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Show jkyiU ri ebenueai. Wuh ,r hnd with finger. ,t the tip into oopadan ther like the no i "nj Bn4, Q. , ' ictive, nervou f" 0v r,,7, tf jl fa s fairy ft 'umber At, to HI ainft, center . nutrinna, century before Christ His of a political natura In .a when tunt rf the Greek tyrants, wa dangerous. failed tpeech , twidred and fifty year later a aetriu of Phaleron collected L lumber of fable and called were n by Aesopt name. Thee but jed into Latin by Phaedrua. not be said definitely that any 'towidei.' Sixth oH aour4 -- county d nty ment sp, j ry for Beit r two cf fa rr'i doorbs ihln" hat C called "e i for in cd 10 orld. Prtttk' fc epUoni in ose official South At Piece of Engineering great rnerttooed ildinf at I the 18th d carry railroad :jt designed to And it was only Sc. i I for Louis Philippe Baas n year. lo :sthres ' took because were being built so much ner that it had to be replaced i steel arch in 1898. President nic eertnxt finished hi which reports that Louis king of France, history jpe.1 afterward rew ted Wtrd Coshocton, Ohio, In t ither bum ible pasu(r lar char-- r clashed with the notions 8, a the schoolmaster during hi t h the second decade of the century. His stay was said to e been shortened after his arts-Sti- c of ew wont ik truly." I t And let --and tha :her democracy. connect:' Swv Awes In Jerusalem no is so rare in ind confesL on. 1 for Wert ng (faqur in reerett recreation; to sauce; have as? was not er. Jerusalem that real snowfall is so in fact, that when the aU visit the holy city In this be native residents look upon of awe. A f i nothing short of disaster. . 8 Disease Incur able are incurable patients, but curable diseases. Every dls- b curable, as long aa the i not too low to react to ural living and treatment, and aa t as destruction of vital parts wgan has not too far ad- E Lindlahr, M. D. kr frees Reduce Wind Velocity aervice says that an ciive windbreak reduce surface 1 Velocity 10 to 50 per cent for w Forest Isa as by sooej tosee of thirty timee the hlght Trees 65 feet high re- pj1mams1! fa ground wind 10 per cent or ora fa to far a third of a mile. end tft d shrevM - , the tM s Just s Ideatfa ts of nnfk Chagark memhefi nnl fatk Education's Proper Aim certan duties and loyal-'faw- d our native land common citizen, and education I1 ve ,uch a direction as to very c'tizen to fulfill his J ard his fatherland.-K- oa- has bed 'd.thPPOtanius U ' novel n suggeitef up to to, lIdpSH!ri CWelfheLSh Lnrnt i atursUy to flu f panic When wounded or enraged t! re6arded bT aporta- h,r(rha,P3 the m08t be encountered. subjct lievel I Is Dangerona HipP ogists. then luk. alary gray UE Che, A vocabuik . sat rfW g effect '. -- London, England. anua8e the flre- - "(:,rly half of the anHand f U USed 10 echools. i;k7eioShih0en,p;pulationof Soaking 8aU Fish When soaking salt fish add a small glass of", vinegar to the soaking water and It will draw out more of the salt. God 'I ' iliE Tower "The W rong T rain By 1X0 TD GIBBONS . know, boys and girls, hope is a wonderful thing, and you Ill be doggoned if l know what the human race would With Fancywork Before start oir linen iraw-the-thre- ada for hemstitching, wet a small brush, rub it over a bar of soap until a lather is produced, scrub the threads of linen that you wish to draw, and they will pull out easily. Washing Windows Add n little starch to the water used for washing windows. It not only helps remove the dirt, but gives a lasting it When things look the blackest when it polish. seems to you that you havent a chance to pull through-th-en Clean a white-fisita hope that keeps you going until your luck turns or BoiledT Whiteflsb sufficient water to cover things begin to straighten themselves out. add salt and vinegar and a bunch do without the throat of one man. This was tha climax of tha greatest show on earth, a show tor which a generous share of the throng which lined the six and one-hamiles of the processional route had waited without moving from their places through the dampness of London spring night and. Indeed, through part of the preceding day. Those of the King's subjects who had not been able to afford 2 to $250 for a seat that would assure them a glimpse of their new monarch on his proudest day began marking off space along the curb on the afternoon of May 11. Smart alecks who thought they could put off their vigil until sunrise- of Coronation Day were doomed to stretch their necks an inch or two In twelve hours of atralning to see over several rows of earlier arrivals. A Quiet Empire. It was a heavy day of work at g the end of many weeks of preparation for the 9,000 gentlemen and ladles of the