Show EMERY g la no v in full alist the expect a much arger crop in 1 oth gra and lucern seed thia veir abil ani pr ous bear prof beoo h jorenson Jore of provo wag in week visiting hia mrs nel williams lester kepi fell from a pole fence last monday fi h a arm bet boen the the enst ind elbo louis edwards abent to I 1 erron to dav vl ere he vill ba joined by M sg la allred 1 rom there they will go to manti M it burns of aminti who has been l his sheep in thia vicinity has sold h s herd to L R Vadd raen t manti E D izett has purchased of ceymour ce mour au ahat vas formerly canda sapi and vilt tilo stock into the same john sno v of orangeville Orang eville hi corn loetel h a hn k mik ng contract ct tor the and are no v 0 gi to the villa of the 1 nov buildt brik are the effrof baijo here e colored nn 1 will ruins i prett bui ding M si olio has returned brou frou v bit it ld county chirles foote is 1 u I 1 ains for h g f m iv i id vall soon sye in fioti em pah postmaster II 11 is in idaho looking after sobie of saunders deis sheep herds |