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Show This Week Arthur Brisbane The World Need Whet? A New Word, Bnkter Gullible, Emotion! Correct We Are All Prisoner Russia tar the world need uni- versal revolution. Other nation will he more Interested In that when they find how Russia thrive with her revolution. Many rood people say the world need universal peace. That would make everythin perfect Japan think not Europe thought not a tew year ago. The average American say the world great need la more money. Rut there 1 plenty of money and plenty of goods of all kind. The problem la distribution. .. Six or eight million of u say the only need 1 a job. Underlying all our trouble Is some one thing that If attended to, would solve our problems of agriculture, industry and finance. But we are a nation of specialists, In business and everything, and no one Is able to see the situation as a whole. To remedy one trouble taxes are proposed that would make other troubles worse. Each sees only his little corner. We are like so mahy tiles, wandering over a big oil painting, none of us able to see the entire picture. Cyrus H. K. Curtis receives from Baris Information that American bankers are called "bankstera," In high French financial circle A baukster Is supposed to be a combination of banker and gangster, expressing French opinion of American banker , New York bankers may reply that in dealing with the more clever of the distinguished French bankers a little of the gangster quality would not come amiss, for purposes of self defens It Is no secret that gentlemen cam here from the Bank ' of France, with threats to withdraw all French gold from New York, a they had drawn all gold from Ion-doThey thought this would frighten American bankers, and were surprised when told: The sooner you take that gold out, the better we shall be pleased. It doesnt mean anything to us." tj n. A British newspaper says Americans are "gullible and emotional," an accurate description. They were emotional when they sent three million men and ten billions of dollars to Europe, and very gullible when they were silly enough. to Imagine they would get th money .back. - Cables from England report disappointment caused by our refusal to postpone debt payments Indefinitely. It Is suggested that Britain and France, combined, notify the States that --they will not jilted pay what they ow Many Britishers will object to that suggestion, for the word, "welcher" Is unpopular In a country much addicted to race track gambling. The United States hereafter Frank-lia- s might remember Benjamin sound Advice- against borrow lng and lending, or go farther back and take two lines from the excel-lent English author of Hamlet: "Neither a borrower nor a lender JAPANESE FIGHT ENDSL'I COURT -Alleging be wss enable to collect of from Endow, money due bira the Endow Grocery Store, Y. Kura ok, 'decided that perhaps an iron poker, and sa automatic pistol would help him to get th -money. He used th poker oa Endow- head, but failed to get th pistol in action, before being overpowered. Kuraoka faced Judge Treseder ia court Thursday morning and upon pleading not guilty, was held in jail L urder bond of $500.00. The case will be set for trial time nest week. some- NEW TRAFFIC LAYS L1T.UT AUTO SPEED Somewhat startling at the changes made ia the new uniform traffic regulation act, announced the first of The chief change in the the week. traffic regulation act ia the raising of the speed limit on country roads from 50 to 45 miles an hour. - This set is to go into effect only when conditions of the toad make it safe to -- do so. Under the new law, in the residence districts of Magna and Garfield, the motorists must not exceed 25 . . . miles an hour. From statistics of automobile ac- cidents, it can readily be seen that the majority of accidents occur is the residence districts in cities and towns Esthroughout th United State pecially has this been true in Utah. The local officers can change the new speed limit upward, though not downSheriff Nell Pehrson stated ward. Wednesday that the traffic regu Unions of the state will be applied in Magna, the speed in residential districts being 25 milts an hour pud in school zones 1 5 miles sa hour." Under this new Uw, the question is raised as to speed limits in unincorporated suburbs of the Lrger cities, where urbau t conditions prevail, even though the Orta may be rural. Officials state that these regions teem to call for speed regal rt ion more emphatically than other areas within unincorporated towns and cities. Magna and Garfield, being unincorporated and in thU region, will come under this would-b- e reguUitious The state road commission has ask ed the attorney general to cUrify the Uw as to what agency, either state or county, would have the right to restrict speed under th 45 miles specified ss the maximum, in the new law. .. v (f--w The state road commission has also under consideration the pUa to