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Show ' page two. TH2 PROVO POST THE FASHION PLATE GIRLS, sucfarwell known sars-si- ' James K. MISSES PEARL & IRENE SANS Ilackett and has been under the Gov. Maytorena of I i EDITORIALS J k ! - i Never m the history of the state has a man greater praise for his services to th? country than" Senator Reed Smoot. So well has he per-formed his duties at Washington that all .of the great statesmen and the great newspapers of the day jb re commenting upon liim Even his bitter enemies respect himfor hi&great worths. The lat- praise the senator is Leslies Weekly, one of1 the oldest and greatest journals in America, and that magazine says: Business.men of thisj ountrylhave' recently awakened to the value of having fit and capable rereseutatjves on the floor of Congress. It is a pleasure to lmvnrthfrtthpv are standing so earnestly behind Senator Smoot of Utah, now a can- -' ., His - associate, - Senator diq&te for Wfeks of Massachusetts, says truly that Senator SnJsoTts constitpeotsr generally speaking,hardly appreciate his value ,as a legislator.- - Hy is entirely, familiar with the ,rules,of the Senate, attends t he; scsipps-wit- h "perhaps mqre regularjrty tbain any other member and has an uiiusuaT fa miliarity' withall kinds' of legislation. ' i.1 ' C. i We know of no stronger defender of the protective tariff with all its benefit! to' the farm erjfl 'the' wofkmgmeri," rfnd business 'tietTf than SeBStor Shloot.' ' Eewinemhers Offfie Senate have hadit Wider andjlccperi griisp' of economic he, and none1 has been More attentive tohrs senatorial duties or exhibited a fairer: disposition to treat all questions not so much from the standpoint of partisanship as from' that of the ' common welfare of all the people. ' . Utah has never been represented in the senate by an abler; more conscientious dr more industrious' man than Reed Smoot His fellow members all bear testimony to this fact His record proves it. lie knows his state and it will return him to his seat by a decisive, majority. ' Here in Utah we certainly ought to feel very proud of Reed Smoot. There are a few enemies wh(T will bark at his heels and attempt to use their little hammers but the great commonwealth of ?Ttah is made-u- p of peoplewhoare hot 'blind to .the best interests of the state Reed Smoot has shown his worth and the people will continue to keep him in the senate. , rj r i 9 - H " 4 -- 4 1 ' V 4 - - ' r j ... i r- ques-tionrf'th- THEY WILL BE CALLED TO ACCOUNT. During the past three weeks fhl people of the United States have been witnessing one of ' the most interesting experiments ever attempted This is the effort to instil more confidence In the busness outlook and a larger hopefulness by phasizing that which is favorable and encouraging 'and minimizing the drawbacks and f trade and production. In other word. 'psychoogy is having a nation-widtest. The iuspi.tCon for this was President "Wilson's niviattftrwhift his reasons or the basis for his of sublime faith and, as if of common crimcut there is a disposition to stand by and let it developed whether the state of mind has a coneft-tetfeet upon the state of business. Th at. humafely speaking, the mintLaffeots the body, and the bcfdy the mind, is not to be doubted. To what extent.-the- n, do psychological influences aera of a ?rcat people TrimsCmVtr cond.t.ona ,re declared to-t- e sound, but who nevertheless find themselves in a e h has not responded to times treatment and political remedies as rapidly j had been predicted? duooui-agemen- ts 4 e e aars ( -- l 4, r Natnrally. PresidenOVilson aml his party are hopeful the corner will be turned o complete ly that they will not encounter reverses at the fall elections. But even so the Demoerary -- and its policies will be held to answer. How, for - in stance, are they gojng to explain away what lias occurred already? Talk the matter of lost wages since the Underwood Tariff law became effective The American Economist has been hanks to get figures. It addressed 40--canvassing and has heard from 88. Of these 64 gave the comparisons as red for, as between the third week of June. 1913, arid the third week of June, 1914. fa thos 64 banks the payroll checks cashed showed a falb fr n -- has-bee- n the-roa- d - This, however, counted for nothing to the Sat Lake crowd. They have grown so bigoted ar narrow that Salt Lake all oi Utah represents to them, so they; changed the route from Duchesne in. and. eame. through the Strawberry ana down the Provo canyon. This gave the Salt Lake guides the 'advantage and they hurried the party to Salt Lake, - - With-these- things being constantly pulled off on the people of the ji ate and Provq coming in for morehan her share, wi'see'po adiantage m the Rotary-Cluor any other ' organization coining to Provo to expend the hand of fellowship. Salt Lake can onlyhow a spirit of fairness when theadvantage is all for her.