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Show SOUTHERN UTAH NEWS Page Five January 18, 1979 January 18, 1979 Page Five The Public Interest and Water Policy By Cecil D. Andrus Secretary of the Interior The public interest is a thing. Everybody loves it, and sometimes it seems everyone has a different impression of what it is and where to find it. That thought hit me rather hard one day recently as I faced a national group meeting in a Southwestern state. The organization is dedicated to water resources and development. Its members are g and sincere their particular point of the water development bureaucracy. I realized then that instead of explaining our policies to the hundreds of thousands of genuine farmers and other water users, I was trying, once again, to persuade the people whose very d jobs hinged on defending every water project that comes down the pike, regardless of whether its good for the greatest number of Americans. Understandably, these folks have come to equate their own interest with the public view. interest. So I put aside my prepared They were also angry-- at me, and at what they believed speech and tried instead to they knew of the Presidents talk straight from the shoulder water policy. And as they to the real farmers in the glared at me, a funny thing audience. I can tell you it was happened. I got the feeling a frustrating experience, bethat I had been there before. cause frankly, I didnt see all Almost instantly, I began to that many farmers, with understand why; many of the calluses on their hands or faces were familiar. Id seen broken fingernails or sunthem all at similar meetings in burned faces and pale foreheads. But I tried to get Idaho, in California, in Washington and other places as through to them, just as Im well. trying to get through now. As I paused to size up the The essence of my message group, it dawned on me that was that we stand at a faces crossroads today. Either we those not of can continue to waste time to ranks the belonged working farmers, but to fighting over the "dogs that federal, State and local water arent worth building, or we agency officials and other can work together to deterwhite-colla- r professionals of mine where we arc going to hard-workin- build the worthwhile projects. If we adopt this positive approach, we can also decide whats happening to the quality and amount of our underground water supplies. We can devote the time and effort necessary to working with the Congress, and to consulting with the States and local interests to determine what their real needs are, and to ensure sound planning of water resource projects. We can do all this nd dont its a critical e continue to let ourselves get bogged down in endless fidebates over pork-barrascos that would return only fifty cents in benefits for every dollar spent, or that waste d taxmillions of payer dollars on projects that benefit a relative few. You see, the positive side is that there is an abundance of good projects already on the drawing boards. The bureau of Reclamation alone has a backlog of 83 projects with a total price tag of some S14.2 billion. The Corps of Engiif-a- hard-earne- TRUCKS-Dependabl- E Administration recommended 27 new starts for the 1979 budget year-t- he largest number of new starts recommended by any President in the last eight years. We should concentrate on continue to develop worthwhile new ones, instead of dredging up the unsound ones that seem somehow to seep Used Cars e Trucks & SEE ihwmik) dodge ;5g Phone 644-226- runs Creek Rancho Lots 550,000. Owner phone Sewing 530.00. Phone .644-299- up, 73 ED 644-260- 644-517- Jll-18- c Chev condition, overhauled motor, 8 ft. good WANTED '69 slant-Dodge motor; Call Ask for Ralph. Jll-18- 644-245- 4 I FOR e Stoves Blower System, guaranteed for as long as you own it, attractive. Come see ours and compare. George & Karen Kelly, 5526. p FOR SALE-4- 00 nun F6.3 T mount for most SLRs, New with adapter of your choice. Kodak E6 mint, 539.95. stands, tripod, strobe, ft. railroad ties, decorative, retainingin walls, borders, cut pieces stock. G & E Landscape Services, E. Hwy 89, SALE- FOR ; ; .644-539- S21rc FOR : -8 4 SALE-MU- ST ut 40 acres. Montana land for 40 acres raw land with water rights for a home. Desire Order-vill- e or Escalante area. Need not all be usable. Must be away from highway. If interested contact John McManus, or write 415 Ave G, Apt F, Redondo Beach, CA Jll-18- c 644-598- 90277. SELL at House in J18-25- p. 673-679- 0 reduced price. very secluded, 4 : bedrooms, 2 baths, family M16rc SERVICES-Fami- ly ing. Lora Lee :: i Call sew- 644-260- i: FOR SALE : - 1969 Chev Vi 4 spd, 327, ton pickup, 51200. Call Bill Sorbe, Glendale, .375-718- gh S7rc 8 64.8-229- J18-25- ' our unique program, you can drive a new car or truck every year for about $500. All makes and models. Call Dave, MISC-Throu- FOR 544-579- SALE-19- 74 6 Ford LOST-10-w- eek p pick-ti- Excellent condition. or 5297. J18p 644-234- 7 Jll-18- p FOR RENT-T- wo apts. Contact Brandon J18-25- p 644-263- apartment. adults only. One or two . (213)886-6900- FOR Call RENT-Kitchene- ttes. Jll-25- c 643-230- collect Solar 1 754-332- J18-25- c HELP WANTED-Offi- ce help at Medical Center. Must type. Full time. Cal! 3 or apply in person. 