peerage whose rank and purse entitled them to sit for an entire day in 10 to 23 pounds of clothing per capita, on a hard seat 19 Inches wide without ever moving. But It was s magnificent show. The Lord give you fruitful lands and healthful seasons," said the archbishop In the benediction which followed the crowning of the King, "victorious fleets and armies, and a quiet Empire. . . " No one In Britain could deny that in a time of world-wid- e unrest, a time of urgent necessity for imperial strength and unity, the political expediency of "a quiet Empire" prompted the government to make of this the most splendid coronation In all history. The government expense e crowning of George VI has been estimated to be double that In the coronation of his father 26 years ago; Its backing of the dazzling pageantry required expenditures of $2,620,000 of public funds, not counting an estimated $500,000 spent by the royal household In entertaining royal and foreign guests. In the vast coronation pageant ffi government hoped to lend new emphasis to that sentiment which is the real bond bolding the empire together, and which is symbolized by tha crown and tha man who wears It Thera la still an undercurrent of dissatisfaction over the abdication of Edward VIIL The new icing and Queen must be popularised to the fullest possible extent The coronation wae an opportunity to accomplish this, and tha government could afford to let none of it slip past i The show and the crowd lived up to all advance billing. It was estimated that there were 300,000 visitors who had to cross the ocean. All Londons 12,000 hotel rooms were sold out Souvenir manufacturers and vendors did the expected land office business. The drink bin for toasting the new King was guessed at $10,000,000 Qneea Goes First Pomp and regal solemnity were byword of the day from the time the King and Queen boarded the coronation coach at Buckingham Eight magPalace in horses drew nificent cream-colore- d vehicle down the ancient four-to- n the streets It has traversed since 1761, when It was built for Queen Anne. In its heavily ornate gold and Jewels it carried the spectators back through the pages of history to those days before the American colonies had revolted and prevented the British Empire from including the lions share of North America. The ancient coach, a tradition at coronations, bore the royal couple down the mall to the Abbey, where the Queens procession left the King to enter first, so that she could stand and wait for him by the chairs of state, or recognition chairs, In front of the royal box where the other members of the royal family were seated. Peers and peeresses wera In their places before the central figures of the coronation drama arrived. And before them the real martyrs had assumed their positions. These were tha eight newspaper photographers the government had permitted to be present. Abhoring the thought of flash bulbs marring ths solemnity of such an occasion, but still anxious that pictures be taken, officials hit upon solution. They provided camouflaged quarters for camera men In false pillars and other positions which blended Into the background of the Abbey. Narrow slits In the walls of these refuges enabled the cameras to peer out at the spectacle. But the poor photogst" They had to be "set up before anyone en- - I V sav the King! Am the great guns of the h. lf In-th- it falls it it the occasion din exclamation and expres never out Muss. it I or : ic raccoon rt, nathed region h f rly thePrwi excluiitrt cry plesuh Five JCllion Voices Cry, God Save the King!" as Guns Boom Glad Tidings From Historic Tower bf London. back-breakin- International Bridge at Falls was a daring piece of ring. The span was 821 feet, t height of the towers 80 the first suspension . It was h--; ol Balldi it, Thus, session. :e Unguafas Fortune rmaneli navigation. says "True as the Is talking pis to the star, it icue because, although the star lied, foe compass Is not. Never its variations are well t t, so that the compass rein the seaman's most valuable the song i faow Indefei a Compass between the true north tbt magnetic north is called the petic variation, and haa to be angle earioM have About fide tens Bujb hi be Emotional and a writer In GEORGE VI, ELIZABETH CROWNED of London boomed Si nerve" on live your news that the Archforth the CuttiA to of Canterbury had your-- f bishop agaiwt the Crown of over-im- placed weighty d alo againat St. Edward, the Crown of jrene. England, upon the head of Fablea Aesop VI, the cry came George a u little more than in forth a mighty swell from He wa a slave tow cf I name. . Samoe who probably lived In five million throats as from ' lag" which