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Show CTf A TIMES, MAGI I A, UTAH Friday, April 16, 1937 day evening at her home on 2nd Guardi- East street. The evening was spent In sewing. A midnight luncheon was served to Mrs. Ruth Thomas, Mra. Phyllis Tomlin, Mrs. Marjory Drif-flMrs. Sarah Bowen, Mrs. Melva district court or for further Jenkins, Mrs. Margaret Peterson, Miss Bernice Gee and Mrs. Pern Howard. Probate and anship Notices SfSpSve sler, Notice To EtTof Creditor J. X"winUer, Jr, De- - present claim, with undersigned at 1003 TBuUdlng. Salt Lake City of on or before the th day will hfrs g cf the . Jtrator, SAID DEFENDANT: are hereby summoned to Mrs. C. W. Larson entertained her within twenty days --after the club at her home on 5th East street service of this summons upon you, Wednesday afternoon. The time was within the county In spent In sewing. Luncheon was serif served which this action Is brought; ved to Mrs. Bob Evans. Mrs. Mere within thirty days after Harvey, Mrs. Julian Sadler, Mrs. entservice, and defend the above Edward Olsen, Mrs. Sam Sadler and of case In and your itled action; Mrs. J. H. Sellers. failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to Mrs. Earl Newbold entertained the demand of the complaint which Thursday evening In honor of Mr. has been filed with the Clerk of said and Mrs. Kenneth Kidd who have -- Court. R. R. Brady, Attorney for Plaintiff, 0. Address: 206 Kearns Building p. Salt Lake City. Utah Date, of first publication gddv Whipple; songs and' gultarhum-ber- s, lng nicely following operation for Mr. Taylor of Magna; tap The Primary of the Hercules ward Tuesday at the L. D. dance specialities, Marlon Bullock appendicitis 8. Hospital. entertained Tuesday In honor of Bullock. and Shirley Miss Mary Ely. The primary presented Miss Mary with a gift Light Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Schwer enMr. Joseph T. Fairboume gave a refreshments were served to forty talk and presented Mr. Ely with a tertained at a dinner party honoreight children. gift, a gold watch, chain and pen ing Mr. and Ms. A. R. Ely at their knife, a token of remembrance from home Wednesday evening. Covers Preschool clinic for all Bacchus all the employes of the local Her- were laid for ten guests. children entering school next Sep- cules Plant. Mr. Ely responded with tember, will be held Thursday. expressions of regret to leave his GARFIELD NOTES April 23 at the Monroe School In many friends here. Hunter at 9:00 a. m. All mothers Mrs. E. T. Rountree gave a talk Mrs. Con Evers was hostess to are urged to bring their children. and presented Mrs. Ely with a com- the Merry Matrons Club at her plete service of colorful Franciscan home last Thursday afternoon. A The Hercules Ward Relief So- pottery. Dancing ended the eve- one oclock luncheon was served. ciety entertained at a quilting party ning's entertainment. High score at bridge was awarded to Mrs. C. F. Anderson and second high to Mrs. A. Thomas. l&stpublicaUonApril ' """ -- 30, MAGNA NOTES Nielson was hostess to Sewing Club at a prettily arranged party at her home on Franklin street Thursday. Miss Nancy Clifton was a special guest and was presented with a lovely gift by the members of the club. Mrs. Isabelle Murphy of Salt Lake City state W. B. A., was also a special guest Other affairs are being arranged honoring Miss Clifton. Mrs. Jack the Westway Youll find no finer place to eat than The Magna Noodle Parlor. The food is well prepared.lhe ser- vice prompt and courteous. See us and let us arrange a festive party with a different menu. Choose any of these: nt . Christ-opherso- Just-A-Me- re The Nite Club met at the home of Mrs. Grace Flint last week. High score , at brldgewas wpn by Mrs. Lynn Hubbard and consolation by Mrs. Oene Wallace. Cut prize was 35e 65e 36e Y Y Y 5o Me 5e We Y ning. Mrs. E. Hellstrom of Salt Lake City was the principal speaker and presented a round table discussion on garden and house-plaquestions. Mrs. J. A. Young presented a lesson on the proper names and pronunciations of flowers. This topic will be studied at each meeting. Splendid reports were given by Mr. Emil Fuelner of Hunter. Musical selections were given by Mrs. Bert Lewis of Hunter. Thirty five mem- - awarded to Mrs. Mary Ensign. A Duane Anderson, son of Mrs. George midnight luncheon was served. Mrs. S. Taylor of Oarfleld. The marriage Hulda Staples was a special guest. was