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Show v t Page Six April 6, 1978 THE SOUTHERN UTAH April NEWS Forest Service ALTCm Kanab High Lists 42 Students on Honor Roll Kanab High School's third term honor roll is based upon students' grade point average (GPA). Students High Honors receiv ed straight As with no minus grades, with a GPA of 4.00. Students designated Honors received the equivalent of half As and half Bs, with a GPA of 3.50 or better. Three students achieved the desination High Honors: Seniors Richard Boardman and David Dalton and Junior Amy Barn son. A total of 42 students received Honors. SENIORSs Julie Alvey, Lisa Crosby, Lynette Jacobs, Sherry Johnson, Loraine Mace, Natalie Manson, Joanne Nelson, Kenny Robinson and Brett Waterman. Danette JUNIORS: Frost, Shelli Goodfellow, Lisa Honey, Ben Johnson, Myrna Mickelson, Celia Roberts, Tam Schwab, Naoko Tabata and Dena Willis. SOPHOMORESi Sabrina Boardman, Kim Clark, Anne Sundwall and Gary Turpen. FRESHMEN: Kurt Good-felloRinda Reese, Julie Rhees, Craig Roberts, LaRae Swallow, Tamara Waters and Dana Weaver. 8TH GRADERS: Trent Glazier, Wayne Mickelson, Doug Mousaw, Chance Parker, Jamie Pugh, Cindy Robert- son, Peter Sundwall and Dianne Turpen. - Steven Boardman, Cheryl Cram, Lea Lord and Maughan Ramsay. 0 73 645-228- CiUssfeUlwMlsItimt KiSPECnOJI? still just and four little boys from Cell TRUCK J V?AIR 644-532- are Harriett Sorensen, out for a few days visit. Aunt Hat says her health is a little better in that Dixie climate. Mr. DeLon Blackburn has been visiting at the home of his father, Mr. Tone Blackburn. Kent and Julie Brinkerhoff and their son, Steven, came from Kanab on Sunday to spend the day and attend church with his folks, the Charles Brinkerhoffs. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Sorensen and their family came from Cedar City to visit his folks, the Elburn Sorensens. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund (June) Hepworth were glad to have their daughter, Deniese, visit them from her work in Salt Lake City. Mike and Dickie Robinson BONDED ft CERTIFIED LOCKSMITHS DON ANGLE 842 Vista Ave. 7 Owner Pn. (602) Page, Az. 86040 We monitor CB - Ch. 17 WW k I KiimS Ma tn Inl Mwidtf a udi mMtk Czb. Kii, - enjoy your brought her mother, Mrs. ANGLE LOCK and KEY and histories were written, a good book was read, friends were visited and now what? It's Spring again, other seasons have passed and the ground is ready to be turned, awaiting seeds, and weeds, and the are but thoughts of yester-fall- s cobwebs in our minds. So thoughts Curt8sy Dennys Wigwam REHER CAR clothes were sewed, life thoughts. Folks visiting the Valley this past week were Mrs. Dorotha Barton from St. George. She BUFFALO BILL CODY in the summer of 1891 came to the Kaibab area to replenish his C3 A UTAH i::s:iV7AY ing over on us middle-ag- e women whose thoughts are clear back to last Fall, when in our minds quilts were made, housecleaning was done, thoughts for too soon youre middle aged, and also middle speed, and thats why all my wild west show with animals. They were entertained by local cattlemen who brought them through the Kanab area where the presence cf all the English Lords and Buffalo Bill proved almost too much for the local people. 0 63 young women have been thinking about all winter long." Well, they have noth- young folks, 7TH GRADERS: Eric Allen. DID YOU KNOW? There is the old saying that "In Spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts that 5 v Always available to help with your regular or specialized auto and truck sales needs. Kanab visited at the Dick and Phyllis Esplin home on Saturday. Two grandsons, Wayne and Jimmy Jones from Page, Arizona, have been visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Hoyt. School has been out for a weeks spring vacation in Arizona, so these boys took this time to visit here in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson welcomed their friends from Page, Arizona on Sunday; they all attended church in the evening together. After spending some time in St. George. Cornell and Sylvia Chamberlain came this way to see Arivlla and Legrande Heaton. The Chamberlains 03 LINFORD live in Blanding but still call this Valley, and folks here, Salesman home. BRADSHAW CHEVROLET CO. CEDAR CITY, UTAH Now