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Show THE MAGNA TIMES be proud of the fact that immigration lairs were enforced by thugs. WAKE UP YOUR baaed Every Friday t Mjgna, Uuh Mexico has complained now and Eatcrcd at the poetoffk at Migoa, Utah ai tecoml dau mall matter under tba then about the lack of respect tendered aet of Congress of tarcb 3, 1879. her by the United States, Times have SUBSCRIPTION RATES changed in Mexico. She has recognizOne Year ed the things that make for national J7.00 Six Months -- 81.00 Payable In Advance greatness, and p refected herself accordingly. The baseball nine of Mexico Advertising Rates Given on Application. City baa trimmed the nine of Dallas, Texas to th tune of 9 to 3. The H. A. JARVIS Editor and Publisher day for looking down upon Mexico WASHINGTON CURRENT COM- and exploited as a means for extracting ae s second rate power is dons. MENT Of aQ money coin from the gullible. Tbs repression' must either be The Japanese and Chinese are go- making hoaxes, the unclaimed estate drawing to close, or else is not the hardest to kill, having many equally distributed over the entire U.S. ng at each other in real warlike fashion in Manchnria. The question now times the nine lives of the hardy cat. since it is said that many members of occupying the minds of neutral ex- The only estate definitely waiting for the New York police force ere making perts on the situation is whether or anyone ia the great mass of teal estate bank deposits that exceed their wages not Russia will be drawn - into the called the earth, and the heir will get The fracas. Japan is not particularly in- his portion, not by court process, but Estray Elks are giving a Charity Benefit Dance, terested in haying to cross (words with by means of pick and The records show that more than Saturday evening at the Garfield Russia. China might not object to the entrance of Russia into the war, three hundred undesirable aliens, whom Clubhouse. Everyone is invited to to deport, since her chances of winning Russian the government w jibed friendship art better, than that of Ja- have been killed off in gang warfare pan. Russia hat her Five Year Plan A bad man who sneaks into a country to absorb all of her energies at home, where he is not wanted, of course does Mis Anne Andrus' and Miss LaPrele and is willing to keep hV fingers out. not deserve to be shot on general prin- Robeihon were special guests. Prizes of the pie, if possible. However it ciples, and no one would attempt to at games were awarded to Jack Gibbons, Miss Andrus and Elva Bebop of goes, there is business on hand for justify gang homicides on any ground, the League of Nations and for the yet it happens that in strange work- Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knudsen Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPhet r, war, and post- ing of the affairs of this world, some and adjusters of assisted in serving. The next club meetcome from the war difficulties. operation of good hat Another mythical estate, awaiting the extremely hateful agency mention- ing will be held st the home of Miss heirs to claim it, is being 'advertised ed. On the otberhand, no one can Kate Bczzant. Magna-Garfiel- d hovtL. pre-wa- LIVER BIL- EWITHOUT CALOMEL saa City last Monday evening. Rhode earned the right to represent the eleven Western States in the Regional ConI test recently held at Boise and he participated in the finals with the winners from the other three regions of the United States. Tea'll Jump Out of Bed in United States Senator Arthur Capthe Morning Rarin to Go per ia sponsoring the public speaking Ami It you fral sour and sunk andlot Uw worid sol la, a looks punk, don't nUo BuoarJ wt, tuaura enndy ar shwwnt to makn yon niklssly (urn nod aipoet um arrant and buoyant sad fuU U anmhina. They only Bonn tba For thry aaat da bairala sad a wm ononraat doaan't 1st at Tba ruaaoa fur your down-and-o-ut Us -fouling is your lirar. It should none out two of liquid bite into your bovda daily. pounds If this bits la act flowing treaty, your food floran t dig rat. It Just daeays Is tba bo