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Show Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock left Agnes Tliilpot had as guts a vacation the latter part of last on and Mr. O, the wetk.vMr. the fiist of Bivbond of Loi Angel. Calif.. Mr. week for Idaho where they will be the guests of relatives and friends. Bacbond is a lister of Mr. Philpot. . M. W. Mrs. and daughter of anArchibald Bridge Mr. rlnd Mr. F, arc Calif., visitors at the Oakland, born a arrival of the boy nounce baby the latter part of laat week. Mother home of Mr. and Kirs, Q. J. Mcand babe art doing very nicely. gratulations. Con- Donald. Mr. Wn. Eekersley and family have returned home after a very enjoyable vacation In' spent Yellowstone ub" will' enter-- 1 Miss Al'ce Copper G1 after a home the at 31 at a dancing party. July tab "lilvt culbrooms. month', U aad vacation Park. a a Mr. and Mrs, Jack Moore and family have returned to their borne in in Garfield after a vacation spent Yellowstone Mr. Roy turns entertained one oclock lun.heon and cirj Thursday afternoon at her t Mr. J. J. Barrett wa a apecul j Card tablet were arranged at prize for high score were Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Olsen enterreturned with tained Saturday evening in compliment to Mr. and Mr. Jack Nielson, Mr. and Mr. Emil William and Leslie Nielson. Card table of'500 were arranged after which a midnight luncheon wa enjoyed. Cover were bid for ten. Philpot has The Utah to Mr. and Mr. Jack Frazer and ton, Mr. and Mr. George Frazer and Mr. and Mr. Ferret and children., are spending their vacation touring Yellowstone ' Park. . Natipnal , Listen to the Farads of Progress Bandmaster bis a a 0a PILES? otliepf Coast-to-Coa- Network, 9:00 Eastern Saving st About one person out of five suffer from some dilease or the brge intestine. Many of them nffer acute pain for year and aw in misery became of pilea and aw satisfied to aecuft occasional relief by using gome remedy or other. But these remedies I or those who suffer from pilccs, time u too costly da r.o: hcH. A tried and proves to waste experimenting with untimely method. method of curing pile, fistula, itching piles, fissure, abscesses, do mi oat wound and constipation Is the use of OUR FAMOUS IMPORTED 19)3 World's Fair, and TtoBand. day Evening I over NBC Daylight entertained PILES DRIVE YOU UADI UP Official of the Okapi Myer Thursday, in compliment t Mr. O. 5. Jenien, Mr. Joe and Mr. J. H. Glenn. Covet bid at an attractively pbnned u for 5. luncheon Are ; Yea Suffering Nash and Max Benia, Mr. W. J. n, Lilly-enqui- a,J Mr. E. H. Cotter, first. Mr. Bayes, aecond and the guest prize awarded to Mr. Ray Wyatt. Jark. the magic lump of SUGAR f c Time HOLD HANO m - ABOVE - INrflAL AND VSLAP HAND AND TURN , 'i PALM UPWARD X) AfPtAtt ON PALM. IMPBtSS INITIAL UPON PALM. GLASS and Select person In your audience and with a soft pencil mark his romp Initial on a lump of sugar. Secretly press yonr thumb against the on yonr over the initial so that an Impression of the Initial appears thumb. Drop the lump In g glass half filled with water, bold the per aona hand palin downward above the glass and preaa your thumb on which the Initial appears, into the palm lightly. Then Inform the per son that the Initial will disappear from the sugar and appear on the the glass palm of his hand. He continues holdings his hand above and aa the water dissolves the sugar the Initial slowly fades away. When It vanishes from the lump ship the persons band, turn the palm upward and lol the Initial Impressed upon the palm from jour thumb . appears on his band. Will I - Vechelds PILE SALVE J 0.' Postpaid $1.25, 0. D. 1.49 Writ to day to VECHELDE dPORTHIG CO. 4640 Broadway, New York . , Undfcorrt.) (Copjrrlfbt, HOTEL HEWHOUSE MM-- SALT LAKE CITY 1 Cafe and Cafeteria The beat In - WbelMome reeds! Private Dining Roeme Luncheon and Dinner Muaie by the Hotel Newhouse Harmony Boy. 400 Rooms, each with Rath. L00 to 14.00 8 Ingle giro proof Oarage Adjoining W. H. SUTTON. deni Mgr. P A R T M "Synchro Safety Shel Silent Second ' CHAUNCEY W. WEST, Asst OenL Mgr. Drive it ! ' From $795 to $2025 . . . f. o. b. factory Unusually low delivered prices, $998 to $2320 a .. 6 T O n UTAH , mjv MsAKEOBirO, TTcny m tthe ncvcrxD ELany iSw&y Maim PcrCYcc3 EXTRA SIZE ' (Soppor Motor. S r MAGNA, Announced June 28tH H T C. A small deposit holds tjczxr select ton until wanted Prices ere hOTS'EZi ISOWt ' EXTRA SIZE! EXTRA WEIGHT! tfJKft v Part-Vco- NOW and SAVE! Buy j I DHadicCo ;; 2oQO Esdi 1930 Price $3.93 - I Dont look further for the best blanket 82.98 will hay! Hen it is at Penney. Soft, fluffy sad An-VIrciaTY- ccI DflanTicGc EXTRA SIZE tn beautiful colors. Part-wo- CP..CO-1930 PRICE $3.98! These extra-siz- e (72x84) extra weight blankets an as warm a can be! Selected cotton is mixed with wool to injure wear. Sateen ribbon I 1 J tMAGINElo", 1930 PRICE$5.90 paxh bound Pdr l y Fluffier, springier, warmer b cause theyre rxtra cloeely1 GIN WOOLF woven ALL-VI-1 The more than 1 sual low priced is possible only because PEN-- PaucYcc3 woven during the slack seasoti.il Block plaids. sateen ribbosfc bound,' double bed size. DfloDTicCo NETS had blanket, these " Abo Solid Odor ga.49 ; ; EACH You cant do better! EXTRA SIZE! EXTRA WEIGHT! nnoOtso ALASKAN GOLD f X 1 t Alaskan gold of today la found In the Klondike, but "fa Tbs ley waters off the mouths of its river. Modern Alaskan gold is salmon. The gold rush to the Klondike lasted for only a short period, but the stream of salmon from Alaska now flows on steadily year otter year. The whole process of canning salmon is mechanised and modern. Between one fishing boat and another and between the boats and the canneries radio telegraphy and now even telephony is used. And salmon is- - stow vaeuura packed, a great improvement over the former process. Many of the larger vessels have complete canneries right on board so that the fish. can he canned almost the moment it is caught A cannery la like a miniature Automatic machinery is city. used entirely from the moment the salmon la delivered to It until the cans are packed. An Ever Ready Help TIE 8ummer Is the time for ready, easily prepared foods. Who wants to stew any longer than necessary In this weather over n hot kitchen stove T And salmon Is a. good summer food. It is high In protein value, and also an Important source of iodine which is a welP recognized factor In the diet as a means ot preventing tlmple For people who spend theirgoiter. tom-eIn the mountains, especially, this Is an Important consideration. Canned salmon Is also an ever ready help la time et culinary rt trouble since It Is not only delicious just m it comes from the can, but It lends Itself to so many dishes and combinations of foods. It can be served with vegetables, with eggs, in an omelet, in a pie, In sandwiches and as a salad, and salmon chowder is a particularly nourishing and tempting soup. Here are some good recipes for the use of this modern Alaskan gold. Recipes for Four Creamed Salmon and Celery'. Make a white sauce of two table-- s poo ns butter, two tablespoons f flour, one and cups milk and salt and pepper. Add of the contents ot a tall can ot pink salmon and one-hal- f cap cooked, diced celery. Serve on a hot platter. This dish should