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Show PAGE TWO I' THE PROVO POST THE PROVO POST dential electors was called for a number entered , the field, Epli Homer of Utah County received the highest vote given to any doctor, with Mrs. Margaret Zahe The Witcher running second. o'ther two named1 for this position were J. M. Davis of Uintah county and E. D, Wooley of Kane county. When the.- - convention had' adjourned the delegates one and all announced it the mosfTnthusias-ti- c gathering of its kind ever held in the State of Utah. Published Every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY At Noa. First West St.. Provo. Utah 22-2- 4 By The JPOS T PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUBSOllPTIOH . r year months r. rrr; ...... t. , . PIliaS lit ADVANCE J2 50 Three months l.&OOne month .......75 Cents 25 Cents "fir (THICKS, Editor. N. C. HICKS, Manager. atered at tits Postofflce of Provo City as second class matter according to Act of Congress. March - S, 1884. Post subscribers are requested to notify this office promptly whenever the paper is not received. Residence carriers are supposed to notify the subscribers by blowing a whistle upon their arrival with the paper. Please help us to see that this rule is enforced by report ing any negligence on'te part of the carrier. SOI THE ' 10, THE citizens stand aghast in wonderment? the citizens of Provo are standing aghast awaitUndoubtedly the tremendous event of the ing open debate demanded by our contemporary on the tariff issue,' which hev believes will be fought out at the next meeting of the Utah legislature. No doubt the good people (Continued From Pa.ge One.) of Provo will be terribly disappointed when they learn that The Post proposes to discuss the tariff question in its own way between to njore speedy trial and punishment, and that lh(uilty may not mere technicalities. escape through - now and the campaign and refuses do participate in the Titanic s INDIAN WAR PENSIONS.- - We urge the enactment of legislastruggle for supremacy insisted upon by the Provo Herald. Howtion providing adequate compensation to those veterans w'ho by their ever, we feel that this all important subject will receive its just courage aud devotion in the early building of the stateprotected the long before the campaign is over, and that this paper will lives and property of the people during the Indian ware. publish many an editorial and article dealing with the benefits of the ' FOR MEASURE, In line with legislation by a ReRepublican system of handling Jhe tariff question. It has again publican Congress and believing that wholesome legislation is harm become one of the national Issues of the campaign and of course must pered and endangered by the system in vogue of giving passes to receive its due considerathm at the hands of ail Republican, Demo- public officials," we pledge our Iegislature and Governor to pass an s measure for the correction of this evil. cratic and .Independent newspapers throughout the country. iVr- - adequate AS TO RATE REGULATION. In accordance with the" suggeshaps our friendly competitor anticipates a debate in the Stake Tab- tion of Governor William Spry in a message to th&last state legislaernacle, Opera House of some other public building between the two ture, we pledge our party to put on the statute books of this state - editors,- - which would no doubt draw a capacity house with thousands at the next session of the legislature adequate laws' for the carrying standing around the outside, eagerly awaiting the words of wis- out of the provisions of Section 15 of Article 12 of the constitution dom which should fall from the lips of the opposing forces should relative to. the establishment of reasonable maximum rates fcf charge such be 4 he ease. But then, too, maybe the good people of this state for the transportation of passengers and freight, for correcting abuses - would not congregate to hear this debate, and it is not at all proh-abl- e and preventing discrimination and extortion in rates by all common that the patrons of the two papers would be as interested in the carrier!;. gaptie struggle for tariff supremacy the two papers might wage, Point to Party Record. t as our contemporary might imagine, hence much space would be dePROVIDE FOR CAPITOL. We call particular attention to the voted to that which does not quite