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Show tOLEY KIDNEY PULS Absolutely No Question A to your advantage in puichating a diamond ol us From $15 to $,000 and u as particular about the small ones as the largest We can suit voui eye and paoe as well It s up to you to choose. SPEC1ALTO WOMEN ui'c on UTAH salt of credit might be properly termed capital letters Confidence The critical tea drinker appreciates IlewIettN Teas Because they always have the rich, fragrant flavor which only the first picking of Japan Teas can give. Do you drink Hewlett's Teas! If not in your next order ask for Hewlett's and compare it with the Tea you have been using. Coapsaa lor Rogoro Fist bilvsrwprf In Every Fackalt. loyalty to hia majesty's government and avert a revolution. Opposed to Rash Measures. He had not been put upon their, were not men to be trifled They or been committee of correspondence, Had with. they been able to unite appointed with Nicholas and Pendleadton and Lee and Henry to draw reso- upon active measures, had they ao to from aggreaaive defence vanced when but lutions and remonstrances; themrendered have it came to choosing those who should tion, they might represent the Old Dominion in the con- selves formidable beyond possibility gress, but two names stood before of defeat Everywhere men of aubatanoe and his in the vote. Peyton Randolph. of influence were to be found by the Richard 100; George 104; Henry Lee, who were opposed to a revoluscore Washington. 98; Pstrlek Henry, 89; that Richard Bland, 79; Benjamin Harri- tionary agitation, such aa this head. now to seemed be 62 gathering such son, 66; Edmund Pendleton, bore had been the preference of the con- Even in Massachuietta men who comthe beat and oldest names of the vention. monwealth were of this number; In Admired by Northerners. New York and Pennsylvania, at the The northern delegates admired his of the continent- ,- they soldier-likair and gesture very heart easy, waa It believed, boaat a macould. and his modest and cool but determined as to the far southas well jority, style and aeeent when he ward, In the low country of South spoke; and wondered to Bee him look Carolina and Georgia. scarce forty, when they recalled how Without Hurt to the Empire. hia name had gone through the coloNo one, they declared, but deelgnlng nies twenty years ago, when be hud and men without propmet the French so gallantly at Great politicians had much to gain and who those erty, Meadows, and with Braddock at the to loae by the upsetting of nothing forks of the Ohio. , and ordered government, wished law The Massachusetts delegates had to see this contest with the ministry reason to admire his manly openness, pushed to extreme. too, and straightforward candor. An wished no Iesa than others to old comrade in arms whom he es --seeThey colonies keep their lawful and the teemed a Virginian now in regular chartered liberties, but the thing must commission, and stationed with the be accomplished soberly, and without troops in Boston had written him loss of things equally dear of honor, very damaging things about the pa- and the maintenance of an unbroken triot leaders of the beset town; of empire. their tyrannical oppression over one English The nice balance of the parties was at total fixed aim another, and their disclosed In the congress ltaelf. independence, and had charged them Tbe Pennsylvania delegation was roundly with being no better than led by Joseph Galloway, a man la the demagogues and rebels. prime of life, full of force and learn Investigates for Himself. lng, who had been speaker of the Washington went at once to the men provincial bouse these eight years by accused, to learn from their own Ups the almost unanimous choice of his their principles and intentions, taking colleagues, and who now stood lorth Richard Henry Lee and discreet Dr to utter the real voice of hia colony Shlppen along with him as his spon- in proposing measures of accomaoda sors and witnesses. Spent the even- tion. I The Speaker! Proposition. ing at home with Colonel Lee, Colonel He proposed that the home governWashington and Dr Shlppen, who came in to consult us, was John ment be asked to sanction the AdamR entry iu his diary for Septemof a confederate parliam-n- t ber 28th " for America, composed of delegate! to No doubt Samuel Adams found the be chosen every third year bf She Interview a trying one, and winced a legislatures of the several colTes. little under the examination of tho and acting under a governor-geera- l calm and sttady soldier, going ao to be appointed by the crown inirhi-t- a tki potat. (or all bis .Edward Rutledge, of South Caro-R ceremony. lina, hot orator tolTfWiy There bad been many outward waa, declared In an almost perfect Igns of the demogogue In Adams' ca- plan, and was eager to sea it adoptreer. He bad been consciously and ed; influential members from almost deliberately planning and scheming every quarter gave It their hqarty for Independence ever since 1768, and support, Mr. John Jay. of Ne kVk, had made public avowal of his pur- among tbe rest; and It waa defected pose no longer ago than last year. It only by the narrow