- - Let one of the smaller cities come in for a little publicity and a few Salt Lakers will show their colors. It is safe to say the action of the Salt ake Commercial Club officials will put' a quietus on any future efforts on the part of Provo to join with Salt Lake. This city is seldom given a square deal and, dike other outside towns, it is greatly to ouradvantage to do what ive do alone. But while we are on the subject it might be well to warn Salt Lake that the treatment ac-- 1 corded the restof the state will sooner or later bring about a combination against --her tfratT will not be pleasant.' It takes only a few such deals as was' handed to Provo to drive the peo- -- , - 5 1 b ,, from ' sor-!ca- e 1' - i - -- . -- aS-ysa- n, tot-thla- 1- t "n n r ati : ' H rl A 1 WOMAN-LOV- ES mwmm bl ' Bring the next bundle'of shirts,( 'eullar6, . i r- - H . f r cuffr ' ori uther m i A p -- , chief of the i Constitutionalisis, have been fighting with the followers of General Alavara Qbre gon. the Constitutionalist leader. In Juarez it was said that General Villa was planning to send troops into Sonora to restore order. He also declared he favored DomcsiicSteamLaundiy 203ft send you FREE-PERFUM- ED. ? E: Write today for a testing bottle of HOME COMING , PlUAUD'S LILAC The world most famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. Fine after' sharing. AH the value is In the perfume ycu I dont pay extra for a fancy bottle. tot 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the tw 50 handkerchiefs. ED.r PINAUD PARFUMERIE li !. bottle 4- - Excursion rates. August Tiekets on sale August 25th and 26th, returning August 30th, via ' : Salt Ijke Route. 9. ItCC , enough for , Hi.1 n J. ED. PINAUD BUILDING " ,r Wholesale and Retail r ALEERICAN WIRE FENCE, COMBINATION FENCE, WINDOW GLASS, READY - MIXED PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, PAINT BRUSHES, BUILDERS HARDWARE, CEMENT, HARPWALL ' "PLASTER, MALTHOID roofing. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, LATH, LUMBER, NAILS, EOLTSeTC. All Kinds of Mill Work - Watch the Demoeraryy all the consequeucE, es of its SP shorteotiiings fil administration pol iey since March 4, 1913, to the European war crisis. The Titanic struggle across the seas makes a fine cloud of battle smoketo obscure Democratic incompetency just before election. The q,iestion for the thouhtful voter t0 answer for himself however, has nothing to do with the war. It is, simply; what was happening to the country in the way of business and financial depression as the result of Democratic misgovemment fo'r months before the war broke out? And, answering that 4hc voter may ask again, how much worse off wall this larid of ours be along this same direction tow thatvthe war is on and the revenues of a boasted competitive tariff, that were fast diminishing during a time of peace, must decrease further beca,lse ore'g is competition stifled by the conflict of arms abroad. 0 o o-- Tlie buzzards are soaring over Europe. lr NEW YCEK 104 AND 105. PROVO, UTAH. ur veiling Are. less than other concern . any in ithe State; hence, we can sell you a piano for considerably less than any oneelse. Pianos sold by us go direct from fac- t ) tory to your home. We have saved many others many lars, let us do the same for you. dol- r .LAKE MUSIC COMPANY i. .! pi ALL ON ACCOUNT OF. THE WAR. -- t quality is wonderfuL TTie prick only ,V SPANISH FORK 25-2- 3 PHONE TA, neither' faction. Troops stationed at Nogales and at Cananea were rushed to Hermosilo on special trains. It is reported that the Yaquis have declared open warfare against the faction opposed to Governor Maytorena, and that they are being supplied with arms and rations by the Federals at Guaymas. PHONES yhe 0 to ns, and we will jnkkeV yea so lovable feminine eyes 3 laundry i v v will follow you everywhere. We use soft water andpnre soap, and clean wihon de-,, . . ,t ,, m ; t . stroying. ..'