performed Saturday, April 10 In Salt Lake City. , Mrs. Gene Wallace entertained Complimentary to the bride, Mrs. her afternoon bridge club at her Taylor entertained at a miscellaneheme on Wednesday. A one o'clock ous shower Tuesday evening at the luncheon was served. Mrs. E. A. Garfield Womens Clubhouse. ProPeterson of Salt Lake City won gressive games were and high played high score. Consolation prize was score prize given to the honored n. awarded to Mrs. Margaret guest Refreshments were served to twenty six guests. Announcement of the nuptials will Mra. N. L. Pullum entertained be read with considerable Interest by the Club at her home the many flrends of the young couon Wednesday afternoon. A one ple.. Mr. Anderson la a graduate of o'clock luncheon was served. High the University of Utah, while the score at bridge was won by Mrs. bride was educated In business collDuane Watkins and consolation by eges. Mrs! D. L. Underwood. They will make their home In 8alt .Laft CU WINSKESS - ANDERSON The regular business meeting of One-- of the Interesting events of Adah Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8. was the week waa the marriage of Miss held Wednesday evening In the MaMargaret Wlnsness, daughter of Mr. sonic Hall. Refreshments were serA. T. Wlnsness of Salt Lake City but ved by a committee composed of former residents of Garfield, to Mr. Mrs. Clara Ntckolson and her daughter, Miss Alice Nicholson. e CHICKEN NOODLES CHICKEN CHOP-SUEDOUBLE DISH CHICKEN CHOP-SUEPORK CHOP-SUEDOUBLE DISH PORK CHOP-SUESHRIMP CHOP-SUEDOUBLE DISH SHRIMP CHOP-SUEY The Garden Club held an interesting meeting- - at the-- Magna-W- o men's Clubrooms 6nM6hday eve- TnUu a 30e NOODLES Y CLUB MEETING 3, 1937 Date of 1937 moved to Riverton to make their home. A buffet supper was served to eight guests. GARDEN April So- . ap-'vp- You The Hercules Ward Relief ht L FritS&administrator VTOiMer, Jr, Deceased "ftuteof attorneys for & Qulnney, Mrs. L. R. Allgood of Grand Junc1003 Boston ' Colorado, is a guest of her tion, Lake City, Utah. sister, Mrs. John McDonald on CenMarch 36, J5,.of first publication, ter street. Mrs. McDonald ntertained In honor of Mrs. Allgood at 1937 16, Apr. Bite of last publication, a dinner party Friday evening. On Sunday they attended a family parSUMMONS ty at the home of their parents in Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Mitchell. nr the THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE Mrs. Eila Peterson entertained the AND FOR SALT Of UTAH, IN New Idea Club at a hot luncheon COUNTY. lake on Friday afternoon. Covers were EDNA K. THOMAS, Plaintiff laid for Mrs. Rose Rasmussen, Mrs. vs. Allle Gee, Mrs. Millie Chris topher-so- n, DeHARRY SHELDON THOMAS, Mrs. Lima Olsen, Mrs. Nina fendant Mrs. Elvira Jensen and Mrs. Harris, THE TO UTAH THE STATE OF Ann Welchers. J.-A- at the clubhouse on Wednesday. A hot luncheon was served by Mrs. ciety entertained at a lovely arranDora Bevan. Mrs. Dortha Kearns, ged party at the clubhouse ThursMrs. Mary Coe and Mrs. Floretta day evening honoring Mrs. Ely. The Ames. Presidency, consisting of Mrs. Vio1-- . - J la B. Jones. Mrs. Vilate Coon, Mrs. 'The community of Bacchus en- Alta Whitbeck and Mrs. - Elthora tertained at a farewell party honor- Sizemore were In charge of the gen-ei- al ing Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ely at the arrangements. Mrs. Dortha on Saturday evening. Mr. Kearns had charge of the games and clubhouse Ms. J. W. McLeod attended a lunBACCHUS NOTES T. W. Jones was master of ceremon- Mrs. Bertha Rountree, decorations. cheon given In her honor at the ies. The following Interesting pro- A dainty luncheon was served by a home of Mrs. E. Yither on Wayne The Pour-EigClub was en- gram was given: committee consisting of Mrs. Beth Avenue In Salt Lake City on Wed- tertained at the Saturday evening Bullock. Mrs. Alta Black and Mrs. Musical numbers by Mr. Catten nesday aftemon. Covers "were laid home of Miss Dorothy Dunn. Games Ida Whipple. A beautiful quilt, made for eight. seson his of weft played and refreshments serv- and Magna; musical members of the Relief Society, by ed to Miss Maurine Miss lections by Stanley, Ray and George Mrs. Annie Olsen of Pleasant Ella Mitchell and Miss Kearns, Bull- Fair bourne; reading, Mrs. Anna was presented to Mrs. Ely. Marlon Mae Ross; tap dance number, BetGrove, Utah, has spent the past ock, Mr. Melvin Dunn, Mr. Mrs. Gall England