purchase signs indicating the places the ExpUna-tor- y speed is to be restricted. sign such as "restricted district" and "business district" will be probably put oa sign Head Of Veterans - Explains Lean veterans .Many Utah world-Wi- r have the statement misinterpreted mad recently that appropriations of $200,000,000 for adjusted service certificate loans have been mad The appropriation is being made to meet requirements of the 50 per . bet For load oft loses both Itself and cent loan law passed by congress Last spring, but new loans have not been friend." ia also explained that authorized . We lost our friends In Europe, if veterans who Ithave borrowed np to extremIs they were friends, which 50 per cent of the face value of their ely doubtful, on the day we lent service certifkates cannot borrow any them the money. mote from their service certificate An interesting item it noted in that The oeath of a guard In the gov- approximately $25,000,000 a month ernment penitentiary at Leaven- - segregates applications throughout the worth- - reininds us that we are' all country from loans under the act, exSuberkrup, plained by E. A. Littlefield, regional prisoner guard In the prison, was a free manager of the veterans' bureau. William man, able to go out when he chose and do what he liked. Prisoners thinking only of the liberty outside prison walla were amazed to hear that the guard had killed himself, with freedom and the world before A HAPPY NEW. YEAR TO YOU We wish you. Joy oa this New Years Day. Joy of new beginnings, But nobody Is free. We are all of high expectation faith prisoners, tied to this little earth in things to be. May the spirit of by the power of gravitation, sailing the New Year go with you through with It around the sun, going all its days, and bring you many surHeaven knows where. prises: many hopes realized, many dreams come tru Two .British ship lines have If' disappointment of sorrows or stopped using the Panama Canal, apparent failures come to make you d, may you not spend your time because the drop in , the pound makes It too expensive. Canal fees in mourning, but go on your way, reare paid In dollar Trading with joicing in His many blessings, count New Zealand, their ships are sent iug them over and over like the little child counting star always beginnaround Cape Horn. ing but never ending. in- t- ' o H. Gordon Seltrldge, once a partner of Marshall field, who went to England and started a store, ought to have been kept in A meric He is building In London a new store to cost twenty-fiv- e million dollars and employ 20,000 British men and women, That, says he, is his answer to pessimism, and London will have the biggest store in the world." Thomas McArthur. 40 was arrested at his home oa North Spencer Avenue Dec, 24. after eompUints bad been turned in to the Sheriffs Office that be was beating hit wif A charge of diaturbing the peace was entered against McArthur, and trial was held in Judge William Tie aeder's court in Magna the same day. Judge Treseder. after admonishing th ms sentenced him to 90 days in the County jail, with SO days suspended. McArthur wss reported to have been intoxicated at the time of hit Inasmuch as tb tabbit hunt held A record attendance was present at th American Smelting 8 Refining December 20 for tb unemployed and Co. Xmas program, held last Wed- needy of Magna and Garfield waa so nesday evening in the Safety Hall. Very successful, sportsmen of this loOa of the features of tb evening cality have made plana for a similar wss th Christmas play, presented and bunt for Sunday. January 3, The participated in by children of the em- sharpshooters will journey to Scipio. will ployees of tb Smelter. The play en- From plana made, the group titled "Other Lands' wss very en- leave at 6;a. m-- Sunday. All received the audience. hunters desiring to go art reby thusiastically The following lands wer represented quested to register at Memmot's Barber Shop ia Magna, in order that the Greer by lout children: Austro, ma ia charge may gain a somewhat Serbia, Spain. Japan, England sad A harmonica band, composed accurate idea at to bow many to pm. arrest. itructioa and leadership in such a pat for. All men are cordially inDon and Eugene Moss, vited to partkipate ia this hunt. Brysut and H. Arbockle and Dan The Ahlqoist gave musical (election program was concluded with readings , and other musical selection A treat was afterwards distributed to the children by old Saint Nick him-sel- f. A Urge tree, towering to the At a meeting Monday of tb exThe enthusiasm and loyalty that of the ceiling and beautifully de- ecutive committee of the Utah Edtop School corated with musicians of Cyprus High was ucational Association, plans of holiday festoon probold for the hand was fully demon- laden with present for the children. viding education ia vocational and strated Thursday. December 24, by cultural for the phases unemployed 54 enterprising young band member of the state of Utah, were discussed. who came out to practice for the state Progress. made ia emergency training contest that it to be held ia Price in for the jobless was noted, the spring. A commendable program of short Hyrum Summethay musks! dirvocational and coursector at Cyprus High School, jp es in shops, home mechanic and home in charge of the group sad directed A very clever play, "How Come economics are planned for both men th activities for the practice. A var- Christmas" waa presented by pupils and women. Other desirable features iety of selections was played, includ- of tb Junior Garfield high school, included ia outline at lectures ing matches and overtures that the December 25. The play waa a novel and discussionsthe on general educationband has been assiduously practicing presentation in dramatics of a negro al subjects, dances social for quite a period of time. conception of the origin of Christmas. I G,anm Vh Various atudent of th school had 0p.? The primary object of the meetdiligently practicing for quite a ing was to select or determine what touhl be mM w cos pupils will constitute the membership period of time to present a finished out to the District School superintendThe drama waa very ents for their of tb band that will journey to Price. performance. approval and considerIt was also announced that a part of well received by a large enthuaiaatk ation. ! audience. the selected band will be chosen from Official that each state town wiU th Cyprus junior high school band. Tb play waa enacted out by the have to depend on volunteen foe inMany talented youngsters ate in this following atudent : Lena Whit struction an dleadcrship in such apr-je- ct Thelma Bennet, Is belle Thomas. Brygroup. thi Th Univctsity of Utah Tb record of the Cyptne band is ant Arbockle, Harold Link. Joe is si in this movement and cooperating remarkable inasmuch as it in the Boha and Floyd Fuller. ate opeaing, at the institntion, extenyoungest ia th state, but Mr. sion course to the joblca They will attributes the success of the assist ia outlining suggestive courses band to th persevering! diligent to local committee. any efforts the student-musicia- n Musical critics and eminent musicThe Superintendent of the Granians have expressed th thought that ite School District, or aay school disCyprus School has oat of the best trict, may choose from the above outland talented bands in Utah. ined course, or mav construct individual course that an beat suited AH cattlemen of this region will to the need of th community. Any no doubt be interested ia the announ- information relative to thin project, cement that the state tax commission may be procured from Dr. G N. Jenlast week granted th cattlemen of sen, state superintendent of school the etatt 25 per cent deeftas in the SaltLsk City, Utah or otbet acboot valuation of rang cattle. The com- offlttlft"" Tb American Legion haaketeer mission took the valuation of dairy Cyprus Pott No. 38. lost Wednesday stock under In inch a very worthy project a advisement with an anin evening to Fort Dougla 48-5- 0 tbi especially desirable during time nouncement an that he effort would an exciting encounter., .The of gam aaadeto-claaaify-s- hs e dairy crock be- so unemployment, and at there nr which if the' first that very many men and women with the local boys have lost, was played fore the values wer fixed. span time on their hands that conld in Salt Lake City. Th rang stock value announced be profitably need, it would be very Up until the last quarter tb Leg- by the tax commission wen substan- commendable if men or women, ven-- d ion boys wen hi the lead, but after ia the arts of higher learning, tially tb vain asked by th stock-meDeloy Thorn guard, was taken out In 1932. weaner calve wjll be would come forward and extend their on foul th defence of the Magna valued at fyom $8 to $9 instead of aid ia this intellectual cadcavor. Plans boys took a decided turn foe the won valnation asked by tb ia Granite District have not yet been the $$-$- 9 Speedy sad unexpected setup net- stock wiser Yearling stock will be announced by Dr. Calvin Smith, ted the local boys th majority of assessed at $14-- $ 1 5 as compared with their point The soldiers played a the $12-- $ 13 asked by the stockmen. very- - good offensive gam Thorne Cows art worth $15-1- 6 for tax purand Buckner were the outstanding and good an worth. J20, MK and Mr Benjamin S. Green of the Magus team. , while pose players the two latter art the value entertained figures Tuttle and Grover looked good for asked at a Christina dinner in by th stockmen when they apthe Fort Douglas squad. peared before the tax commission last compliment to the following guests; week. Dt. and W. D. Green and daughter, , The tegular Union meeting of the Last year dairy stock waa assessed Doretta of Blackfoot, Idaho. Mr. and Magna Ward waa held Monday evenat $31 per bead. Dairymen have ask- Mr I. G Larson and daoghtew of ing at the wardboese. The business ed a reduction oa the grounds that Salt Lake, Miss Emily Jaynes of Salt meeting was followed by a sociaL The their receipts per gallon from . the Lake; Dr. and Mr D. B. Green and M. I. A. presented a short creameries have decreased considerably. program, and diversified games wer afterwards The commission win attempt ti dif- daughter, Joan of T remonton. Idaho, ferentiate between dairy mock before Mis Verda Angns and William Norplayed. Refreshments were later sermaking any announcements oa ris of Msgna. ved to 19 guest . r Cypres Ilxjh Band 7eII Under Way Bertrand Russell, sailing for England recently, with a red rose and a book of poetry, presented by Kathleen Millay, said: "I found the American people most hospitable, too hospitable in fact It was difficult to keep sober." That is a pussling statement in a prohibition country. Where could alcoholic stimulant have been of- -. - fared to him! I 7 (0.1M. br Kia Fwm lasj Educational Features Planned For Jobless ; For State Contest GARFIELD PUPILS PRESENT PLAY I b. Pc:t Cypres Loses to Ft. Defies league-"-gam- n. ' tt ... val-aati- oa TOPNOTCHERS JUSL4S by THE TWIG IS BEWMEESmiW WTHl FLANAGAN jraaiEP A KHfr KO5W0WAHA I7 VITHFIVE HCWBLKVUCCKINJ OMWfWUT. .SMCi THAT m 44 750000. (OATtP s TKTflFC&a CW320MK5SOT 1 1 MILES FA&AUWt) SCHOOL TSWU: 3 PlFfEKlNT iTSOSHMffpiy rnrtoop HDkETTAV SZQOOMZi m Raia, Snow Dangcrcni Reads - Be-lo- w 0( Firemen Guests Party cen-ter- of Would yon be happy thi New Year? Then fill op your pocktti with pennies of cheer. And dollan of kindness, to comfort and blest J Those who a re needy and know not success! - belong. Would you be better! Then try to endure, RtCDSD cAormHC a swob tTMCSCFAlADmm NA UMCf FTNlTLNTTAay UrVING TVS Jq? be-lo- be kindly, be noble, be strong, And all of Gods riches to you will YitiWL L tA? 1T3USXUU. AT MOKE THAN ft no flaw; tMX? MV wsrmmcwi vauxp interest Be patient, AltfUGKt$ 7 Klt ) PAST Would yon be prosperous ? Then practice the Uw Of loving yonr neighbor and picking TIME 3000 Qi$ OF HOME IS NCW AH love, SedleT Maid Why of eourae act, maam hes been going with her steady for ever three year iEuiT ?,!? Jd Tax Ccmnsic:i Grants Decrease In Stock Values KNEW THE ROPES Mistreat Do you think the cook nod the officer oa our bent are la ' Sam-nterha- 7f BEVERLY HILLS.-W- ell all know la just what I read in th I papers, or what I hear as I keep the old long ear THE CRISIS to the ground. Here the other Fighting the wvages of pneumonia week before I for the 12 days, Mr F. O. paat started out on ruymona hid widtnriy pasted the emu Th.mdar. according to Dr. P. this Chinese M. Chase. Utah Copper Roundup, why Physician who oaa been administering aid out to my house to the stricken lady. one night to pay Hundreds of friends and ns a visit and acquaintances of Mr. and Mr Haymond and break e o r a have been anxiously tamily, awaiting bread with ns developments of the disease for the was a mighty lnl watching the outcome ot Mb. Haymond gallant lng fight against death. Every couple. Mr. Tom. possible method known Campbell and wife. Now right d to mtdical science to fight tbe diaeasc If you are not a Farmer, or has bwn used by physician to item a the tide of tb malady, and all of us buyer of farm products, you sie happy indeed to know that Mr might ssy, "What Tom Campbell?" Haymondspeedy recovery is now alDont you remember a big wheat most a certainty. man np In Montana that was drifted by the Soviet Government of Russia to go over there and show COUPLE WEDDED thorn how to put their big wheat FIFTY YEARS Farms on a big mechanical farming baals? Well he is the man. He now lives over in Pasadena. He Mr. and Mr Harold Chrittoffer-o- o were honored December 26 with dont belong to a Hoover Commission, but .he advises them after a party in celebration of their gold-en wtdding anniversary. The social they are appointed, that Is if they W1 I!! l the Chriitofferson horn have anything to do about Farmon First East Stmt Saturday evening. ing. He had In, up there in MonA dinner was served. Coven wen tana, 90 thousand acres of plowed laid for 14 gncwi at a beautifully ap. ground. . He would rotate the erops, pointed table. Tb evening was spent and havs about halt that In yhe&t uocaul Numerous friends sach year. I remember game seeing piccalled, offering their congntulations tures of it, when thers would bs to the couple for fifty yean of weddsight and ten Combines running ed life, sns - Mr. and Mr right behind the other. Christoffenoa were You town Waddles know what a married fifty yean ago in Denmark, coMiimfi to the United States ia 1886. Combine Is? Well to tell the truth Mrs. Christoffenoa waa bora in I dont either. When I was the best Denmark, in 1862: Mr. farmer on the west bank of the Cbtutoffenon was bora ia 1861. alto Yerdigria river. Binders was Jost t Copenhagen. coming In, and we was lucky to" - They have been resident of Mag, get to see one ot them. As a Kid na for the part seven yean, 1 used to ride the lead when Won reaided ia Sevier County,having Utah we used five head, threehorse, behtnd and 24 yean and ia Ogden ten yean The couple an memben of the L. two leaders. Then those Combines D. S. Church, and an active church soma along and they just rounded worker Mr Christoffenoa is a up a whole "remuther full and prominent member of the Magna hitched on all they had harness for. I think from aome of those Pictures ward Relief Society They alto to various fraternal organization t have seen ot em .up In those Mr. and Mr Christoffenoa have Northern States they had a whole had 14 children, 6 boy and 8 girl Carry of horses, thirty or forty Mr Rose Rasmussen it the only on head. Now they got these Tractors, of their children who resides la Mag-Their decaendent also include great hig ones that pull the thing. But yet I havent told you Radiator 25 inndchildren. folks what a Comblns 1 , ' Wall hire Is all It does just one 4wvr machine and In one trip over the C&nsts ground.' On the front end ot it Is aa arrangement that makes a deal , te take over the ground (from the The traditional white coat that)Fd hank that lu holding the present mortgage). Then right behind that Man Winter dons for Christmas day gadget on this big machine Is a waa somewhat retarded this as year, tb ground ia tbi vicinity waa not thing that grabs np ths Roots and even coveted with; (now. The alow Herb Another thing r!ht behind drizzling rain that began - Monday grinds np the Roots and Herbs Into evening was followed by now and Indian Medicine, which Is "Ssgwa sharp bitter wind. old by a White man who says, The anow drifted in tome placet, but very few roads wen impassable, he was adopted Into the Indian though the combined snow and nin tribe. Then just a few feet behind thtl' Sll cohnetted With the' 'same m4 the- rosde very bizardousi' machine, are the plows that plow freezing temperatures wen rethe ground. Then right in the farported Monday night. row Is the seeder, then another plow that plows the furrow back Kiddies where It was In the first place.. Then comes the fertilizer, and then At the sickle that cuts ths grain. Then Ita carried along a little platform Kiddin of '"local Firemen were into the Threshing Machine where gunta at a Holiday party Mondav its threshed, then out and Into A sacks, and into a big Grain Eleva at tbs Utah Copper Clubhouse. program, tor that Is fastened onto the thing. featuring clever tong-an- d dance numberk, humorous readings and Then on near the back end is a musical selection waa given by the stock Market board where a bunch talented children. The program was of men that dont own the farm, the very well received by adult or the Combine, buy it back The large beautifully decorated tree wheal and forth from each other. That Is was the at the Utah Copper Gub you have threshed a' thousand piety, for all in attendance. With it Bushela why they see each other the conclusion of the program, treats of candy, frail and ants were joyfully u million bushels of this thousand received by the kiddie bushels which ' was actually threshed, then they announce to the farmer that on Uccount ot supply THOUGHTS FOR and demand, the wheat Is only worth two bits, (25C)," That what THE NEW . YEAR you call a Combine. DATE FOR RABBITT MRS. HAYMOND gram Is Successful HUNT ANNOUNCED JAIL SENTENCE Chi-Tcg- i tiler Xmts. Pro- GISTS YIFE-EEATE- It - And carry sign that is steady and Well this Campbell fellow la mighty Interesting. He thinks that ths Farm Board la a mighty good thing. Bnt he does also think that they have had a pretty raw deal from the whole grain trade, and the banks. You see ft looked Uke the farm Board with ita C o--o per utlves and various other things to do away with the middleman just turned them the against whole scheme. The banka knew that the Farmer would start borrowing from the Government at low Interest Instead few.. And be true to your friend as your of them at 10 and 12. friend ia to youl Be says that Mr. Hoover knows that Its been a scheme on all their Would you be wiser! Then learn to parts to discredit the Farm Board, ao we wondered, hs and I (him forget The lean and th worrit and last furnishing the Idea and me doing the wondering) why Ur. Hoover years regret Be earnest, be watchful be prayerful dldent just come right ont and tell the people what had happened. We be kind. And yon will rejoice in the cam left figured that if Mr. Hoover went dibehind! rect to the people and told them the real lowdown that he would Old Year, that it gont, we bid you hare them with him. But of course adieu. neither one ot ns holds office, or Your joys and your sorrow and welI evsr was elected to anything. come the New worse hurt can you the truth guess With thoughts that are Under, goodIn an election than about anything will and good cheer. And best withes to allfor a happy that could happen to you. Be thoughtful of many, beware of but New Year! Nettie A. Oiborn mi. HcNmt . J |