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Show Friday. November 6, 1SS1 GARFIELD LEADER. GARFIELD UTAH Scenes and Persons in the Current News STAGECOACH Cinderella House Finds Its Prince TALES Sally Sez e-f- lf JasMS By RUBT DOUGLAS By B. C. TAYLOR The Buditi JAMES CURST life to MARIE was always giving things She Imbued Nemesis u the the stage even ths clothespins to tha basket In tha laundry with emotions and felt sorry for snyons of them that " happened to he left overnight In the cold clothes yard. V Just now she wee weaving romance around an ancient ruin on a country road, a veritable Cinderella of a bouse in a community of lovely buildings and gardens. If she had bad tba least excuse or the financial ability to bny, and rebuild toe place Into a semblance of Its former beauty, she would have done so. Aa It was, aha merely kept It always a- vision before her, drove past it again and again, loving It, cheering It np In Its v loneliness by stopping to admire Its e charming lines. One day when she approached her Cinderella house she saw two care standing between tbs sentinel trees Marls drove up tbe road and returned to go slowly along the front She thought aha recognised the car (3 of a real estate dealer to toe village sad ahe wondered who could procession across the George Washington bridge at New York during the dedication be looking at tha placs, 2 Premier Laval of France and hie daughter, Mila Josett photographed Just be-A rather young man eteppod out for home. 8 Ranch house on the ranch of the prince of Wales st High River, Al- - and waited for some ons Yes; It fire caused the death of ten of his prised cattle, waa tho realtor she had believed It to bs Evidently, ha waa trying to sell tho bouse to this young man. Could It be that the man was to be married and that he liked the grounds and would, perhaps tear down the old bouse T Marie shuddered at the thought The two men stood before It looking np at the roof, the chimneys, bravely erect In spite of their most coach of all on the old Baraboo-KH-booUna whan Wisconsin was little more than a wilderness and the roads were quagmires and rough, rocky trails through the for seta. Tall and fearless, Currys word ,waa law along the stage Una, and tin fearlessness and the respect to which the new Inhabitants ef the country held him proved the undoing of ono of tho most desperate bandits and gunmen la tho old Northwest. Currys stretch of the road was miles of sandy trail north of Bara boo. Ho drove coaches over this route from I860 until the Chicago ft North Western railroad extended Its Une from Kllboum to Baraboo In 1871. During the last nlna years ef this period he owned the stage The worst black eyes are those which people jive coach Une, bat continued to drive by failing to cooperate with their friends. ' through the bad section. Patronize Home Industry. In the latq 00's the entire countryside lived In fear of Pat Wild-ric1 First motor car one of the most noted bandits of the These . structure. ta the history of tha American froa . fore great left America they tier. Pst was leader of a band of bertl Canada, where a lawless men who stooped. to any1 crims to do bis bidding. Bamboo was already a thriving community, and the railroad Une ran to Kllboum. Curry's stage coach Una made Its chief revenue by carrying money from the railhead at THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY Kllboura to towns along the route, luM N but principally to tho bank at BamPuri Virgin Wool E'asktts boo. The people trusted Curry so ' Had te tha The people ef the Internonatain greatly that they sever thought of ago. Region a region bountiful in supWest Intermouatala having their packages of money In"No, 1 think It Is hopeless," she plies and resources ran hay Mr sured. and many a farmer or houseKILLS the beard say. CfflLUUHWGCLOl stranger necnrlty against future financial wife would turn money over to him Nettled Into conrage she bed nevand industrial problems by buying Salt Lak Citr after stopping hie coach along the Made Goads; "Intermountain she possessed, Marie known er him road, and have pay their bills Into the thereby securing. Mr prosperity car her tamed quickly or buy things for them at Kllboura Salt la History and independence ns well aa helpdriveway. or Bara boo. In an ing Mr boms industries to develop part Important she exclaimed, Salt played "Oh, Mr, Hyds" and , and become independent of theec Curry received 60 cents for each the real estate man who tha development of civilization addressing dominant problems. 11,000 cash he transported across had been a friend of her father, "1 there ere instances of races distinguished MISS LAUANA OAKEY, and the country. One night he was conquered have been looking for en opportuof salt, their use and npn-u- st handed $12,000 to be carried to the by Rexburg, Idaho. this about very to to yon speak nity 'Terrell Thomas bank at Bara boa at here out new yon boose and ae I Just as be was leaving two stranChinese Drams Old the psychological moment I decided CUUDE KEOH LOTS the into crawled stage coach, gers I would stop. that C. L, Arlington, author of The CoeroamoN EtxcnucAL Fsooucts eat to the rear teals and conversed "Some old place,' said Mr. Hyde. Chinese Drama, carries it back a cnV la whispers. far as the Eighth century B. C. It la a good bouse. Long Island IMS So. Mala As the atsge crossed the river farmhouse type end rare nowadays and entered a section thick with Need a lot of work bat could he City Built oa Water More Steam "FwU --pine woods, the two strangers conmade a gem." The city of Venice Is built- on A New York expert In child traintinued to talk In low tones. 