majority of a sinmust have taxed even his adroit pow- gle colony's vote. ers to convince these frank Virginians Chatham's Opinion of Congests. that his purpose was not rebellion, but Chatham might very Justly I comliberty; that he venerated what they mend the congress of 1774 ai convenerated, and wished only what they spicuous among deliberative bodies for wished. Its decency, firmness and wisdom its solidity of reasoning, force of Finds Massachusetts Men Genuine. But the truth ebmehow lay open be- sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion, fore the evening was gone. There waa under such a complication of circumfrank cordiality in the parting; Wash- stances waa such as even he did not ington was convinced of their genuine- fully comprehend. For seven weeks of almost continness and aobriety. Though you are led to believe by venal men, he re- uous session did it hammer Its stiff plied to Captain Mackenzie, that the business into shape, never wearying people of Massachusetts are rebel- of deliberation or debate, till It could n adlious, setting up for the independency, put forth papers to the world and what not, give me leave, my good dress to tbe king, memorials to the friend, to tell you that you are abused, people of Great Britain and to the grossly abused. This I advance with people of British America, their and a solemn declaras degree of confidence and boldness which may claim your belief, having tion of rights which should mark It better opportunities for knowing the no revolutionary body, but a congress real sentiments of the people you are of Just and thoughtful Englishmen, In among, from the leaders otthem. In love, not with license or rebellion, but opposition to the present measures of with right and wholesome liberty. the administration, than you have A Single Aggressive Act from those whose business it la not Their only act of aggression was to disclose truth, but to misrepresent the formation of an American assofacts in order to Justify as much as ciation" pledged against trade with possible to the world their own con- Great Britain till the legislation of duct which they complained should be reThe Massachusetts men had come pealed. Their only intimation of Into a better understanding of tbe game tention for the future waa a resolubegan to see how cautiously It must tion to meet again tbe next spring, be played, how slowly and bow wisely. should their prayers not meanwhile be A Critical Business. heeded. It was a critical business, this of Washington turned homeward from drawing all tbe colonies into a com- the congress with thoughts and purmon congress, as if to create a di- poses every way deepened and marecting body for the continent, with- tured. out or warrant. The esIt had been a mere seven weeks tablishment 'of committees of corre- conference; no one had deemed the spondence had seemed little short of congreaa a government, or had spoken seditious, for it was notorious the com- of any object aave peace and accommittees were formed to concert action modation; but no one could foresee against the government at home; but tbe issue of what had been done. this cobgress of committees was an A Vision of United America. even more serious matter. A spirit had run through those deWould the colonies venturers con- liberations which gavethoughtful mem tinental organisation to defy parlia- as they pondered it, a new Idea of the ment? Dangeroui differences of opin- colonies. It needed no prophet to dision were blown hot between neighbors cern beyond all this sober and anxky such measures. ious business a vision of America Some of tbL beat men In America united, armed, belligerent for her ' w ere opposed to the course which waa rights. sow evidently to be taken. There was no telling what form of So long as it was merely a matter scornful rejection awaited that declarof protest by the colonies severally, ation of rights or the grave pleading they had no criticism to make except of that urgent memorial to the crown. hold him perhapa that Mr. Otla and Mr. Henry It behooved every had held unnecessarily high language, self In readiness for the wont; and and had been bold and defiant beyond Washington saw aa clearly aa any man measure; but. when they saw how the at how nice a hazard things stood. opposition gathered head, hastened Washington Not Deceived. from protest to concerted resistance, He had too frank a Judgment upon put popular conventions Into tho place affairs to cheat himself with talse ef lawful legislative assemblies, and hopes. "Aa innate spirit of freedom advanced at length to a continental trat told me that the measure which organize tlon. they deemed It high time administration hath for some time to bestir themselves, rindlcate thelr been and nownre meet vloleo tly.pur- - Installment 12 e -- If a woman thinks before she speak? she can economize on talk. Not covered by your Insurance Policy Stock ccrtlfi ate bond deeds, note, mortgage and immlar document are sixothalli not pro- tected by a tire iuurancc policy Tbeir burning might mean loan to you Put them in a scaled package and mail to us, and we will keep them In a safe deposit box for