IN MAGNA OUR STORE WILL COLD DRINKS fT SUNNYSIDE MERC. GRANGER NOTES BOWERY -- WHISKiej r trtrririr:ririrdrJrirJtrzirJt - FREE LUNCH OF 90 PROOF -- KEEP COOL BATHS children. Ward and Ann, have returned home after spending a weeks vacation with her parents In Preston, Idaho. trtrtfr-to-her-fo- 1 ai STRAIGHT - 1 1 A1 BLEND Mrs. Vera Nielsen and two small enMiss Wilma Bawden spent an In friends with Mr- and Mrs. .Elmo Bawden and week visiting joyable Idaho. daughters recently returned home from a trip. While they were away, they visited with relatives in. Ely, A large percentage of the Granger Nevada. Ward attended the Oqulrrh Stake outing held Friday at the Boxelder Lambert paid FOR SALE Home on Reid Avenue. von It was a fine outing and everyAlso trailer. Big bargain. See her labors. one in attendance enjoyed thems Afton. Wilma The Bawden-SistFrank Hemmlngway. and Louise, accompan.id by Alice, selves Me sang. "1 11 Go Where You Want Ella Mr. and Mrs. J. Cutler and family Mrs. of favorite To Go, so.g P Bcnnion, In horn: of her This of Salt Lake City visited last week FOR SALE 4 room modem house Mrs. Stanwith s'eeping porch on Belva Avewis followed by a n.bute given by at the homp of Mr. and IVlr. Cutter and Mr. nue Double lot. See J. A. (Tex) Marley gawdeii. Mrs. Irene C. Bawden. Mrs. Fannie Willum- former sec- Bawden weie friends several years shall. Bargain. a cell) and ago wfien they worked together in V, retary, was honored violin duet by Gloria Orr and Fern the Southern States mission. . Woodbury. Mrs. Tl.'ha Hill then An enjoyable time was spent by all paid tribute to her Short responses the members of the Beta Lambda .were made by thfi t...ng officers. Mrs. Gertrude loud entertained Club when they had a day of recreawith a humorous reading and the tion and visiting points of Interest I a a In Salt Lake City Thursday. This was substituted in place of tfielr regular meeting. - TomfiYison. t I close by program was brought to a solo. vocal a who sang Vlnnie Sanson a The program was followed by decorated were tables banquet. The and in the Relief Society colors, gold also wrapwere books blue and gift the first president of life Granger Por- - ped in these colors. Mrs. Mary Ward Relief Society, Mrs, Emma McArthur, luncheon was served. I Mrs. Anna Salisbury of Hollywood, California, formerly of Magna, has Looking back on the res'iiition returned to her home after an exand pressure the British government tended visit with her daughters, Mrs has recently p'aeed on the royal K ly Corfle Id Vnd Mrs Kail New bald family, we agree Edward was right, there's no future in the Job Mrs Jean Strong was hostess to the F. L. A Club at her home on The paranoiac, says an American Fust East street l.r-- Thursday eve- doctor. Is one with delusions of granmug. Bridge wits enjoyed and pilzes1 deur But In Europe they call them to Mrs. LaVon Dea and S PAGE Elr.Uf Friday, July 2, 1937 ..... f Louis Falvo, manager AND WE WILL BE. GLAD TO DEUVI The Little Store With The Big Stock". |