Show ACADEMY NOTES by k G jankos jr thesbit 1 The I he se seit iti IQ in the AL ido dy ari nearly dearly all taken ut u so nishit isbit g lo 10 attend school tt is 19 binter b ater ret get in as e iriv ta is possible or it maa BUS bo be impossibly t ti I 1 se iti Mi sicil selections wll be givon gi on by so ne tie of or inge villo s singers in tho the stu delej reec lioK next sin DITTY lay evening ev talk I 1 11 fore tho the stir J I 1 11 i es peter en on will dents ind and MM fi itt i 1 hurcle hur cli hictor t 1111 bi tetch tho the work gone eone oser over I 1 th it cl LI 89 must most of 0 the tile st idenys I 1 vi g out tit of to bet el t homo home to spend we ile are alid bil to note tt 0 at bister sis ter surel d da A craford craft ord ore of 0 our Liti who was ver ill the f st at of the welk wan vall able to be with ith ua us in exerlia ea es A men i ig fhe 8 meet ng list sunday evening was very sery successful oa on monday morning it at the begio Ding nR of the mid told A inter courso thero there wag no an in crease in I 1 enship of 16 student mak n nn tin eu roll went of jos st idania I 1 ibe he school closed IN wed ed nod ties lay at fit noon doon for it a vii atio oi i during this vi cAlion prof G I 1 il 0 makiri a it tour of arvi b vit r county with bli brothe J L ilick hickman ilan ie le turin turing on sc SL entin en liili t topi opt profs williy and iian ilan i took a trip do tl 0 rough iho breaks east of C sti edalo to stud tho the forma tiou tion of the countr |