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Show Utahs Fastest Crowing Newspaper" DAILY TEMPERATURES Preo. Univ. Microfilm Corp. 157 t41 P erportt Avenue And Continuing Tha Kano County Standard V OLUME XXIV NO. 23 Local Community Officials Meet With Forestry Officials at Dig Springs Relative To Sustained Yield Unit By M. J. Cancer Campaigners Co-ordin- Lighted Baseball Field Local ate In Fredsnla Appears To Bo A Reality Soon FREDONIA With the coordination of several organizations s '(forts, a lighted ball field to become a near reality. The Fredonia Ward has been he main workers towards a field BEAN On Wednesday, at Big Springs, Arizona, a dinner meeting was held for the visit of Assitant Regional Forester, Dahl Kirkpthe Albuquerque Forestry Office. Also in attendance atrick,-of were the Whiting Brothers, E. I Whiting, Art Whiting, E. J. Whiting and representatives from the Kaibab Lumber Company; Kanabs Mayor Aiken, President Peaches Beard of the Lions Club, 4-1Stake President, Dan Frost, 1 Mayor Brooksby and city council and various others InterThe Clever Cooks of Glendale ested In the project of Sustained ages held their first Yield for Kaibab Lumber Com- Club meeting for this year at pany. A fine steak dinner, pre- the home of their leader Eva J. pared by a committee Of Dan Cox, all 6 girls were present and Frost, Joel Johnson and Locklan they organized their club with the following officers; Cram, was greatly enjoyed. President, Patsy Workman; Familiarize Forester Karen Cox; SecRita Jackson; retary, Reporter, The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize the Regional Dorothy Kae McArthur; ChorisForester with the North Kaibab ters, Jerilyn Pugh and Marilyn Unit. At the present time the Brinkerhoff. This is their second year in Department of Agriculture, unin 4 H work. cooking der which forestry is run, has taken a negative policy toward sustained yield units, feeling that Mrs. Emma Pratt who has been in certain areas it tends to create her daughter in Provo visiting monopoly and injuries businesses has returned to Kanab. dependent on an industry. Of eleven proposals of Federal Yield Kaibab Lumber Companys case Units, six have been approved and have been found to be emin- until the policy of the Federal Government is positive toward ently satisfactory. These are lo- Sustained Yield Units. cated in Flagstaff, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon and California. Excellent Application 4-- 11-1- 2 t, Ideal plans for the 1956 drive against cancer are I'taha own Gerald G. Smith, state campaign chairman (left) and TV star Ed Sullivan, national campaign chairman. They met recently in Cincinnati where campaign plans were laid at the national level Engagement Of Jayccc Miss Winona Peterson Is Told Road-e-oRea- At a lovely tea held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson, close friends of the prospective bride were informed of the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Winona to Mr. Eddie M. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vernon Peterson of Fillmore are parents of the prospective bride- Forestry representative However,, it was felt that In commented on the excellent apthe case of the Sustained Yield plication from the Fredonia Unit for Kaibab Lumber Com- Boosters Club, who sponsored the project and also the fine pany the situation Is ideal. There and support of the cooperation are no businesses that would Kanab organizations which supsuffer, in fact, business In the ported the drive. He also explainarea would be benefited by the ed that the North Kaibab Forest expansion that would follow, is at present in the process of both directly and Indirectly. The inventory by the Forestry Dept. payroll of Kaibab Lumber would It is believed that this Inventory increase and seasonal materially will result in a larger return employment, a local problem, than was originally estimated. would be at an end. Mr. Kirkpatrick also stated that Without the Sustained Yield they are cognizant of the power Unit guarantee Kaibab Lumber situation in this area. Also of the Company cannot invest further decided advantages of growth in expansion or branch into and development on the refinegreater power yield which would ment of forest products and reso much benefit the area, faced manufacture which could be done as it is with almost insurmount- In this area instead of outside able problems In that field. the states involved if Sustained The Federal Units are at pre- Yield became possible. In consent getting a close review, poss- clusion is was stated that this ibly a Congressional invesigation was a most ideal situation for because of hearings on the prob- a Sustained Yield Unit lem on the West Coast These, Mr. Arthur Whiting closed the however, are thickly populated sections in which business Is al- meeting by thanking all the repand injus- resentatives from the various ready the tices tnight ensue. The situation organizations and spoke of Brothdeep Whiting appreciation la in our area entirely different have for the loyalty and fine and only development and im- ers efforts made by them and the follow. The would provement communities. Forestry Deparement is holding groom. The announcement was made on tiny scrolls, fastened by miniature gold