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Show I NOT IN TUB BOX SCORE: AL STEVENS, whs must threw his N. Y. C. Violets at them on the second Saturday of the season, predicts Carnegie Tech will have one f the nations hottest foot-ha- ll teams next fan. . . . You need more than the sun If you wish to acquire such a lovely tan as that now displayed by Hannah Dempsey. Mrs. Jacks recipe is ts mix two drops Of Iodine in the bottle of olive ell used for rubbing pppotts . . . Friends insist the real reason for Paul Wanera long holdout is not the few hundred dollars which separated the Pirates bid from his own asking price. Instead, they say, Paul was anxious to find some excuse to train in his Florida homo m New York . WNU Mrrlo. Instead of Journeying all the way to California. Dolly Stark, who held out all last year, may aoon resume as baseballs best umpire, he baa been piomised the first available National League job, which may be the berth now occupied by the ailing Cy Pflrman . . . Alumni groups fig(Courtney Rdey Cooper, widely known writer of cnmet and adventure uring on doing a bit of proselyting at the University of Virginia in ttorieg, today fillt in at Hugh Bradley t guest columnist, Hu contribution it honor of their new coach Frank taken from hu book, llerat to Marquette Murray, reveal that It costs $800 a year to educate a footCrime.l By COURTNEY RILEY COOPER ball player . . . A1 Burroughs, the celebrated right fullback of the is a wave of publlo THERE which has been gaining Brooklyn (soccer) Hispnnos, is a force ever since ibe beginning of the nephew of Charlie Ellis, famous of the Brooklyn Celts depression. The figures sro amus- center forward . ing. In cities which have conducted of yester-yearThe dice table at Miamis biggest thorough, impartial investigations, it h s been found that the totals in gambling resort is se large that - this new racket are far beyond the more than 204 people can gather amounts spent even in the wildest abound It and seven men are needed days of prohibition and bootlegging. !o handle the game. Big time hockThe amount per capita is, in fact, ey scouts should get a load of Lewis Andover defenseman, dollars a year, Sherman, at least seventy-fiv- e placed on bets, which means that next winter. The kid is onl) sevenmuch of it is turnover. That is not teen years old, but he weighs 184 and college coaches whisper he is the amount wagered by each person who gambles, but It Is the result another Hobey Baker . . . The o' dividing the total sums by the worst batting trouble of Vince to that he tries too hard aggregate of every man, woman for those long drives into lett field. and child in the city. There are comparatively few Word has been passed around that towns in America above a popula- he is v Pull hitter always trying tion of 3,000 in which slot machines, to murder the ball and so be is pitched to accordingly. punchboards, horse joints, the numOne of the saddest stories of recent bers. bolita or some other form of. lottery does not flourish. Theredays was overlooked by the gents who combine prize-- , fore, asiumtag that all rural districts are free from the taint of fight promotion with i r v gambling which they are not a A newspaper chores. I refer to the gross population of about eighty New Jersey report million persons is dallying with six billion dollars in winnings and losthat two Irish process servers mistook ings, of which all but about a billion oes through the hands of the a polish sparring underworld where much, of , partner for the s course, remains. heavyweight cham- A half billion dollars of the legitpion of the world. imate gambling money goes to Things have come to a sorrowful pass fairs, carnivals, county race meets, when an OShaugh-Jtcharities and a number of rmall Braddock nessy cant recoggames of chance which are affiliated in no way with organised nize a Braddock in a land where faithful followers never mistook a Gene Tunney for a King-fis- h Half Million Is Bet Levinsky or a Ruby Goldstein for a Pedro Montanez. If it keeps in Area on Relief up the first thing you know even the heavyweight champions master Last year, for instance, Massa- mind. Million Dollar Gate Joe chusetts racegoers backed their Gould, wont be able to recognize million dollars hunches thirty-fiv- e himself as the greatest fight manworth; Kentucky let go of about ager in the world. eleven million; klonda guessed Princeton track coach Matty Gels million dollars about twenty-fiv- e to sure that Archie San Romani worth; California, always seeking V.1J crack the old 4:06.7 mile record to better its rival, took more than at Palmer Stadium in June. Its not thirty million to and from the race- a bad prediction either. 