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Show r MAGNA TE1ES, MAGNA, UTAH Scene of the Yorirtowntoc Qt - - "So Bessie Blowltt ta married; hea a wage-earnno longer." "No, ahea a wage-burne-r bow. MU er Denver Bey . S. i; V? tv .4 vy a j v 'V-v- A is a Winnei ' to' w to Y V- t r V.N - I- ' . "f t - s. A r v'--,-- 4 - - s t ; '. X. f JUu M Aerial view of the Iorktown aesqulcentennlal celebrationa grounds, Corowtmr by ment may be Been n. phot,.! ... In the foreground. imule tem ,. . Coltel SUta i, , the liflth p , .iohe.Hn ine encam Scenes and Persons in the Current News art & m CcrcoIizcillVai Salt Lake City Directory Keeps Skin Ycuno l . Mit a.M pmpt, . a te,. Uii, SMo t. u I . 1 AS3AYERS AND CHEMISTS one 4 Laboratory Itl-Ia Vat Tcmplo It, Balt Lako City, Utah. P. Boa 111. Mailing aavaioyaa aa4 prtaaa Ow laraUal Ued Pipe, Fittings & Velvet Mtwly tfcraaM ul MipW fa ll ymrpyra Lteoeey Iren and Motel Ce. Hw, to witha il it Supply ond Enutpm.nt How. In tho WoL ITAM-IUAH- O BCtlOOL M frt.T CO. - Butt UU cuy. ua Ito. but BtmO Salt Lake Citys fewest Hotel t HOTEL It TEMPLE SQUARE it rout r 1 sH F So! tad Him No Solo" A Tight One Curves are coming back, Joe. Ho What would I have to give Mary What you ye gae me for Tm glad to hear It I never cared you .for Just one little kiss? big kltsa, Sandy? for oblong women. She Chloroform, Sandy A. big hug.. . nri rvi rwini, mi r'i nr-vz- szz Wildcat Takaa Bath Wildcats, like their domestic cousins, dislike the water, but if forced to make an escape from an enemy they will plunge In and awlm aa well as any animal, according t? writer In Boys' JAfe, the monthly magazine ot the Boy 8couts of America. A wildcat was treed by dogs recently, aaya he, and - it lumped Into the nearby river to escape, and by ewtmmlng rapidly across eluded his tormentor!. ' " Vm 76 . lne eronnrt near Mukden, land. presiding at . vfT.. ed he im ief defense man for meeting of Army Ordnance association at the Aberdeen pro rangc ot miles. 2 Japanese machine gnn firing on Chinese Pecl1iJa 1 tonne11 newl? appointed state auperintendent of prisons of Mary T5.an annnal rongreea of the American Prison association In Baltimore. Japanese Defeats Jujutsu is the Japanese art ot without weapons. It self-defen- BOOSTS BUILDING Pinchot Breaks Ground for Big Dam rn depends for Its effect largely upon the principle of making use of an opponent's strength and weight to disable or Injure him end by applying pressure eo that hla movements will throw him out of balance, dislocate or break a Joint, etc. It opand . skill to poses knowledge strength, end demands an expert knowledge of human anatomy. . v U il i v. ' Step Bcyoad Recall To cross the Rubicon means to lake soma step from which It Is not possible torrecede. Tho Rubicon was a small river separating Italy from Cisalpine, Gaul, the province allotted to Jullue Caesar. In B. C. 49, when Caesar crossed this stream, he passed beyond the limits ot his own province and. became an Invader of Italy. i 1 A Brave Man's Speech Samuel H. Church, the head of the new Liberal party, said In New York the other day--: To belong to our new party will take courage, Bat nothing can be done -- without courage. Remember what Pompey the Great said when he wanted to Ball hla grain ships ta starving Rome and the sailors were afraid to raise anchor on account of the terrible storm. is necessary to go, said PomIs not necessary to live. pey. "It It It Esrdly 200 Booms TVoir Two Needs One Sunday morning a member of a church that could not boast ot new organ met a friend that belonged to a church that had Just I hear youve got purchased one. a new organ," he said. Now all "And all yon need Is a monkey. yon need Is an organ, hla friend answered with a smile. London r - t L- Robert IX Kohn f New York, president of tho American Institute of Architects, who has been chosen as general chairman of the provisional organization of 19 groups of the construction Industry. More than 100,000 members and billions of capital are represented in the alliance. which Js to for the common good of the Industry and better to serve the nation. ? J a queen SHIPPING breaking ground for the huge 25 mllea above 'amestown, Pa, queen of the days V 'ford county line Miles to Home Radio coniitctloa in ovwy roam. ERNEST C ROSSITER, Up. Mat ton FMari Opmtora VuM-W-mI. ra ZIm, and R. A.' Frra prastlaal training It yog duality. Operator Ana, ill N. Itowaa Art, Loo Angelo Calif. a Trial ul Error ' ! How are those neW bumpera? Fine; I bumped two tear already and never got Newa. -- -. cratch." - Detroit