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Show Southern Utah Newt and Kane County Standard Page Six ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED Local Girl Is Senior SECTION Senator at For Sale: New Westlnghouse BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES oven. Also, baby carriage roaster Ina need If you good steady KaCall 72 or 221-W- . new. like come and can work only half Ex- nab. Cosmetics. Avon sell days, perience unnecessary. Write to Avon Manager, 164 No. 700 East M-17- c Glendale news Provo, Utah Male and Female Help Wanted Man or woman wanted to handle McNess Products full or spare time. Opportunity to make $40 a day. No experience necessary, Write McNESS COMPANY, PO Box 14. Bayshore Station, Oakland 23, Calif. tp BYU ' After two weeks campaigning for student body offices, It was announced at the Inaugural Ball that Shirlene Robinson, Kanab, would be a Senior Senator for the student body of Brigham . Young University in The Senate is composed of three students from each class and is the voting power of every activity that is carried on at the University. Shirlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Robinson, was also elected Social Chairman of the ToKalon Social Unit, which places her In charge of all social activities for the coming year, plus their annual Spring Dinner Dance. FOR SALE SECTION 160 ac. stock ranch. 30 ac. Irweek. rigated land, water rights. & cub. ft, per sec. 55 head cattle A group of 4 from here went permit. 1 school sec. Call 154-J-. to St. George on the Elders TemAngus Swapp, Kanab. ple Excursion Saturday; Jack and Delwyn Maxwell, Max BauNew Spinet Piano: $25.00 down er and John S. Anderson. Factory guaranteed. Write G. W. Mrs. Ellen Briggs and son of By ALLEN M. COX Davis Piano Co., 112 No. 5th St, Las Vegas, Nevada. Plano may St. George visited at the home Val Jean Robertson arrived of her sister this week Mrs. be seen In Kanab. home last Tuesday on leave from Bauer. Madge Alton nevs events I VALLEY THEATRE - ORDER VALLE, UTAII Mrs. Bertha Ramsay received word of a new granddaughter this week, bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ramsay of Logan. This makes two girls and one boy for Jay and Loralne. Jay is graduating this spring from the USAC the army. The school teachers from here took the pupils on a trip last Friday to Cedar City where they visited the KSUB radio studio and other points of Interest. Mrs. Joann Campbell and chilEngineering. dren visited over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Loren Swapp of In Mesquite, Nevada at the home Mrs. Joe Midvale, Utah, was here over of her parents, Mr. and Reese. the weekend seeing relatives. Miss Marjorie Heaton visited, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers held their regular meeting Fri- over the weekend at the home Mr. and Mrs of her day May 11, at the home of Mrs. Merrill parents, Heaton. Marjorie is at Beatrice Workman. The lesson was presented by Mildred Jack-son-, tending the University of Utah the history was given by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Spen Geneva Workman. Visitors, Har- cer and family from Delta visitriet Judd of Kanab and Mahala ed over the weekend at the home Sorensen of Orderville were in of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan attendance. There was a group Glover. of 13 In attendance. The Allen Cox family attended Mrs. Lydia Spencer is visiting a Cox reunion in Orderville last at Salt Lake City this week. Saturday and Sunday. dauMrs. Kent Anderson and Mrs. Marie Crosby and children and Owen Roundy were in Kanab Saturday. Val Jean Robertson and Phyllis Anderson were married last Sunday In Fredonia. The Karl Roundy family was in Kanab Monday on business. In May 18-1- 9 Seven Little Foys Starring BOB HOPE MILLIE VILATE ANGELA May CLARK 25-2-6 Elephant Walk Starring ELIZABETH TAYLOR DANA ANDREWS Bureau Seeking Dam Road Bids Ml. Carmel daily news notes 1956-57- (Continued, from page three) Brinkerhoff presented the operetta Tomboy Joe" Monday at the ward chapel. It went off good and was well attended. Mrs. Cloyd Chamberlain (Larue) and children of California are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Robinson this .Thursday, May 17, By BERNEETA TAIT Mr. and Mrs. Mont Lamb and family of Las Vegas, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Leaney of Hurricane and Mrs. Marlene Jones and two children of St. George came Saturday to visit A nice program honoring the mothers was presented Sunday morning In Sunday School, and In sacrament meeting that evening the program was presented by members of the Aaronic Priesthood which consisted of five talks by A1 Tait, Garland Talt, Lawrence Reese and Max Esplin and Bishop Wilbur Covington. Here to spend the week end with friends was Jerry Glover of Henderson, Nevada. and honor their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Edna Lamb. Other out of town visitors on mothers day were, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferrell and two children of Cedar City and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Anderson of Glendale at the Dee Anderson home; Mr. and Mrs. LaVier Talt and chilThello Bay of Marysvale was dren at the Lindsay Talt home; in town on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. DeMoyne Sorensen and children at the Effle SorMr. and Mrs. Birt Gardner ensen home. were in Richfield Monday to attend the monthly business meetMrs Alice Talt, son A1 and ings of the GarKane Power Co. daughter Lois, also Deanne Talt and Carolyn Lamb spent TuesHome from college to spend day afternoon lh St. George Sunday with the mothers were, Allen and Corrlne Stevens, Cleve shopping. Esplin and Betty Morrison. Betty Tuesday Mrs. Miranda Soren- was sen accompanied her son David Miss accompanied by a friend. Carolyn Endsley of Cedar Sorensen of Orderville to Pang-uitc- h City. for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Judd and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Anderson at- Mrs. Mina Gardner spent Sattended the wedding Sunday eveurday in Cedar. his of Fredonia sister, ning at Mrs. Fern Morrison journeyed Phyllis. She was married by Joseph Brooksby to Val Jean Rob- to Escalante Wednesday on busertson of Alton. iness pertaining to PTA. - Kanab Premiere ' Ray Palmer attended a commissioners meeting In Kanab of Monday. 'QUINCANNON, FRONTIER SCOUT' Allen Cox attended a welfare meeting in Kanab Monday. ghter Merrianne, who have been visiting the past two months with her parents at Mona, Utah returned this week. Starring Tony Marlin Sunday Night, May 20th at 9 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chamberlain and family from California spent a week in Kanab visiting at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Guy access road e Utah-Arizo- border to the Glen Canyon damsite. Mr. Larson said the road would to temporary and suitable only for taking drilling and other equipment Into the Salt Lake Trib. damsite. Welcome Race Folks Enjoy a Delicious SPAIIISII DUIKER FniDAY and SATURDAY 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. COCONINO CAFE Fredonia, Arizona BOXING Saturday Night May 19 KHS Gym Fighters front Cedar City, St. Georg, Par-naKanab and linrrioar. will b here. ALL STAR n, STANDOUT , PETER FINCH Kcws HappCaiisgs E. O. Larson, regional director of the U. S. Bureau of said Reclamation, Sunday bureau would call for quick bids Thursday for construc- tion of a nine-milto trail from the 1958- - Among the fighters will be: Bob McCall, Lyman Munford, Red Max- well, Frank Barrett, Wendell Heaton, LaVar Short, Israel Allen, Tobe Mosdell and many others. That's 5057 IffiaiB Rectsnbsr: Boxing, KIIS Gyn Saturday Right at 8 p.n. the bourbon with the best recommendation any whisky ever had i Reserve seat tickets at Fentons Store or Standard Publishing Company. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY SB PROOF lOUISVlliE 1, KENTUCKY EARIY TIMES DIST CO Erick Brinkerhoff, son of Bishop and Mrs. Mark J. Brinkerhoff, celebrated his 6th birthday by Inviting his little friends to a party on May 8th. P.M. Jarius Lamb of Bridge-lan-d visited relatives here this Mrs. Kanab Theatre Admission: 50c week. I special program commerat the "Restoration of the Priesthood was given at Sacrament services Sunday; youth chorus, "An Angel from on High was sung by Ted Maxwell, Sher-ri- l Anderson, Charles, Dale and Kurt Brinkerhoff, Bruce Harris, Douglas Ramsay, Melvin Jack-soRoss Workman and Alonzo Mackelprang; a musical reading was given Willard Mackelwere talks prang; given by Douglas Ramsay, ' Vaughn Anderson, Geneva Workman and Bishop Rex Bauer. XsJ; J A XX 'XfrWgwy yfrS&K.- V lng Proceeds to be given to Kanab High School for Water Spinkler System Courtesy of n, New lightweight Champs --b- BEL AIR PRODUCTIONS riEW DC CE-U3VHOE.- BT TTilDEFORCE imuCEES! New Heavyweight A MODERN Champs V8 FOR EVERY MODEL! A MODERN MODEL FOR EVERY JOB! There's a new Chevrolet e truck and to built do your job in record powered time and at costl Task-Forc- IB dDTLR E?Ih dDRH rock-botto- m " Champs of every weight class! New Middleweight Champs V8's standard in heavy-dut- y jobs! You get the big new Loadraastcr V8 in 9000 and 10000 series trucks. The Taskmaster V8 is standard in other L.C.F. and heavy-dut- y models. In lightweights and most middleweight, V8 are extra-cooptions. New, wider range of models-rat- ed up to 31000 lbs. G.V.W.I Come in and look em over! Pickups, panels, stakes, heavyweights rated e up to 50,000 lbs. G.C.W. with new tandems the right model for your job with the most modem features money can buv! High-power- wins every roun ed 322-cu.-i- n. st mmjeKY iJ lQOItlON I, --- "t HILL & HILL CO., DIVISION OF RATIONAL LOUISVILLE, DISTILLERS KENTUCKY. 86 PROOF. PRODUCTS C0RP nun whiskey! mmn m TNCMUAHtUCOMMIff tMUftlU. UIIKW Triple-Torqu- Anything less is an BRADSHAW old-fashion- ed truck! CHEVROLET Gtdsr City, Utah Ortri wfth carl... EVERYWHERE! COMPANY |