fill the bill. constructive work of the last legislature. The provision for a capitol Ye are by no means adverse to discussing the tariff issue, but building meets with a need that long has pressod upon the state. The believe that the best interests of all will he served In discussing it commission selected fon the duty of supervising this work reflects according to our own methods, without allowing our contemporary the highest credit upon the appointive power and insures the econoto dictate conditions upon which this question shall he placedlbefore mical construction. Of a commensurate with the importance building " the public. Then, too, the challenge is so sweeping that 'according to of the commonwealth. ' . ohr contemporary, numerous writers might be involved in this strug.COMMEND LEGISLATURE. We commend the last legislature gle for supremacy, as The Post is a corporation and may be? edited for the passage of a. law to .ralfic within suppress the white-slav- e by one or more writers without violating in any manner its articles state limits. We rejoice in of a to measure provide" for of incorporation. We. feel, however, that our friends up the street the maintenance of the Stitc theisage and the University Agricultural College are giving the worthy postmaster of this town unjust criticism and by a permanent tax. This provision for a central building for the bringing Kim into a controversy to which he is not a part,, as lie has State- University and a gymnasium for the Agricultural College acnot written an editorial for this paper m a number of years, having cords with the interest always felt by the Republican party in educabeen kept busy lending strictly to tty duties of postmaster which jy tional affairs. by no means a small jot). As far as the question whether one man SUPPORT UTAH DELEGATION. We congratulate the state writes the editorials appearing in this paper of whteher a number of on the high efficiency of our congressional delegation, and the broad men write them, it is very immaterial to our worthy competitor, and standards of statesmanship shown by them in their public service. we might consistently state without being impertinent that it is the ENDORSE STATE ADMINISTRATION. We endorse the splencompanys business alone who writes its editorials, as the paper stands did administration of state affairs by our present state officers, headbaek of what is published therein and the company does not permit ed by Governor William Spry; an administration which itself constieither its editor or other officers to use the big I,'JMe, dPMy. tutes aplatform upon which .tjie' Republican party is glad to go before There are a fevyAmerican journalists through long years of training of Utah. voters the' and public recognition who may use those pronouns, but the editgor, editors of this paper have not yet reached that stage, hence can G- Kelley of Millard for state audnot with sincerity assume such rank, although the presumed editor Republicans Name V itor. of our contemporary evidently classes hhnsif with the chosen few before the end of the day a Strong Ticket rJust it'developed 'that there would be permitted by long years of efficiency to use these terms. a battle royal for state treasurer. (Continued From Page One.), In Conclusion we will state with sincerity tljat we believe the The friends of Mrs. Margaret Zane people of Provo are willing to allow, each newspaper the prerogative Salt I,akc M. M. Bush. Tooele; Witcher had succeeded in getting of discussing the tariff question as it sees fit. and we also believ e that Harry Joseph. Salt Lake, and Ben- a majority of the Salt Lake counthere is no real public clamor for a joint debate between the two edi- ner X. Smith, Salt Lake. The ty delegation in her favor and as tors, whoever they may hV upon-thi- s Important national question. first ballot elected Howell by the C. . C. Dey of Weber had withnotwithstanding tip editor of our contemporary boldly insists ipni small majority of seven and a half drawn on account df Mattson get1 ting the secretaryof state noman open debate. The fact in the matter is that neither edito. is at votes.' ination they thought to take the on conthe fight the pretmt time so endowed with oratorical ability to attractsta?e convention' ami for by storm. "Nominaticket. started, wide attention, nor financially equipped to pay out the nee ,snry