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Show t YOUNG r pitchers crowd veterans hard Till TIN and deeolatloft mark the site of ancient biblical city of llabjlon of Babylon," the by the down and wepi ' Jew tab nation walls of an stand today eld time splendoli 1ntll a few yeais ago what had oato been the "cradle covered with the of civilization" w dirt and dust of At es but In yoo a number of Germ in artbaeologlsts cleared away the dtbris In part, amt uncovered portions of the royal cltv I tie work is still be ug carried on and the photographs here reprodut I'd are the first to reat h America showing the ret tits of the German savants' labor of love. For Robert Koldewey, director of search in Babylon, assisted ther. has cart led on hia work emperor of Germany. On the site shown in one r the pictures tho Tower of Babel once stood. of the confusion of tongues oft the biblical story Rthe atalug 1 H I Several sites have been assigned to the tower. That thla is the true site is tbe conclusion of Dr Koldewey and his associates in the expedition sent out by the Deutsche Orientgesellschaft of Berlin Other scholars Who Jiave sought to lo B0StZ Vi. Hub Purdus of Boston Braves. Extremes in age baseball age have been prominent In the big league pitching this season, prominent by effective work. Such pitchers as Mathewson and Plank are arguments In favor of reversing the fixed custom and building up with age. Each has begun the 1913 year with a display of form up to anything displayed in more youthful times, as if the further away from youth they get the more youthful they become. We find a considerable number of veterans going along with no apparent diminution In skill and effectiveness, among them Mathewson, Plank, Ames. Hughes, Rucker, Walsh,' White, Falkenberg, Sallee, Richie and Cam-nitIf any of these men have gone Hank O'Day likes to watch Cincinback nothing that has happened this nati play. year Is a symptom to that effect; and If any or all of these men have passed Walter Johnson. Is called the human the Inevitable time at which a pitcher gatllng gun. begins to go the other way the signs of that retrogression are hard to disBUI Dahlena team Is trying to live cover and the retrogression very up to that new field. alow. Crack pitchers such as Matty, Joe Tinker predicts the Dodgers will finish well up in the first division. s. Billy Lush has been engaged to scout for the New York American club. Bert Shotton, the Browns outfielder, it leading the batters of the St Louis team. The Mackmen continue to wear those atrocious looking caps, the style popular years ago. National league batters consider Christy Mathewson the greatest pitcher In their league. Casey Hagerman, one of the reliable pitchers of the Denver team. Is studying to become a doctor. Manager McGraw says that Connie Mack needs one more good flinger te keep the Athletics up In the race. Ed. Konetchy of the Cards will probably be the only pitcher that wUI have a 1,000 average at the end of the season. Fred Faikenberg of Cleveland. Manager Jennings would like u get a first-clas- s baseman. Hughie would Walah, Rucker and Plank seem to take Hal Chaao of the Yanks If he travel along for years on a plane could get hfinT v which may have Its occasional depressions In the way of effectiveness, but Outfielder Reilly of the Indiana which to all outward appearance club of . the - Americas associationpells t la maintain an1 almost level standard of a recent game poled out five hits in excellence. as many times at bat But the king la dead; long live the sow king. The S0s were in another Meranvllle of tbs Doves Is said to century. The year 1913 A. D. not only cover aa much ground as the great finds veterans going at their best, but Hana Wagner ever did In the days has brought out dashes of tip top work when Fred Clarke played left field. Notable these by youngsters. among are Seaton, Keating, Demaree, Perrltt, Tbe Red Sox, no doubt, are still conMayer, RusaeU and Johnson (the In- fident, but we fall to nee where they dian), all of whom have pitched one can band Washington and tho Athor more games of conspicuous excel- letic tha adge and hope to head off lence. Also such pitchers as Hub Pur- either later In tha season. ) due, Gregg, Alexander, Wellman, Allen, Steen, Hendrix and Roblnedn, Manager Chance declares that hit-tincomparatively late comers, are going la what wins ball gamed and baa well. decided to have a walloping machine installed even If be baa to sacrifice Must Stop Smoking. all tha speed at hia command. Joe Tinker has ordered all the Reds .7t to stop smoking from now on until the Chief Meyers, tbe Indian catcher of end of the season. Many managers tbe Giants, says that