some of our people finding roads out of town were Mrs. Rena Tait, who went to Cedar City to attend a "Mothers Day event with her daughter, Peggy, at the LsS ms fps fell oil'a dbana IksaMn. Yti: 48 OtL FILTER J Oil and Filter Change Special, Only $8.50 SAE oil, Phillips fifi Trop-Arti- c 10W-4- 0 All Season Motor Oil and our best oil filter, onejhat fits your car, at our best price, during our Best of Everything Oil and Well give you 5 quarts of our best Filter Change Special. So come by today. And show your car you really care. rm. Adi Men,i JESUYS 66 Kanab, Utah seems to be growing S.U.S.C. Campus. On return-- , thing inside of the people of Alton, ing home, she brought her too - its that Springy feeling mother, Mrs. Mercy Cham- that almost makes ones heart berlain, back as she will be burst with happiness. For spending the summer in her Spring is truly a fulfilling own home. Hans and Betty Sorensen time. Albert Bladh and son, and their little girls went to have returned from Benjy, Las Vegas to see their California. Albert has begun daughter, Lori Brinkerhoff, his work for the Bryce Canyon and her family. Of course, Park Service and Benjy is glad little grandson was a big to be among his friends and drawing card for the Soren- classmates. Sarah and Carolyn sens to head south. will join their family when Bishop Delbert Palmer, his school is out for summer wife, Karen, and children, recess. Ann and David, went to Salt All of Alton welcomed a new Lake City to visit and to attend to our community. family some of the General Conferindeed a cause to Thats ence sessions. celebrate! Douglas and ColJoseph and Pearl Bolander Heaton and daughters, also went north; he had a leen Kelli, age 3; and Robin, age medical check-u- p while there. I1 years, arrived this week Mrs. Marge Crofts spent from Florida to become in of last week northern part Utah helping with some of her permanent residents here. Alton is growing! children, who had sickness in Yippee! Wanda Heaton is home their families. from the hospital for the third And, as you know, Conferin recent months. We ence time is also mission time wish her long lasting certainly reunion time, and for this and steadily improving health. reason Horace and Lola Claren Heatons niece, Burrows traveled north to be was here visiting on Gayle, with folks who were in their Shes a familiar face Sunday. mission field. at Happy Service Market in We were sorry to see Willy where she works, and and Annette DaVilla move Kanab, a pretty face in Alton on back to Arizona. They have occasion. been living in the old Reo Parley Young and Mr. and Heaton home this winter, and Mrs Floyd Young and their we have enjoyed getting to seven children zoomed up in know these young people. their mobile home for a A baby boy was born to Orval Mike and Cindy Caruso on surprise visit at the Easter The weekend. Palmers Tuesday of last week and, visitors had a time riding great although an older brother had horses and checking out all the put in an order for a little farm animals. sister, he decided hell keep The Alton Ward choir the little brother. Mother and an Easter Cantata presented baby are doing fine. They are It was a real Sunday evening. of his home at the living as there were accomplishment parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe in the as nearly many singing Caruso. in the audience. choir as were Saturday was a sad day for But that kind of cooperation is the Junior Class of the High of! School as their beautiful Prom something we can be proud A number of women in town decorations had to come have been especially busy this down-- if someone could only week taking an upholstery invent a way to put them up as class sponsored by the Utah fast as they come down. The Home Extension Service. it about is the only good thing Zola Berlin from Kanab Relief Society ladies can now have good games of volleyball came up each day to instruct and help. Some from neighb- on Wednesday nights. communities also partioring The Geve Esplin family cipated including Pam Round, in Sacrathe gave program Vickie Clella Burrows, ment meeting Sunday even- -' and Velma Carroll. Cline, ing. Young just eight Others who helped instruct years old. told how he, as a new member, can be a good were Wanda Lee and Nannelle Robinson. example; Janiel