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Show MAGNA, UTAH ,,tr.NA TIMES, Friday, February 19, 1937 TfeZTable Talk - entertaintjwft Rasmussen to forty guests. . luncheon was Served. - f m m Mrs. club m Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huesser and TT ft!terfn0T j JSr iMrs-ju.ii.c5.i- ;! -- "Mm' ! e City. To I lighten of 1 1 n g on clothes - , Conduced by the'ntask k epr and Recipes - 4 washday, try - spraying them soft mist from your m PAS I good recipe for PLAIN 3 cups of Mixr'Sirnogether try ,11 purpose flour and I'A teaspoons of salt Cut in 1 cup of shortening. Store In modern leg refrlgerator for future use. The pastry dough will the keep fresh because chamber of the Ice refrigerator provides proper moisture which prevents rapid drying out of air which foods and d the mingling of food eliminates flavors. When ready to use, remove desired amount of mix (allow 1 crust). cups for each single 9 water (use approxiInmately Vk tablespoons for each dividual crust). Mix gently with a fork Then roll out on a lightly floured board, and bake in a hot oven (450) for 12 to 15 minutes. Moisten with Ice Makes 3 and Mrs. William P. Reese ' pastry shells. To keep your recipe cards from getting soiled but still In plain view when In use, tack a plncher clothespin to the inside of your kitchen cabinet door In such a way as to permit the clothespin to pinch and hold any desired card. Then all you need do is to pinch the recipe card In place and It la ready for use. ELEANOR - ... HOWE "Menu Box" Wish would probably be by yoijr family. Keep It in a conven lent place and allow each member a of the family a special menu-wis- h week. This will also help you plan your menus for the week. A wel-come- d e--w When pitting dates dip the knife, Mrs. John Jacobs entertained at with which the stone is being rea party honoring Mr. Jacobs birthmoved in boiling water, and the day Monday evening. Those present stone will loosen easily. were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Barr Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Jacobs, Miss Grace Jacobs ORANGE FUDGE CAKE Cream Mi cup of butter and add and Mrs Maude Laker. 1H cups of sygar slowly. Beat well The Spencer Ward will give a Add grated rind of orange. Mlxj and sift together 2 cups of cake, farewell party at the Pleasant flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder' Gieen ward meeting house on Feband teaspoon salt. Blend into the ruary' 25 honoring Mrs. Evelyn creamed mixture. Then store Ini Jenkins Jensen who will leave soon modern Ice refrigerator until ready! for the California, States mission to bake. When desired, remove field. A splendid program has been from refrigerator and break up tbe planned. Dancing will follow. The mixture with a fork. Shave 2 ounces public is cordially Invited to atof unsweetened chocolate and melt tend. Mrs. Richard Wilkin is In over low flame in saucepan. Add 1 charge of the arrangements. cup of milk. Blend well. Then remove from 'flame and add 2 beaten The New Idea Club surprised Mrs. egg yolks.' Add this liquid mixture Millie Chris topherson at a luncheon to the cake mix. Blend thoroughly at her home on Center street Friand fold In egg white,, beaten until day afternoon. Mrs. Chrlstopherson Btiff. Pour into layer cake pans and has been confined to her home the bake 35 minutes in a moderate oven part three weeks with a broken leg. (350). Serve with home made Ice Members present were Mrs. Lima cream made In the agitated way Olsen, Mrs. Allie Gee, Mrs. Nina ice cream Harris, Mrs. Ella Peterson, Mrs. in the freezers. The actual freezing time! George Weichers and Mrs. Elvira Is only 5 minutes and the Ice cream! Jensen. Mrs M. J. Peterson and Mrs. E. Gordon of Moroni were Is smooth and velvety. special guests. 5 The next time you serve oatmeal for breakfast plan to make a little cerextra. Then pack the left-ove- r eal In buttered baking powder cans. Place In Ice refrigerator, where it will stay fresh until needed. Then, when ready to use, unrnold, slice, and fry In butter. Serve with maple s ayrup. j Tegular meeting" Wednesday at the The Magna Ward M. I. A. enterclubrooma after the Wednesday En- tained at a Valentine Dance TuesMr?. Fred Barton entertained tbe glish class. Reports were given. At day evening at the Magna chapel members of her club at her the next regular meeting election on the B & Q Row last week. A one of officers will take place. All memMiss Virginia Ashby entertained o'clock luncheon was served. High bers are urged to be present. Thursday evening at a formal dinscore at bridge was won by Mrs. ner dancing party honoring the W. J. Corrigan second Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oallyer enterhigh to Mrs. birthday anniversary of Miss BarH. D. Cluff and consolation to Mrs. tained at a dinner party last Fri- bara Allen. The lovely arranged afO. A. Sonne. Mrs. R. C. Parks was day evenlng at their home. Covers fair was held In the Empire Room a special guest. were laid for Mr. and Mrs. L. A. of Hotel Utah In Salt Lake City. WUllama, Mr. and Mrs. Emil WillThe guests Included Misses Hazel Miss Blanche Taylor spent two iams and daughter. Miss' Nancy and Dunn, Mamie Stewart, the hostess, the honored guest and Clyde Andays at the convention of the Utah Mr. and Mrs. William Gallagher. at t Power & Light company as a rederson, Don Tomlin, Russel Wolz, and Dean Thomas. EVANS presentative of the local office. BACKER HelprurHouservoT clean-washe- Mr, Mc-Ga- nn rTTit- vlth a fine jobber hose Smith will be hostess to the Izabeth Davidson at her home on at its next meeting. 