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Show em ew6 Thursday Kanab, Utah 84741 Volume 44 Number 45 May Reduce food bi!!$ Zion concert nears capacity All permanent seats for the Zion Amphitheatre Joint con. cert of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Utah Symphony have now been sold, concert sponsors announced today. There are, however, some standing room tickets still available for the June 11 sunset concert, according to Richard P. Sorensen, Executive Director of the Utah American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (UARBC), Doctor's clinic change at Valley STATE WINNING PLAY Kyle Shumway reads the orders to convict suspected witches during the play To Bum a Witch,' Others In the play In- eluded: seated, LaRee Robinson, standing, Nat- - E(H alie Roberts and Laurel Roberts. The play was awarded first place in A competition at the state meet last week. LaRee Robinson won the honor of best actress. play fakes state Residents of Long Valley are advised of the change in the at day of the doctors clinic Glendale. Beginning next week it will be held on Tuesday, Instead of Monday, and the time Is 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Those needing appointments may call Gwenevere Anderson, 648-238- 1. Kanab girl elected to college business club Standing room space Is $2 per person and Is located on the hillside surrounding the AmphL. theatre at Springdale, on the edge of Zion National Park. Tickets may be purchased at the Dixie College Box Office In St. George and the Southern Utah State College Box Office in Cedar City while they last. The concert In the Zion Am. phltheatre win be the fifth In a series of Joint concerts by the Choir and Symphony In Utah. The concert series, sponsored by the UARBC, marks the first time the two internationally acclaimed groups have every per. formed togetherl In addition to the Zion concert the Symphony and Choir will perform In the Salt Lake Tab. emacle May 29 at 8:00 p.m., In Logan at the USU Spectrum June 1 at 8:00 p.m., in Ogden at the wsc Fine Arts Center Aud. itorlum June 5 at 8:00 p.m., In Provo at the BYU Marriott Center June 9 at 8:00 p.m. and an outdoor concert at the Mantl Pageant Site June 12 at 7:30 P.m. Tickets for all concerts are being sold in the hosting area. For outlet locations, contact the UARBC, Room 409, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, 84114 or call (801) SusAnn Boardman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Board-m- an of Kanab, was elected state reporter for the Phi Beta Lambda, a college business dub. The elections were held In CedAmateur ar City April 30. Seven colleges were repres15-1- 6 ented with students running for tourney the prospective offices. SusAnn The first Thunderblrd AmaIs currently enrolled at Utah Technical College In Provo. teur Golf Tourney will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, according to Garth Penclinic Lazy Eye ney pro at the Mt. Carmel Junc328-17- A triumphant and elated car. load of students returned home from the State Drama meet held at B.Y.U. last Saturday. Mrs. Carol Penney and stud. Salem witch trials which took place during the 1680s in Salem, Mass. LaRee Robinson was awarded Best Actress for the her role as Mary, LaRee received a full-pa- id scholarship for the B.Y.U. summer theatre workshop. In addition to the honors the play received, Zeek Kropf re. ceived a superior rating (higlw. est score possible) for bis pan. tomime. The Drama class is presently working on--a variety show to be presented Thursday, May 13th at 2:30 p.m. The winning play and pantomime will be a part of that program. An emphasis In Drama this year has been creativity. Many parts of the Christmas play presented last December were written by the students. ents brought home the trophy for best one-a- ct play In Class 1A division for their drama TO BURN A WITCH. The story Is based on Matheson seeks senate seat Long-ti- Iron County Com. missioner Ivan M, Matheson has tossed his hat Into the ar. ena for the State Senate post being vacated by Dixie Leavitt, who has announced his candid, acy for the governorship. Matheson will seek the Re. publican nomination for District 29 which represents the five county area of Kane, Bea. ver, Garfield, Iron and Wash, lngton. Matheson has a long history of public service. He Is now completing his fourth term 14 years - as an Iron County Commissioner. In addition he has served on the Governors Advisory Coun. dl since its inception in 1968 and Is presently serving as chairman of that body. During his tenure as a Com. missioner, he has been afftlia-te- d with the Utah Association of Counties and is currently serving as president. He Is also a member of the board and on the organizations road committee. The candidate previously served as chairman of the original Five County Association and for an Interim period chair, ed the Five County Association of Governments during an illness of Commissioner Keith Smith. church leadership positions. I believe that we need to work toward the autonomy of At press conference . Elder Hartman Rector Jr., a member of the First Council of Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of LaAer-da- y Saints, spoke several Ames in Kanab last weekend in connec. Aon with the Kanab Utah Stake Quarterly Conference. The General Authority of the Church spoke to the local Sev. entys Quorum members on Friday evening after being hosted to a dinner by that group. Then on Saturday, he met twice with local priesthood leaders to give InstrucAons. Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Elder Rector, and others, spoke to a stake center which was full to overflowing. Elder Rector said that "we want the world to know we are ChrisAans. We believe in the three members of the Godhead, we do not believe that they are three gods In the same person, but that they are three distinct We believe In personages. modem revelaUon. Why should . stressed by actor On one side of thecontrover. sy were the certain economic Interests supported by politicians who saw In the Kalparowlts project the possibility of economic gain for the state, particularly economic gain in the economically depressed area of Southern Utah. On the other side of the controversy were those people In Utah and other parts of the naUon that were very concerned about the effects that the coal-- A red plant Would have upon the national parks and recreaAon areas in An Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Clinic will be held at Kanab Elementary School on Monday, May 10th from 3 to 5 p.m. This clinic should Include all children from the ages of 3 12 It is sponsored to by the Health Department and Elementary F.T.A. pre-scho- ol. we be any less blessed than He people of former Ames. emphasized that "We believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that He runs this Church. No IVAN M. MATHESON one takes this honor unto him. self. He told church members that local units of governments It is their responsibility to be. clAes and counAes - and direct come converted, and he told of the Aow of funds to those enAt-l- es several experiences of converand that through Inner local sion to the Gospel of Jesus agreements regional programs Christ. He said local members of mutual Interest can then be are called to touch peoples determined and funded, Mathand warned them not to be lives, eson stated, too concerned about criAcism, "I feel that my afAliatlon If you serve the Lord, you can with state government agencies expect criAcism. related to local problems pro. In telling of his own conver. vldes the needed insight necesElder Rector said when sion, sary to effecAvely serve In his wife Arst told him of the the State Senate, Matheson Joseph Smith story hetougbt said. it was preposterous, and stated I realize that we need to that through his search of rework with exisAng programs he had decided they were ligions but my efforts would be to chan, When he started e. all nel funds to local units for reading the Book of Mormon, he local orientaUon and decision prayed, Please, God, let it be making, he concluded. Then by the Arne he had true. gotten about 100 pages further, he said he was reading each . . word as though it was the word of God. And he testlAed to local members and visitors that the Book of Mormon is true. Elder Rector, a convert to the LDS Church himself, has compiled two volumes of inter. esAng stories about conversion to the Church called "No More Strangers. President Valton E. Jackson, the vicinity of the proposed arowlts the following conclusion Is reached concerning the of the Kanab Utah Stake, intropower plant. "In recent announcement by Job opportunlAes for existing duced the scripture for the month of May for stake memthe Kalparowlts applicants that residents In Southern Utah: and explained It to them. new Job opportunlAes bers Though were their withdrawing they Is found In Moslah 4:14-1- 5, It would be ecothe created, potenAal from applicaAon project, In this connecAon, he exnomic beneAts to local resirather than ending the controthe proper teaching of versy, has spawned new Ares dents would not be realized, due plained to lack of skilled personnel, a children and of the necessity literally and AguraAvely. Proof good family relaUonshlps, ponents of the project and their high percentage of the employHe said that Satan Is trying would ees be trained migrant's. have allies pointed pollAcal hard on many fronts to disrupt have "I also been at informed blame of oi the Anger part the while state that family, which Is the most revenues would those of us who have opposed Important unit In theetemiAes. Kalparowlts and told the people have increased because of KalPresident Jackson emphasof Southern Utah that we are to parowlts, nevertheless the cost ized the Importance of Family to the state In providing the acbe blamed for the economic Home Evenings and of family hardship which has historically cess roads and other state and social could prayer. well have services, confronted them. Other speakers during the "For example, the current exceeded the Increase In reve. conference included Sister Recnues. myth that the Kalparowlts proIt Is my understanding that tor, who also spoke of her and have would general brought ject her husbands conversion to the economic prosperity tothepre-se- nt certain pollAcal leaders In the to bold Church; state Jerry Lynch, James plan of Utah Southern energy semi, residents Potter, Laura Pond, and Marian needs to be penetrated. The nars to examine criAcally and Maxwell. Brother Potter and facts available to any InvesAg. obJecAvely the energy issues Sister Pond are converts to aftve reporter or dAzen with facing the state. Such critical an open mind do not support that and objecAve examlnaAon Is the Church of Just a few weeks. During business of the condesperately needed. 