I bright, and, sturdy i are (sited oe Scott'i Emultioa of Cod Liver OiL For sixty m yean docton have recommended it. Expectant saothenlimb it. It help build sturdy bodies with atrooc, straight in growing younrt ten. Fine far adults too. Scott'i Emuliioa Deeds these far cork rich in Vitamins A and D. Every ore rect growth and the development of Booe and teeth. Easy to take. Childna like iu flavor. Thqr should have it regularly. Scott St Bowne, Bloomfield. N.J. Sales Representative: H. F. Ritchie A Co,, Inc New York. ' WIT Sutum KHJLmA ootoa. iotH bmrtimU. kWC mmdSMFrSi XCiA.SmiiH.AU IQ Wien Vo, CANT QUIT e Morality Rebecca West the novelist, at a dinner In New York : Morality, most of It reminds me of a young man who was the editor on a new paper. A question came in to Mm one Mae-Mad- ta day; Do yon think It la right for a girt to alt In a mans lap even If she ta engaged? East ladies Sepentitloa "His answer to the question was: cara even child, Every Hindu, 'Yes, If it were our girl and our bowL ries his Individual drinking Yes, again. If It were some other lap. Tbs bowl la generally filled with wagirl and onr lap. But If it chaps from the ter. The custom arises cur were girl and some other chaps fact that no Hindu may drink wano, no, no. We don't ter which hat been drawn by a per- lap, decidedly all this modernity. of approve son of the wrong caste, aor may he e drink water upon which a Steamers Among Clonds person has looked. The Pacific Steam Navigation company's motor ship La Paa recently United States Bargain In were bought from left Liverpool for South America. TJmi Florida a was .hold her complete packed 1819. actual In Ne money Spain capable of carrying 100 payment was made to Spain, but the steamship, and heavy cargo. At Mol United States assumed and paid the passengers all these thousands of in Peru, lendo, am of 85,000,000 In satisfaction of enclaims of citizens of the United plates rivets, funnels, boilers, to and furniture were fittings, gines, States against Spain. n be repacked Into trains and carried 220 miles to Pnna, on the shores of Rod Mas Sat Apart for Lake Titicaca, 12,500 feet above the An Indian reservation established sea, where the ship was to be assemMill In BurlingIn 1758 bled for entering the lake service. ton county. New Jersey, la supposed This la the eighth steamer to be sent to aave been the first such reserve to Inno In this way; the first was limits the within' tloa established sent In 18GL - - of tho United States. If eome one Is fond of yon until tlie end of your life, youre had your The public health aervtce aaye reward for living. persons do not that tome color-blinthemselves know they are color Flrrt to Eeglaad blind and do not realize It until England, In 1824, was the first they ere examined or the defect country to organize a society for the pointed out to them. prevention of cruelty to animals. Fatigue b the signal to rest Obey It if you can. When yon can't, keep cool and carry-o-n in comjoit Bayer Aspirin was meant for just such times, for it insures your comfort Freedom from those pains that nag at nerves and wear you down. One tablet wilTblock that threatening headache while it is still just a threat. Take two or three tablets when youve caught a cold, and thats usually the end of it. Cany Bayer Aspirin when yon travel. Have some at home and keep some at the office. Like an efficient secretary, it will often "save the day and spare yon many uncomfortable, unproductive hours, perfectly harmless, so keep it handy, keep it in mind, and use it. No man of affairs can afford to ignore the score and more of uses explained in the proven directions. From a grumbling tooth to those rheumatic pains which seem almost to bend the bones, Bayer, Aspirin b ready with its quick relief and always works. Neuralgia. Neunua, Any nagging, needless pain. Get the genuine tablets, stamped with the Bayer cross. They are of perfect purity, absolute unifonnity, and have the same action every time. Why experiment with imitations costing a few cents less? The saving b too little. There is too much at stake. But there is economy in the purchase of geauine Bayer Aspirin tablets in the large bottles. an .