Show SURELY the norren of ti tie e four st of utah blaho colerado col rado nn tin I 1 aou ig in all of M ft ich the hive hide tie right of fr frinchi in chise sc I 1 ive i e I 1 ut lit I 1 we I 1 ft to con plain of especially I 1 11 i idaho heio ta tie e supreme court has but reventh decided that tl it e fair sex tarn renu enter and I 1 ie A R saloon at tl it air pleasure plea suie e chere is 14 aquil ty for ou on its propriety he hovav nev ever is questioned I 1 utah 0 wo o nen COL BRYAN visited pres dent booso velt at the N h te to I 1 louse ouse last w aa eeb and commended tl 0 executive for the I 1 e is taking ng dinst the railroads and other transi n concerns the most flagrant abuse com camplan plait ed of acing acin re b bites integ and nation favorable to I 1 rge corpor t te in interests and certa n communities it is to bo be hoped tl it at ml mi brian dran ma an ko ke man mana s si I 1 h malts bj frequent on ith such I 1 practical Irac I 1 tactical rac m mm min in as is the president mr bra an s great lutell ct may let et be di erected in a proper course thit will re ro aultin suit in his becoming a ery cry useful as well as a talkative c t zen THE 3 ear 1901 accord ng to the amer magr culter st at w is i the most pi ous that A i brilan oncan agriculture his ever enoi n as shown show n bi the folio follo ving corn I 1 anions the total i alue at the firm of the crol s i s 1 TOO in 1800 1896 ea 10 n 1001 and nd in 1 04 11 us the total value of the last se ason tf 6 8 la is almost I 1 thit of 1890 1896 alid i a I 1 increase it crease in N lull out of all I 1 roi rol to tl e increase in 1 I reduction ille comp com pinson irison of bu hel farm values int kes this more marked cort corn F is silling tor for twice hat hatla U did in 1896 wheat beat N for one tl it ir tr I 1 i ore hal ha for fora a third more wore the tile last I 1 abt t toor io or three icara earsa a great deal has been printed in ne slap i rs concerning allegations of favorit favoritism ibm and privileges to tt ti e 0 I 1 lorenco and raven mining borup pinies in the tile sel oc or ion of i v lu lit bb mi nil or cal it I 1 ands in the uintah in the charges of fraud III tl e iii ii i nes des of K L leral i is ir ludig g c I 1 tits its a rl on a d nr fir cot dot withheld and ita if n traction tra clion of 0 chatis what is allega concerning concerning tl it s erv nerv important witter is true there are a n in her of finely clad an tin I 1 h b ably groomed crin finals holding positions that could be bet ter filled by honor bonori I 1 ie le men the fhe interior department has a duty to per form in probing pro bics these serious charges the uintah lands nl 03 tl belong to the home ii aking and anal i A onest ouest to ling ilog classes and these sho id not ba be second to the avarice of a ging gang g ing of political trick aval ie grafters THE tim long expected ri rt polut on in busbia is 14 now a reality aho end ani of the 13 nasta there ia Is almost in sight the czar s throne is tottering and the pra ers of millions is let it till fill russ i a is ful ly ears bechu d the times so was spain until she bum ed up against the united states aho result of that bump adai ada ced iced the slant als rs to ishin f GO 0 years ol 01 the present any england englan 1 I france germiny germany and italy hue mie each had bad a dose of the claim of mon lachs to rule b divine ji light but in ineich ine eich e ich politic 1 il I conditions have been ad advanced alced by revo lution or b conbes concessions gained ba b the threat of ponder and bisnet ahe movement in russ a for popular r gats that are the anine inheritance of ill peor ie le ae so opposed to divine r gl gi ts of kings to rule is the most advanced movement inaugurated for aa mrs irs past all lovers of free and antell gent go goern ern ment are in s with the I 1 ng af faring foring and p pea peasants stints of russia in their feht a as dinst natcho tho lz czir ir a n i I 1 h b s n ur derous minions representative of utah coun conn t tl has hag presented i bill to the v exempting owners of tres spass ng og am ant wils from li diab ablit lita IQ in other words should the bill become a law aa it would be necessary for even everi far farner tier and owner of am sized pat hot hof le lelan ian I 1 to fence the same w with ith a strong fence thit would 6 turn all animals in lud ind ng p gs it is I 1 learned since that hone ing his wit drawn his bill to make ako a few needa I 1 corrections we would suggest one recommendation homr to mr hone and bv so doing we e voice the sentiment of 95 I 1 or cent of the citi call zens of emer counti let the antl auktor or orthis bill insert the words in rutih couet so the tile title w will ill read something like this A bill for in act declaring con don liability of the 0 oner N tier of in uala lial tres pissing essina upon anfel eel land in utah count chit duj alloy mr air hone to turn his cew cow call calt and pig into in the h b gh at tight an ard save III him no a aha baa and pasture b bill ill and such a la a v w would perm t a great many other people to live who are not engaged in the stock i raising lodusta tr or are not stockholders iti enire wire factories IRE progress Pro oRESS is N red ath with the I 1 and senate d ill ih journals and al at so th b presented in auh house 0 of the state logist fur naich it is in debated to will billj J seeli messenger mes of the house and fran i K elson nelson wit uto clerk of the senate |