644-261- J18-25- c HELP WANTED- -I need sales people for unique new heating system and art work. Also management possibility. Write P.O. Box Utah 811, Sanfaquin, 84655. J18-J25- HELP WANTED-Care-taki- c ng position wanted. Responsible. References. Box 1023, Kanab. SEk v ic Gardening, Labor. Joe Schenk, 1 c0 Martin Realty, tv-faintin- 644-212- p, S7-ly- r. SERVICES-Custo- m house designs and general drafting. John Nelson, 28 N. J4rc Main, 644-546- SERVICES-Sharp-- All Shop. Hand saws, Circular saws ..scissors, lawn mow- ers. Also lawn moweri repair. See Hap or Larry1 Leavitt, rc nan Custom Furniture, finished or un-- , finished. Gun cabinets, end tables, toy chests, quilting frames, etc. Your design or mine. George Kelly 5526. SERVICES-Kell- WANTED-- Distributor looking for dealers in southern Utah. Call ys old female part shepherd. Black with brown markings. Missing since Jan. 8. Answers to or 2670. Sam. 644-584- HELP 644-511- : one bedFOR RENT-Sm- all room furnished home east of Kanab. No kids or pets. 5 or Call Val Cram JlS-Fi- c 2606. Blackburn J18rc service available. Contact Hamblin Feed, J27rc. k David or Alice Turley, N16rc, in Ka- se POLICIES ERVICES-Veterina- covered, room, double carport, 549,900. sun-dec- RENT-Hou- any-- 1 644-260- 'I KCR - FOR N9rc 644-279- level, timbered Kalispell etc. )Fon nisfJTj your hole. Sorden Septic p Retiring LDS couple desires trading 40 acres of prime, Used: light darkroom equipment, Call WANTED-Abo- used, KAMA, UTAH FOR REN- T- Two bedroom 589.95. instant camera, 644-511- 6 100 N E Motel p Classified ads will be on a cash basis only. Ads will be charged at $1.00 minimum plus 5c per word for the 1st insertion. Each subsequent insertion will be charged at 25c minimum plus 5c per word as long as the ad does not change. Telephone numbers will be considered one word. Hyphenated words will be considered as two words. Classifications (For Sale For Rent etc. will not be counted. Numbers will be considered as one is two words. ) Ads will word: ( basis. Ads mailed in be run on a cash-onl- y may be figured as indicated above and cash or check sent in with ad. Ads taken by telephone will be held until money is received. Ads and money must be received by Tuesday noon to run that week. Special arrangements may be made for billing ads that run indefinitely ( several months ) . VIPS TIRE SHOP 407 East 100 So., Kanab 26$ SERVICES--- 1 ,000 and 1,250 gal. concrete septic tanks delivered and set in. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . . SALE--Hurrican- J4-18- 644-260- 6 643-261- c Hamblin Feed . time. SAVE-Y- ou can save money on car, truck and equipment tires if you buy them Ph. Leavitt? Repair. For 5 service call or see Randy Cram. F16rc SERVICE-T- V 644-239- Chief Hurricane Police Tamas Judson said the girl was walking near her home Saturday at 6 p.m. when she was hit by a car driven by Robert W. Hendrickson, 17, Hurricane. The officer said it was rainy and the road had limited lighting. The 1979 traffic toll of nine compares with three killed at this time last year. During the month of January, it is most appropriate to remember and make New Years Resolutions. This was the theme stressed in our much. qualified teacher, Betty Service. Call bed, good hydraulics, 5750. 1963 International 34 ton, drive, best offer. Two pistols: .357 Magnum revolver with western holster and cartridge belt and .22 automatic Ruger. Fleeco Brush and Rock blade for D-- 7 Cat. Also with best offer. Larry Rose, Henrieville, Utah at. ld you or a member of your family like PIANO LESSONS or BEGINNING FLUTE by a SERVICES-Wou- hospital. CALF 643-569- Lamont ed the funeral service Wednesday of their granddaughter, who became Utah's ninth traffic victim of 1979, when she died Sunday in a Las Vegas, Nevada hospital of injuries suffered when struck by a car Saturday near her home in Hurricane. Marjorie Choate, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Choate, was taken by private plane to Las Vegas after being treated, in a St. George evening by High Councilman Melvin Heaton and his chilThe largest recorded snow- dren; with his young son, flakes fell on Montana in Travis, giving a poem; his 1887. They were 15 inches daughter, Kerrilyn, giving a in diameter. story and concluding with a Dare To Do solo vocal FEEDS - SEEDS - FLOUR was her SADDLES and TACK accompanist Right, Then Leah Brinkerhoff. GROOMING NEEDS Brother Heaton reminded us PICKUP RACKS HORSE TRAILERS of the Stake Youth Plan and suumt l HiifCS PORTABlf HOftStllAUS the importance of following it. I corrals fffWRS We enjoyed this service very nab. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, dishwasher, stove, laundry hookups. Kids o.k. J4rc Chevy pick- to B.L.M. land lVi miles west of Paria River off Highway 89. Water available. Listed at 515.960 but will sell for 512,775 if cash before February 1. Phone 0 or J18c 643-556- D28-J18- 643-558- 4. Our hearts go out to Ruben and Beth Nielsen, who attend- sacrament service Sunday Jll-18- p 643-576- SALE-PRIC- SALE-Me- tal roofing, almost new condition. 679-869- tal. Reward. FOR FOR QUICK SALE. 10 acres next FOR FOR Dump, SALE-- Black ab SALE-19- 50 watch with turquoise band. Sentimen- J18-25- p 12 ton, 51,650. confrontations bring. Theres no mystery about how to accomplish this. Its a matter of recognizing that times have changed and we can get much more done by working together for the good of all, rather than scrapping over the perceived interest of the few. LOST-Lad- ies or 8 4, FOR acreage sale. 13 acres prime land. Adjoins city limits on south. 730 feet street frontage. or Phone 5017. Write P.O. Box 511, J18rc Kanab, Utah 84741. SALE-Kan- e Machine, 644-598- N23rc 644-525- Jll-18- c J18-F1- C FOR Ken-mor- everyone the hassle that MISC.-Kir- Auto, 5125.00. Still good. Used portable b Vacuum new by and used. Sales & Service, Chevy V-- trans. SALE--Kana- mustard should not be unloaded onto the back of the groaning American taxpayer. Thats the message President Carter put across when 8 FOR SALE-19- 64 Station Wagon FOR into every budget cycle. Projects that dont cut the Carpenter Kanab S. Kent he vetoed the Public Works Bill. He was saying, loud and clear, that the public interest lay in sparing the taxpayers the old business-as-usua- l habit of dropping in a few million here, a few billion there, for projects which cost us all, but only benefit a few. Obviously, the Congress agreed, because it sustained his veto, and came up with a cleaner bill. My object is not to gloat over this small victory for fiscal sanity. Both the President and I would have been infinitely happier to have moved ahead with the good projects alone, and spared neers has hundreds more already authorized. And the completing those projects, and, at the same time, FOR GOOD NEWS DEPT. J13-25- p HELP WANTED-Sewi- ng Machine Operators at Barco of Utah. $2.90 per hour to start. Paid vacations and holidays. Contact Job SerJ18c vice, 644-588- HELP WANTED-Insur-an- ce Inspector. Excellent opportunity for making your spare time profitable. Simply take photos of dwellings in the Glendale or Kanab area on an occasional basis. Must have your own Polaroid camera and transportation. Reply to Hooper Holmes, Inc., Box 15731. Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 J18c or call 261-107- 2. HELP WANTED-Rec- ep wanted tionist-bookkeep- Must apply in person William J. Schmutz D.D.S., 76 East 100 South D21rc 644-271- P- HEL- WANTED-Sewi- ng Machine Operators at Barco of Utah. $2.70 per hour to start. Paid vacations and holidays. Contact Job Ser8 vice, S28rc, 644-588- Representing the Glendale Ward for this week at the St. George Temple are Howard and Ella Spencer. At the temple Saturday for two sessions were twelve High Priests, four Elders and one Seventy from our ward attending the special priesthood sessions. We are happy to report that Mrs. Melba Murphy (sister Addie Spencer) was able to return to her sister's home from the Kane County Hospital. Coming to see her Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Preston' Bunting of Kanab. Mr. Bunting served an LDS Mission in Ammon Earley her area in Tennessee 54 years ago. Coming from BYU were her two daughters, Sherrie and Debbie Murphy, her niece, Valerie Hoyt and grandchildren, Robert and Joan Hunter from Orem. Also Brant and Elsie Spencer from Henderson, also nephew. Mr. Wayne Harris with his two sons and one daughter came from his home in Phoenix to spend the weekend seeing relatives and friends. Then he took his mother, LaDonna Harris, back with him for a two weeks visit. The MIA girls, Laurels, Mia Maids and Bee Hives, with their leaders Christeen Hatch, Tammie Bauer an.d Elaine Spencer entertained the senior citizens with a turkey dinner including all the trimmings, a special program given by the girls and a dance to the music of the Tait orchestra-Ber-na- rd and ValJean with guitars, Rena at the piano, Lamond and LaDonna with their harmonicas and their vocal