you at a tost of leas than a cent a day H rite for full information Walker Brothers Rlii i.HUtintM iiimiittf rmmnrn Bankers Founded KV) Salt I skellty The paperhangers business is good if it drives him to the 'wall. Is there a Monument on the grave of your loved one? atab-lishme- Thai aboolJ you owe. fcX. !ta tribute Buy your monument tiom ua at a out rate pr oe. Our tree booklet llP 1,1 y all the new design la youra lor the naklne. Tell ua to In, lode our in aw1 loirue. Wriu w day, SURE. yir-ginla- Elias Morris & Sons Co. 21-- W. S. Tasfk SL. Sail laha CBy a Moanmwntn SSsrbls War Msatele Til Work on FOR SALE REBUILT THRESHINO MACHINERY Engines and Separators good as new and at ball the price, Write for particulars CO. UTAH IMPLEMENT-VEHICL- E alt Lake CHy, Utah A Problem. Mammq Johnny, youre a naughty y. You can Just go to bed without ly supper. Small son Well, mother, what out that medicine Ive got to take er mea'e? Life. fellow-- None Better Known. So you've bought a new painting for your hall. Is It by some artist with a well known name? Yes; his name is Smith. Indiscretion "The Parvenus are furious at that there society reporter for saying w asn't a Jarring note In their last affair "I suppose the poor wretch didnt know they made their money in Town Topics pro-eerv- A Hint. wear no mans collar, shouted the anarchist. It wouldn't hurt you, suggested a bystander, if you wore a clean one of your own once In awhile. I Where He Got the Mutton. a Young Lady Ypu aay you were on raft for six weeks, and had nothing to eat but mutton. Where did you get the mutton from? Old Salt Well, you see, Mias, the sea was very choppy. Economy. "He's the stingiest man I know. Put he sends you candy every day?'-That'- s the trouble; he buys it by the barrel and gives It to me a pound at a time. It gets stale. Why She Waa Sad. "Mrs. Rashly looks very, sad since she divorced her husbafid.-- ' Ye; the didst know iwbat a good husband she had till she saw how generously be behaved about the London Opinion. alimony The Unexpected .s h!t. with your speech at the banquet last night? T Kaeaa ac .. Morgot vhat t Intend ed to say. and said what I ought not to have as Id. Detroit free Press. D'd you make ---- ihe ears of the colonists promptly from over sea that spring, but they were not slow to perceive that they aiCH IN CURATIVE QUALITIES FOR RACK AON K. HHIUMATItkL must look (or no concessions, and KIONITB AMO BLADDER did not wait uon parliament In their a for doubtful future. preparation I pon the very day the "congress of loinmUtoes" at Philadelphia adjourn. Do you realize the fact that thousands of woman are now using d, a ' prov tncial congress" in Masaa-- i lumens, formed of It own authority 9 In the stead of the house of delegates (he governor had but just now dis solved, had voted to organize and equip the militia of the colony and to A Soluble Antiseptic Powder (ollect stores and arms as a , in Arm. remedy for mucouq membrane afVirginia such aa sore throat, nasal os fections, and had been bold, Virginia equally ulng are repugnant to every principle almost pelvic catarrh. Inflammation or ulcer-tioaa far away prompt, equally Of BStural Justice, had been his earn caused by female ills T Women Beeuied from the kings troops at est language to Bryan Fairfax ere he she have been cured say it la worth Boston By the end of January Charles who IU weight In gold. Bet out for the congress Dissolve In water whilst and apply locally. For ten years the much abler heads than my own hath I.ee could write from Williamsburg: Is EL "The of full whole country soldiers, Lydia Plnkham Medicine Co. has fully convinced me that It Is not on!) all furnished, recommended Paxtlne In their private all In arms. . . repugnant to natural right, but sub with, women. verslve of tbe laws and constitution Never was such vigor and "concord correspondence For all hyglenU and toilet uses It has of Great Britain itself, In the estab- heard of, not a single traitor, scarcely no equal. Only 50e a large box at Drug-gtalishment of which some of the best a silent dissentient. or aent postpaid on receipt of a Every county le now arming blood of the kingdom hath been spilt price. The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, . . . I could wish, I n," he had company of men for the avowed pur added, that this dispute had been pose of protecting their committees, Old liars are young romancers gone Dunmore had reported to the ministry left to posterity to d( (ermine before the year 1774 was out, and to to seed. Could Be No Compromise. But he knew more clearly than ever be employed agalnet government it Hra. Wliwliis SMSIlf Brrsp for CfaUdraa before, as he rode homeward from occasion require Ae to the power ot RMUaf, so tho pm iWmm lotuw dl which your lordship the congress through the autumn government vsoouor la ooifai.w bomojm woods, that it had not been, that Lee recte should be exerted to counteract pursuing The nee eat Atlantic liner has 11 and Henry and Mason were rightly of the dangerous measures the same mind and purpose with the here, I can assure your lordshlp that decks. This la almost aa bad aa a skymen from Massachusetts, that