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Show J b 1935 GARFIELD, UTAH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, M. r Jk Oldham tad Oregon. Mb. Earl Hogan of ProvoUth r visiting with Mrs. Oldham's and Mrs. Hogan s titter. ho1 Velma Holdway for worth. time. Dale Peterton of fort with hit Florida, it tlso visiting friends utter. Mrs. Hotdway and other for a short time. Dale moved with his father tnd mother. Mr. and Mb. L. C. Peterson tome time ago to nor. SPECDALSFOR i Dollar Days AUGUST (Regular 69c) 23-2- 4 Frm all indications, it would seem that "Leek's Camp" in the Jackson $1.00 2 For Boys Work Shirts (Regular 49c) (Regular 25c Pair) Mens Dress Shirts $1.00 5 For MENS TIES (Regular 25c) LD.S. Garments (Regular 69c) $1.00 2 For Boys Overalls (Regular 69c) BOYS PANTS (Regular $1.49) All of the Garfield Ward off and Teat hem met at Legion Parikb Tooele Canyon foe an enjoyable last Monday evening. There were and twenty peopleilo, w. Mb. Clifford Cameron entertained one hundred were Garnet sent. w afternoon played and each dm at a dinner lait Friday a short ion kit. Ewm Elm presented Mre. Hambatn honor of Mr. and of Culver City. California, and Mrs. were enjoyed by everyone. GARFIELD NOTES N vvw".Y.c ?'! " VM' 1 0 $1001 v; ON SALE AT STATE STORES CODE 249 $1.00 Womens Cotton Hose SHORTS & SHIRTS FMKKfOlt WSTtUESllS $1.00 6 Pair For Ladies Silk Hose LOUISVILLE & BAlTlM'jilE MAKE I WlOStn It RT OCR rttrt (Regular 49c Pair) $1.00 $100' 2 For Fair OLD WILDERNESS OLD OSCAR PAUL $1,001 PEPPER JONES LADIES PURSES (Regular 69c & 98c) ThatQ- - Of (Regular 25c pair) (Regular 25c Each) liQ k, (Regular $1.49) (Re,. $.129 & 1.49) 3 For l Womens Corsets DRESSES 5Ft, tv1' $1.00 2 For $1.00 HOUSE $1.00 5 For Richard Tufts of Preston, IdaS" e e Mt. and Mis. Dan Camera. and Mrs. Roy Hawes. Mr. Edwin Camera. lace "Bud" Cameron. Mr. Ra T man. and Mia Betty Batemau and two daughter. Mr. and Mb. to Heber last Saturday to viutL Mrs. and Cari Smith, ton Mrs. D. W. W. Potter. Sunday aftemooi nl and Mr. of California, brother Louten-socenjoyed swimming at the Hot Poti F Boies. Mr. and Mrs. John After an afternoon of awimmin, nl Mr. and Mb. Hy Duckwrth and held a picnic. Mr. and Christy. two tons makes oett itVietts because ... (Regular $1.50) $100 hd Hole country it a vacationists. The following Magna after spending people recently returned fiahing : atf enjoyable time at the campand two Sue toa Hirsh Mrs. and Mr. Anthon children. Mr. and Mrs. Ro Four Roses Mens Dress Hose 1.00 3 For - Black-foo- t. Howard Brown has gone- to obtained has he where Idaho, His wife plans to join employment. him there in September. Length (Regular 69c) $1.00 2 For ida. MEN'S UNIONS Short Sleeves & Ankle WORK SHIRTS of tnd btby chUdrem A Blrnd Code y Magna Womua'i Club was held afternoon with Mra O. A. Sonne at hoaiesa of the social program. Miu Sarah Guerniey. Iibranan, reported a circulation of 585 books during the July month and the addition of a number of new ones. Reports were also given on the playgrund at the ball park and the splendid pro-athat is being made there. Tap I dancing, under the inttrattonhip of 'several local young ladies, is proving Wrd-ateda- Cylinder heeling of Straight Whiikiet CODE 251 JCentnejytrejihtJWhUtg CODE 111 25) to be very popular, with an average daily attendance of 225 children Following Ihe business meeting a social was enjoyed High .ore at bridge was won by Mb. Clyde Konold. Refreshments were served to sixteen ladies. M s Brigham Young returned Sat. urday from severat months stay in California, where she visited in long Beach as the guest of her daughter. Mrs Be nice Dallas and also attended the San Diego Lxposition Little Misj Betty Young and Duane Young remained in Long Beach with Mrs Dallas for an indefinite time Mrs and Mrs Thomas M.Gill and Kin Bud and Miss Margaret Fatte'son left Sunday for b ten days trip thru Yellowreone National Park, traseling via automobile GOT A CHAIR THAT LOOKS LIKE A 1EOPAHD ? s. BRAND BRAND t? Uklo ffl dUCfl Wffiu (U EPENXD ABILITY 2)ocae fyuyfe te ivorc wbzi me.wJ On an eventful day in 1914, the fine Dodge was created, giving the world an entirely new concept of motor or value. Here, for the Erst time, was a car of unlimited ruggedness, a car whose builders had dedicated their efforts to the ideal that the first requisite in manufacturing a motor car is that irbe a good motor car. Here was a car that gave motorists quality and performance, a car that opened a new epoch in motoring. In it were the intangible properties, the indefinite mettle that inevitably stamp, the product of genius. Dodge was powerful sturdy. A car built to stand the tew ot months and miles and give its users honest, g service. never-failin- ... r fcfV-Typ-e less will you drive an do. Once you drive a Ford Y-- 8 car I tbM'j your ,8-oo- I' h Economy diing ONCE long. And in other features, too. Ford V--8 performance helps the limit. you enjoy your 8 cylinder feeling to There's new safety to ease your mind- -a y pod weigh entirely --redutrSwted to give seat puaengerg in the car front And there saiwyr thnft with a FortLGo aee this latest Ford V-- There'i a Ford dealer Mar feeling yoursel- f- kt you. Get that end ibrifliut! finetl 8. -- easier-actin- g body. Bigger, welded, even You frame. e brakes. A low, strongrX-typnew of window in every every get safety glass Ford et no extre test. And there's new comfort More room inside. The tpringbase is lengthened to X23J4 inebe all-ste- el a- -v ta0 S I-- Z S D D S A L BIS nr S Don't put up with spoft on furninice upholstered your ture. Just dab a little Shell Dry Cleaner on e cotton doth . . . rub the doth gently owoy from the spot . . . ellow the deener e moment or two to dry . . , spots end dirt ere gone I Shell Dry Cleaner doesn't injure the fabric. And it does not leava rings or lingering ndon like ordinary dry dean--- t. Get can today. SHELL DRY CLEANER jvuQfpJEl. At the UTAH MAGI 1 A A neighborly etotio net Rasmussen Garage - Magna, Utah There existed no single word adequate to describe rfi car. No set phrase could typify its meric Then the goodness of the product inspired the word "dependability" and instantly the world took it up, passed it from lip to lip, until ikt one word came to be the symbol of all that the name Dodge Implied. Today, others use this word, make use of its implication. But in the public mind, Dodge and Dependability will ever be uwepatable, because three million Dodge owners arc testimony to the fra that dependability is more a word it ia a tradition, an underlying principle, that for 21 year has governed the creation of every Dodge car and Dodge --- Hr all these years, die ideal of During m.lrfog the Dodge name Jwyt mean dependability, baa enlisted the finest orta of progress in the engineering and manufacturing and ingrained its ofgyuarion, spirit in the able and friendly who serve you. Dodge - OD DIVISION CHRYctreA unm n |