Show invest gat on of the packers very general interest has been man tested in the government in tion now in progress into the mode of conducting business by the large pack ers located in chicago and elsewhere much has been written upon the al lebed illegal and improper in modes odes of 0 business procedure coi cot necked with the packing industry bt t it seems that so far no definite charge of any I 1 ind has been sustained and no proof of illegal or inea bitable methods has been dis closed to ho he public philp a wave e ot of severe criticism of this p p eat ind is trial interest is I 1 ow i assing over the country it might be well to reme remember aber that the pac aers have I 1 a I 1 as vet yet no opportunity to inal maki spec fie denial the many indelli it cl arges ol 01 wrong doing havivi bavli g neer noner been formulated answer could be so that categorical made the recent lenoit of commissioner garfield which embodied I 1 the results of an ofil official cial investigation undertaken by the Depart department Dep artmer mert t of commerce and labor of the united states was a vin d cation of the western i ackers but this result having been unexpected at tempts in many quarters to discredit it were made in view of the situation as it now stands however attention may proper ly be called to a few facts that owing to popular clamor are now being ap parent ly overlooked fair pair treatment in tl ti Is 14 counti has heretofore been ac chided tu all whose affairs as sume i roin rom in the put pul lie eye and some of the facts hat bear upon the relation of tl e 0 pad ers to the corn merce of the counti v in kiy ty at this time be briefly allele I 1 to it would mould be difficult to the b pained gained by the farmers 0 of f 3 co try result ing from the energetic enterprise of the pac pad leib teis foi va wlate ate er is ot of benefit to the farnea Is a ga n to the entire commerce comme ice ot of tl e cc itry and con coll necked with their cont sive work mark no feature perhaps has been more important than their efforts in seeking socking outlets all over the world for the surplus products of the farmer our total exports of agricultural prod acts have gained but little in the past twenty years and leaving out corn the total of all other farm prod acts was tar far less in 1903 than in 1891 but in packing ho he ise products there was considerable gain during this period because an and powerful force has been behind them seeking now new and broader marl ets besides the benefits reaped by farm ers on account ot of the enterprise and energy exercised by the packers in at commercial by foreign trade the great ent in the manufacture of packing ho he ise by prod act acte s has added or to the value of all live lice tod al ed in the united states tl TI 1 P I aste baste material materi al ot of twenty 5 3 ears ago then an expense to the pad er is no v coave ted into ar tides of great val e and is an eco fact this in abt cor despondingly increase the value to the farmer ot of every head of cattle marketed at the numerous stockyards of tl ti e country let these facts bo be le while now it is so popular to regard the great pad ing ind astry as deserving ol 01 condemnation at least it must mutt be ad bitted that so tar for there Is no ade quate a te i leason e as 0 n toi f oi t the he al almost m 0 s t uner anani n 1 go u b bowl 0 w 1 t that ha t ma may y be h heard e a r d every y where in ill the f fice tee of the garfield re port above alluded alii ded to which practical ly e gonei ates the packers from the ob and indefinite ell charges ar ge s elthe that h have a v e been for some time past m made a d the s sub u b eject of popular comment american Home homstead tead I 1 |