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Show ' ' Thursday, June 14, 1950 .Page Five Southern Utah News and Wane County Standard Sell Ccr.scrYdi:n Orderville daily news happenings - By NORENE of Kanab visted grandmother, Mrs. Melvin PORTER Hardy with their Lydia Jane Hardy last Saturday. ing at the Dave Sorensen home Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ramsay and for a few days this week. visited Monday night at family ""Jerry Banks of Kanab, son the Legrande Heaton home, on of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Banks their way to St. George, where of Kanab spent the week end they will make their home. visiting with Lane Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. h Mrs. Mae Black Randall of spent Sunday in Cedar Mesa, Arizona, visited here on City with Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Wednesday last week with Workman and family. friends on her return home Mrs. Velta Hepworth is at from Salt Lake City. home now, after spending some The Daughters of the Utah time in Panguitch. Pioneers met in their monthly Miss Esther Nelson is visiting meeting on FTlday, June 8th at In St. George with her fathers Jane Mrs. of Lydia the home people. Hardy: Miss Patricia Sharow, who Edward Carroll was taken to has been living with Mr. and the Pangulteh hospital on Thurs Mrs. Lincoln Crofts for the past day of last week, where he Is year, left last week to return receiving medical attention. to her home in Hogansburg, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Peterson New York. and daughter Judy of Fillmore Orderville Ward Relief were here Saturday and Sunday was partially reorganiz Society and Carroll Mrs. with visiting Mr. and Mrs. Giles Carroll and ed Tuesday. Mrs. Nan E. John children were here Sunday and son was released from acting as second counselor and Mrs, Monday at the Carroll home. Iris Reese was released from . as Mrs. Bessie Heaton and daugh acting ters Betty Jean and Bessie of Mrs. Bessie Crofts was sustain' Salt Lake City were weekend ed as second counselor, and Mrs Isltors at the home of Mr. and Pearl Bolander was sustained as . Mrs. Lamond Heaton. Mrs. Iola Johnson of Kanab returned to Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Workman Salt Lake City with them Sunand family of Cedar City spent day. memorial day here. Miss Nellie Heaton accompan led Mrs. Madge Bauer of Glen dale to Salt Lake City Friday of last week, and returned on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Errol MiUett Dr. and Mrs. Wendall Brook former residents of Kanab enjoyMrs. sby visited with his mother, ed a visit here Sunday with Bessie E. Brooksby, Friday of their mother, Mrs. Leota M. Butlast week. ton, and other relatives and Dr. and Mrs. W. Alma Wilson friends. The Milletts had three and two grandsons, of Salt Lake boys when leaving Kanab and have since added a daughter and City visited at the Martha Por- two more . boys to their fine week. ter home Saturday of last Mrs. Minnie Sorensen is visit- Advertising Rates For Sale: location Mining forms, proof of labor and most neded legal forms. Standard Publishing Co., Kanab. Minimum .... 50c insertion Over' 5 lines ...10c per tine (5 words per line) Comunity spirit is mirrored in the faith the consumer has in his hometown merchant. Sup- CLASSIFIED CARD OF THANKS One Insertion .... 10c a line All Classified Ads are able in advance, when pay- Livestock and Range Conditions Over State Vary Great Deal RANGES: condition in port the merchants and business Utah for JuneRange 1 was rated at 74 houses who support your compercent, one point above last munity. month. At 74 percent on June 1, For Sale: NEW HOME, 3 bed- range condition was four points room, bath and See above a year earlier, but 8 points below the average. ComVaughn Judd or call 223-average pared to the (1923-55- ) for June 1, the current For Sale: New Westinghouse condition is 11 points below avoven. $25.00. Also baby carriage. erage. . Call 72 or Leile Bauer. Fairly good rains, roughly from 's to one inch occurred the last two weeks of Hay For Sale: High quality during alfalfa. $30.00 per ton. R. A Von May in northern and central but southern Utah and Hake. Kanab, Utah 2tc Utah, parts of eastern Utah remain quite dry. Hail occurred In Weber, Davis, and Salt Lake Visit At Swapp Home counties 10 days ago and caused some damage to grain and hay Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Swapp Heaviest damage occurred who reside in Ogden, Utah spent crops. In the area of several days here this week visDavis County. iting with his mother Mrs. Let Winds have not been excestie Y. Swapp, and other friends sive during May and drying of and relatives. surface moisture has been light Balne is employed as an air- except in southern Utah. Southlines mechanic at Hill Field ern Utah ranges remain quite near Ogden and has been there dry. Recent rains have helped but more precipitation is needfor more than six years. ed. Ranges are quite dry and Also visiting at the Swapp feed supplies are low. Some cathome last week were Mr. and tle have moved to summer earlier than normal due Mrs. Barton Swapp and family ranges to the shortage of feed on winfrom Salt Lake City. ter and spring ranges. In northern Utah, ranges are