Show THE VALUE OF antiseptics discovery made delicate surgical operations erat ions possible the use of antiseptics made it pos sible lor the surgeon to undertake op erat lons that were before then imps sible the surgeon of forty years ago would not perform an operation that involved the penetration of the peri the thin membrane that lines the wall of the abdomen without the gravest hesitation and foreboding this delicate lining always quickly and acutely resented interference by becoming inflamed and in nine cases out of ten death was certain to day the surgeon will pierce this wall with out compunction because by the use of antiseptics he Is able except in rare caes to keep it free from all injury ous interference by the use of anti too wounds heal much more quickly in the old days an amputated limb meant six weeks in bed and con stant changes of dressing now it only means confinement for a fortnight with one change of dressing the surgeon does not need to take off the bandages just to see that it Is going all right he can ascertain all that he wants to know from the ten pera ture and pul e of the patient |