1 say. Its myth. about Byron P. Fisher of The ference, time, environmental Anal "In the Kalparowlts Ordervllle Ward was sustained Impact statement prepared by experience has taught us that we as an alternate member Ol the the United States Department of cannot afford to waste another Stake High Council; Paul Drew (ConAnued on Page 2) Interior no enemy ofthe Kalp Save industry Its Arne to stop recriminations In the Kalparowlts dispute and take poslAve steps to bring environmentally safe Industries Into Utah, stated Robert Red-fo- rd at a press conference he called Friday at his Sundance ski resort In Provo Canyon. 1 would like to make my views on Kalparowlts known In the hopes that future dialogue on energy mafters In the State of Utah and elsewhere is directed to relevant Issues, so that raAonal can be decisions made, Redford said. scheduled May 10 tion course. Vntry fee will entitle parti cL. iAnts to a free, practice round Friday, Prizes will be divided evenly for two flights starting Saturday morning. Those desiring to enter should send the $25 entry fees to Mr. Penney, Thunderblrd Motel and Golf Course at Mt. Carmel, Utah, or phone 648. 2262. by raising home garden Reducing food bills Is Just one good reason for having a home garden. Many young people, and ad. More break ins; both solved ults too have never had the satisfying educational experience of cultivating the soli, Kirk Heaton, district conservationist Long Valley residents were stunned Saturday morning when they gathered to dedicate their with the Soil Conservation Serrenovated seminary building to vice said. Kids dont want to be told find that It had been broken Into and vandalized much the they are living In a prepackaged again quick-frozworld. A small same way as It had been Just a week prior. The Ordervllle garden can teach a lot about Ward chapel also was vandal, soil-pla- nt soil relationships, and water conservation, and an ized again as was the Valley High School. appreciation for the productiveKane County Sheriff Norman ness of the earth. This too Is a good enough reason for having Swapp stated that one subject was Involved and that that per. a home garden. "Another thing you hear a lot son, a Juvenile, has been taken about these days Is quality of into custody. He said the sus. life , Heaton said. And It is pect will likely undergo psych, tests. my view that your own fresh latric Sheriff Swapp said the dam. lettuce salad, age sustained to the Church and and homegrown tomatoes Imof life. This the Seminary buildings were prove your quality much the same as those which Is another good reason for havwere inflicted the week prior. ing a home garden. When you put In your garden, Doors and windows were brokemptied on the dont forget the need for soli en, drawers and tables tipped floor, desks and water conservation. Erosion can be bad In small over. Some cans of paint were also poured over the contents amounts, and we recommend methods toprevent erosion even which were thrown on the floor in the seminary. Due to the on garden plots. damages the dedication of the Our work requirements us te from prevent giving assistance for Individual home gardens, but we have two leaf, Fire lets we can send you that will be a lot of help. Mulches for your Garden tells you how to make compost and use mulches. citizen The other is Gardening on the Contour which tell you how to The Kanab Volunteer Fire use farm-tyterraces and contour cultivation on home Department would like to wain gardens. These are tree on citizens that there has been too request from our office located much traffic congestion when at Room 11, Grand Canyon Mo. responding to a fire alarm. State law says that citizens tel or B ox 292, Fredonla, Ariz. can be cited for following Are trucks, parking In the same block as the Are, for being My Country1 closer than three hundred feet from Are and in equipment, or turning In a false On Thursday, May 6 (tonight) alarm. In the future, the Kanab and Friday, May 7, the Fred, City Police will issue citations onla High School will present to all violators. en seminary building was post pon. ed. The high school was broken Into through glass doors In the front and then extensive damage was Inflicted In the girls dress, lng rooms where mirrors and bathroom Axtures were broken. The damage was done early Saturday morning, May 1, ac. cording to Sheriff Swapp. He estimated that the vandalism the Arst Arne resulted In about $2500 damage and the second Arne it amounted to about $1800 damages. The Sheriff Indicated that during the InvesAgaAon of this case, local law enforcement of. fleers had cleared up three other cases, one which was two years old and had charged and jailed two persons lor contrtb. uUng to the delinquency of a minor through abuses of alcohol and drugs. Relief Society to present Heritage Festival on-sl- Department pleads for cooperation pe 'This is set Fredonia, per single copy fth a musical "This Is My Count, ry at the LDS Cultural Hall In Fredonla. Tickets can be purchased at the door. flre-AghU- ng Charles Zielinski, Kanab Fire Chief. Stake Relief Society lcentennial Homemaking Heritage festival will be held on Friday, May 7th, from 2 to 9 p.m. There will be displays of early periods and modern Articles made by the day. wards during the past year will also be displayed. We would like to Invite all women In our stake, members to come and and bring your husbands so they can see why we think Relief Society Is so important to us as sisters In the Gospel. We also want to Invite the students of the high schools. Musical numbers from the ward Relief Society choruses will be presented at different Intervals during the day. Come and