confer- it la entirely disregarded. If not whol scraper reversed. There la not a Justice ence had only united and heartened ly overturned those who stood for liberty in every of peace In Virginia that acts except Literals. Walls have ears. colony; that there could be no com- as a committeeman; the abolishing ol T should say so with all those promise perhaps no )leld!ng either courts of Justice was the first atej and that every man must now take taken. In which the men of fortuns hanging on them. hia soberest resolution for the times and joined equally with to come. the lowest and meanest. Juat as Effective. Wigg Oh, I'm tired of life. Have Washington turned steadily to hia Washington Askad to Laad. x private business for the winter, neverCompany after company, aa It form- you a pistol you can lend me? Wagg No, but I can let you have a theless, aa waa hia wont pushed for- ed, asked Colonel Washington to aa ward the preparation and settlement sume command over it, not only In hit chafing dish. Philadelphia Record. of his western lands, and stood guard, own county of Fairfax, but In counties as before, over the soldiers grants also at a distance and he accepted Hia Honor Waa Safe. upon the Ohio, against official bad the responsibility as often aa It was Chief Justice Isaac Russell of the faith and negligence court of special sessions tells how he offered to him The Busiest Man in Virginia. It la my full intention," he said, went to the city hall to call on the For a year or two past there baa simply, to devote my life and fortuns mayor on a rainy day, and as he waa been scarce a moment that I could to the cause we are engaged In, It leaving the building he slipped and properly call my own." he declared to needful; and he had little doubt anj bumped all the way down the atone a friend who solicited his promise to steps. A man rushed up, helped him longer what was to come. to his feet and asked: act as guardian to his son What Still Runs With ths Hounds. la your honor hurt?" with my own business, my present even that found He stirring time, No, replied tho judge; my honor ward's, my mother's, which is wholly hia blood once an remalna in my hands, Colonel Fairfax's, Colonel year, to quicken Intact, but my spine seems while winter held to be nevertheless, again, 1 Jarred." New York Bun. and the little assistance Mercer's, was for he have undertaken to give in the man- by a run with the.hounda; not turned politician ao aternly eves of brother my agement Augustines Something They Hadn't Seen. aa to throw away hta leisure upos a baseball game. In concerns, together with the share 1 yet Following anything leas wholesome than the halt which the Yankees came to Ignomintake in public affairs, I have been loved. he port ious defeat, Irvin 8. Cobb, the humor engaged in writing letters, setOn the 20th of May, 1775, the aeo-on- 1st. tling accounts, and negotiating one approached Frank Chance and In not convention met, Virginian aid: piece of business or another; by and which means 1 have really been de- Williamsburg, but at Richmond, "Would you mind If I gave your IU chief business was ths arming o! team a little prived of every kind of enjoyment, and surprise a little treat V had almost fully resolved to engage the colony. "Not at all, responded Chance. "It Maryland had furnished the ironical might even cheer them up. in no fresh matter till I had entirely formula with which to justify what wound up the old. Well, then, continued Cobb, call waa to be done: Resolved, unani them over here and I'll ahow them Does Not Shirk Responsibility a militia, third base. ' , He promised to undertake the new mously, that , of the gentlemen freehold- composed ei miTtin irni alnll t his nature to spend himself thus, and A DlffarsnL strength and A remarkably mtereeuns keep hia powers atretebed always to a a free government; and that such brought to light by Lord Redesdale begreat compass. militia will relieve our mother-countrthe With the new year (1776) public affrom any expense In our proteo-tio- fore the advisory committee of Lonmemorial fund for Edward King fairs loomed big again, and ominous. pretbe obviate and defense, will Tbe petitions of the congress at Phil- tence of a necessity for taxing na on don, which was discussing the layIn site as a Engadelphia had been received that account, add render It unneces- ing out ot Sbadwell market It waa curious, he pleasure garden. land almost with contempt, Chatham, sary to keep any standing army indeed, with that broad and noble sa- ever dangerous to liberty In this said, that grass brought from the country withered away In London, bn gacity which made him so great a province. tbe other hand, grass from London' statesman, had proposed that AmeriWar. Declares Patrick Henry needs flourished. That Is a ca demands should be met, to the ut Kr. Henry, accepted the formula grown most length of repeal and withdrawel wlch great relish. In tbe convention at striking example of what scientists of menace, and that she should be ac- Richmond. In hia resolution that the call adaptation to environment. Loncorded to the full the self government colony be Immediately