tho pitchers will have tried this before, but with indif- win the games for tha. Gothamites. ferent success It is bard to enforce Mayen thinks that' McGraw baa tha best twirling staff in the league. such a ruling on n Mg league club. v g -- iWv .Thest sarcophagl'Twers legal enactment, codified apparently by HaaF producmurabl, are In their way noteworthy tions In the matter of llteratura w owe to them no less than throe accounts of tho croor lion, two accounts of tha flood, on of them put, Into tho mouth of tho Babylonian Noah who la re presented so or Gtlgames, A tho to It relating must bo these T6 Erech. of primitive king added a number of other legends, such as tho story of Ure Tlffo pestilence), Etanna, the horso and the ox, with many other on at least, . tha atory of Bargon of Agade, being historical. It la difficult to judge which was tha more predominant characteristic of tho Babylonian thalr trading Instinct or thalr reverence for their gods, for both are equally marked. They had Intercourse by meant of, trad with ElMjrt on the east, Syria on tbe west, and many other Slavery was placet on the north aad south. common, and contract concerning (ha buying. selling and hiring of slave are frequently. mat with. One of the pictures shows an Interesting phase of present day life. How would it (eel if the worry of moving could be eliminated as In tha picture of the Babylonian who Is moving, his household goods and chattels. Tha Babylonian gathers his earthly possessions together, carefully arranges hit furniture (In moat cases a rug) on the back of his donkey or mala, and with his family comfortably seated on tha pack, he starts merrily off to tome place which may strike his fancy. that-thaThe transportation by any other mesas of the donkey or male Is unheard of by the mode Babylonian who believe that thla I the of transportation tha world over. It to on,f extremely wealthy, or personages of political carriage A jor Importance, who can afford filled ney on tha back of a donke or mule Is ,,ow TY with many hardship and is tedlons to those unaccustomed to that mode of a conveyance, but the Babylonian, knowing thankful to and lot bis Is with satisfied better, Allah that ho has p donkey or mala to carryhim about wherever his business or fancy die- deposltetd often .In round roofed tombe, lu some of which have been found the bones at of the deed of 1,600 years ngo. Many of tOPAXSAGC ccamzt22v& JtMSR OI these coffins have been discovered In tie exce- cate the site have lacked tbs evidence obtained rations about the dwellings of the middle classes. While German research has definitely fixed the by Dr. Koldewey In bis extensive researches. Time location the of the Tower of Babel, the origin of the cite and war and the Is left Only biblical story of tha confusion of tongues has elements assailed tbe tower. For twenty cennot been found in Bab Ion. That It Is a world turies It crumbled. It was a quarry of building materials for man. Practically Babylonia was myth is the conclusion of scholar. It la Inter.eft unexplored until tha last quarter of tha nineesting to note that a almllar legend la found la Central America In connection with the pyramid teenth century. Before that the work Vrf destruc-Mo- n of Cboiula. which vai also intended to reach had been completed, la the last century the heavens and which brought disaster to Its modern towns and villages is the vicinity carted builders. off or floated down the Euphrates (Jie last bricks The But If (Us. legend ha not been verified by re-of the foundation of the Tower of BabeL search Abe jytcoverie; which have. rewarded the foundation was over 360 feet- Square, a huge, In Baby labors of explorers and archaeologist 'mssF. model fnilab', (our town, a 'Ayab bulky value the of and a of been has Ionia highest with many bricks miles south of it, was built the Innumerable tablets have been collected which the ancient city. Thus perished tbe pride of when deciphered will throw light upon a civilisaBaby Ion. which was born more than alx thousand tion most the The temple of Eaagiia, important years ago. Tha oldest temple In the world baa Babylonian sanctuary brought ta light, was a part been unearthed at Blaya. Large square blocks of the Tower of BabeL Its ruins were uncovered have been discovered which date back to tha by the German, archaeologists after digging a hole forty feet deep that was an broad as tbe reign of.Sargon 1.. 3.800 years before Christ Even older is a platform built of tbe peculiar mouth of a volcano. Tbe two walls in tha cenconvex bricks uaed In B. C. 4600 Inscriptions ter of the picture mark the entrance to the pason bricks found In the temple at Blaya era sage, a quarter of a mile long, which connected tamped with the name of Dungl, B. C. 3760. A the steep pyramid of Etomenankl, known In the crumpled piece of gold bears tbe name of Param Bible as tbe Tower of Babel, with this temple. 