-- RATES FROM $130 It is hard to realize the speed with which the germs responsible for sore throats and coughs can multiply, ones they get a start In ths delicate tissues. From a few to a million may be a matter of but a few hours. But yon can always stop A cat baa nine lives to lose, yeti It la surprising that the man who them short with a few applications of B ft M, The Penetrating Germi- she always acta aa If aba had only always has an ax to grind has as cide. It Is always dependable aa a the last one left. many friends aa he ha destroyer ot tho bacteria which do so much damage In tho throat and longs. Easy to apply and quick In action, it is a boon to people who are easily susceptible to inch Infection one thing which should always bo In tho medicine chest ready Your druggist for emergencies should have It If not send ns Ms name and $L25 for full-elz- e bottle, postpaid. Helpful booklet free. T. E. Rollins Oo, 63 Beverly St, Boston, low-cast- ,v 200 Til Baths V7 :tive Children :;x Pcrslt'a (Ad v.) t- jes i '!- - - I 'I Cotor-BIindae- as i One tog ged Sapp), o JoBmey, o? T lh, trZ ' her careful C0rrlera. een PurPe. 501 A small Ju!f i,nn h feCeIVe Him n n n Cl , holding pigeon No. hi eJ V O majesty on the .' , Queen bees are now being shipped , tr It , L303, which ' fter a flight from Caracas Yen-- I Prized Brood of Dogs months ago the father of young The Lewellln Is a breed of Venezuela oil company. At the ter thst embraces all setters In the moun-twas found dead Its home nest without Injury Ja by a pigeon. ine Many a sweet girt graduate exQuietest thing In the world ta a bomb before It explodes. Some peo- pect to marry and -- rule the roost sooner or later. ple are that way, too. I d ?3 hn!ltag v i Smile! - it O ul Loryml U Christmas Cards Burgoyne CHRISTMAS CARDS A ' tet (to. k is ne - ti Wm . mot Lako CMy, Utah OOtoo Ibnlkw uid Tbrator ul Cborah rralturaltoo-Xx!-iappllra MlaMocrapO ad BupplIraruU Uu 1 8UUoa.rr.Wrap-BtoOldmt Bebool TO - K. 4 and its h it aa raqaaaC Send your il a A? KICBOUI (VIVOS It Eternal ProkUm Every mother realUncle Ab aaya choose your words; He Shall wa elope some ises how important it Is to teach chib call a man an impoverished teleo-stom-e night? and hes puszled; call 'him a She But what In the world shall drea good habits of I wear? conduct but many of poor fish and hes mad. them fail to realize the Importance of teaching their ehll- dren good bowel habits until the poisons from decaying waste held too long In the system have begun to effect the childs health. Watch your child and at the first sign of constipation, give him e little California Fig Syrup. Children love Its rich, fruity taste end It quickly wa drives away those distressing ailments, such as headaches, bad breath, W4 coated tongue, biliousness, feverishness, tretfulnesa,,ete. It gives them e W- hearty appetite, regulates their stomiS ach end bowels end gives tone end strength to these organs so they continue to act normally, of their own accord. For over fifty years, leading physicians have prescribed It for half-alcWILL be easy to find the card you want ?i bilious, constipated chilif yon Ur dren. Mora than 4 million bottles early. And youll get a lot of enjoyment a real shop used a year show! how mothers dethrill from sending tarda at your leisure. But theres pend on It O. Wilcox, 8S55K Wolff Mrs. no leisure that last week before Oiriamat, So prepare wSt, Denver, Colorado, says; My son, for mailing now. Your cards will not only be received Jackie, Is a prize winner for health, 1 now.bnt we had a lot of trouble with with a amile they'll go with one, tool PI him before we found his trouble was constipation and began giving him pi toCalifornia Fig Syrup. It fixed him W4 up quick, gave him a good appetite, to made him sleep fine and hes been gaining In weight right along since pi to the first few days, taking It To avoid Inferior Imitations of LOCAL DBALIKS CAttY THEM California Fig Syrup, always look for the word California" on the carton. ill is is 'V li i ' and he had shown ao much Interest In the play that at the end of It hts employer asked him how be liked It "Oh I Tm Just crazy about It" replied the youngster. The only part dont like Is carrying this bag. Weekly Scotsman. it I Saag u - -- . TVa It was his first day as a caddie, o set- ln direct Hqe from the origcross inal without admixture of other blood. Aatifaatkma Cant Pat Cow Alov Horse The pabllctteaith service says A psychologist who has studied that astigmatism Is due to an irreganimals concludes that ths cow Is ularity In the shaps of the eyeball more Intelligent than ths horse Pioaoor Films , , "Domsaticaied" iadiau Indians of prehistoric Peru knew Typoorritor' Bogiaatof The first historic films mad In Ths first practical typewriter was -- tbs United States were those of how to do elaborate pattern ot knitpatented August 17, 1843. President McKinley's Inauguration. ting end crochet to |