better than the last two years. Feed supplies are ample and water is plentiful. Spring runI sit... off Is keeping the streams high and reservoirs are filling. In central Utah ranges and feed supplies are good. High ranges are good and are saturated. To date there has been very Facts, little contracting of cattle, calves, sheep, or lambs. Cattle prices have changed very little; forms, said Benson. Third time sales are unsettled. theyve been turned in! CATTLE: Condition of cattle From where I sit, we ought to calves declined two percentof and guard against accusing anyone age points during May to 77 perbeing wrong just because thats cent on June 1, one point above the way it look to ns. For ina year earlier but seven points stance, Ive heard people talk below the 10 year average. Combecause a they against neighbor average pared to the didnt approve of hia choice of (1926-55- ) June 1 the current for or liked tea, beverage! (They condition of cattle was 10 points something, while he preferred n below average. Cattle generally Be have a sure yon glass of beer.) are in good condition although gaee before you lay down the law. there are many thin animals in " t southern Utah counties. Cattle losses have generally been light to normal except In southern Utah where some heavy losses one-hal- f. poss- ible. r J J7-3t- Jo ' Place Classified Ads By Mail Write your ad plainly. Figure the cost by the rates above, then enclose stamps, check or money order- - in the envelope when you r p 221-W- mail it to the Southern Utah News. The S.U.N. assumes no responsibility for errors after the first insertion. 4 Layton-Kaysvili- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mrs. Housewife, if you have spare time if you need extra maney, you can earn right in your own neighborhood with Avon Cosmetics. Write to Avon Manager, 164 No. 700 East, Provo, Utah For Sale: Madges Cafe, Motel and Service Station. Located on Hwy. 89 at Orderville, Utah. J7-6t- c Rom where Joe Marsh Just the erimt ware in Haring red-htown. Specs McGuire and Buck Hanson were caught taking money out of parking meter again. I was at Police Headquarters when a nice old lady rushed in to report them. "It was dark but I saw their faces in the flashlight beam, she said breathlessly."You cant trust anybody these days! She got flustered when Chief Benaon explained that Specs and ' Buck are authorized collectors working nights after their regular jobs. "Have to get em uni ot e Ma'am! 30-ye- Copyright, 1956, United State Brewer t Foundation youth , Hep-wort- in areas where feed has been adequate but in areas of short feed they are rather thin. Fair to good calf crop Is reported for all areas except in parts of District 7 where below average calf crop Is indicated. Calves appear to be In good condition. SHEEP and LAMBS: Condition of sheep and lambs declined three points during May to 79 percent on June 1, one point above a year earlier, but four averpoints below the age. Farm flock lambing has been completed for some time with good results reported. Lamb crop is also reported to be good In range lambing flocks. In southern Utah the lamb crop is only fair tdue to the poor con10-ye- ar dition of ewes. secretary-treasurer- University cf Utah Will Give Summer Gcurse In Foreign Languages have fun learning a foreign language. This is the title of a course being offered this summer by the University of Utah Extension Division in cooperation with the U. department of languages. The three hour class is open to youngsters from 10 to 16 and also Includes one hour of swimming. Students will start speaking French, German or Spanish on the first day and will emsongs, ploy records, movies, games and ell modern audiovisual aids In acquiring a useful You can vocabulary. The course runs from June 18 to July 27 with language Instruction from 1 to 4 p.m. and swimming from 4 to 5 p.m., said Dr. Arval L. Streadbeck and Miss Ariel Frederick, supervisors. Sessions will be held in the Stewart School. Each class will be limited to 20 students. Registration, including swimming, will be $30 for the six week course. Further information may be obtained from the Extension Division, Annex 109, at the U. ' secretary-treasurer- Local News Items fam-Uy- Miss Janet Carroll is home from school In SL George. Mrs. Mardean Church, two children and her mothyoungest Miss Jeanette Esplin spent the Kaweekend at home from her work er Mrs. Grace De Arman, left for Grover City, nab Tuesday in Cedar City. California. They plan on pickMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haybom and children of Cedar City spent ing up Mrs. Georgia Lunt in few days here this week while Las Vegas who will accompany Lloyd was doing some work at them to the California city. the Valley Theatre. action ! Mrs. Margaret Chamberlain and Mrs. Marlon Young were home over the weekend from Summer School at the CSU. ty Km Those of ing opening number of and people, you who went fishday, and saw the c boats on the lakes, thick as ants at a along the banks of the streams, realize how Important water is, just to the fisherman. Perhaps, some of you thought there was a lot more water than picnic, ... ever-increasi- Old-tim- e six-inc- n MriMhlui tViVYllfff I YEAR 010 Ksntuckjr Straight Bowtoa WUtksy 14 PROOF