81m, B. C. 3760. - So jiuch for the age of the Because of the depth of the debris caused by of Babylon. Tbe best preserved ediveiled have which antiquities the action. of the centuries unearthed Is fice of ancient Babylon thus far the earth here the entire laudation of the the gate of the goddess Iahtar, of which the maTower of Babel has not yet been excavated, but sonry remains well qlgh perfect after two thoutunnels .at the floor leVdl.hav been bored Into ' sand years.af neglect the sides until the temple. ws Is weye properly What la even more Interesting to the general established and then the a hole tAlflcC was measpublic, modern research is making the Babyured. lonians live again after thousands of years. This Is the oldest and most momentous ruin Much is known now of their dally life, their alms on account of its connection a Ith the Tower of and occupations, their religious ceremonies. It is Babel, and the bricks which once represented tate. passible to reconstruct something of the life of massive masonry are now so brittle that one the prophet Daniel In Babylon. It Is possible to can crush them between the fli gen. follow tha course of a procession in honor of ,' GOOD HAND. In the picture showing the ruins of Babylon of the Ishtar'tO Mkrduk the god through the gate tbe man on the left stand up n the remains of and put down the The sepultures of Dummy wade It no trump palace of Nebuchadnezzar. the brick pavement which a as part of the long of hearts and queea been have himof laid the and tha aca princes people king street named after Daniel, wh i. no doubt, "Ah pood heart." remarked her polite opopen. self traversed its length roan r times. In the Everywhere on the walls of buildings are to . ponent ,f rules on tha right. In the hoi ow, thaveis the bevpean rqprqseptaAqna,pf .tbs, bull. which was ghs pot doWD gate named after the goddess I htr. Thlss the the "sacred animal of Babylon psPto- most prominent and best pi e served ruin In Oood spades!" Though It to uncertain whether the ancient Its walls are adorn d with relief of Babylon. gbe put down ths same sequence la diamonds. tbelr Babylonians were more civilized than bulls, the holy animal of N bo, and dragon, v Good diamonds!" Egyptian contemporaries there Is but little''' doubt ' the holy animal of tha god Marduk- It was then displayed ths ace, king, queen and ghe were the at In of Civilization that road pioneers they cessions! through this gate that the pn ths whole of western Asia before Greece and knave of clubs tha god of Marduk led, and pi sting it and turn"Good gracious! came to the front. Four thousand yes' Rome to Nebuchadnezzar' to on the ing right. It led R. C. of their had system writing throne hell. , already OR SOMETHING. developed, and applied also tha Semitic Tha excavations have broug it to light many Ionian tongue. Fourteen hundred years-a- s curious specimens of the woi t of tbe ancient "What do you think of a Judge as a secretary' r tha tablets, testify. Its people of Babylon. Tha larg d piece of sculpwar?" of tended ovcft'Jho. whole of westers Jlsto ture yet unearthed Is that oft i huge UAi chis"I think Its a good movs If tho enemy as tha' Mediterranean and Egypt , 1 D! should eled out of an enormous blocks f granite brought ever prove too strong for us, he earn warlike s down tha Euphrates pn a raft J om Mesopotamia.' people tha Babylonians launch aa Injunction at em or taka a change ofi more than once what might have w It shows a lion standing over a prostrate man. venue. world-wide as at of tha a Is time ems Tha work la crude and probab y product to the very earliest art of Babyl in. The sculptor energetic. Intelligent, polished MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION. fond of letter. Excellent typifies the superiority of the ons strength over were nlddle class mans Some coffins of tbe ? .(ol .my laandry tlckrt .to JWendly Chin- - :, ,kin ' ahd- - artlrtle- - Insllnrt also found. They wersof bui neff clty ind llks ,h- - .rt' of man, and, after some hesitation, ha traaslatedf iltf musical Instruments lmyto bathtubs In shape. Some of them were very ,a thsm. It for m." w.-not and short because of the custom of tha Assyrians harmony ? What did It sayr To thla myt b. Babylonians of burying their daad in a alttlng "Little ears Wart a Beam1" man; stick eat; and mathematics, position, with the .head be waea tha knees 4 m Atre-haqls- seml-raythlc- al wmr .zfofcj&ar -- ' - -- - " jJV: 1 .,... assays R. ,susas ataso"w aJzsrac.'Siar Tt.s p |