Show OFFICIAL GALL FOR republican COUNTY convention to the R publican electors of emedy county ut in accordance with established ens torn and in obedience to instructions of the county republican corn cittee it 19 hereby directed that a count booven tion of delegated representatives of tha can arty in the county of en er utah be held at bisti dale utah on monda octet er 3 1904 at 11 do k tor the urpo e of nominal ag caad dates for ana following auces ouces IQ emery int utah v z enebe to the state legis lature one county commissioner four year term one county corn niss oner two year term one court clerk 0 county treasurer Crea surer one county recorder one county assessor one county aoe fount attorney one county bupt supt of one counte surveyor ahe said county convention shall shall consist of 31 delegates apkor to the precincts of this county on a bas s of one delegate for ev erv 20 votes or majority fraction thereof alloying at least one delegate for eiery precinct that were past for hon joseph howell for representative to congress on november ath 1902 in said precincts re spec herewith is the apportion ment of delegates to each precinct precincts votes for howell delegates Cast ledale 7 iv son the nuno gani zed 1 clevern I 1 29 1 desert L ke 7 1 emer 89 4 ferron 12 6 G een river 20 I 1 huntington 93 5 lawrence Li wrence 15 1 molen 21 1 97 5 woodside Wood bide 4 1 totals 6 39 31 all delegates shall be elected not later than oct 1 1904 respective precinct are requested to call p cudnea for the dec tion of delegates to the county conven tion by order of tha republican county co umi tto H chairman Sec |