2very year tracks; while Michigan, Texas, Ore- Archie has lowered his mile time, gon, West Virginia, South Dakota, once by as much as five seconds, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Isl:.nd, and hes due again this spring . . . Louisiana, Maryland, Illinois and Did you ever note that, for the past other race loving states contributed six years, the National League pensomething like a hundred and ten nant has gone In complete cycles million. TSooo-000- 7 This money was wagered In betting is Well, anyhow, its one way places where permitted an9 where it is possible of figuring that the Cards ure due . Two new books worthy of a accurately to gauge the amounts risked. Incidentally, it might be in- gander from sports fanr are "Showteresting to know that la one New man, by William A. Brady, who chamEngland district where nearly a used to manage prise-figdollars poured into pions before he became a big time racer in a single month, the major-1theatrical producer, and Maraof persona in the am were on thon by Clarence De Mar, the relief. veteran distance running ace Besides the betting Eddie Givens, star quarterback must be considered the bookies sysand likely successor to Ken Sand-bac- h tem of betting in New York, where, as Tiger pilot next fall, is one it Is estimated, nearly three hun- of the reasons why Princeton exdred million dollars were wgered. pects to win its first Ivy League This, according to the average baseball championship this year. mans belief, is all the money which Givens, hes a catcher, to the best went into racing, either through baseball player to perform at Nasbuokie or systems. Howsau since h'oe Bergs day . . . Tab ever, there was another system g Sammy Snead, sensawhich made no reports, and which tion of the golf trail, to be a real handled more money than all the star this summer . . . Also look racetracks combined. That was forward for the Met Collrge Outrangdom. There v.as a time when door track championships to be held the usual representative of crook-doat Randalls Island in May. . . . who fell into th police net felt Fight Manager Joe Jacobs Indigit incumbent upon him to pretend denies persistently published some legitimate occupation. Today, nantly that Max Schmeling ever reports settles he matter the however, by has been snd for writing that Joe stating that he is a betting comfouled him. Louis deliberately missioner. he weighs rnly 137 . . . Although stands a mere five feet Joe Gould, Jim Brad locks man- pounds andone-half inches. Shorty and two ager, engaged in only one ring bout Marylands soph shortai d the beating he received has- Chumbrto, one of the tened his career as a handler of stop, Is being rated as tha South in best players college fighters. . . Paul Dean of the Cardi. . . Distemper to even a worse nals was helped along in his courtof greyhound racing than ship by Pill Delancey, his team- plague who do so many Interestthe genta mate at the time, who wrote all his present wife. ing things to ensure themselves of Daffys letters e per cent of They are talking of increasing winners. Seventy-fivkilled or are all puppies greyhound Anita Sant the handicap purse next year to make it worth $200,000 rendered unfit by the disease . . . in added money. . . Branch Rickeys New York fight promoters should baseball experience includes a take a look at Ben Brown, a midstretch as catcher for the University dleweight now working out of Att lanta. of Michigan Varsity. ) coast Hally, lightweight Wally Brsketball coaches estimate that with the center jump eliminated in boxer who recently defeated Baby next years co petition that the ac- Anzmendi, is a former Salvation tual time of play will be increased Army trumpet player. . . . Johnny tea minutes a game and they pre- Weismuller, swimming In a Hollydict all scoring records will be wood tank, recently equaled his own wiped out. . . Don Lash, world's 50 yard free style world record of 51 record holder in the outdoor and in- seconds . . . Four members of the Phillies, Manager Jimmy Wildoor two mile run, has won 117 medals, cups, piacques, and other son, Hal Kelleher, Swede Burkart awards in his three years at Indiana and Bucky Walters, are home town . hnva. university. Scenes and Persons in the Current News THIS WEEK... Mr. Deweys Rat Trap. YORK. Our Mr. seems to have rat trap than better a made his neighbor and the world beats a path to his door, with other cities wanting to know NEW how he does it. The young racket leger-dcmai- I Members of the Supreme couH who recently, in an epochal series of decisions, declared the Wagner national labor relations act constitutional. Left to rightfrear), Justices Roberts, Butler, Stone, Cardozo; (front), Brandeis, Van Devanter, Hughes, McReynolds and Sutherland. 