Show A LOVABLE WOMAN PASSES AWAY idaho friends speak affection abely of airs concerning the sad death ol 01 the of our ormer townsman towns mao D T thoman der a corr correspondent spon lent atom pans paris idaho sends us the folio ving clipping from the boise B oise idaho capital news PARIS ida aug 22 khz thread sad death of 0 sarah J jane jno no Th mader chich took place at 4 30 p in today has cast i t aloon gloo n over the entire community A pre premature matura b rth WAS the cause of death only yesterday esterday deceased called on in fri rids to who whom li she stated she faired her condition vas not ahat it should be for the amog ing ordeal through which she must pass chough though to all appearances ippe arances she seemed in good health early this morning dr west was gumm summoned oDed after the he birth of the baby chich survives the mother she bee became ime unconscious from con from w aich she died deceased is 13 the wife of prof D T Iho mander of the fielding academy facility she ohe was bol beinin n in spring city cit utah and was 31 34 years old she was i 1 kind lovace beautiful woman and find was uni universally earsall loved la in the community comm community unit y 10 0 kno khov v her was to love 10 e her and all who knew her will ill grieve thit th it death should take her away so sud suddenly denil but to th husband to wom she h is jeen a loal loving wito and the chil dren to whom she has been a tu ju her with all till the meaning the word i aplies there comes a grief as deep and a sense of loss so ireat reat that the tears of friends are nothing compared with their sorro v bes bee des the baby three I 1 atle children aged respectively eight four and to airs are left motherless relatives in n utah have been wired A later clipping from the I 1 ian aris sIda ida post says I 1 it was decided to bury bur bister sister thoman der here I 1 services over her ra mains vere held in to the first ward meet log bell e frida friday 11 ll 0 clock a in w hera co consoling and appi remarks acro made bj pres wm win L rich prea pres jag jas 11 hart prof R T haag an ani pres wm win budge ch cht st stake le choir furnished mus c and the services all through were w ere very verv im pr pressie dmn e the lovely casket was cover covered e d with beautiful cut and arcil al flavers flu vere A long line of carnage carriages folio follo ved the re n a ns na to the cemetery qu ie to a number ft f the near relatives es of uro bro and S ster I 1 Iho he nander vo were ere in attendance at the funeral having cone from a afar far south as utah and Castle Cast ledale dalp emery counts counti utah bro hns has the heartfelt s apathy of the whole community der del rived as be he is of othi his alov 10 1 1 and hn four lit it tie ch idren of a loving mother a care I 1 cas Castl edil friends who kno v mrs thorn thom inder w 11 fully endorse all tl tie e praise u that is said above for that most moat es ladi and tor for her bereaved hue hus band motherless mothe riess chi dren and brothers sim and john join alken aiken deep ind s sy in path is felt and expressed |