you Weekly Maga-- fl re bound only by the which you. convention to make- - Inventi ve. frequenUy brilliant faUcr!.1 ;h kind c,P,clty ting prodK10" Sdon th. - , CZZto 175; 0 crooked. to i Hope haa saved many a Ufa and Fin going to tell you about one it saved, today. The life of a man who got himself into a horrible situation Just by taking the wrong train. The man is Jee Seltstnger of Chicago. One evening L4e In Nevember, In the year 1991, Jee wae stand lag en the platform of the railroad etaUea la the UtUe town of Tyrone, Okla waiting far a trala. It was a cold might and Joe shivered and palled hie cent tighter aboat him aa ha paced np and down that platform. life It Wasnt the Local Train. of parsley and a quartered onion. Cook until the flesh separates easily from the bones. Drain and place on a hot platter, garnished with parsley and serve with a sauce. Tomato and Lima Bean Caise- role Drain the liquid from a No. 2 can of green baby lima beans and combine the beans with a can of tomatoes. Add a little butter and seasoning, then mix. Place In buffered casserole. Cover. Joe was waiting for Na 1 ths local but It wss late that svenlng. Unknown to Joe, It hod been sidetracked to let No. I the limited pass It At last a train came In sight snd began to slow down. That must be the Iocs, Joe thought The other trains never stopped at little stations like Tyrone. The engine came up to the depot platform, moving very slowly, a string of cars along behind. Outer Leaves of Lettnco The The vestibule doors of the cars were still closed, but Joe thought the outer leaves of lettuce, often train would stop In a few seconds and then those doors would open. trimmed off and thrown away, art To save himself a walk down the platform, he swung aboard one of more than 30 times as rich in the cars, standing on the little ledge that protruded from below the vitamin A as the inside leaves. closed door, and at the same time, grabbing the two hand holds on either side. Removing Mustard Stains But the train didnt coma to n step. Instead, tt rolled right Mustard stains can be removed, en peat the station platform and began to pick np speed! from table linen washing in hot Thats when Joe should havs acted. He knew right away that he had twater and soapbyand rinsing in made a mistake realized that he had hopped on the Golden State warm water. Limited Instead of the locsL WNUSsrrice. I should havs Jumped from tha train right there, he says, "but 1 Klng George VI and Qneea Elizabeth, officially crowed la wss waiting for a better place to do it Ws were gliding over switches historys most spectacular and colorful coronations. and spur tracks at the moment and I was afraid I might trip on them snd tered the Abbey and maintain their ward, with which English kings are turn an ankle. if cramped positions for eight or nine invested. Going Too Fast for Joe to Jump. hours. They were not permitted Then came more dignitaries, and Joe might even have broken a leg If hed Jumped there and got Yes, to withdraw until everyone else hat the Kings sceptra with the dove his feet tangled up with those switches snd spurs. But what he did left symbolic of mercy and equity; the do nearly earned him n broken neck! By the time the train came to Finds Relief Kings gold and diamond orb, sur- a suitable spot in which to Jump, It was going to fast that Joe didnt DARE Historys Greatest Gem Display. Safer All. A general color scheme of blue mounted by the Christian cross; the Jump. Inside of two minutes it had picked up its fuQ speed and was clipcrown of St. Edward, the patent and regetabJeWay and gold with rich, soft velvet hang ping off the miles at the rata of sixty or mors an hour. . the chalice and the Bible. Shshad ffven np hops And there Joe hung, digging his toes Into a little ledfa hardly more lngs made a brilliant background of anything bat partial Then entered George VI In the than an Inch wide, on n bitter cold relief onui sha learned for the cast and for the spectators night, while the wind tore at him and of famous in their gorgeous J uniforms and crimson robes of state, to Join his HO Tablets (Natan's Remedy), flat acre after yean of chronic Peeresses wore robes of Queen, and march through the choir gowns. nhstschsngal New pep crimson velvet, trimmed In ermine, and up the stairs to the theatre. new color and vitality freedom front fcxnref the and intestinal then tluntabimaa Passing, thrones, pomona. Thm they unless they happened to be of royal table bnutivs geatly stlniuiataa ths satin kneeled at the faldstools before the blood. In which event they were re bowel, fjvescom- to offer prayers. 