put Into a pos- don Globe. she demanded in respect to taxation ture of defense, but-h- e broke with Womanliness. and every domestic concern it In the speech with which he supIt would not be ao easy to Perhapa Fervid Warning. Chathams ported his measure of preparation. as some people lose womanliness It is not cancelling a piece of parchIn thlt there was no plan or prebe. Perhaps all seem would It afraid win back can that he a cried, ment, plain tence of peace, but, instead, pow-wodeeexed about the becoming declaration of war. la superfluous. Welnlnger cells attenEdmund Pendleton, Once more did tion to tbe fact that while there are Richard Bland, Mr. Nicholas, and Colwho are anatomically men and onel Harrison spring to their feet to people women, there Is no such psychically of old the In the day check him, as who is anatomically as a person thing Stamp act Once more, neverthelesa, woman and psychically man. Howtrihia have way, completely did he ever masculine her appearance,- - a umphant. womans psychic qualities remain dis(TO BE CONTINUED) At least, Mr. tinctively feminine. so. say Welnlnger ADVANCEO MORE DOCTORS 1 subjects, - con-stantl- y -- well-regulat- wi y LIKE MAGIC New Food Makes Wonderful Changes, Writer Comperes Medics! and Legal Professions to ths Great Disadvantage of the Latter. When a man has suffered from dys- pepsia so many years that he cant re. Every lawyer when young should be member when he had a natural appeapprenticed to some good physician out of and then hits on a America, the old fire burning hot eithln him; you must respect her fears and her resentments. The merchants, too, In fear for their trade, urged very anxiously that there should be instant and ample conces But the kings stubborn anger, slon the parliament's Indifference, The ministry's incapacity, made it impossible anything wise or generous should be done Adding Insultp Injury. Instead of real concessions there was fresh menace. The ministry did, indeed, offer to exempt from taxation every colony that would promise that by its own vote it would make proper contribution to the expenses of public defence and Imperial administration In the hope thereby to disengage the luke-warmiddle colonies from the plot now thickening against the gov1 u ernment But Massachusetts was at once proclaimed In rebellion, every port In New England declared closed' against trade. New England fishermen were access to the Newfoundland fisheries, and ten thousand fresh troops wers ordered to Boston, Leek Ter Ne Conoeeeleiu Neither the pleas of their friends nor the threats of their enemies reached de-nie- d way tite, and should return to him regularly trouble he may bo excused for saying through life. Then we might hope it acta like magic. that from the neighboring profession When it is a simple, wholesome of healing there might enter Into him food Instead of any one of a Urge numa spirit never to be wholly quenched ber of ao called remedies In the form by ell the deadening Influences of his of drugs, he is more than ever likely work. to feel aa though a sort of miracle has No fact coulJwell be more surprie been performed. A Chicago man, in the delight of reing or offer a more delicate psycho logical problem than this, that within stored digestion, puts It In this way: two professions touching life upon Like magic, fittingly describes the matters of equal Importance, profee manner in which Grape-Nut- s relieved tons of ancient dignity and learning, me of poor digestion, coated tongue ol men and inviting to their service and loss of appetite, of, many years equal and rare ability, there should be Undlng. so different a spirit. I tried about every medicine that Medicine stands In this strange was recommended to me, without reon the to law, that whlle thepublicis lief. - Then I tried Grape-Nutclamoring for the lawyer to advance, suggestion of a friend. By the time the lawyers themselves, ss a class, I had finished the fourth package, my offer the chief resistance he medical itomach waa all right, and for the past months I have been eating with profession constantly outstrips and lead the public Imagination In de- t relish anything set before me. That rices to check disease. Although much j la something I had been unable to do at the start waa due to laymen, the j previously for years, I am stronger than ever and I concampaign against tuberculosis, against on a Infant mortality, against malarial and sider the effects ot Grape-Nut- s typhoid fevers, la Urgely captained weak stomach as something really and manned by doctors, who have the wonderfnL It builds up the entire hearty support ot the profession as a body a well as the brain nd nerves. Name given by the Postum Co, Battle whole. ' Of two Rip Tan Winkles awakening Creek.' Mich. There a reason, and It la extoday, the physician would find hia and useless plained In the little book. Tbe Road old methods aa rust-eate- n as his instruments; the Uwyer, after to WellvHle, In pkgs. n few hoars with new statutes, would Efrr nag tbe sSits Itttnt A Has ta Ua. sssmi I feel at home In aay of our courts-Atlanti- c M tall at sa ovaaSaa, Um, Monthly. con-traa- tr s ;t - -- h |