Show largo number huntington ot our citizens attend ed the conference at cleveland and all seem satisfied with their visit a d in received apostle L can can awaa enter tim h s we regret to deport that our esteemed friend ind pt ter is go eg to leave u he will make hid hocee in the future at cleveland WB to part with euah good people our loss will be landa good tain our brass band bos can ba heard two or three times eich week just p apiag i up they are beginning to mako the air with music nog quito a cumber 0 the harmony horns are idle the own ers being away from home at the aha ir i g ens aad elsewhere two or three das this week it has been q ute shonu and light mog rain and snow e r ear it will be too cold tor our early fruits al though we know of no serious damage thus tar mrs micah trunian gaio birth to a fine baby girl the fore pirt of alo all parties doing oll aither on evening rou the freight road choro he had been tor a few belts leasel tho son of S S gringo who iad his leg broken by a horsa filling on urn is getti g along nicch iia has been at puce etith the doctor for a coup e of week he can come aonia some ime next week if all ia well the bo a mother who was so a short time ago 19 slowly improving and ther u no other sickness in town at I 1 EJ joanson u ing down the river 0 o hig farm to brood the summer the huntington Hunti pub is s chooh osa dext I 1 rid i 23 h dinst with conan nc deot exercises it 8 p in to bo returned at 9 and sones of held sports v 11 be ringed in the citer noon at 2 caloca ahe folio mag id the evening to be iven at the ard aeolin hougo rong vacation S hool ir vocation member of eo 1 cirss axe cibe recitation i PI a duet and id MR rim address atall n quartet devart 1 hosoi alva AIT pi s kli der and olive i nellie class u fusto da duet ie 0 d 1 baet id johnbson and I 1 uth don sacco d bindt ma el plo not 1 8 1 cl so g vacation sell il au tf 1 |