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Show oirsday, Febraury Anti-Yaw- 9, .1936 Family Life Institute Fight in Laos s By D. Wayne Rose On Thursday, February 16th, William DeHart, Professor of Sociology at the ISAC will be in Orderville to conduct a Family Life Institute. The meeting will be at 8 p.m. In the Orderville ward chapel. Parent-chilrelationships will be discussed. A similar program will be presented in Kanab the following evening, Friday, February 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the Kanab ward I hope everyone with chapel children will attend. ft . Ki t ,.srr.-- tlA rlW I - f j - ' - SHELL OtU COAPAM o' - 'TiTlth iWftfttTW 3 f Modern health methods, penicillin and aid by the World Health Organization and ihe U.N. Childrens Fund are helping to win the war against the disfiguring tropical disease, yaws. About twenty per cent of the worlds estimated 0,000,000 victims live in the area ranging from Laos, Indochina, to the Philippines including the Pacific Islands. Here a villager in Laos, whete WHO aid has already yielded substantial results, receives a penicillin injection from a member of a traveling medical team. Treatment is supervised by Dr. E. J. Douvier (right), WHO medical officer from France. smy Friends and relatives here reword this week of the death of a former Glendale resident, Frederick W. Cutler, 82 of Bountiful, Utah. Mr. Cutler died of a heart ailment Thursday in a Salt Lake rest home. Bom October 19, 1873 to Benjamin Lewis and Anne Sarah Willes Cutler. He married Irene Cutler of Glendale, June 1895, she died May 11, 1931. Married Hazel Shill Brown June 10, 1932, Active in the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS. He was a Priest in Bountiful 9th y High ward and former Sunday School Superintendent in Midvale. Surviving are: his widow, Bountiful: sons and daughters: Benjamin Lewis Cutler, Midvale; Richard Hyrum Cutler, Bountiful: Mrs. Charles H. (Grace) Esplln, Farm-'ingto- . -- n. ' COLON At. QAVS FARMERS RESENTED PAVING TOU.S AND FOUNTAINS WELCOME WHO WANDER OFF THE PEATEN PATHS: PICNICS UNDER THE TREES ARC A DELIGHT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. tyfoOOS Gayle Bauer, Colleen Anderson, Rita Jackson, Lonna Lou Mc- Driver Vs (Bounty fairs ARE A of am ERCANA Bit WITHIN EASY REACH OF CAREFREE MOTORISTS TYPICAL FAIRS BLEND EDUCATION AND entertainment attractions GOING RURAL ATMOSPHERE. v- IN EASY- i - -; iV (Fishermen and hunters are DEVOTEES OF THE BACK. ROADS. A WEEK END FREE FRCM TRAFFIC, A GOOD CATCH OF FISH AwAiT WHO THE MOPSRN "EXPLORER FORSAKES THE HIGHWAYS FDR THE BYWAYS. THE SHUN PIKER RETURNS HOME RESTED Glendale Weekly News Events ceived '' . THE MOTORISTS e Arthur, and Myma Spencer with their leader Eva A. Dallin went to the St George Temple Saturday and done baptismal work for the dead. They were bapitzed 40 times each. Donald Campbell and James Maxwell went also and went through one session at the Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Anderson took part of the girls down and Donald Campbell the Cedar City; Mrs. Miles (Annie rest. Irene) Burgess, San Francisco; Miss Ferris Robinson, who is four step daughters, two step- employed at Salt Lake City, sons, 24 grandchildren and 16 came home this week. great grandchildren. Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Leigh of was held Monday at 12:30 p.m. in the 9th ward chapel, Bounti- Cedar City visited friends and relatives here over the weekend. ful. ''' ri THEY ON THE "PIKES THESE MAN iT ROADS AND CAU-E- O HUNPlKINO." The following MIA girls from our ward: Rita and Gayle Brinkerhoff, LouNell Pugh Bee-Hiv- IRAVEt DIRECTOR JCANKEE e v X ' carol lake " y"'o. I to see three of their children, Gerald who is herding sheep at their ranch at Burl, Elvon who is attending college at Cedar City and LaVonna who lives at St George. V through Driver Training Instruction in all of our High Schools? Cannot our homes do more to instill a proper attitude of obedience to traffic laws? One of these accidents occurthan 60 percent greater than the average number for January ov- red driving to an athletic event. er the past 9 years. Cannot more be done to eliminate the hazardous driving on Why Is it? these occasions? If it cannot be Weather Was Good regulated in any other way, it We cannot blame it on bad may be necessary, much as many weather as we have had far of us would dislike it, to eliminmore clear days than usual for ate these contests at night this time of the year and comBe More Cautious paratively little fog. We cannot blame it all on icy roads as the Statistics further Indicate that road reports indicate that high- there are fewer fatalities during ways were much less hazardous bad weather than at other times. than In previous Januarys. Fewer miles may be driven, but The Utah Safety Council has this does not account for the difmade some analyses of these ference. Is it not possible that fatalities to try and find the drivers are more careful during cause, so that conditions may be stormy weather? Why cannot improved, but the resuls are dis- drivers be more cautious at all turbing. There have been 4 acci- times, especially when it may dents in which a total of 12 per- mean the saving of a life? sons were killed. Of the 7 drivers