agressional time it was anybody batt le. tions were" made for Mr. Witcher, ZT Joseph and Johnson leading and John II. Wootton of this county, money It wouldTakepTepHrattiry to siieh-great Yiiidertskiiig. Uhidester only a short distance be- and Jeese JD. Jewkesjof Emery. " ' r hind. It finally developed into a Wootton Slowed his name to go A NATION OF CALM JUDGMENTS. Johnson and Joseph before the convention for one bal- - That ably thrilling publication, Colliers Weekly, in opening an tight between ihkI on- - the ftnal ballot Johnson hit only, then 'withdrew and left attack on a Western Senator, for which it has been long prep iring, sueeeeded in getting a small ma- the field pen to Jewkes and Wittakes a somewhat dejected editorial view of its own work" The edi- jority. Delegation after delegation . cher. tor says frankly that he doesnt know whether bis articles are going When the name of Governor wus 'then stormed by Mrs. y was mentioned for a place ehers friends in an attempt to to have any effect. He tells of the long and continued hammering he has given other statesmen without avail, and in' only one or two on the tieket the convention went stampede the convention for her. .wild, and although one or two ,nt apparently without avail, instances were the results quick enough to satisfy him. tried to second his nomination, Then the . galleries which were AIT of wh ich seems to afford a pretty good commentary m the few heard what they had to, say packed to capacity, started shout-a- s If publications of wide circulastability of the American ehanu-twr- . there were cheers going up ing for her, but- the friends of tion were able to sweep lawmakers in or out of office af the will of from every part of the house, and Jewkes stood solid. As the roll the editors, then would he little use of holding elections. The husi- - as soon as the move could he made was called the two candidates held about even until Salt Lake was acclato make his nomination jies of sending men to Washington might la left entirelv to the mation, it carried and thebygovern- reached, then Mrs. Witcher forged editors. . There would he no need of the recall, with all its attendant or was given a splendid ovation. ahead aPd.for a time it looked as expense for. petitions. Let the editors condemn an Many Democrats Went into the though she Would win, hut followand behold! he is as good as ticketed for private life.'" convention and complimented Re- ing Salt Lake came Sanpete with We do not question Colliers motives or ideals. Genera fy it publican delegates for their choice Jewkes, a number of "the smaller seems to he working along good lines, But there are so many chances as leader, some of them even con- counties with Jew kes; Weber with that hj was as good as 52 strong for Jewkes, and Utah to err in human judgment "that it is well that the institution which ceding elected when lift carried the iiotn- county gave him 40 against 2!) for i -ir rC S. r7T n riEtniT!tntmtTOTm rn-urnism Mrer-iV im)4d!tralTcTnr"dustier-Jrisph-Er-FTiel- kdiefr- - ThisiV ote practical- , in" l'ealTo",puf'"theowerZf recall the hands "of a K,vvmffgdzirn"ToFlheMipmiitr courf 'iilsir'vv cut i' ly detided the locteion, as Weber' editors would be imperialism indeed But the people do not seem tin by acclamation, and after the' had stated its jmsition. 52 strong inclined to surrender their privilege of thinking much and acting j nomination the convention took for Jewkes, and the Witcher fore- s saw hojie only in swinging the tike to bejun,i'!Ur'.,H'1 slowly. This trait may vex the reform editor,- who would I jh jjrst- -nf the dele- tight majority aide to had thejirmii) ot the millennium io the next km,, of his. ..... f of stat.V cation in favor of candidate. ,(,.f,trv i.vid Mattson of Weber de- - When the votes were counted piper, but no doubt it if best for the nation m the long run. dwprot- , ing as it does the assertion that a republic is little better than a lot of - feated Charles S. Tingey of Salt Jewkes had 324 and Mrs. Witcher marsh w eeds, .sliakenjivjevery wind that passes. jLakein the face of opposition 308 votes. from the Weber county deices- - A. (1 Nelson, the popular state landed the place. Ar of public- instruc- it would take X long tune to make the briefest summin of n r.'J'011 Barnessof bait Lake was nominated by acclama- . for'attorney tion, ivLcnlhe-VOtwon as