talent. We want to thank these girls and their leaders publicly for this most enjoyable evening. In spite of the weather, we have enjoyed visits from many fqlks coming here from out of town: Mrs. LaRue Chamber-lai- n of Kanab spent Sunday here with her father, Malcolm Phil and Bonnie Robinson; Nay with their family from Richfield and Neal Anderson from Cedar City at their parents, the Dallas Ander-sonMr. and Mrs. Max Campbell and Mason, a brother of Salt Lake City, at their mothers, 11a Mae Campbell; Renee Maxwell at her parents, Rex and Margaret Bauer (she is from Taylorsville); Christeen Brinkerhoff and friend Diane Green from their cosmetology school in Cedar, and Derickson Brinkerhoff from his employment in Salt Lake City, Bill and Joyce Mangum of Salt Lake City, and Warner and Ruth Nielsen with sons Robert, Mark and Donald from Grand Junction, Colorado all at the home of their parents and grandparents. Ruben and Beth Nielsen came for the funeral of Marjorie Choates and at the home of Lucile Flynn was her daughter Judy Lynch and daughter Malinda from Honored at Graveside Graveside services was held on Thursday, January 11, at the Fredonia cemetery for Ammon Jackson Earley who passed away on January 8 in Hurricane, Utah at the age of 88. Born May 20, 1890 at Roundvalley, Utah to John Albert and Elizabeth Jackson Earley, he married Velva Griffiths on October 23, 1940 in Neph; Utah. During his lifetime, he was a farmer; a veteran of World War I and he served an L.D.S. mission to Pueblo, Colorado. Survivors are his widow, Fredonia; sons and daughters, Ammon Griffiths, Ronald, Mrs. Andre (Ila) Bundy, Vickie Hafen, all of Fredonia; 'Mrs. Charles A number of people to whom a good night's sleep is only a dream may be pleased to know that science seems to have found a pleasant, nonaddictive sleep inducer: bananas and milk. According to Dr. Ernest Hartmann of Tufts Universitys School of Medicine, a nice big bow lful of bananas in milk at bedtime may do as much for you as a sleep- contain a substance known This apas pears to work by increasing the amount of serotonin produced in the brain. The serotonin, in turn, promotes the transmission of nerve impulses among certain cells in the brain, including the ones that trigger sleep. This food for thought may not be the answer for everyone, but for some, its ing pill. likely to be something to Both foods, he explains, sleep on. s; fjature A Ph armacy I HEALTH FOODS 28 West Center - 644-598- I - 1 Kanab There is definitely a growing interest in Health Foods. But more important to us than making the sale is maintaining your trust, by offering, honest, factual information about the products you are interested in . . . and to be sure that you understand the benefits of these products. We stock only name brands, so you can be assured of quality. j I f j j j Pan-guitc- I Mark and Leah and Elsie and Annette White motored to St. George Saturday for a visit with Leahs mother, Charlotte Cannon, also going for a visit to see her parents in St. George were Christeen Hatch with her husband and girls. Mr. Cleon Jackson returned this week from a visit with his son Bruce and family at St. Johns, Arizona. V W W V"K W W y Healthy People Photograph Well ! I &S0N C PHOTOGRAPHY & AN TlftUES 28 West Center - Ph. 644-598- - 1 Kanab, Utah V START 1979 OUT RIGHT! GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE (Barbara) Southern Utah Ue w J Rogers of Moab, Utah; Mrs. Arthur (Linda) McKinney of White Sands, New Mexico; Mrs. Thomas (Rowena) Howie of Phoenix, Arizona; 16 grandchildren, three greatgrandchildren; brother, Henry of Laketown, Utah; sisters Mae Thomas of Paradise, Utah; Olive McCarthy of Salt Lake City. Pallbearers were Marvin Hatch, Redell Torgerson, Barney Stevens, Art McKinney, Max Johnson and Udell Johnson. Bishop Gene Heaton conducted the services. Opening prayer was given by Richard Griffiths, a talk was given by Mont Griffiths and Rebecca Bundy sang. Bishop Heaton dedicated the grave, and Merlin Bundy gave the closing prayer. now! Only $6.00 in Kane County, Fredonia and Moccasin Only $7.00 elsewhere Send in the coupon below today to: Southern Utah News Sunshine Ladies Meet The Sunshine Ladies of the Kane County Hospital membership drive will hold Box 90 Kanab, Utah 84741 j Thursday, January 25, at 10 a.m. in Kanab at the home of Wanda Lee and in Orderville at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Zelma Johnson. All membeis and others interested are encouraged to attend these meetings. Be prepared to pay your $3 membership dues at these meetings. n r: j :i Please begin sending the Southern Utah News to me at the address below: Enclosed is ($6.00$7.00). Thank you. Name ... 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