wedding rings and drawn from old fashioned wishing wells, which formed a centerpiece on each table. The. favors wert tiny buckets. The couple plan a September wedding. t is a sophomore The at Brigham Young University, where she is affiliated with the To Kalon social unit, and is active in music and drama circles. She was chosen as an attendent to the 1955 Miss Kane County. The prospective bridegroom will graduate from the University of Utah in June where he is a business major. He is affiliated with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and is a member of their famed quartette. He is a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force ROTC Unit bride-elec- For Happlar Life in "BO-,Avoid Caroleos Highway Trlx.". Dam Again Huck Hamblin is reported to have told friends that the building of Glen Canyon Dam would present no great problems to him he says hed simply use Boyds mixer get Brownies wreaker to lower the cement over the rim in buckets and in his spare time hed work as a plumbers helper (or did he say a plumbers friend) Oh, well, I think his idea makes as much sense as a lot of the current ideas that are being circulated. A mass meeting the other night of citizens from a whole flock of Southern Utah towns went as favoring - a highway from Kanab to the Glen Canyon Dam Site 2. a road from St George across the Arizona Strip to Kanab 3. an endorsement of the efforts of the Richfield Chamber of Commerce to get a numbering for Highway 24 Dr. Aiken conducted the meeting I was especially impressed with the talk made by Ben Sawpp and one made by Paul E. Franke, Supt of Zion National Park William J. Smirl was elected chairman of a committee to promote these projects the meeting was very harmonious of Speaking of harmony-on- e our local political parties aint but the wounds arent very deep and theyll most likely kiss and make up, come election time right now they are attempting a compromise you know what, there are dangers too In compromises reminds me of the hunter who was out looking for a fur coat he met a bear who was out looking for a meal so they went In the bears den to talk over their respective problems and to work out a compromise the bear came out alone 1- dy For Participants o o, De-Mot- teen-agen- teen-age- rs nab. Local teen-ager- s but hed had his meal and the does not believe in equal rights hunter-wa- s inside a fur coat for all colors and creeds any could be! stronger than does this Roving Read three magazine articles Rcporter-Isorry If others took that I recommend to you "The my column to mean otherwise Fearful Aspect of I agree thoroughly with the Dating" from the April issue o! ladys philosophy of equal rights Good Housekeeping "Should and opportunities and tolerance Children Compete and "The for all races and creeds and I Ten Commandments from the applaud her for her views I Womans Home Companion Oh, even agree that she has a right to call my comments "Ignorant I read all sorts of stuff Cant help but remark on what however, others dont seem to a blessing our Crippled Childrens find them so Clinic is and how many Kane Im very happy to report that County kids have been helped by my appeal for Stake House funds it we have a whole passel of have already brought results t kids from babies to near adults Jim and Margaret (Cram) sent in a substantial check who attend trained doctors and Jim and Margaret live In Braw-ley- , technicians restore a lot of poCalifornia where Jim works tential cripples to normal activity Mrs. Pearl Carpenter and as a government geologist In the women who assist her should behalf of the entire stake, I take this opportunity to thank them get thanks from all of us Wade Betenson was injured and hope this Idea becomes conlast week at the Kaibab Lumber tagious Children of the Elementary Company when the saw carriage went on a hot roddlng spree and school are all excited about the tossed the redhead for a 20 yard chickens that the first graders loss Wade sayshe felt like the have been hatching in their incubator they'll all be out of man on the flying trapeze A fine new road costing Kane their shells (the chickens, I County many thousands of doll- mean, not the children) In time ars is being constructed from for Easter latest report was 4 highway 89 past .the Sand Dunes Mrs. Peterson is prouder than to the Arizona line a few thou- any mother hen you ever saw A very widely traveled fellow sand spent on the Glen Canyon road would have put us In a bet- stopped In Kanab the other day ter position at the present time, he said as far as he was concerned, this is the most beautI think Got an indignant letter from iful town In the world but he a lady who takes me to task for was dlssappointed when he seen a phrase I used in last weeks the city dump after coming down column I said, I dont think the scenic Kanab Canyon Howour town la going to be spoiled ever, I understand that the city by an Influx of minority races, fathers are striving to do someat some dir prophets predict" thing about the dump it will I Intended this as a slap to- take time, and property must ward people who are predicting be purchased and that ia no easy this and call them worse names task right now than "minority races the lady Seeyanextweek m TOO-Earl- Final preparations have