Show joseph lardeo of en k larsen left us monday for salt like city from which cit be will depart for the eastern states on a mission on friday evening list a farewell pirty was tendered him at the usual nice things were said and dobo and a purse of about raised to help deray hie miss ionar ex benses refreshments were served we had a baseball game a few days ago in which the single joung men and bois made anga around the named moo the boys were obliged to put out four men while two out counted aa the side out for the the final score was 5 to 10 runs typhoid ever is an unwelcome visitor ay pitr haa two and mason down with it and county a little daughter mada is also a victim there are twins at the home of N 0 we understand the youngsters ware bora I 1 r day night 0 lait week but the date of their birth 13 immaterial A boy aud a girl we forgot to mantion that D boi larsen is now a married man his bride was formerly mias matilda Eo of sanpete county the iro now living at Sunn side may happi ness crown their married life lillard tucker who has been sick ever s nee his wedding day 18 now at price under dr biska care calvin kelsey sr of cleveand met with the misfortune of breaking one of his legs on monday of this week in a rather odd manner while engaged with his son in lowing a ditch in a lu cern patch one of ahn tugs broke caus ing a single troB to fly back fa such a manner as to strike mr kelsea on the leg and break the limb shop and henry and win jorgensen Jorgec sen the latter of clavson assisted in got ting mr kelsea into bis house A price doctor maa summoned aad is can for the injured limb mr felgey had been quite sick for some time and the plow ing 0 this ditch a as about the farat stork he baa attempted since recovery from his his friends and ne go bora mth him IQ bis tune cleveland first gra lusting cliss will hou its graduating grad next moo da night eomme cinfo at 8 clock principal louia and the class moin bers intend to make the occasion ocia sion tha our counter glad ates giaier music band Z na Mai deEden to graduates D woodward school girl of in ie pen dence miss sopi la himot song graduate of 1 and a aiding certificates 1 bupt ut ali aclei valedictory miss carrie band i trustee el graduate johns n maude abden sochu by carrie soa caos |