Show WARSHIPS AT PORT SAID Pus second pacific fleet ready to pass through suez canal A section of the russian second pa effic squadron has arrived at port bald all precautions have been taken to prevent any untoward inci inc dent during the passage of the vessels through the suz canal carial the division consists of the battleships bissol ve iky oky and the cruisers kemt thug hug almaz and the tor 1 edo boat destroyers bodd Bles Blest las chy eby bystrak bravi bedoit and bufey and the t transports 3 Corts chakoff ronel RUM tarn tam boff kief klef jupiter merkur and bladl aroff the division exchanged sa an lutes with the town on entering and the russian bands played the british national anthem in honor of the pres ence of the british gu ardshir furious the local russian representatives vis cited read admiral Volker sams flag ship admiral Vol kersam indignantly denied that the russian officers of 01 sailors created disturbances at canea banea island of crete he says that a few drunken sailors were carried on board but no one was killed or wounded and there were no deserters as re reported portel by english newspapers |