been made for the Jaycee Teen-ag- e Road-e-which Will be held this Saturday, March 31st. Chairman of the Road-e-Nash, said that participation isnt what had been hoped for as yet, but still hopes that i will take admore vantage of this opportunity. The Jaycees, who are going into this annual event at no profit to themselves whatsoever (except the fellmg, of doing something, good youngsters) feel that theshould enter and take advantage of such things, and that the towns people should be there to encourage the youngsters. Winner of the local Road-e-will have an expense paid trip to Salt Lake City, by the Kanab Jaycees, where they will enter in the state Road-e-o- . Winner of the state competition will be sent to the national contest where they will compete for $3000 In scholarships. Local prize for this first year will be an engraved plaque, one for best girl driver, and one for best boy driver. They are on display at the Trails End Restaurant and the Snack Bar in Kacompetition is open to In Kanab, Valley and Fredonia who have a drivers AROUND KANAB WITH THE ROVING REPORTER Glen Canyon Teen-ag- e Lv-ma- n The or the church softball program. With the help' of the Fredonia , schools. Kaibab Lumber North Kaibab Forest Service and Kanab Stake definite dans for completion early in his summer are now made. Paul McCormick has been chosen as "hairman of the group to build the field. A site has been chosen just west of the Kaibab Lumber Mills which the forest will lease to the Fredonia schools. The light poles will also be given by the Forest Sendee and Kaibab Lumber Co. will haul them In from the forest. Kaibab Lumber will also furnish power for the lighting. Because of expensive rates of power this is a very important factor. Church members will work on installation and landCom-oany- Club News Fre-doni- Local Unit $3.00 Yearly; 10c Single Copy . KANAB, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1958 y Ten-nen- license. Written tests will be given at he Kanab High School beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the driving part of the contest will be held after that at the Kanab Airport. Road-e-Enter the Teen-agnow! Be the first to win this coveted award. You may enter by contacting DeMotte Nash, Duke Aiken, Marlin Brown or any Jaycee member. e o Sun Valley Uranium Mine Shipping 200 Tons Ore Each Month "By High School PTA To Be Held Monday, 2nd Robinson - Henrie Rites Spoken In Salt Lake Temple Mrs. Gerald V. Henrie of Pang-ultch- . Utah announces the marriage of her daughter, Geraldine, brides brother and sister-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. John N. Henrie, EASTER EGG HUNT FOR CHILDREN On Saturday night a meeting was held in the Ordervllle Gym FraThe American Legion and the of the Kaibab Timbermans ternal Organization which was anwishes to Legion Auxiliary nounce that they will hold their attended by 70 members, the turn-ou- t the local union annual Easter Egg Hunt on the largest had. ever President Morris has Easter of lawn the Courthouse Shields was in charge, also preSunday at 9 a.m. All children and those up to and In- sent was Jay Whiting of Kaibab Lumber Company. A new concluding fifth graders are invited to participate. There will be fun tract has been under discussion for several weeks and Mr. Whitand surprises for everyone. ing gave the welcome announceVANDALISM IN KANAB ment that there would be, impre-scho- mediately effective, a blanket Isnt exactly a news item, rasie of 8c an hour to all pro- but a thing that I think should This E!::l Chdrinm vice-chairm- r. Osmer Lamb, Mt Carmel; and Orson Young of Ordervllle were elected to the Central Committee. Two delegates and two alter nates were chosen to attend the state Democratic Convention In Salt Eake City. Delegates chosen were Mr. Kirby and Mrs. Little with alternates being Merlin Shumway and Lester Little. Seems the Democrats didnt have the trouble the Republicans are having in getting their chairman elected. M. J. BEAN A luncheon meeting at Trails End Restaurant on Monday of meet- this week was the kick-ofing for organization and enlarging of the local 89ers Club into an active and growing club seriously bent on promoting and Improving business in the area. Mr. Dell Robinson, President, was in charge of the meeting which was attended by 25 people from Kanab, Fredonia and the Valley towns. Also present was Transportation Manager Warner of the Utah Parks Company. Name Selected The first business of the meeting was to select a name for the of the club. Glen Canyon Club was the unanimous selection. Committees were chosen for the various projects Under advisement: Legislative Committee, Lloyd Pugh, chairman, Arland Brooksby, Fredonia and Byron Fisher of Valley. Membership Committee: Laura Chamberlain, Chairman, Ray Judd, Fredonia, and Gene Russell, Valley. Advertising Committee, Reo Heaton, Valley Chairman, Whit Parry, Kanab, and Ray Judd of Fredonia. Chairman Robinson displayed a scale model highway sign of the type to be placed at strategic highway intersections and suggestions were entertained for simplifying and improving. The signs are already under contract and will be erected very soon. Discussion of ways to promote earlier tourist traffic produced many suggestions. It was decided to contract