8 qulred td don the pUrpleveTvet of recognition-chairs eknne tract. Get Next they proceeded about the Ab25c bos. All Vli royalty. The court gowns worn underneath were of white, cream, sil- bey to all four sides before the ver or gold. Fashion experts es- view of the assemblage. The King timated that the most economical went to his chair and once more Sign of Are of them cost at least $1,200. Uni- faced each side of the Abbey as ths Old people take vacations when In anloud tones, Archbishop, forms of the men started at about they dont want them. Young peonounced him. $600 and went up from there. ple never do. After the regalia had been This did not, of course, include and placed by the dean of brought the Jewelry or the coronets. The Westminster upon the altar, the cheapest coronet could hardly have Archbishop asked the King, accordbeen purchased for less than $100. ing to ritual, "Sire, is your The total of all the rings, bracelets, willing to take the oath?" Majesty and tha worn necklaces, etc., by the 9,000 King answered, "I am willing. Hs present must have run Into the mil- gave his oath to govern the peoples lions, and was probably the most of the British Isles and the Empire costly and magnificent display of according to their laws and cusHis Flight Was Weff Nigh Hopeless. toms;, to maintain the profession of the Gospel and the Church of Eng- threatened to wrench him loose. He pressed his face to the glass door, KILLS INSECTS land. After he had kissed the Bible but he couldnt rap on It The wind was so strong that he didnt dare and signed the oath, the King re- let go of either one of the hand holds. on nowiis nuns He yelled yelled at the top tt hla veloe but the trala was peated and subscribed to the decYIGIUIUJ SHKOIS making a mock noise and the wind whipped hla vole sway s laration required by parliament a ene him. heard that fast DnunU trtgbml MtlfS and, with the assemblage, preheSSSe ffoe began wondering If he could hang on unto (he train reached free, peer dealer communion for the service. pared Hooker, the next station, a few miles away. Then, with a sickening 3lW Following this lengthy service, sensation In the pit of his stomach hs realized that this train didnt the King, having first removed the even hesitate at Hooker. Its next stop was Dalhari, Tex., ninety miles Show Intelligence cap and robes of state, ascended to BEYOND Hooker. And he knew darned good and well that he could You dont hear babies using the the throne of St. Edward, the an- never hang on that long. cient chair which contains beneath baby talk that grown people utter Hope Was All He Had Loft. its seat the historic Stone of Scone to them- t The concussion of the sir on my body, he says, was forcing me upon which the kings of Scotland sat as they were crowned a thousand back sgainst the rear hand hold. It was bitter celd. I envied every peryears ago. After i silken pall had son on that train whether It was a baby in s comfortable berth, or a bum on the rods beneath the train. been put over the King, the ArchJoes plight was pretty well nigh hopeless but hopelessness doesnt bishop anointed him upon the behands, breast and face with the holy stop a guy from hoping. And hope was all Joe had left now. He Dont Neglect Them! oE and he was ready to be pre- gan hoping the train would, for some reason, stop at Hooker. Nstne Mm tk kidney, to da a The train rolled on. Now it was Just a mile outside of Hooker. sented with the spurs and tbs Job. TMt took la to katp tha aimloe Now it was coming into the town. It passed Hooker without even slowsword. Dawiiif Mood itmi, fraa ol aa nae aI on next station ths the toward lia Guymon. talk impart tkn. Tha act ot living wmmo ing down, and zipped right along The Crew of St. Edward, King Receives His Crown. eoMUntly producing ilulfit would stop at Guymon. the Joe train line. Then hoping began for Charles made el matter tha kidney, mart remeva (ram Crew England, .VI removed These given, George tit. Mood it tmd health I, to an dm. It wss a pretty fortora hope, but It gave Joe something to n la 1(62 sad worn, becsose el Its the pall and was clothed for the first When tha htdiwy, UU to lonction to live (or. Natura intended, than In retention el excessive weight, for bat a fleeting time In the royal robe of purple. e din. Wo ran over some pretty rsugh country In the twenty miles between ante that may cnom moment by George VI daring the The orb and cross were brought bon. One may auSar netting backache Hooker and Guymon, he says. There were a couple of high trestles of attacks dieamaaa. headache, coronation ceremony. pemrteat Westof Dean from the altar by the getting ap aifhta, smiling, puffinaa dandy places tat a fellow in my position to commit suicide if he wereat under the ay