1 have always loved It, piles on 117 islets and there- ere ing says that the way to treat e Curry recalled that Pat WUdrick about 160 canals, crowed by 400 some toe of and of Fort breeder the cattle Collins Colo, Robert Boemer, progressive young Guernsey dairy crying child is to make believe yon , Marie, scarcely knowing wbat imand hla gang tome time before had cows in hla In tbs United States during the was about to da "1 have wondered bridges. The largest and most dont know It Is crying But when toe been declared has herd The herd. producing highest dairy 4s the Grand attacked S. 8. Gate and hla wife waterway ' the baby sees that he Is making no portant It visualised ' . baa one who , . . why, 1, as steamers ply. small where near the same spot, and while the past year. . canal, dent be hitches on both lungs and as a beautiful home, might not be The interior of the city is e tangle his effort so whats the redoubles authorities were bunting Pat, a pal able, working with some ooe Uke of narrow streets, many of them ' use? of the bandit chief had murdered 1 confl am yon, to make It each. less than five feet wide. Gates st this same spot on the road. dent I could beautify It so that U Hawaiian Colors Curry whipped up hla horses would bring you a lot of money and n As EOLD OF territory ef the United fully convinced that besides . ths ERAlllS be an artistic addition to even this ths Stars and Stripes is first States, $12,000 In cash be waa carrying two THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL exquisite section of the country." in Hawaii. Thd official emblem ef of Pat's bandit gang. He expected Better" Taste Cream Makes Hyds looked at her. "By Jova I ths islands consists of 'eight hort-innt-al to be attacked at any moment Fdf WeStEIH Trail' you talk as If yon know what you WSStCGi F-i- S stripes of white,' red and" Curry Arriving at Bamboo, Atk Tw Gtmr wanted to da Have you definite blue, with the Union Jack in the breathed a sigh of relief. There he d corner. upper plans for learned that the two strangers were Marie nodded. Mr. Hyde introef Uniform Time Instant persons who talked low duced tbe stranger. The only instant in each day Western k!ada tor Western ItslJ -as a matter of habit This when it Is the same time every-"- Miss Ellen, Mr. Tomlinson. Alvay mk yaaf A alar far The entire countryside wee unwhen moment is the on where earth young man thinks be would Uke to was and at when. Pat noon at Greenwich, England. large, ' Iatermouataia Made Broome easy it is buy i. borne la the country for his At is 12 of stroke it midnight that Curry waa constantly on the lookout By Naa a father and mother. Be wants for the bandit along the one hundred and eighth here shore on north Ribbon Clack Beauty Blue the place meridian, down through the PaciPat ones escaped from the Bara-bo- o like tbe one they had during fic same nearly date the is and Crown Gold it ocean, Jail, and posses searched the years everywhere on earth. Pathfinder their honey moon, thirty-odwoods for miles around for him. As know not do as ago, posslbla They Magazine. Carry drova hla stage coacb peaceReceivers Duties IL They are living to tha Middle road Oacbnerm near the along fully ' one dream Is to is appointed by ths receiver A and their West Ak Trar DnnW F park, be spied the bandit leader court to take over the affairs of hiding In t e woods He drove en insolvent company in the interHAIID LOTIOII What a- -' beautiful idea," said lAPEX-K- along for a abort distance as though est of stockholders end creditora Marla AN INTBSMOUNTAIN PRODUCT nothing nn usual happened, until he It is his duty to collect as much aa If as It looks This might placu met some of the posss He called to possible either by operation or lihave been similar to the old homeWomans Good Qualities quidation, and then to tarn it over them, and led them back to Pats stead, but all 1 know Is from to the stockholders or creditors in There is this good thing about Tbs bandit was biding placs snatches of stories that have been women they share your riches As Pat was proportionate amounts. Washingspeedily recaptured. ton Star. - - . Element No. 87, one of the two told to me and this plctnra just es cheerfully as they do your hurried back to the Bamboo Jail He handed to Marie a faded, yel- poverty. Charles Dudley Warner. hitherto unknown components of tbs he shouted to Curry: lowed print of a house. Her romanj universe, bss been discovered by Dr. "Young nan, Ill see you later. wi tic soul believed it was the very pr wek COUCHMAN COMPANY The Irish bandit had a habit of Jacob Paplsh, professor of spectroVVaUv for the beet In a subpaid Cornell honsa at university, and all scopy and bis Bek word, SM Se. Wl Tmpb Uke City Carry keeplng One million dollars in cash, weighing over 600 pounds, was carried article on Why yen The three walked around to tha of Bamboo knew what he meant by stance known as aamarsklto, a lus- from tbe Fed