did Lincoln tioiq-afor presi- - '.a e hqni deaf pa rty has dune foif amcif nd easily, e general ANTI-PASS- anti-pas- . i- i w Provo Citizens' Cannot Doubt . - , T IIOEHCIE Doans Kidney Pills were used -they cured. . The .story was told ""to Provo - residents. Time has strengthened the evi- denee.' lllas "proven the cure permanent. The testimony is home testimony The proof convincing." -- It can he investigated by Provo residents. s" . Mrs. John Edmunds, 145 E, Third St. North, Provo, Utah, For a long time I suffer- says : ed from pains over ray , kidneys, -- The follvving program has been and in spite of the remedies I arranged for the song service at took, I obtained no benefit. Finthe Stake Tabernacle Sunday at 2 ally learning of Doans Kidney Pills,, t procured a box at the . p. in. Smoot Drug Co. and they gave me Offeratoire, organ, (). W. Reid. relief from the first. In a short - Chorus, - Hail the Glorious time J was restored to good health Dawn choir. I highly recommend Doans KidPraise to the ney Pills to other kidney suffer- - , Soprano solo, Father (from fMeroedaute), by ers. (Statement given July UO, " Mrs. I. II. Masters. . - ." 1906.) Young ladies quartette (selectA CORROBORATION. ed) Merl Cluff, Lucile Boshard, On August 17, 1909, Mrs. Ed- Maurice Dunn and Zenath Cluff. munds added: The statement I Duet, The Lord is My Shep- gave in 1906. Recommending herd, Elizabeth Evans and'J.' K. Doans Kidney Pills was corrects " Boshard. This remedy did me a great deal Twenty minute talk on above of good and you may edntinue' to subject, T. N. Taylor. publish my testimonial. Organ solo, Intermezzo '(by For sale by all dealers. Price Dunham), Alenft Cluff. 50 cents.' n "Co., Solo and chorus, Heaven is Our Buffalo', New York, sole agents Home, Ella Ritchie and choir. for the United States. -Wood, Wind quartette , 3 Remember the name Doan's and Bassoon (overture from and take no other. Bagdad), Robert Sauer, Irving Hansen, Charles Mitch ell and R. Cash paid for Rhode Island Red. Archbold. chickens. Phone 83-tf ' Solo and chorus, Father Let spring Thy Blessing, In gar Johnson and choir. . " - - -- Foster-Milbur- clar-one- -- ts WH4HH4h,41444H4H4 7 DR. W. A. THOME Dentist. E)ont Pay Rent When I can build home witli your the rent money. Very low rate of interest. Come m and see me ' about it. A; F. PALM," 19 N. Academy Ave. " .... Over Hedqtdst Drug Co. No. 2, cor. First West and Center Frovo, Utah. Whjr scowl when you can smile sfte i kHvr ' Ukint Dr Mtiw $35. DO - TO CALIFORNIA . Two Daily Trains to California Splendid - Local Service. - rAsk , For : Tickets on Sale Aug. 31st to Sept. 7th, inc. - G. A. R. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT LOS ANGELES - September 9th to 14th. STOPOVERS DIVERSE ROUTES. Return Limit October 31st, 1912. PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS, also ...FREE Tickets Via SALT LAKE - RECLINING CHAIR CARS EXCURSIONS TO SALT LAK- EAccount , . ' Trans-MisCommercial Congress. .Aug,, 27.-3-1 Democratic Convention .Aug. 29 Wilson Day Lagoon Aug, 30 Baraum and Bailey Circus Aug. 31 s. u. BQUTE-- - ) Therr-thf-re- For Tickets, Information, Phone or Call G. W. CRAIG. Agent, Provo. T. C. Peck, G.P.A. J, H. Manderfield, A.G.P.A. Los Angeles, Calif. Salt Lake., al -- Travelers to Colorfido and ttie East a Should, select a route famed for its Scenic Superior Train Service. -- -- The Denver Wit-Kpr- , Railroad ' EVERY " firanfle . MILE A PICTURE , j J This Route offers the Back East Travelers more varied scenic attractions, that can be seen from the ear windows without extra expense for side trips, than any other line. Special Low Round" Trip r. Fares to Pueljo, ' ColoVado ind pnnc,pal eastera points, on sale May 18, " . Lnd - a & Rio Attractions "and THE SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. - 1 ' 1910 T1;; lgUSt 22 2 10 23 amI 29, 1912; July 3l1912j September. has-ordy- r -- 4-- Utah-cuunt- t Yh nTT . niTmt-ileepiji- g - Cars - Deiiyer, Kansas Cijy, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE. daily t(K y tW - ) " " office-holde- It- - ' -- The Republican State Platform -- II SERVICE THE BEST PROOF Fares and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished on application to any Rio Grande Agent. Salt Lake City, Utah. Eertscn- - Ticket Agt, Frank A. Wadleigh, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. Wm U C-- R I, |