taci Urad, narvoua, ail minster and placed in the King's minded to stick it out and see the natural outcome of the adventure." gems ever worn in one place at non eat. hands by the Archbishop. He was But Joe didnt divt off of any trestles. Hope was still with him. Frequent, scanty er banting paamgas one time In the worlds history. with the ring and the may ba further evidence al ltidney as Rank of the members of the no- next invested telling him the train might stop. And Joe played along, even though he bladder dieturbenee. Tha reeogniaed and proper treatment knew Hop was a doggone liar and It would be a miracle if that train bility was Indicated by the amount sceptres. la s diuretic madkina to help the kidneys Then as the King bowed his head of ermine on the robes of the womanywhere between there and Dalbart stopped set rid ol sxceas poisonous body waste, of Westminster brought lias Doans PtiU. They havs had mote en and the length of their trains. A the Dean Miraole. the Came Then thaa forty years of public approval. Am of St. Edward, and the duchess was marked by four rows the Crown endorsed the country ever. Insist SO it from him, Joes hands were getting stiff with the cold and he was having Pass's. Sold at all drug atocuo. of ermine on her robe, and a train Archbishop, receiving knew He when curves. that on the around passed they the difficulty hanging two yards long. ' A marchioness was held it but momentarily upon terGuymon he wouldnt be able to play that game of hope much longer. rows head of the King (its weight is permitted three and Soon his numbed hands would let go and he'd Just drop off. rific). of ermine and a This was the signal for the trumpThey were approaching Guymon now, and Joe figured his time on half a countess train; in was Just about up.. The train was roaring down on the station, the of Tower earth the ets and guns row less of ermine, half a yard the miracle happened. and when the for suddenly, peeresses London, peers less train; rank was further graded The brakes began t grind the train began t slew down-e- nd God save the King!" and to cry a and half row a at half yard down THE CHEERFUL CHERU5 np ahead Jee coaid see a red light and the arm of a semafor the millions who, along the proper classification. at the atop signaL eet had been line cessional outside, phore The head of the procession, which for that moment, to toss They stopped at the depot, and several men ran out to taka Joe hurts my conscience had included a great list of digni- waiting down from bis insecure perch. In the air and cry likebats their were taries, the Kings representatives of cinders snd full he as My eyes - 1 was stiff a board. says. rich God save the King! The and royal persons with their fam- wise, were. now allowed to put on my face black as coaL I was frozen. I was taken Into the depot, thawed peers had the world over ?dl all from ilies out. questioned, and complimented on my luck. When I asked: Whst their coronets. been waiting at the west door of had Someone a Hooker me at showed message. There followed mors religious made her stop? they eqvfrl r-nthe Abbey, and as the royal coach ceremonies of great length and sol-- " seen me and wired ahead. their to in await filed And joma folks atirve Man seen hanging on front steps rightapproached, And the message read: snd then the coronation of monarch. Following them came the emnity, her. Limited. Golden of fifth coach Stop side the Queen, following which the peer- hand vhile NU ajrv I Sarvlco. chaplains, deans and officers of esses cried. God save the Queen! the then archbishops Westminster, hoarding pennies and donned their coronets. with the Queen consort and the Smallest Country Is the World Gold White hours in cereof more long Stfll my hinU. ladies and gentlemen of the court. The State of Vatican City is a White gold is a mixture of ordiin the early evening Then, mony. the behind bore close Noblemen sovereign, independent state by the gold snd an alloy coach at last passed once nary staff and the sceptre, with the cross the Kings terms of the Lateran treaty of Febbelonga metal chiefly palladium, the down more route, processional 11, 1929. By reason of Its and the golden spurs, and the three as same ruary to the platinum group had who ing waited millions all and the 108.7 acres. Vatican City Is of is area swords which signify mercy, temresult The so not but costly. went home happy. day for the sight the worlds smallest Country, in a to distinguish from difficult poral Justice and spiritualof Justice. Cnioa. Westers C St. Ed Newspaper These were the trappings physical sense. i ii te I .r I - body-crtd- one-ha- lf It to be lere. really here Juat at vrol of it |