mil Reserve and other banks at Richmond, Ya to the Tee Cal. Bath Take Cut CUaxr should n s e Intermenatsla Norfound waa an old Sterna ead aU Made ( Tfes, Ctwr aad la mineral black trous where him there see rear later would be garden saying First National bank of Danville, Ya., which needed the money in n hurmads Goods" Similar to Die Natal weak. Wa Curry waa wary thereafter, but way, Siberia and southern states of ry. Our photograph shows ths valuable cargo bring unloaded at Danville. beech tree. They stood beneath It. lastalM aad abova Send story in year Altha Irish bandit must have realized this country, studying tbe back of Jhe house. prose er verse to Istcrmoen-tai- n most as if be had been startled out W ANTED i Name W Aseata ta aeU CfcrM- tost It would- be dangerous for him Products Column P. O. Cerda tm ItH three eh h I of his sense the yonng man pointIN REGAL ATTIRE to attock tot stage coacb driver, as Bos 1645. Salt Uk. City. If da we 1M1 Plaas av lar ktiaf In priater. ed to two sets of Initials framed Curry was well guarded constantly . far data! la which will id la rear yonr story appears in this a heart and carved on tha bark of ke year stlUay easier wKhaat from the day of the threat by column yon will bad mistakes aad dalara Ireahlaa. pea tbe tree. friends who liked the driver. At receivs cheek for VJe V Write eestara I arteries. repreeeetlas any rate, Curry was toe one man My fathers initials and, my W. N. U r. O. Baa IMi, Salt Uke City. In the whole countryside whom Pat he cried. mother did not dare raise a band against "NoT exclaimed tba excited voice j Pats career ended soon after of Marie end the rough tonee of that at the end of a rope In to the realtor at tbe same moment AM a sun Irw hands of a mob at Portage, Wla. "1 will hoy the house tf yon will til a mi scaur. for rehabilitated Is see m" ta. IttL Wnttra Mavaoapw CnUa.) it that r aa4 HamrUka. Pan-lf fv to Maria said Tomlinson yonng prlttf mala "I I will try," said Maria "Mr. Married School Teachers Bat I1AS aa4 an. Hyde knows I have ability and! The Office of Education says tost A background." there are no state laws prohibiting f After that affairs moved very N. married women from teaching In f lailw Garay In qnlckly in the lives of the threa the public school. In n recent surwss It Ctnedka When nearly completed; a Educa-Uovey made by tbe National and Marie and yonng Charles Tomhavcities 1,532 of association, JOE IL PEPPER, Manager linson mood again underneath the ing a population of over LOCO, of J Salt Uke Gty. Utah Phons Waa $965 Would 146 Sa 6th East to said be tree her, neecb ' toe number which reported, $9 per Salt-Lak- es Hotel Family Only carve U were to I care your yon cent employ married woman teach-oa treat" this mine and Initials era Twenty-nin- e per cent of tbe Moses With Herns "Would the tree like to he cutr Prehistoric Indian Skulls s dtles require a woman to stop asked Horns on the head of Moses, in sbe evasively. Skulls Fla., at Tampa, dug np teaching as soon aa she marries knows that It has been about four years ago are in the tree "The the some of early pictures, are acwhile 25H per cent require that A has carried a possession of the Smithsonian inthat rhe messenger counted for - toe woman by n blunder in the of the resign at the end world of Joy around in Its secret stitution. These skulls- - were in the Book of Exodus of translation year If She marries daring the year. self for years Maria Wont you. very poor condition when received, 34:29-3In some of the early some day before very tong, come and may be said to hava no This Is the wife of a native chief translations of the Hebrew phrasq I value other than anthroCamera FHase Insect Life here to help me make my father of ooe of the tribes that Inhabit the stating that the lace of Uoeea other remains from any A cinema tographlng apparatus for Belgian Conga with all her royal end mother happy In tbe old pological shone or sent forth beams were the . of locality. They are examples hornet" scientific study of such rapid Ufa- regalia. Her high rank la denoted translated sent forth erroneously Indian of Florida during population I And Marie knew that her Cindermovements as the beating of certain y the many bracelets of metal and one of the boras. hisMichelangelo. Bath Winnie Mrs. Is and the late Doctor Judd, husband. her with early prehistoric Shown above ella house had found Its prince In toric times and antedate the presInsects wings in flight, has been I gold which she wears upon her of painters, used the ergreatest women two killed tost sbe confessed In Lot Angeles, roneous translations in his depiche form of Romtnca made and perfected by Professor I trmi, while her legs are encased Judd wba arrested ent aboriginal people of Florida, and shipped their bodies to Lot Angeles in a trunk and full Phoenix la several with tion of Moses. J knees MB bv MoClar NtwuMwt eradicate) their to in ankles Magma and his assistants ths Sminoles. from ' cnaa (WNU Santee) laboratory at the College de Franc j hundreds of yards ef metal wlra Says the San Francisco Oironkia drivera n ' - one-tim- - Brands Are Intermountain Made And Deserve Your Support ttf left-han- law-abidi- - ' d cc nn rd - -- T Trunk Murderess' and Her Husband (C nnv AMBASSADOR HOTEL ar I I 1 J 0. extra-ordina- J - - ry |