wain, bloats up yuur stomach. Van kaaa a (,u thick, bad taata asd your braatb is fouL akia ofvaa braaki aut ia nlwnwhra, Yaur band aehas and you lad down sad aul. Your Vhota gym Lara ia poiaoaad. It takas thnas food, old CASTERS LIITLK UVt.lt PILLS to fat tbraa twa pouada of bila Sowing fraaiy sad Bako you "op sad up." Tory eootata uuadarfui. M Immliss. (antla vseatabia attracts, aaaamc wbaa it soars to Bakins tbs bits Sow liaaiy. Bat dost sdt far Uvarpilla Ask far CsrWS Carta'S titiio liras Pills, Lsok furradtbs asss Raaaat a label. Lrttla Lira Pills oa tba tubaututa. Abe at aU sturaa. OUlC.U.Ca. -- - u, it f contest among the sixty thousand Future Farmers, members of the National was saked guestions single-- concerning iaA i Shop, around all you please, you cant match this value. The name Goodrich is on the sidewall of the Goodrich Cavalier. Backed by Good- c V i W. WEST, Aeet dank Mgr. lit 'ijjja ill !i:i ft; ilM'fr:: V V I" T T I I . -- power, and attained s speed of nearly 40 land miles per hour, the fastest ship of her kind and size afloat. Christmas Seal X , CHRISTMAS' ST? ) I WHETHER or not the French best cooks In tba world may be disputed, but that better they prepare vegetable than any other nation no bn can secret of their fine flavor ia that are always cooked with a tey little onion. If yon will put Into the contents of n esa of peas one small white onion finely sliced and plenty of batter and then warn thorn, yon will yonrnelt discover the truth of this statement. Canned peas are also delicious deny. One has only to peep Into the great markets of Paris to see w.th what respect this article of food Is regarded beets, carrots, and onions are gathered into bou- In Dumplingt teith Pens sad Cap-roquets, as a florist arranges his Sift two cups floor, one teaflowers, and peas are laid upon rbiiifnrLible and decorative beds spoon salt and four teaspoons bakof gteen loaves. ing powder, and cut ta one tablen spoon fat. Add enp A Separate Course milk; drop by spoonfuls oa a greased steamer; eteam twelve to Peas, like other vegetable!, are fifteen minutes. Remove to hot a! ray served as a separate course platter. Put contents of ono No. at French tables, and all who have 1 can peas la two cape highly v cited France remember the dell-e- l seasoned white eauce. Snrronnd ms petlts. pol- - which appear dumplings with alternate piles iren practically every menu. The peas and battered carrots. t; three-quarta- 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 m9J n (M,fe g. rich guarantee and our guarantee. By actual tat a 26 9b better tire. Put on your car, ready to drive away. (And when you trade in your car, that name Goodrich on your tires will help.) pl :v CHAUNCET Are yon informed of the fact that: The aircraft carrier, Saratoga, ia propelled by electric machinery built to develop 180,000 horsepower, a power greater than the output of the tix electrically driven battleships; the New Mexico, California, Colorado, West Virginia, Tennessee and Maryland. In other words, the Saratoga could meet the electrical needs of a city shout the size of Los Angeles. In bet final speed trials, the Saratoga developed over 200,000 horse- special dealga to commemorate the quartsr-centormile post of tta light against tuberculosis. A stags coach Is shown, pulled by tour horses prancing through the. show. One of the passengers la aeen blowing a born to trumpet forth tbs good newa that tht Christmas seal coach la coming. And Indeed It Is good newa that tha coach and four bring with every letter and package they decorate et Jf V & CITY Nautical Novelties R five-doll- LiXI Individual Peas seal cel rilS yearItsthe25tbChristmas anniversary with k BALT Cafe and Cafeteria The best in Whoieeome Foods! Private Dining Rooms Luncheea and Dinner Muaie by the Hotel Newhouae Harmony Boys. 00 Rooms, each with Rath. tt.M ta tt M B Inula ef Plrep-oOarage Adjoining W, K BUTTON. Goa l Mr. ASP 1931 rOULD you have believed this V possible ten years ao, when you vu'd 15 or 20 dollars for tires that couldn't even t pproach these In mileage or any other quality? No wonder peopleTie