Remember the slogan, DRIVE involved, 4 were under 20 years CAREFULLY, THE LIFE YOU of age and 8 of the twelve per- SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN. sons killed ranged In age from Dont be the one responsible for 16 to 19 years. any fatality. The number of traffic fatali-itie- s on Utah' highways during January was alarming. For a time it was nearly one aday, and the present number Is more " C Mrs Roger Dooner, the former Flame Mace of Kanab, has come to Kanab from Long Beach, California to stay with her folks until her baby Is born this spring. Her husband is on duty in the US Navy. i January Traffic Fatalities Higher Than For Past 9 Years; What Is Reason? I d i PAGE 3 Southern Utah News & Kane Count v Standard CD AND REFRESHED Conclusive proof off Early Times q Superiority 50 OP AMERICAS WHISKY IS PRODUCEO IN KENTUCKY OVER AND Donald A. Brinkerhoff and son A large group from Glendale Dermont of St. George spent attended the VHS concert at Saturday evening which several days here this week. was directed by Manuel Fox tour A birthday party was given music teacher) and thought it 6 at the home of Miss February success. a huge Elizabeth McArthur in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Spen- LaVerl Pugh on her 15th cer made a trip the past week TIMES STANDS ALONE AS THE ONE WHISKY KENTUCKIANS CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES. EARLY le How to make rough and rugged work easy Program ALTON The large proportion of teenLoyd Heaton went to Pang-uitc- h agers involved In these accidents Monday for an operation Is far greater than the propor- on his chest. tion of drivers in this age brackWord was received here of a et. May it not improve the sitboy born to Mr. and newbaby uation if all of these young peo- Mrs. Lane Campbell of Fredon-la- . ple In our state have the opporHe was born In the Kanab tunity to become better drivers hospital Monday, February 6th. BUSINESS? MORE HEED Mr. John S. Anderson, who is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen and Mr. and Mfs. Rulon Stevens of living at St. George and doing Ogden were visitors at the home Temple work this winter came of Mr. and Mrs. Lue Brinkrehoff home over the weekend and attended conference at Kanab. Sunday. Education ITS A CLEAN KENTUCKY WHISKY OF SUPERS MELLOWNESS WITH A TRADITION ALMOST A CENTURY OLD. FLAVORED iSw&zf ! KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON EARLY TIMES DISTILLERY CO. . WHlSKT.lt LOUISVILLE PROOF 1, KY. You Can Get It With a Listing in the Classified Columns A ' H I J two-lin- listing in the high readership e Its every ounce a man's whisky feature in the classified advertising columns of the Southern Utah New costs only OOo for four weeks. Mining Utsh's Aajsr Basic Industry after time businesses report excellent results. You can maka money by using the Time Last Classified Section. Call 160-- J $242,800,000, minoral fuels worth $51,123,000 and a total market value of worth $32,482,000 Is tho biggest basic industry in our $326,412,000. Mining the number one contributor to our economy. A state Utah. prosperous mining Industry moans a prosperous ova yea the aieaay blh Kanab, Utah end aeintoneece aieaay. ' UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION ta the non-metall- ics - New! SOUTHERN UTAH NEWS ilMiwi liilMrt4 and SIC year Utah mining produced metallic minerals worth "from the earth comes an abundant We' or all" 9 d Cempletely ne local convenient felly backed with IH parti and tervice. fectery-equippe- Fameat Canfe-Vltl- Cab, ea far t, proven for roominess and ante. driver-ceeifer- light-dut- y 4 truck wheel-driv- e ! Fall 6 Vi- -, S aad pkkup bodies end 7'6" and S'4" (take factory Installed. bodies Really low body aad cab leet than 2 Inches higher than conven- If you need a truck that will operate on the highif you want a way or take off across country truck that gives you plenty of load room, plus good looks, economy, comfort heres your answer! (4x4) Thi new International model truck will breeze up difficult grades -- or readily go through mud, sand and snow. And it may be fitted for a hostyrf stationary power uses. model a full brother to Youll find this light-dut- y the famous International 4x4 model trucks of 11,000 and 15,000 lbs. GVW. Come in and see it, drive it today 1 tional ... Ixclwtlve INTIRNATIONAl transfer case. e power take-of- f, optional. "ve have S speed transmissions with left, or left aad right tide power take-of- f. Optional S-1- a High performance, high economy Slack Diamond 220 engine, standard 131-h- p 240 with lltocb clutch, optional. o Optional 4,000-ld b. winch. capacity call only costs 90 Built to save you the BIG money! All-Tru-ck YY" 7QUCIIG LftJU. t I l.il,i,,,ufr NV&gfiufe. YOU CAM lTT""fnHlti,,,1llir CAli FOR ANYWHERE $2.00 OR K Ml AD.. I MPLEM E II T C 0 40 North Main Street, Kanab P A II Y , yOX594o!VV IN THE COUNTRY CALI BY NUMBtR firttnl ... IT'S Nimbsr leoklets eveiteble Is ssr FASTER Sesleess Office . . . LESS I That! Rto cost of o trontccntinantal cofl, night after 6 and el day Sunday. (Tax additional.) ttotion-to-tatio- 1.1 Bob call us from school once a week.. .a three minute a Optional 7.00x1 S end 9.00x14 tires far extra flotation, traction. n ncitfGnnaffEOCiAE. I rt D frte |