not cost you more, than twenty-fiv- e cents. scalloped Salmon with Lima Beans and Foodies: Remove the contents of one tall can of salmon, being careful to break it as little as possible, remove skin and bones and place in the center ot a large, flat, shallow baking plate. Mako a sauce of one and one-hal- f tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, the liquor from the can, one cup milk and salt and pepper,' and pour over the salmon. Cover with one-thircup ot crumbs, buttered with one tablespoon of but-teand two tablespoons grated cheese, and bake In a hot oven Ull brown. Meanwhile have half the contents of a package of egg noodles cooked, drained afld seasoned and half the cedents ot one-hal- two-thir- d r, DEanliofib- a No. 8 can ot lima beans heated. border around the Arrange ta salmon. This makes a whole main dish with meat, starchy cere aland vegetable, and should not coat more than fifty-fiv- e cents. one-poun- d iDflontioGo 2 Herds a blanket thats extra In every way I Extra size (80 x $0) extra weight (5)4 an Iba) sod extra Duffy wear! extra ...extra gfoe plaids and wide I Double bed size. Fart-wo- ol g 1930 PRICE 1930 Price $4 .981 extra value thatll You can feel quality" fat tMsu blankets I Specially made for PenncVa ot selected Virgii wool for warmth and the best China cotton for wear. Size suitably for double beds. A - t Recipes for Eight Salmon with Curried Asparagus Sauce : Heat the contents of a can of Salmon, remove and divide in eight servings, leaving the fish In as large pieces as possible. Place on small plates, and pour over the following sap re: Melt two tablespoons butter.itdd f teaspoon curry powder and one-hal- f teaspoon celery salt, then two tablespoons flour, and frir smooth. Add slowly pne and s cups rich milk or cream,- - stirring constantly until creamy. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and add one-hal- f cup canned asparagus cut in small pieces This makes an excellent PsrtVool . 1930 Price 81.98 f&i Part-Wo- InsSatf derija itgnkets paya to buy NOMip B for wool enough? withvjust It warmtnkad-te- li ectedcottou for Double --bed also service I a AlsoPJamColor , PLAID ol ' BLANKETS Dlonliofio Colorful Serviceable I I Just the thing for a boys room or for 6dx85-inc- camping h size. IB $i.79 PAIR . 1930 Price . 81.98 one-hal- BEmicto PcG-Vco- S three-fourth- is Czlzdzl one-hal- one-four- th one-eigh- lf 0249 tllil cec!a for tHe boyi . or the dea . or to room take oa camping, trips I A blanket with the gayest, most colorful yrirm, soft part-wo' Jrufljn patterns youve ever seen at such a low price! Just the ol SAVE! Dont look further for the best blanket 81.49 will buy f fieri H it at Penney. Soft fluffy and SAVE! Urge size 70x80. ; DHoeicCg' entrds three-fourth- . Pcut-Vc- ol . Salmon Chowder : Dice two slices salt pork and try ouL Remove pieces of pork. Add one chopped onion to tat and sautd till golden. Add two cups diced raw potatoes, s cup of diced raw celery, one-hal- f cup ot diced raw carrots, ond and f cups tomatoes, two cups water, two teaspoons salt and teaspoon pepper, and simmer nntll all are Under. Add teaspoon soda and then one and owe-hacups salmon.. Just before serving pour hot chowder slowly into two cups of thin hot white sauce, and do not boll again. - 90 1930 PRICE E-- tti PRICED LpW COTTON PLAID , BLANKETS or $M9 The price If low hsU the quality is high I A mixture of cotton and wool Injures warmth and wear I - Double bed size (70x80). Beautiful wide fluids. AlsoScUCdctil SIZE 70x80 EACH. 1930 Price 98c Yon can feel quality in these blankets. Made of the best China cotton. Suitable for double bed. A-- ' |