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Show 1 Friday, Mareki MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA. UTAH Foreign Words mil.1..,-:1- - .. 400 and Phrases Sit tibi terra levis. (L.) May tha .earth rest lightly on you. Mise en scene. (F.) A stage setting; a scenic effect. ' Tout de meme. (F.) All the same. VI et armia. (L.) By force and arms; by main force., Place aux dames. (F.) Make way for the ladies. Dernier crL (F.) - The latest fashionable fad. Enfant- - terrible- ,- F-- A child that is always making inopportune and embarrassing remarks. Mutatis mutandis. (L.) The been change having made. THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE " -- - with your contented ' t . neo-essar- "" - i SI? Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young MU' " 5rJ4 posssSoSA withS W"St meanness, and tafSL except cowardice. rL!? Dyke. . THE FEATHERHEADS i GLAD of ijfel andgtowo?k , None in Use The "blind win alwavts. by those that see the most subjected, enslaved, who is solTv5 derstanding. Locke. y Purse from SowilI How Many I Pennies Your Childs Life? T" ' I jjj VS S The ear was made into 2 wn water, brought ,0 'u - v s A feature of the Arthur D. Little, Inc., tional Exposition of dustries in 1921, Wu actually made out of I acetoneLjhenrcra warm container into rW I' and through this cnllitinn tone In a ... of a , 2j into rrj mt It waspZ the pi v:tube, treated to a 40 per Cmt C il was Sf reeled and dried eak en and sewed up. ua s kit V Dont fry to "Save on Home Remedies Dr. Pierces Pleasant Ask Your Doctor effective ly Ctt.; Constancy Completes Tirt Constancy is the complem: all other human virtues r ed. but h 2 0 01 FEEL A COLD COM! 1 bl f Do these t 3 he :ik Q LIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA 0 0 when you buy. iComes now, also in tablet form. Get the form you prefer. But see that what you get is labeled Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia. 25 for a big box of the tablets at drug stores. Keep your head den Protect your dm Build np your reserve LUDErj'S Each tiny tablet ith equivalent of a taaapoon- lul of muiM lie Hov alhlk! V gol asa a COUGH se :ts ml HELP YOU DO ALSO IN TABIET FORM Phillip' of IUt Pellet. -- laxative. Sugar Children like them. Buy bow There is one point, on which alt doctors agree. That is: Don't give your child unknown rtmeditt without asking your doctor first, Ail mothers know this. But sometimes the instinct to save a few pennies by buying something just as good overcomes caution. When it comes to the widely used childrens remedy milk of magnesia many doctors for over half a century have said PHILLIPS. For Phillips Milk of Magnesia is the standard of the world. Safe for children. Keep this In mind, and say PHILprao-Vcal- rl; ir o mi tin I The Gentle Word A gentle Vord soothes st" just as water puts out a fee,i' there is no soil so barren but t tenderness brings forth some frj S. Francis de Sales. Uillc Magnwia. "llK0F Phillips Ne la It'i Hill No ithl 01 Gao. Gas MAGNESIA Hi! tl:oTt2,Czr,' Eat or Slcsfl Old Age Is Deliberate Young men soon give and soon forget affronts; old age is slow in both. Addison. Th gas on my stomach wwuk could not oat or sleep. Ew heart seemed to hurt. A frleW Tho first dote I to Seated Adlorika. mo relief. Now I eat ei fine and never felt Wet wish, alaep I Mr. Jaa. Filler. Adlarika acta on BOTH upw lower bowels while ordinary lent act on tha lower bowel only. AW flive your tyttem a thorough itig, bringing out old poisonous that you would not believo wu system and that has been eaottftf sour stomach, nervousm eadaeheafor months. ) sxlH, a 1 WdUte e iMimml i iw W ly rWwu Eaeterfa aad etUs U Oiv your bowels a REAL elenw with Adlsrika and see how foal. Just one spoonful rellevw nd constipation. At all law. Druggists. ere rh in in Ice I Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes as the germ-lade- n phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even if othqr remedies have failed, dontbe discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (AdvJ Genius V BRONC PEELER WU1 Bronc Be in Time By FRED HARMAN DEP.ARTME 'tj mo i fa the it II d. fi J Reward for Good and I That person who does an of good, will see it and fa reward; and that person who an atom of evil, will see find its reward. The Koran. 40 Uvc loi 'ea Do ieb( lVh eh tloi le ua n?e Dont Neglect Thl la , Natora dooifnad tha kldMW tnanrdou Job. Thalr tak fiowln blood atmm free ot toil Impuritlow Tho art olUW lri ta ooratanUy prodtwW j, matter tha kidntya mut tho blood rood health Whan th kidney, fall to -, Kitur intended, there la rhwj, waet that may eauae body tree. On may aaffar narrel el pamiatant haadarha, attack . tiny up lht. atll" tired. uadar th ayeo-I- arl f worn out. FraquenL aeanty of berelfin a be further evident af my bladder dlaturbane. !K-te Th raeocniaed and a diuretic madicln toPP tvt lid of nrnea pmaonota heer La Deaat Pills. They , the forty yean of public sWTZ. endoraad th country over. k, I hh;, r ITS HOTEL BEN LOMOND hvi- Ogdens Finest . . One of Utah's Best 350 Baths Xleoa'e. Bold $2.00 to $4.00 Air Cooled Corridors Delightful Rooms Golf Room Coffee Shop Spacious Lounge and Lobby Courteous Service Every Comfort and Convenience will be found at at all It v raa ' He ry m t Do 'Oil; ulla el Do,, But mar drur vei Desert Style passionately! Life to me was a desert until I met you! She coldly! Is that why you dance like a camelT THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND He OGDEN, UTAH COME AS YOU ARE MOR. WrtMWSrirN i il ;hei Most ftaariflea Paying Modem 6"? Paw Confectionery, Beer, Cabins.UvinfS way, Electric Equip. Four Caa location. Mansona Stare, El. AND p W ie a IN UTAH U n Uk c nt 1137 MAUNCEY W. WEST, CaN len d UielttTeasiMMnfid par Cattoa sf Sorey. 350 Rooms It's I Alone W to rytl fi Evergreens, Shrubs etc. WNU Soi K Keeps Dogs Away from your Ito H OPPORTUNITY BLACK LEAF Rul ri Fortune has rarely condescended to be the companion of genius. Isaac Disraeli. (jL Llr I 'Am n brMjgstRinrs,wrtt fo VASY ofi )W Mjteap cuwwohcooch iaN mim a Housf HFll SHCW HER HOW tftMdd!, FAR PlM6 ON Rtl AND WSCfHHEOWIt b fk L.H ao. says w owT a rmr fftKy SHCTl Lff UtM MANp f ON hR SHOUIMRS shet tEftnt just 150,000 feet Used & N Sizes Si" Structural Steel and - Y, r( O Mousey Iron & Metal i ) tins P. I 1!V i freil e K |