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Show DavisUfe TUESDAY Kids learn "magic 2004 3, February Sports WX Wildcats claw Bountiful Braves of dental hygiene www.clippertoday.com jt :: Mother defends son's innocence; victim's mother says verdict was a relief ZZ Man sought after high speed chase - WOODS CROSS A man wanted on several outstanding warrants is being sought alter leading Utah I hghway Patiol ofheers on a high speed ehase through parts of Wixids Cross and Bountilul on Saturday beloie police abandoned the chase. UUPTrooper Biandon Whitehead said charges are being hied with the Davis County Attorney's Othce against Kory' Mathew Slater. 20. of Kearns or Tooele, tor felony evading, driving on a suspended license and leaving the scene of an accident The chase began about 9 27 p m on Saturday when Whitehead stopped Slater loi a routine traffic stop at the bottom of the northbound ramp otf to 2600 South Slater initially told Whitehead that he did not have a license and used an alias in identifying himsell When Sinter was asked to exit the vehicle, he sped away instead. He led police on a pursuit noi th on 8(X) West to 500 South and east on 5(X) South. Whitehead said the puisuit was halted at 5(X) South and 500 West because of public safety concerns In the pioeess ol the chase. Slater sideswiped a vehicle at 5(X) South and SIX) West. Whitehead said Slater's identity was later verified with a diner's license photo. BY MEUNDA WILLIAMS ( hppci Shill H alken-Ledu- rnci - ulken-David BOUNTIFUL cdue will have to wait a month to find out Ins late in the death ol Matthew John Whickei ne.iilv eight yenis ago lime he will remain in jail .liken I educ was convicted last week bv a seven woman inv. ol the Oct 29. slaving ol Whickei at the Woods Ci oss Motel 6 during a lobberv His sentencing is set tor March I he 24veui-olman will have to spend the next month in jail. 2nd District Judge Glen Dawson ruled on riduv Valken-- educ had been bee on a $100.(XX) bond since Ins arrest in 2(X)1 On Induv. Ins attorney. nc Crnmei. argued tli.it the voting man should remain bee until his sentencing, saving he has no adult criminal ieeord and has appealed at everv couit healing But Dawson disagreed, telling Cramer that ot the comthe psychological munity was an issue m detaining Vnlken-Ic'cluuntil his sentencing It was a ruling with which Rea Whicker. Matthew's mother, agreed Speaking to the Clipjier Friday Whicker said. "We're relieved to have hull oil the stiect We truly believe he was guilty It's a big relict " Altei the v er diet. Doris I educ. Dav id s mot Irei. said she believes het son is innocent and that tumilv and blends will stand behind him thiough the expected appeals pioeess 1 one-ma- n 19. d 1 1 -- well-bein- g e aftei-noo- somber defense attorney Aric Cramer comforts a David Valken-Ledu- c as the young man turns to view his mother and after hearing the guilty verdict last Thursday. AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT: teary-eye- 0 Russo pleads d half-broth- A Ills' conviction was also a reliel to the Woods Cross Police ( Incl Paul Howard said it was a chlhcult case to investigate ' But we lelt we had the right people We were huppv with the outcome " I he tiiul wrapped up mole quickly was conthan expected victed ol the clime alter only two days ol testimony bv prosecution witnesses. The defendant himsell was the onlv witness lor the dele rise That was on Thursday, when lie told uiors. "I did not kill Matthew W lucker " le added that he neither took part in. nor knew anything about, the Motel 6 lobberv He testified he spent the night ol the robbery at home, except tor a quick tup to a nearby McDonalds, to which he walked He said he tiled buillesslv to hnd neighbors he had spoken with that night But jiuois appaientlv believed the testimony ol I odd leienn Reltenbeiger. who served live years in ,ul beloie confessing to being the diner ol the getaway vehicle and negotiating a plea ol the murder in manslaughter Reltenbeiger testified that he waited and outside Motel 6 as Valken-Ix'du- c 1 Ihott Rasliad I larper, also charged with the murdei. went inside He said he saw Whickei and Valken Lwduc sliuggle, then heard shots When the two ran out ol the motel, Retlenbeiger and the other two sped awav Irom the scene On Friday. Rea Whicker said, "It's been satisfying to see those attorneys (countv attorneys Mike DiReda and Bill McGuite) work to bung out the truth Ihev weie able to put a lot ot pieces e togethei which made a leal good Ihevie very talented and have vvoiked veiv hard on this tor seven c pic-tui- See "VALKEN-LEDUC,- " p. A7 no contest - BY MELINDA WILLIAMS t hppci - n CERT instruction available to public - Commumtv Lmergency Response Team (CL R I ) classes will be ollered by the aimington Leisuie Sen ices on two dilieient days ot the week Session 3 will be held on 1 uesdavs. p m .bom tb 3 March 24 Session 4 will be held Satuidays bom 9am noon, beginning eb 14 and continuing through Muich 6 I he cost is $25 per pet son and the classes aie open to ages 14 veais and up 1 1 9 Skill U i itci I he FARMINGTON county's mayors came to a consensus that 4s percent ot binds garnered bom a possible RAP tax should be used loi the aits -but coming to that conclusion was a lengthy