told of being Alma Heaton was at SUSC thankful for a living prophet on Thursday to watch her we how and must obey today his advice; Eric told of putting daughter, Linda Uerrett, give the beatitudes into our lives; a chocolate dipping demonstration to some of the college Sonya spoke on radiating our in beliefs the church and students. Ill bet that was a lot of fun. influencing others; then sister Speaking of SUSC, the LDS Lorene told how we must gain the truths of the Gospel and Institute of Religion sponsored live it. Cleve spoke on his a singing group, The New Era, who on a program this feelings of some of the week putin the Valley High Conference talks and then School. One of our young of encouraged the young men am the Ward to plan and then people sang with So Heaton. natcherally achieve a mission. The Conference meetings of mom and pop, (Vard and Floss the past weekend had such Heaton) got to go watch. Family life is the pivot point meaning and helps for us, if we can only apply it and live it. upon which most all activities At a time when lives can revolve in Alton. We are become so troubled and looking forward to the warmer uncertain, with world cond- months when we enlarge that itions unsteady, decisions circle to include even more of our fair weather friends and weighing heavy on ones so shoulders, many tempta- family. tions on every turn, we need and have to have this guiding light if we are to succeed in living. If our reasons for being here are to total up to any good sum, then we must grasp this strength ever so strongly NOW right today, not Mr. and Mrs. Ralph tomorrow, or next week or in the near future, for who can Chamberlain have been visittell when your future may ing in Kanab with his sister Lucille enter its last words. So lets be and brother-in-law- , now-er- , Garn Perkins. and a a not right - love Afton Jameson returned maybe-e- r your neighbors. find happiness in your recently from California, then homes, praise these young she and Karl went to Price for people, for in them is the the weekend. Lois Swapp went to Cedar promise of all the tomorrows to ever come. Would it not be City over the weekend to visit nice if we could raise our plans with her grandchildren from for everyday living as fast and Grand Junction, Colorado, high as the price of living is who were visiting their other going up. Lets give it a good grandparents in Cedar City. try during this coming week. Visiting with the Bruce Buntings this past week were Leahs parents from Kanosh. Leah and smaller children went back with them to spend a week so her mother can help her with the new baby. The Phil Snelgroves went to Salt Lake City to attend conference and to visit relatives there. Yisiting with Doris Fair c New residents of Kanab the Easter weekend were Creek Ranchos are Mr. and children. Dr. Keith Fair, Mrs. LaCorti and Mr. and wife Leisel, Eric, and Dorc Mrs. Harlin Sullivan, all from Rhoades of Freemont, Ca California. Mr. and Mrs. Don Seth Streza from Lo Harris are now staying in a College, Dr. and Mrs. Th trailer court while building a son of Henderson, Nev., new home in the Ranchos. Karen, Natalie, Stepine, E Guests at the Vard Meeks rel and Holly Bishop, alsc home over the weekend were Henderson. the Abia Judds of Prescott, Aaron Kropf Arizona. They also visited while skiing last with the Gifford Heatons. Hep-wort- h, Applicants The Forest Service today reissued a job announcement for skilled temporary workers on most of the National Forests in New Mexico and Arizona. The agency said an earlier announcement had failed to fill 168 aid positions in forestry, engineering, surveying, range and hydrology. The GS-- 4 and GS-- 5 positions pay from $4.28 to $4.79 an hour, and will last from 2 to 10 months. Applications will be accepted until April 19. Application forms, available at all Forest Service offices, should be submitted Page Six Former Kanab Resident Named Nursing Director Cells For The promises of Spring are coming out of hiding in our mountain countryside. Some- 6. 