join us and see what we have to offer the sisters of our Stake. Kanab B Elder Hardman Rector speaks a? conference . Additionally Matheson Is ser. vlng on the low Income housing board of the state and Is a mem. her of the State Sub Committee of Title I of Higher Education. Active In the LDS Church, he Is Bishop of the Enoch Second Ward and has held numerous golf May 15C $6.00 per year 6, 1976 N man-mad- was sustained as a new president In the Seventys Quorum; Jack E. Norton was sustained to be made a Seventy and Van Mackelprang was sustained to bo made an Elder. Music for the conference was furnished by the Kanab Utah Stake Laurels under the dlrec. Aon of Lorene Lamb with Cleo Jackson accompanist. vs Civic Women hosted at meeting Kanab Women's I I Civic Club were hostessed by Rhoana Findlay, Jean Swapp, Areola Rider and Eleanore Huffman Thursday night, April 29th at the City Club Room. There were 18 members and 10 guestspre-se- nt as this meeting was a membership drive. Janice Hobbs and son gave us two musical numbers on the piano and Aute. A cast of four girls from the drama class entertained the club with a one-a- ct play To Burn a Witch, which qualiAed for state honor at Region 8 meet. Muriel Swapp, chairman of the nominating committee announced the new officers, who will be installed at the next meeAng, A rdlth Holland, secretary and treasurer; Jenny Matlt. eson. Vice President; Barbara Russell, President. Millie Brown reported on remodeling the club room and dis. cussed an agreement with the City. Ida Riggs reported on the Red Cross drive which was very good results. ?r schoolers stayed that night in the homes of The group was local sixth grade students. Inside shot of the Big Mac coach which stopped touring the naAonal parks of this area. Mein Kanab Sunday night with a group of sixth Donalds furnished free two luxury coaches for grade students from California. The grade the trip, A TOUGH WAY TO TRAVEL Looking more like the Interior of a rich mans den is this California kids enjoy local stop Thirty-on- e sixth graders, al. ong with eight chaperones from Sebastpol, Calif., were having the Arne of their lives as they passed through the Kanab area last weekend, spending one night In Kanab. And one of the things making the trip so enjoyable was the hospitality shown by the local sixth grade. The California group began plans for a giant A eld trip some Arne ago and the Anal desAna. Aon decided upon after welgtv. lng many possibilities was the Southern Utah Parks area. In. eluding Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon. The group began sav. Clyde Vance read a letter lng up monies and selling any. from Judge Tibbs, commending thing they could to raise the us on our meeAng of combining necessary funds. About $4,000 was needed for City and County government. She also reported on the Anan. the trip. W'hen It came down to rial status of that meeAng. the wire they were still short somewhat, then a talk TV show Wanda Glover and Carol Pen. in San Francisco got hold of It ny told us they had the girl and put the idea on the air. Picked for the scholarship In From this came more funds. drama, that we donate, and McDonalds Restaurant also got would be announced and presen. wind oftbetripandtheyfumislw ted at the next meeAng, ed the buses (or rather coaches) Clyde Vance gave a report of for the trip free of charge. the club's acAvlAes of the last as It finally ended up, the two years that she has held ce 31 So, students and chaperones beof President. gan their journey In the most luxurious coaches you can imagine, and accoiilng to the motherchaperones, the kids, as well as adults, have really been enjoying the trip. Before beginning, the principal sent out form letters to schools along their anAcipated Kanab Elementary journey. School was the only one to re. ply. What the California school wanted was to stay In other school auditoriums overnight. But under the dlrecAon of Kanab Elementary School Principal Don Lee, the California students were rather placed In local tured In the coach are plush swivel chairs with tables for games, color television, stereo, soft drink bar, rest rooms, and almost whatever one might think of to make a traveling trip en. Joy able. Following their tour of the coaches, most local students were ready at any Ume to goon such a field trip. Karen Alvey, local School Board member, after examining the coaches, said she was afraid the local school district could not afford any of that type facility, and didnt want the students getting too excited about It. The Sebastpol area of north, era California, according to the chaperones, Is a great apple growing area, aid that com. munity Itself, although In a largely populated area, Is a town homes, while the adults stayed at a local moteL The motherchaperones were very Impressed with the hospi. tality shown locally and ex. pressed appreclaAon to local people for their kindnesses. They also marveled at the beau, tiful local scenery and weather, of about 4,000. Teacher of the group, who as contrasted to the fog and done great things for the has smog from the California area. to the mothers, Local students Monday morn, class, according is Larry Martens. of were allowed tour a the lng Local students, too, were ex. coaches and they marveled at the travel luxury. McDonalds, cited about the visit and now the who furnished the coaches, also two classes are thinking of try. furnished the drivers and a lng to work out some kind of stewardess In each coach. Fea exchange. |