and sometimes arduous task I he mayors met lhuisdav evening to discuss the percentage ol binding which should go to iccicntion. the aits and paiks(RAP) and who should determine what pioects the money should lund. but at times it seemed the discussion was getting nowhere I hat is. until repiesen-tative- s ol the Cultural Arts Alliance wue allowed to speak, about an houi into the meeting I he 4s percent agieed on was less than the 50 percent aits gioups weie hoping loi but mote than the 20 peieent one mayor purposed may gist as well gel the bullets living." said Clinton Mavoi Mitch Adams eailv m the meet 1 FARMINGTON -- 1 PETA n ( lippCI Skill Wllk Calendar Comics Horizons Obituaries On the Street C3 C8 C2 A6 A3 PeoplePlaces Sports A2 YouthEducation C7 B1 For delivery problems, please before 10 am. Wednesdays at' ext. 119 or 120 295-225- I - Russians won't FARMINGTON be the only yisitors at ucsdnv's rodeo in I aimington. slated as a "cultuiul event" in honor ot the Moscow Utah South Winter Games And they certainly won't be diessed like the "other visitors giant cows and horses Membeis ol People lor the I lineal Iieatment ol Animals (PI I A) plan to an event they conpiotest the rodeo tend is needlessly cruel to animals, but their desire to yoice their opinions has them locking horns with a I unnington otv ordinance 1 ' move we designate no moic than 20 pei cent to the aits ' Otliei pioposals weie loi 33 and one thud 42 peiccnt and s() pei cent I he mayors decided that the remaining ss peieent should be given to com ing mumties based on population and that it should be used to suppoit regionally significant' pioieets such as Bountilul s purposed recreation centei and a bails pioect being considc led bv Sv incuse Main ol the mavois tell iccieation and parks purjects would he a haiclei sell to the public because1 each ulv has its own recreation piogiums and pniks depaitment Some mavois had the undeist. incline that aits gioups would not woik to help get the R P tax passed it they got less than 50 percent ot the money, but Patrick Overton, who was commissioned by COG last ve u to conduct a study ol the aits in the county, told the mavois that in a meeting c.ulici m the dav Davis aits organizations had agreed to support the pioposal it 42 percent or moie ot the binding weie given to the aits llic mnv-oimembeis ot the Davis County voted in Council ol Governments, December to ask county commissioneis to place a R P tax on the November ballot Commissioneis agieed to place the measure on the ballot it the mavois would agiee on how the money was to be distributed Oveiton purposed to the mayors that a foundation be toimed which would be under the uulhoiitv ol the countv oi ( (Hi the Inundation would ad as the body to screen aits protects and piesent lecommendations to COG ol who should gel binding I hat pioposal was ultimately accepted by the mavois altei lengthy discussion oil who should decide which aits pioieets should he funded lie mavois asked tile ( ultinal Is Alliance to have a plan leadv lot the I c biliary COG meeting ot a nonpiohl oiganialion which would udnnnistci the money tor aits oigamations m the county i to buck for attention BY WARREN PETTEY call us of RAP tax for arts Mayors: 45 Gloria FARMINGTON Russo. 67. a loimer 3rd Distnet Couit eleik. pleaded no contest Fuday to two misdemeanors, alter being ch. aged with illegally dismissing 21 couit cases I ler case took place in Dav is County 's 2nd Distnet Couit due to her association with udges and officials in the 3rd Distnet he charges aie expected Court to be dismissed alter 12 months I hat oidinance says that piotest permits require a 10 dav notice IT I A says it learned ot the event Thuisduy As ol press time. PI I A was not sine whether Farmington would giant its pei mil L ither wav, Sean Dienei. a campaign liaison with PLTA. said PI A plans to be there The protest will include "many" pco pie. posters and a "giant" lioise and eow Dicner defined "giant" as human size PI I A will use a Russian translator to change phrases such as. "Animals aie not spoits equipment." and "Rodeo cruelty lor a buck." Irom E nglish into Russian "It is delimtely geared to them (the Russians)." Diener said W e want them 1 PETA WILL PROTEST rodeo action such this event, which was held in Davis County in late February 2002. to know that most Amei leans aie against animal cruelty We want them to know that we're embairassed " Unrelated to the PITA protest, rodeo organizers have diopped call roping as an event, tcaiing that it might be oltensive last Tuesday's Dining County Commission Commissioner meeting. Dannie McConkie said that call roping can be a bit intense lor fust time viewers S See "PETA," p. A7 Davis tops in usage of seat belts BY BOB MICKELSON C hppi i ( aiicpoinlciu BOUNTIFUL - D avis County recorded the highest seat belt usage late in a Utah Depaitment ol Public Sate tv study computing the six ni.iot in ban counties m Utah with 10 rural counties Accoidmg to the study conducted ill Decembet 2003. Davis County's scat belt usage rate was SS2 percent It and the other in ban counties studied (ache. Salt lake. Utah Washington av ei aged Ss S peieent and Wcbet But the 10 mral counties surveyed Box I Idei. Carbon, bon. San Juan. See "DAVIS," p. A7 |