flocking in! Tires made by the oldest and meat experienced tire ar manufacturer ksv than a bill for the Ford and. Chevrolet size. Other sizes proportionately low. This carit lest. It money in your pocket to buy these thes right now! NE17H0USE the points involved' in his speech. The decision of the judges was based on tbs content of the speech, delivery, and knowledge of the subject. a s The two contestants taking highMr. and Mrs William Mayberry had as guests over the weekend, Mr. and er places than Mr. Rhode wen RichMassachMrs Ted Gaixford of American Fork. ard A. Conn, Worchester The Saratoga ia popularly known usetts, first; Earl Parsons, Winfield, ta The Ship of Happy Landings, Kansas, second. UTAH LAD WINS NATIONAL The above 'Nautical Novelties" .'r-uafiiv HONORS The four orator gave their speech- wets furnished by the U. S. Navy ReKeith Rhores, 17, a Future Far- es over the National Broadcasting cruiting Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. at mer of the Bear River High School, System oa Tuesday st 10:30 a. m. was swarded third place in the NatMr. Rhodes graduated last spring ional Public Speaking Contest at Kan-- from the Bear River High School and a freshman at the Utah State Agricultural College this year. usiness is good here! Genuine We Are GOODRICH TIRES; at V HOTEL -- organization of fanner boys, with a view of developing leadership. Substantial prizes in the amount of 8400.00, 8300.00. 8200.00. and 8100.00 were a waded to the four orators in the order of their winnings. . Mr. Rhode spoke on the subject of What the Future Farmer Organization May Mean to American Agriculture. Following the speeches each boy The Saratoga is 888 feet long over all, with a maximum beam at the Her disRight deck of 106 feet. placement is about 33,000 tone. The war complement of the ship ia 1437 minted men in the ship'i force and $99 additional men ia the aviation department. The Saratoga has a complement of some 83 airplanes, consisting of seater scouting, fighting plant observation and heavy torpedo and bombing planes, and a utility squadron. Ia the Saratoga the preponderance of weight on the starboard, side due to the stack, bridge etc., ia offset by fuel oil, gas and water tanki oa the port side, water ballast being substituted when needed. At flight quarters on the Saratoga, the elevators are brought up flush with the flying deck, the crane is trained fore and aft, while just aft of the smtllet elevator, a wire barier is erected to protect personnel from landing planes in event that they art not stopped by the arresting gear. U, . 4 Kt Now we have a full range of sizes, hut theyre selling fast. Come in now, before Its too late! t-- safe; T&. jj holiday time. It la good newa that the toll of tuberculosis has been cut in halt In the twenty five years the seal has been at work to help make people well. It is good news that this progress la to be continued until It can no longer, b said, ns sow la the case, that tuberculosis strikes down more people In the Brat decade of maturity than any other disease. Dont forget your Christmas seals this yearl They cost little, but they save human lives. They are ae much a part of tha regulation American Christmas ns the stocking on the hearth. And yon will hare the silent thank of n (rent army of people who need your help this year, ."' "Bw Oatefaus SmI" . Christmas Seals sales are booming: theres a reason a capable organization selling something people realize la well worth buying. "Bra Cl.inau SmIi - - M D - - Thanksgiving Day Excursion Rates The Eagli way will be icy and dangerota. . . . Bids in Safety on. the BIO BED CABS. Ask Agents and - Con-ducto- about Special Low Excursion Bates in effect on the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad ScMMh HOARSE POWER t Goodrich - C&Y&fleri The AJevoncbio HcdJ b an ciliated unit of the Epptey Hctel Gk22Hrts!s - in the middle west. Louisville, K and Rttsburffb-ondtheHanwlto- chan of rtAdt in EjCEPPLEY fresdrtt He You should see my new load speaker. She Lots of hoarse power, eh? - rg Liir Calif omid CHARLES &.KLV,!MON V'CPm.lManaw1 44 |