AN0 FRAZIER DISTILLERY CO, BARDST0WN, KY. WATERF11L The program In Church Sun day night consisted of scripture by Anna Lou Hepworth and talk by Eilene Slaugh of the teen-ag- e girls group, and Stake Home Missionaries, Ray Judd, Frodsham and Marlin Gene Brown, and Mrs. Ray Judd who all gave very fine talks. I Mr. and Mrs. Just Bishop and children spent the weekend on a trip to the Grand Canyon. - Angus toll Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Seaman of Cedar City visited with her mother, Mrs. Martha Porter and daughter Norene Monday of this week. , A. ' US how much you need Miss Eleanor Heaton who tended Girls State In Logan, .reports a wonderful trip, participating in many Interesting and worth while activities. The new Bel Air Convertible-o- ne of 20 tossy-style- d new Chevrolet . at- The Valley Vegetable Club met May 31st for their first meeting and elected the following officers: Roy Esplin, president; Deane Lamb, Chad Heaton, Terry Tait, reporter. Mrs. Rena Tait is their leader and Lane Tait is their Junior leader. The second meeting was held June 11th and they Identified and sprayed Insects. They are looking forward to a busy summer and especially club camp at Duck Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cloward and family of Payson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Chamberlain. While here they all visited at Zions Canyon, Cedar Breaks and Bryce ...and youre on t; Now showing the happiest "double feature" of the year! One part is bold, new Motoramic styling. 'Hie V8 action. g other is record-breakin- Hollywood has a heap of words that describe it: colossal, stupendous, magnificent. Well settle for just the name Chevrolet. Because once youve driven this sweet-handli- AIN ng CONDITIONING-TEMPERATU- showboat, the ad jectives will take care of themselves. Horsepower that ranges up .to 225 makes hills flatter and saves precious seconds for safer passing. And the way this Chevrolet wheels around tight turns would gladden the heart of a sports car fan. Stop in sometime soon and highwthis hew Chevrolet ay-test dyed-in-the-wo- MACE TO ORDER-- BRADSHAW AT ol Canyon. Norene Porter is resigning her position as reporter from NEW LOW COST. IET US DEMONSTRATE. CHEVROLET Csdar City, Utah your way lth a low-co- -- secretary-treasurer; Want to take the wheel of one of Americas Jew great road cars? Want to send pleasant little tingles up and down your spine? Then hustle on in and try out a new Chevrolet V8l COMPANY Orderville, and Miss RaNee Chamberlain Is taking it over. Miss Porter has appreciated very much the cooperation she has received from everyone and asks that Miss Chamberlain be accorded this cooperation also. Mr. and Mrs. Gile Hardy and fast st auto loan! yj RICHFIELD COf.imCIAL al:d savings dai::i THE FRIENDLY BANK Serving Southern Organized YOUR DEPOSITS Member ' fish, but everyone agrees that fishermen are Increasing a lot faster than our water. Water is more than a natural It is a necessity of resource life. In this country, we were blessed with an abundance of resources, and lived more than 200 years before the water problem became acute. Now, every day, we read and hear of water shortages in urban, industrial, and Irrigated areas. This shortage has been caused by two things. First is our population, and second is a gradual drying up of our permanent springs and streams. residents of most areas can tell of springs and streams that have gone dry, or nearly dry since they'were young. Not so long ago, David Sorensen told me of a good spring on their ranch that has disappeared. Tom Proctor, contractor on the ML Carmel Diversion told me that the springs that Panguitch uses for cullinary water are drying up. A spring that once almost filled a pipe, could now go through a garden hose. This gradual drying up of our water Is usually attributed to the "drought" which seems to come as regularly as taxes. A comparison of our present weather records with the earliest kept, show that there were drought even in the good old days. This leads to the conclus--Iothat the deteriorated watersheds are, more than we realize, the cause of a shortage of underground water. Total runoff Is, no doubt, created from a bare watershed, but It Is generally agreed that we get more usable water from a good steady stream than we do from a flood after each storm. A good example of what can be done Is given In an article in the latest Readers Digest. Its worth reading. Miss Margaret Pugh who has been teaching school In Las Vegas is back home in Kanab for a few days where she is vis- beauty , Chevrolet , SPENDLOVE By EARL Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seven of Salt Lake City spent several days this week at the home of Mrs. Martha Porter. Jr. Gleaner and Jr. held their weekly fireside at the home Mr. Lawrence Reese In ML Carmel Lynn James Esplin, who Just recently returned have occufed. with her folks and many from duty In the army In Ger iting Cattle are In good condition friends. many, was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Murie and chll dren of Cedar City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. Bur ton Rust rt Weekly Ksrs lie! S3 Utah People 1891 INSURED TO fKKSO.OO of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |