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Show tft art- e - rflaf iWfc - a - A Friday, December 4, 1331 the tSsr. FEATHERHEADS I FOR A Stall HolLsMT Gained WAT LEG IN THE ICE BCK. CAM X NAVE IT? C:rcc!izc:ll''23i Kc:p3 C'.itn Yctmn CHOSEN Ua-FANNYT- 'CAUSE KLA6G f DON'T THINK RAISE? JlHSU GIVE IT 'WEU. , WHV COJY YOU ArJ .ras -- K4 veNw. fp to me!! Hm an . IlMltMl MBA tw w Ih rUcU Charch . ? ur i ' frafl Ct Steel ! T reduce the fir hasard and pro leet workmen tad passeraby dwteg the repairing of Bt PanT ehureh, fiuMus landmark of lower Broadway atrae-to- r la New York city, the entire ated-ca- g a la WU Inclosed & scaffolding, aay Popular Mechanic Hagaztne. The cage Is 200 feet high, and R.00Q couplings and 2,500 pipe were required to complete the frame. LJiVq t.:usoiiLf.- nCHalk Tin an Error on Susie the force finney ofixsl just what right have vou, WEAR A STAR, TO " , BECAUSE VOU STRIKE A MAM WITH VOOR NIGHT AM NOT AT ALL IN ACCORD IWITH TOUR VIEWS ON V PERHAPS.X club!? vou might as well allow FAIR PENAL JUSTICE, ERGEANT FIMIOEY k! WEAR A I GLASSES THAT BECAUSE OF v-- 2o WWS IN ERROR o i"cBnfjr DRAW them Mutcular lamb oat with I I oitiiciiidftiiriseiiera3yFespomi rood old Muiterole. Doctoiacallita tcauKwrmWactxm penetrate and nimulateablood infecrireulioon and help to draw oat ie aoe tiMandpain. It wt o eetfao end Bttt m iafrfi. wWtiWPWtiflN jMff lfwlicttkn. Apply thi loothiiigg Coofc.!int ointment generoudy to the -i- untar-initanf IN MV JUDGMENT, MR.RNNE-AFT- ER Alln WE MUST RECOGNIZE .CERTAIN AUTHORITIES.- -. SUSIE! x'VE BEEN U30KING pOCL VOU FOR TWO HOURS!! TAKE JHAT! AND REMEMBER WET TIME TO BE OBEOlENTj GiiEora eted area once every . hour Jor Uwd by million for orer doc years. Recommended by suoy tom and nunes. All dragp hours. $ To blothen-Muste- U alto rol TAttK. drent blurterole. .is More to Be Our Pet Peeve Along the Concrete Evid you envy the Joneses having all theyve got! , Her Hub No, I envy those who have got all the Jonesee have and the money to pay for It I Cincinnati Bngalrer. ; Dont mi wife IF I HURRY T1U I CAN CATCH THE FIVE TRlKrtEM Muffr BOitrili, 'soothe kriiadea by we of klcntboUtumla eote. Rub briskly on chest to Improve blood drculatioB and ((event conctstiou. Jars tad -- tuba CKSCO IP First Fir I n t ONEOFUf, i yb'VRomf . 1 1 ' V ,ra CoSese df Ecpseenci - J -l Widi hTirf.ithhwtr n f -- ffm O iin4 iii grfmi fi tfit" --r irm ) Im itui dMta im 1 mitt. la. la.Am. t Nv prwtte tharaurh eurm la Blwtrtcai. MfWlunial, aril, Mia. tam SnNhIbiI aa Strariwal V By Charlee y.N-4u- a MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL OUT i .. Leading Engineering School on HEH ,B0SG OWB IN i . pa ,) Hi fill f 14 K j Pftedae r Thefcost muon THE RjmpkiM OmrM W. -- 1 know," sighed Aunt Hannah, know Ita wicked to Judge folka. but every time I alnge a hen I get to I hintin about poor old Cousin Hen ry, aa the life he led. Wallace Farmer. a- - IjH 30a, USSEN LERfiG As, PAPER! THI UV1HG UEAH GXOCVW3W GOOD THIS 1 A CONH OUT TW ,IIL. VW DWBfURa Oll DAV AMD DECIDED W UN) STBANEO AVWAV GO HE ADVKtOGED IUtW LOCAL DMEH. TVWT HEO GIVE A WttSGED C t uexr vadguvNG uewas nmoke w v LVIHBIHE3 Q0M& COWS BAVJUMS ALLUE COULD LOOHEO OUT THf WINDOW OOOLEG OP TUDA VJOT N A VAAN MYtV EWHOME AWf .ROESN MAH CLAIUED VS . (pill HAD VW LOST COW WiGlGTED LEAVING ON M40 k ( t Blfatiw eoUJEOtlUG , Slambar A nataral sleep of three month la credited to a woman In BraL. Couldn't any good housewife do that Evening If the had ttmek-Buff- alo r -- Newa. WymE OF RARE ' FftfcUAfER (0 TUf EEllER OUE VJUOBDUNGUEF. 3.r tiplamrlar. Mew mum la al aa Alrplua tutmriit. Spmlai Aal ta -i- nAhylam l--t Iw, Shop, BnM MmMm, HacMa Sima, UaithB, Battarr. ria. Hjdroalle. Stmm TmUm aa ismMml, Sam dmt m mt th atalaata lalitri ta tandil tMr Writ tar lr aatalos. w. a. onaoM tr. wood Mgol - Tory "Fima la a wife whose husband amt put anything ever en her. Hows that!" . THE CLANCY KIDS-T-hats Putting It Across ,ON0tR rWROTE nhai TWtN-H- Juts GO? m) mvlSTA. wtemrfRim HE-H WON'T pwTMCoorf B vs in os if GOfKAWAY-TO- LC vp WlttflC BMtClrik tJ O CoOVeftAhT see what hcS to OSSr' U CROSBY Htujt tkcriHk K0U.1 When she heard him talking la hla sleep she went to sleep herself and talked right hack at him. n Vancouver Province. Oaa may as well he Interested la tit guestlon whether Hart la Inhabited aa la anything else. . : HOUR LU 1 1, Bizuess CANHCLPIT. f pryJLACf), V 3 3; CO1 tp k , i r yc yf c W. N. n1 U, Salt Lake City, No.4M93t |