Show UTAH STATE NEWS the of weber county have lilaces a ticket in the field A new will be opened at ibex mallard county on october I 1 or the winter burglars entered jew eiry store at manti and carried about worth of jewelry A prominent estimates that one hundred tons of fruit have been shipped out of santaquin San thia season the sanpete valley road hauled the first car of beeta out of the county tuesday of last week it will handle over cars from moroni alone this year for the first time in ita history the university will have a competent orchestra composed entirely of university of utah students the pacific national league baseball season closed sunday with balse occupying first place spokane second butte third and salt lake bringing up the state board of health reports that the number of cases and deaths from typhoid fever during august were double those of july and the disease Is still increasing john smith a miner aged 49 years was killed in the mines of the utah fuel company at castle gate by a cave in of coal while the deceased was putting in a prop the statement is given out that the entire sugar output tor utah and idaho this year will exceed tons or 80 pounds of sugar of a retail value of 4 the city council of salt lake has passed a new liquor law under the ordinance as it reads the sale 0 buquor by a restaurant hotel board ing or rooming house is forbidden N sorensen of koosharem Koo sharem met with an accidental and sudden death near dedmond when his team ran away and be was thrown under the wagon the wheels passing over hie head crushing his skull the mangled remains of S saw yer a brakeman were found on the railroad track near stockton saw yer must have fallen from the train but what caused the accident and how it happened is a matter of conjecture extensive shops are to be built at ogden tor the accommodation of the union pacific and southern pacific departments of the harraman Harrl man system in the west the present shop bacill ties at the junction city have proven to be inadequate the portland cement company of salt lake city Is to furnish to the government for construction work on the irrigation project in idaho 14 barrels of cement at 2 ae a barrel the total amount of money to be paid being 41 SOO Fra vlola a female loop the loop art 1st was seriously injured during a performance in salt lake last week the ball in which the woman makes the ride burst just as it struck the net after coming out of the loop and the woman was badly cut and bruised george harkee I 1 a six year old boy was mangled perhaps fatally beneath the wheels of an oregon short line gravel train in salt lake city the child it is thought waa trying to swing on the train as he had seen men do and tell across the rail joseph kendall aged 60 shot and killed his wife elzabeth kendall aged 30 in ogden on the and at tempted to kill himself but the revolver refused to work kendall is in jail and declares he killed his wife because she had been unfaithful to him the salt lake route has decided to run theatrical specials during the win ter from a 1 points as far as santaquin San to salt lake and return for those who wish to see the shows A special will be operated for the opening of every big show that comes to the salt lake theater it is estimated that the lehi sugar factory will have enough beets to keep it in operation for days while the auxiliary factories will be in opera alon probably sixty five days each and that all the factories named wl 1 con sume upward of tons ot beets this season while playing in a tunnel which carries water from city creek to the head of main street in salt lake city marcus brown aged 8 was drowned he and a number of boys had been in the habit of playing back out in the tunnel which Is a very dangerous place tor small boys andrew A smith an employed of the salt lake city tor the past seven years and a captain in the na guard Is confined in jail in salt lake city charged with rifling the U S malls it is claimed his thefts cover a period of three months and that he has taken at least which will make an attempt this year to remove the seat of government from marti has placed the sum of 6 on deposit in the local bank same to be at the disposition of sanpete county for whatever purpose is desired provided the coun ty seat Is voted to that town deports of contagious and infectious diseases to the state board of health for the month of august were received from local health officers in awen ty seven counties 60 of whom reported their communities tree from an con and infectious diseases and 18 tree from all but typhoid fever W alien an old time resident of park city committed suicide at his home in woodside canyon by taking thirty grains of cyanide of potassium in the presence of his brother in law and little son despondency over the loss of his and ill health wai the cause of the act |