2 Strikers being forcibly evicted from the Mitchell F. Hepburn of Ontario, who and local farmers. Hershey Chocolate plant by combated efforts of the C. L O. to get a foothold in Canada in connection with the General Motors strike abOshawa and forced the resignation of two members of his cabinet who opposed his policy. non-strike- DEMOCRATIC LEADER Nicholas Foregoes Royal Rights ry vrere-e- . - ' SSjfjy r I tVvSj liyvl1 kC A s, pari-mutu- el ht half-milli- 1. .pari-mutu- el pari-mutu- hard-hittin- s. opam bout the geopj World treasure A? w., thoutfTto Peru. Hence thana! found almost exclu.?! tor. In a apeclal am the graceful bah J th cuts to catch the When the balsam haTbl out of the cloths, U ,k evaporation and packet case tor shipment1 Where 8aan, iw SnaO live, in taaam' open woodland and der rock and dead 1m. summer they are M pinkish brown and srT for the most part wood thruT that the hundred, of them thrushes, who pick ft w ante out of their front iZ swallow them, leaving theT tell the story. 1 The Wren An old tradition ofby, run! h kept up on St State, . (Boxing day), when the dress themselves in qiu and, wearing weird rnufr, s tribute from the villagHi carry a gaily decora ted but r, to supposed to contain the k, a wren. White Eel Spanish IMkt In the waters off nartfe Spain the Basque fisherna oil lamps along the quays kg the tiny, white, h et! t frequents this comer of Bit & Biscay. They are abletoacoo; up by the thousand. Whnfc. oil thto eel is considered du, two-inc- He comes from Owosso, in the deep woods of Michigan. There, as in Windy Gap, the sheriff to supposed to drive out or lock up the crooks. Thomas E. Dewey seems to have brought this quaint small town idea to Manhattan. He rides em down. His father ran n country newsdev- il, working on nearby farms when he was big enough. He expected to be a choir singer and it was hi baritone voice which won him n scholarship at Colnmbia. He was What Orange Orange Pekoe PekaeMen (pronounce ko) to widely believed Is a kind of quality of tea. ts represents a size of tea leitli of that size may be food, k Indifferent, depending oa and the altitude at grown. which toil Paint Is Key la Ip a paid soloist at St. Matthews and The prehistoric Hopl IdL Timothys church in West Arizona were compelled by iJ street. gioua ceremony to paint Bax Finishing in law at Columbia, he their pueblos every tour ytr engaged in private practice and the layers of pamU; counting later joined the staff of George tists are able to estimate Bit a U. S. district attorney. It these earliest American bew St. Eighty-fourt- h Me-dali- e, was 1933 when he roped Waxy GorMrs. Thomas F. McAllister, of don, one of the biggest and sleekest Grand Rapids, Mich., for several of the rodent rodeo. He to married t an Oklahoma years a forceful political personalPrince Nicholas of Rumania who to reported to have renounced all ity in Michigan, who recently be- girt They have one boy four yean came director of the womens di- old and another eighteen months. his royal rights In order to stay with his wife and their son. They will move Into French exile. Photograph shows Nicholas vision of the Democratic national committee. and his wife soon after their marriage. When the Shooting Starts. AFTER writing 140 books, E. Chicago Crime Foe Phillips Oppenheim, the British novelist, complains that diploReaches Age of 85 matic Intrigue his favorite fictional theme isnt what it used to be. noted Frank J. Loesch, Chicago He knew the old patterns sufficientlawyer who achieved national fame ly to foresee events. a few years ago for his vigorous His novels, The Mischief Makleadership against crime in the city Our Great Secret, and The er, Makers of History predicted the World war with almost perfect accuracy in time and the alignment of powers. Given a certain number of diplomats, of standard specifications, engaged in routine over old, established punctilio, and he could figure out when the shooting would start. But thats an over, says Mr. Oppenheim, visiting this country for the first time In ten years. Diplomats caU names and teU aO they know, and more, on the radio, and the laggard novelist shonts Wait for baby! as they tonch off more deviltries than he can Invent. At the age of seventy-one- , the vAcW. genial, sturdy Mr. Oppenheim to V, one of the few writer who can man After a