for radio time to s to promote Easter the area. Also newsletterf and information to be sent to AAA and various placet of information for tourists. A very fine spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm was held throughout the meeting. Chairman of the Membership Committee Laura Chamberlain wants Kanab business people to expect her visit very soon. f The High chool PTA will meet April 2nd, Monday. They have prepared a very important and informative program. Mrs. Ivis Farr, Kane County Red Cross Chairman, will give a short talk to accompany a film showing what Is done with blood donated to the Bloodmobile, There will also be the naming of new officers for 1956 PTA. Lets have a big crowd. What's Doing? Gr:niy D:m::rcls California. Kickoff Meeting This Week in Kanab who are medical doctors in Salt Lake City. The newlyweds left for a honSun Valley Uranium mine in eymoon trip to Mexico. They House Rock Valley near the will make their home in Arizona. Cliff Dwellers Lodge is now shipping some 200 tons of uranium the and last week a winore to Tuba City each month, dow yard was broken. This Is a shameaccording to mine superintend- ful thing and one of which event, Abe Bonham. knows Kanab should take Mr. Bonham said that 19 tons eryone action. We are heading for a time of amendibllity samples have of expansion, there will probbeen shipped and that they show be churches of other faiths ably a good grade of 52 hundredths. here before too long represented He said that the type ore they and it would be a shame If Kaare shipping ia the only ore of nabs LDS Church got a bad repIts kini which is a good grade, utation because of foolishness on being shipped to Tuba ity. the part of a handful of people. The mine ia operated by the It might be well to remind ourUranium Petroluem Corporation, selves that President Brigham and formerly belonged to Mr. Young gave land in Salt Lake Bonham. Mr. Bonham receives City for the erection of the first a perpetual royality from the Jewish Synagogue, and that he mine and is quite happy with op- more than once loaned LDS erations In general churches for meetings of various faiths. Also that the first Catholic Mass in Southern Utah was said in the Mormon Church. I dont believe we could find a better example to follow. By M. J. BEAN KTFO MEET Liforoaticn Lcsns Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Foster of California brought Mrs. Fosters mother, Mrs. Rae McAllister home. , . Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Smith are their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown of Modesto, "Glen Canyon Club" In scaping. At present there is no lighted to Mr. George H. Robinson, son athletic field in the Arizona of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm RobinStrip or neighboring Southern son of Glendale, Utah. Utah area. It will be available The couple were married Frifor school, church and sports day. March 23rd at the Salt Lake events of all kinds. LDS Temple in Salt Lake City., A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony, given by the be brought to the attention of all residents of Kanab. I know toleryou to be a warm-hearteant people, respectful of other peoples faiths as well as your own. I was shocked to hear that the Catholic Chapel has, since On Vet October, been subjected to a particularly ugly type of vandalism. Given Friday The sign has been defaced several times, several signs have beejj Veterans in this area will have tom down, trash has littered the opportunity to hear Information and ask questions about veteran home loans this coming Friday night at 8:30 p.m. in the courthouse in Kanab. Easily According to Neaf Swapp, commander of the local Legion Post, At the Kane County Democratthere probably are many veterans in this area who dont realize ic Convention held Tuesday March Ernest G. Kirby was they are eligable for home elected 27th, to act as Democratic loans through the Veterans AdElected as ministration. He said that the County Chairman. Mrs. was Madge Administration has quite a large sum of money for such loans and Little with Mrs. Clara Pratt as it would be wise for veterans to secretary-treasureIn addition to Mr. Kirby and investigate this. Mrs. Little Duke Aiken, Kanab, Mr. Brown and Mr. Garbett, heads of the direct loan department of the Administration, will be here Friday to discuss this aspect with local veterans. Highway 89 Club Selects liame week-ender- duction workers at Kaibab Lumber Company. President Shields, who with a small group of officers and active members, have been working hard over a period of some months to into a Wore stable organization expressed great satisfaction in the results and the fine spirit of cooperation between union and management Although there was some dissension, as is perfectly natural, In any organization, on the whole he feels that the more responsible workers feel a to their employers and a good attitude towards the unions aim of betterment for all Its members. President Shields Is considering a plan which will be wholly voluntary and la approved by Kaibab Lumber Company, l of savings for men Interested In contributing to the erection of the new Stake House in Kanab. He will introduce this plan soon to those interested. loy-alit- pay-rol- y |