1978 - Donna Fosbinder, Registered Nurse, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris ' Shields of Kanab, bsr'been named the new director of nursing for Scripps Ginic and Research Foundations Green Hospital in California. According to Blain L. Sadler, Scripps director of hospital and clinics, Mrs. Fosbinders selection for the top nursing post was based on the recommendation of a special search committee that considered outstanding candidates from throughout the West. She has been acting director of nursing at the LaJolla institution since February 4 of this year. The director of nursing is one of the most critically important people in a health care institution, Sadler said, to the Natioal Forest where employment is sought. The Forest Service said most of the jobs will involve wildfire prevention and suppression. Some are in isolated locations. adding, School and studied nursing at Holy Cross Hospital School of Nursing in Salt Lake City and College of St. Marys of the Wasatch. She become a registered nurse in 1956. She is married to Robert Fosbinder and they, with their family, live in San Diego, where they have resided for 21 years. Mrs. Fosbinder has been active in the community, serving as a classroom volunteer in the public schools, as president of the Primary, and counselor in the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints and as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee of the San Diego Public Schools. Mrs. Fosbinders combination of superb credentials and outstanding performance as acting director Some used to say that a neckmade a tremendous impreslace of elderberries would sion on me and the other ease teething pains. members of the search committee. We are very pleased that Dixie College President, she has accepted permanent Rolfe Kerr, reported to the of our nursing directorship Dixie College Institutional Her nursing ability, program. Council last Friday that managerial skills and genuine Governor Scott Matheson has concern for our patients make made available . $125,000 to her an invaluable member of further the completion of the he our health care team, Zion Park Amphitheatre in said. Springdale. A specialist in critical and According to President coronary care nursing, Mrs. Kerr, the funds will be used to Fosbinder has taken cardiobring the facility in line with resuscitation classhealth and safety codes, so pulmonary es for Scripps since 1976 and that the amphitheatre can be has served as a nursing used by large gatherings. in the Ginic for 13 The facility currently lacks supervisor years. water, restroom and sewer Mrs. Fosbinder was born in facilities, which the funds will and moved to be used to develop, as well as Minneapolis Kanab with her mother and other items needed to the family in 1944. She is a 1953 make the amphitheatre usgraduate of Kanab High able. The College and the State Building Board are currently at work on plans to implement the project, which is expected to be completed sometime this summer. U5U035 CHS A number of requests have Three Mile South at Kanab on Highway tt-been made for use of the Grocarifs Saddlefy Sporting Goods Amphitheatre by professional k groups for concerts and Indian Rugs and-Jewelrproductions, and plans are Frank and Heloai Banks Owner and Managers underway for use of the theatre for a two week annual Cotton Mission Pageant. Dixie Moves Ahead On Amphitheatre 20 Off All Lighting Fixtures r QUIENT SUPPLY DODD1HI STORE - V.3 - y . I &S0JST PHOTOGRAPHY & ANTIQUES them-Will-i- KANAB NEWS - NOTES - KANAB NEWS NOTES 1 - 28 West Center Announce its Kanab, Utah 84741 . . . GRAND OPENING Friday, April 7 Cabinate Photography at 25 reduction in price all day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. We re offering our Here's your chance to see what your photography would have looked like 100 years ago. old-sty- le Bring your own outfits . . . use or both. ours Dressing rooms available ... Prices start at $3.00 for a 4x5 print mounted on a card. If youre looking for something more modern, we offer formal and informal studio photography as well as environmental photography. Make your appointment April 7, and our special prices will apply. ... In addition we offer CUSTOM MAT MOUNTING FRAMING PHOTO COPYING & RESTORATION Whatever your photographic needs Come and see us! & Son also has . . . unusual Many gifts antiques and collectables Organic Nutritional Supplements Vitamins for child, adult & pet. Caine-Alderm- an Something for everyone at - Caine-Alderm- an & Son Come help us celebrate our Grand Opening Friday, April 7 |