Show UTAH STATE NEWS J W allson of bingham junction Is in jail charged with stealing a horse buggy and harness the duck season has opened and until march 15 water fowl will be leg ornate prey of the hunter the veteran indian fighters of the black hawk and other wars held a t eunson in salt lake city last week henry conant of kelton one of the best known stockmen of the state died at the pacific hotel in ogden of dia betes brown president of the anti cigarette league Is in salt lake city organizing the forces against the cig arette evil an effort Is being made by citizens of manti to have the next state en camp ment of the national guard of attah held in that city the tour year old son of heber ot manti had the misfortune fit losing a finger last week the lit tie fellow had a door closed on it james jackson had his feet bad ly frozen while walking from a camp about seven miles from in to town that he will probably lose his toes owing to the freezing of the lakes and sloughs in the salt lake valley a targe number of ducks have been bagged by sportsmen during the past week the old folks of lehl were ban quoted and entertained at the city pa vallon in lehl last week about people over 60 years of age being present in los angeles Is a baseball team known as the salt lake team corn posed of players who work in the san pedro los angeles salt lake rail road shops it Is claimed the wholesale butter dealers of the capital city are getting even with the retail dealers tor kick tag on bhart weights by advancing the price ot butter john rowley of american fork while scuffling with another young pian was thrown to the floor in such p manner that his arm was broken near the elbow J driscoll of park city committed by taking carbolic acid in the presence of hia wife driscoll was a heavy drinker and a year ago attempt ed to klu his wife the utah sugar company has corn contracting with the farmers pt lehl for beets tor next season s run the price Is the same as last year per ton more than volumes are now n the tree public library of salt lal e city the library has a membership of more than 14 showing a gain tor january of the russon family held its annual reunion at lebl last week de of mr and mrs lot russon being present mr russon Is 76 years of age and his wife 74 robert coulson a soldier died in a lodging house in salt lake city last week under circumstances that would indicate suicide he had just finished a jail sentence tor theft dick wright a laborer tell into an elevator shaft while at work in salt lake city falling two stories sus kalning severe injuries several ribs being broken and bis head badly lac crated A man by the of shea jhc attempted to walk from salt lake to park city during the recent cold weather was so badly frozen that it Is thought he will lose all the toes on both feet W R desmond and his little daugh ter wera driving across a street car track in salt lake city when the cle was struck by the car the mccu pants thrown out and one of the horses killed but desmond and the girl es without a scratch at the preliminary hearing of the bounty graft gang in salt lake city harry roberts turned state s evidence hides from south america faked to and testified that the gang had secured resemble coyote wolf lion and wild cat skins the independent telephone corn pany has presented to the city council an application for a franchise which would grant it the privilege to erect and conduct its telephone system in and through american fork for a period of fifty years A son of john johnson of richfield stuck his tongue to a frosty ax blade one of the very cold mornings last week and the membrane was taken off nearly the entire length of the tongue the tongue bled profusely for some time and it was several days before he could eat governor cutler has received a communication from the military corn mission to appoint a delegation of alve hoys from the high schools to depre sent utah at washington in the in augural ceremonies it Is the anten alon to have each state represented to the parade espy telle cannon a son of the late george Q cannon has received a letter from congressman howell inform ing him that he has been appointed to fill one of the two vacancies in the utah representation among the cadets at the united states naval academy at annapolis md albert holladay the oung man ot provo who was accidentally wounded by a discharge from a shotgun on the ath is considered out of danger the call was a very close one some of the shot passing through the outer wall of the pericardium the sack which en closes the heart |