of Tooele, dauRoy week visiting with her daughter, Mitchell, Mr. Mrs. Rex Black and Bobby Kearns and ty Bevan; duet, of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fair- ghter Y. A. . Mrs. Mrs.R. B, Thorne. Dunn; piano solo, David Kearns. U, u'derk'of her and guests were present The next meeting will be held on May 10th at the Women's Clubrooms. An Illustrated lecture is being planned. During May, the club plans to visit the gardens of Mrs. James H. Moyle In Salt Lake City. Everyone Is Invited to attend these meetings. r CHOWMENE I Bowl of rice and cupoOeawtth abovaarder.) Ti.... CHILI PORK SANDWICH ROAST BEEF SANDWICH TUNA FISH SANDWICH HAM SANDWICH HAMBURGER SANDWICH Me Me Me Me Mo Me MAGNA NOODLE PARLOR T. Mori, prep. Mrs. Clyde Konold entertained her eightsome at her home on the Magna Row Wednesday afternoon. A one o'clock luncheon was served High score at bridge was awarded to Mrs. H. D. Cluff, second high to Mrs. J. S. Powell and third prize to Mrs. Agnes Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Powell McDowell and daughters, Joanne and Janet and son. Cameron of Payson have moved to Magna to make their home. Mrs. McDowell will be remembered as being formerly Miss Mari- on Wilson of Magna. a, and Mrs. Jack Burke of Tennessee,, who are visiting in Magna, have, been the motif of many social affairs the past week. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown entertained at a dinner party in their honor, at their home in Salt Lake Clip. M. and Mrs. P. A. Cammons entertained at a party Saturday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Burke. Mrs. N. Powell entertained Sunday at her home in Hunter honoring her Codaughter and vers at dinner were laid for Mr. and Mrs L. K. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Powell, Mrs. Clara E, Burke and the honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rosen and Mr. and Mrs. O. Madsen of Ogden entertained at a dinner party in Ogden honoring Mr. and Mrs. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. T. E Burke and Mr. Ken Boyle of Garfield entertained at a supper party on Wednesday evening at Dick Gunn's cafe honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burke. Covers were laid for eight Mr. Chat-enoog- High-Price- Luslomers On Dur Domestic Lighting Rate Now Enjoying Second Rcdnclior son-in-la- Mis. Grant Simmons entertained the members of- her Club on Thurs- - In Hales Within Six Months. Yea you customer on the domestic lighting connected system territory in Utah and Idaho are now enjoying a rate among the lowest in America today for this service. "My new low wages, which became sAv.'i'IV a tive April 1. represent i A A BLEND OF "T WHISKIES straight since last August. 25 effec- rate reduction And when you use me for extra service. I work at half-pric- e at cf my new low wages. 50 - This new low rate gives you more for your 90 FROOF electric service dollar than ever before. I hope youll use me oftener. r:0R FOR YOUR MONEY This big, rugged Cavalier ia another outet ending example of how Good- rich keep quality up and prices down. Think of itl In spite of its in spite d tire feature for extra of being double-cure- d toughness all the way through Cavalier coat no more than ordiMake your nary bargain-builttire dollars stretch further. Let us equip your car with Goodrich I' V i it' H details. high-price- Double-Cure- d Cavaliers. Come in today. ACUQUICK1 655 M8Vi 7 822 84U50X29 - 441x21 4--50 x a $000 $070 SJOOxtt Dcrtpdtt REDDY m pwopownow neat sukjact ts thong. mlAeut notuo. Mi a liothtr tit in proportion. KILOWATT. Your Electrical Servant. Coodricli Cavaliers IVKRV INCH A COODRICH MM taxes lor 1934 ypu owe real property Interest and rmA prior year you can save 6 NOW1 2 penalty by paying all back taxes See Save your money and your propertyl or write your county treasurer lor complete 4L7SX18 Sincerely, 313 "J13 ' cainat bruiaiaa. Scisotibc crip tread. antes atm Cede Nas. F1NTS Goodrich 10051 full Soatiaf cord. 4-- Mad touch throuahout bribe Good-- 5 Process. rich "Double-Cur- e 8a Ietra etroos cercea to protect, and small appliance schedule in the Inter- t QUAKtS 16.4 aq. ia. of mad rubber gripping tha road. coo-tac- t. 2-- 72.47 liaaar ia. o I aoa-fiti- d 3 Paying Delinquent Taxes Now . . . Dy 1, 4a - . d 6 Tire Features TIRg" UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION MAGNA AUTO SUPPLY Magna Utah IMWTBM MNVSMW r |