reign as the great American desert, arid Kansas geto two dictaphones at once, keeping a slightly damp as Gov. Walter A. Huxman signs the legislative bill per- novel racing through each of them eighty-fift- h his the celebrated and 3.2 of in sale beer Kansas truly a without legal mitting regulated recently for water or feed. event The ending of the long reign of bone dry pro- Caesar stopping birthday. Head of Chicago crime history-makincould work three stenogcommission, he received credit for hibition was to promote temperance through use of light wines and raphers at once, If thto reporter rebeer. Kansas first went dry in 1881. coining the phrase public enemy. members his high school Latin correctly, but it was a lost art until Mr. Oppenheim and the late Edgar Wallace came along. There was talk of staging a dictating race between them when they both lived four-year-ol- d Kansas Gets Damp After 56 Years Appointment f Imps In Memoriam caused fc Tennyson to be appointed t laureate of England. toria declared that more comfort from any other literature ble. Quee she nr it fliaf exeqt I i Calotype in PhotafnF Calotype is the namt pie method of photographist b?b tion of light on nitrate if & has been superseded by site esses, but is occasionally Iron Bara Over Gw Until the early part d h teenth century framework! ( bars were constructed overt burial plots to protect the f I from body snatchers." phe-nagli- ng y g Tombstone Builds Memorial to Its Tough Old Days at Nice. Mr. Oppenheim has been writing fifty-on- e years, although his first novel, Expiation, did not appear until 1S87. Previously he had published short stories. Of his 144 books, 100 have been novels and the other volumes of short stories, three omnibus works and n travel book. He likes to have a good time during the day, swimming, golfing or flirting with Lady Luck when hee on the Riviera, and usually works from four oclock in the afternoon ... i bell-boy- Sing-Sin- g paper and he was the printshop v m prosecutor, ringing up seven more convictions, for a perfect score, has turned up extortion totalling about $100,000,-00- 0. He gets $16,693 a year. He seems to be a good Investment With possible maximum sentences of 2,100 years against the seven restaurant racketeers, hes already drawing a bead on allied industrial rackets. Governor Lehman took Thomas E. Dewey, now thirty-fou- r years old, from a $50,004 law pracUce for the biggest municipal Job of modern history. First, ho put the panderera away. Charles (Lncky) Luciano and eight others; loan sharks, with then twenty-eigtheir $10,040,004 blood money rackn. et; then, with n bit of legal he turned policy kings into vats and pot them away, too. He moved on through the trucking, used brick, poultry, bakery, electrical contracting, tenants and chauffeurs rackets, and each case brought a shout of front" to the ht V their f Lemuel F. Perton By Guest Columnist Riley Cooper Tells of Betting Evils -- WHOS HEWS a. ..... As a memorial to the tough old days In the eighties when Tombstone. Ariz.. was the scene of some of the bloodiest gunplay in the history of the Southwest a coi crett coffin has been erected on the main street as a monument to the namelesa dead who feI in front of the notorious Bird Cage theater, because they were too alow on the draw. Immortalized through Walter Noble Burns book. Tombstone an Iliad of the Southwest" mecca now to a for tourists. The town la dedication shown above. the ceremony until seven, during which hour he keeps the dictaphone smoking. He never blocks out his yams. He just starts talking, and lets the story unravel as it may. In 1925, they rudely taxed him out of England. He took refuge on the Riviera, but now lives on Guernsey Island In the British channel. When he was eighteen, he was flunked In mathematics and quit achool to work In hii father leather business. When he visited Paris, a French cafe owner told him some tale of underworld Intrigue, with international complication. That started his long writing marathon. 4 ConsolMitrd News Feature t. WNU Strvicc, Terrain Mean Greto j is a French wort' tag ground. The "surromfc rain" to the ground or tentf definite In boundary, thatsT Terrain a focal point I Entertaining The two hardest thing' are: Entertaining a I11 to nothing and listening talking. the does all Msdt Napoleon f , The gypsy violinist was caUed the Napotai He wa bon in Europe. year aa Napoleon. What MakeaSoaflW P Floating soaps ar Incorporating a large a0 In th soap, thus mak lighter than water Pioneer George B. Selden pioneer patent of thto tomobile industry granted in 1895. ,' 8 j e |