Show NOTICE in tl e leventi judicial district court in aid a id for erner county state of utah in the matter of tl ti e dissolution of 0 the hu it ington canal and arid agricultural association a corporation notice Is ts hereby riven given that tha t the hul rut ting ton canal an agricultural association a corporation corp oratio i has filed in my office an ap pi cation for the dirso lutton of said corpor atlon and notice J is 3 1 cereby tha twit i li i the next tl it airty das following A ing the late of this notice a aay ay iy older share I 1 older or oti ers ln Inte reste I 1 I 1 in said corpora tion a EL d objecting to the dissolution ot of said tt TI e II 11 canal and agricultural association are required to state tl it air objections in writing and file samo eulth the clerk of tl ti e seventh judicial district court I 1 II 11 i a d for fineis con cot try at st I 1 Is office at tl tie c co I 1 it I 1 ho he ise at Cast ledale finery co in t ty Y B by cortier ural oriler of ferdinand ferdinan A erickson J d dge go A N LEONARD clerk of tl tie e seventh reventh judicial DIM distinct lot cou coo t til I 1 i a ai a d or emery count state of utah date of first publication icat ion june 10 |