4th East street Wednesday after- noon. A lovely one o'clock luncheon was served. High score at bridge returned home Tuesday evening was won by Mrs. George Smith, sefrom a honeymoon trip to southern cond high by Mrs. Parks, third high California. They will make by Mrs. Davidson and consolation home in Magna. Mrs. Reese was to Mrs. Barton. formerly Miss Margaret Comley, r Mrs. Clarence Mitchell entertainA group of close friends ed her 500 Club at her home on surprised Mrs. James Stacy at her home Center Street Monday evening. LaWednesday evening. Monopoly was dles high score was won by Mrs. played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Clause Jones and mens high by Mr. Eleanor Coon and M? Daisy Wil- Jones. A late supper was served to kin. A luncheon was serv- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell, Mr. Mrs. Lyle Hendrickson had as her ed to midnight twenty guests. Mrs. Stacy was and Mrs. J, Allen Larson," Mr. and guests on Tuesday her aunt, Mrs. presented with a Mrs. William Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. gift. Robert Cox of Berkeley, California Jones and Miss Leone MltchelL and Mrs. Stewart Wallace of Salt The Magna Women's Club held its small daughter. Barbara Jean left for St. Louis. Missouri. V" The Magna Ward Primary en- Thursday aane on First From there Mr. Huesser will go to honored , tertained at a stork shower at the Florida far & guests were training with Scout House In honor of Mrs.JWalt-e- r the St. Louis spring Cardinals. Mr. Huess-- er met Is the son of Mrs. Kate Ktg.ey on Wednesday afternoon. Rogers. wtpaf Sewing Club A program was given and; 'games played. .Refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell afternoon. A one and Thursday Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith Richards were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. of Salt Lake City Friday 1 wwv PAGES TouTl End it If you helpful make the appropriate initial on top of your two-crupies to Indicate what kind they are. X' The F. L. A. Club entertained at a birthday party honoring Mrs. Lillian Haws and Mrs. Fern Coon at Mrs. Coons home Wednesday evening. A midnight luncheon was served. frizes at bridge were won by Mrs. Dorothy Finley and Mrs. Fern Coon. The honored guests were presented with lovely birthday gifts. ' y1 1 . V s.y Jj. New, circular Three models to choose from. it style. Chrome finish. feet. Wood handles. Scratch - Proof fiber Heat-indicat- shows or when to pour batter. - no guesting- - no mistake. THIS RHYME WINS $10. i A laddin had a handy man, A hard and lusty striker, But compared to Reddy Kilowatt, The fellow was a piker. r Yrl )mmmm For Reddy cooks and sweeps and lights He helps a million ways. Theres no known labor he cant do, His service really pays. THE BEST BUY IN Submitted by: CALIFORNIA WINE Lewis Munk, Georgetown, Idaho. , l Including detachable cord tet with appliance plug, - Mrs. A. T. Ball entertained at a party honoring the third birthday of her little daughter, Joanne, on Saturday afternoon, Valentine refreshments were served to twelve small guests. Mrs. J. E. Evans entertained at A family party Wednesday evening honoring the first birthday of her little Suzanne granddaughter, Short. Special guests were Mrs. Robert Short, Miss Elva Short and Mr. Douglas Moore of Salt Lake City. Mrs. A. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. C. E. Hoops, Mrs W. P. Reese, Mrs. W. V. Robbins, Mrs. J. E. Comley, Mrs. W. B. Boucher, Mrs. R. C., Parks, Mrs. Frank Peterson, Mrs. O. A. Sonne, Mrs. Fred Barton, Mrs. W. J. Gorigan, Mrs. C. H. Konold, Mrs. J. S. Powell, Mrs. Mary Jacobs, Mrs. A. J. Radabaugh, Mrs. Forrest h, Mrs. H. D. Cfluff and Mrs. YOUEl DISAlLISEL.or UffAM POT7EE1 ; OGKnr Sec Mrs. Sarah Bowen entertained her club at her heme on 2nd East street Thursday evening. A 'midnight lun- -j cheon was served to Mrs. Marjorie George Smith 'entertained at a "No Di if fill, Mrs. Phyllis Tomlin, Mr. Hostess party in honor of Mrs. El- Celi Simmons, Mrs. Melva Jenkins, s t v & wp v Mrs. - Ruth Thomas, Mrs. Bernice Smith and Mrs. Margaret Peterson. Rad-abaug- j st .X- - P Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Evans announce the engagement of their daughter, Orvilla, to Mr. Jack Racker of Salt Lake City. The wedding will take place in the near future. Many affairs are being planned honoring Miss Evans O - RTTSR3!3l -- b f- yo. PIKES PS&K "MmM b .. BRAND 90 PROOF STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY J &. ps 4 . .vXv V vU- - - O '' ,4 ' s . A '&. v i f- iV-- i ALSO AVAILABLE IN RYE - . ' No. 167 Ry , No. 64 Bourbon QUART No. 166 Rye No, 63 Bourbon 2 t3 I r bag. 48-pou- nd 24-pou- nd You'll admiro these dainty water tumblers. ' They're rose crystal in the Cherry Blossom design and will look perfectly lovely on your table. Once you see them you will start building your set .; w VlSLER'g Rose Crystal Water Tumbler with each Rose Crystal Water Tumblers with each r bag. And. once you experience the perfect success you ALWAYS have with Pikes Peak flour, you'll never be satisfied with any other flour. Pikes Peak gives your bakings a e flavor every distinctive member of your family will prefer. nut-lik- Jsffcgl ijittAywaAotfB . FLOUR SUPER QUALITY Product o HUSLER FLOUR MILLS of Salt Lake City -- f I L. THE OlD QUAKER CO. IAWRENCEBURG, ino. A ALL-PURPO- SE |