.I.. capital' thatate ' J 'exhibit the administration will be called to ae-- l 'ount rt the Toht whcjlicr psychology eves or not r.v - . of sum for J913 being $9,026,903 and for 1914 $9 059 997 The decrease for a year at the same rate would run to $15,079,216. And (hat is from only C4 banks m 44 cities, while o o o there are 7,500 nationals alone, to say- - nothing 0f state The people arc watching with a grim smile hanks and trait companies. The low Tariff while the Democrats are vainly trying to transform shrinkage on nnges. and salarms, it is no hl Ship of State into a merchant marine, now exaggeration to estimate would mount into hundreds cf millions of j0 that the war in Europe lias brought home to this lars m a year. And the Country at last the great necessity ror the up. is pay far the greatest single factor in envelope of American shipping along lines advo- American pros-- l s:s tno Economist poniy remarks. For this Republican party for years. !" ' off ANOTHER SALT LAKE TRICK. ... Quce more the Provo Commercial Club, the city officials, and in fapt the business interests of the entire city are chagrined over the way the .Salt Lake Commercial Club officers have treated the people on the big, party of autoists who eame to Utah over the Pikes Peak Route. With the typo of, sport smanship-whie- k teristic of a large number of Salt Lakes good men wbo have been preaching the fellowship gospel of a united stntef Messrs. Stark and Jen- son hurried the big party of autoistfT across the Provo Bench from Provo canyon and into Salt Labe, Sunday. Mayor Decker and Sheriff East went out on and succeeded iu getting a few jof the crowd to at least come through Provo but they did not atop in the city long enough to stop their engines. When'; a jiarty froniiHebW arrived ui Prove ihe metit)er&i learned that the Umbdy' ofautoisjs had'gonemto Sail' Lake Without ;even'wuiting'for theihT the p ayty sfifst trietkiNSuW information that it wa coming jcommittees were appointed to take care of this end.1 The routeof travel was to lead through' Colton ; and into Provo, where the pariy' Vould; fetop' Sunday night, take' a ride, on iheUah lake,, ami then leave for Salt Lake. In order to build tjiab Countys end of the road, C. M. Twelves gpeut.tbe better part of a month with his forces in Spanish Pork canyon, and the county engineer placed the road in splenthd condition. Last week the locaLcommittee logged the route and the information was sent to the members of the party. At Colton the public spirited residents prepared to- entertain the visitors "royally. They provide! special menus for the travelers and went to a great expense. Here in Provo a trophy-cu- p was offered for the most safe and ane ran from Vernal to Provo, and the hotels reserved rooms for the visiting'party , had management of the Shuberts, Be- lasco and Henry W. Savage.- Asv Daniel Burleigh, In the present sketch, One Flight Up,Mr. Lampe easily displays his splendid acting ability, for the character is handled in a natural, easy and capable manner by this gifted and versatile man.' pretty sisters - who - call 'A rebellion within the rebellion' themselves Pearl and Dene Sans, .MeAan government gainst the out possess imong other one of the prosperoaa norihen, atatea of o youth which ig 80 vaiuiWe ail Mexico now under the control of the Constitutionalists. Friends off ? k PlllZfiovemor Joae Maria Maytorena, former a woman. Both arc said been considered very' to carry with them exceptional WOWS THIS? . . close to General Carranza, the vocal organs, besides winning personalities. They have been We ou.er One- - Hundred. Dollar Hovery popular alongjhe circuit in ward for any case of Catargb Uuit Halls Catarrh the east and should get away with cannot ,tS .cured-bv- p Cure. fi t i results here. gratifying F. J.1 CHENET 4 CO.. Toledo. O. We, the. undersigned,, hate, known and fTHE COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY F. J Cheney . belleve,hto.PWfecUxJhonrahlai.aRT business transaction and nnaa dally William Lampe, who will , able to carry out any, obHgatfoaa ; Arm ipear at the Columbia Wednesday,1 ' made by bla- BANKOF 'OOXHE2CX, made his foTmerappearance'herC nationalbi tbe ,of r oiidicat-rii;cwe,jii:tm drama. ; ny; aoUng directly Nevy York legitimate t tM bioed ? ,. Again the evidence .is conclusive s and muqoua surf ape, of s j j that the big legitimate, stars are Testimonial sent free. Price ?S 4r I rislBwly but surely wending thfeir toward vaudeville, !a the two. Take1 jirsFamliy; PUla tor 1 A u a Way. Mr.' Lampe ha &upported" sttpatlori ' tAdt.) - i MORE PRAISE FOR UTAHS SENATOR, Columbia Wednesday m ;. - AT fvvo H. C. HICKS, Edior ; Sonora in New Light |