Show PLANTING TREES FOR FUTURE generations the Cast ledale vard authorities and the very 1 cited number of men ft ha are r for the setting out of the three rove of trees all around the pub lie aguare are entitled to the thanks of every citizen atho no v resides herer and many thousand st to come fruit and shade trees como close to ben g the ving glor of the several towns that dot bistle and every act that tends to increase their number and preserve thorn 13 dorthy of hearty coti on There aard of the little band aho vho worked so hard and to beautia the public square may be up in these lines lie a plants a t eo plants a hoie ts up tl rough blindly g apo leaves u fold into 1 free bo man s life must ell b flora the clouds of time U to leave s sublime canet thou kroph s thou little t eo what the glo of thy boughs mii bot plants a treo he pla tents of coolness spra abing ading out abot V a fa ers 1 e n ay ot live to aeo gifts that v are best hands that bless aie blest plant life duea tl e rest heaven and euth 1 elp him vl plants a tree and his vo 1 ts re var I 1 shi 1 be |